Why do you consider Obama a successful president?

Obama holds the record for being the only President to never get a 3% GDP.
Even the Presidents who died in their first term.
Who actually cares?
Didn’t see him go into negative territory like his predecessor did for five quarters
I think Obama was a successful president in the following ways:

* Obama pushed through the long-overdue benefit of concurrent receipt for 100% disabled veterans.
* Obama, against the urging of his far-left allies, made the Bush tax cuts for the middle class permanent.
* As part of the 2015 budget deal, Obama agreed to allow American oil exports.
* As part of the 2015 budget deal, Obama agreed to the continuance of over $700 billion in tax breaks.
* There was never any suggestion or hint that Obama cheated on his wife.
* Although the House Republicans foolishly rejected the 2013 immigration bill that passed the Senate 68-32, Obama was prepared to sign the Senate bill, which contained numerous tough provisions and would have been a vast improvement over the current situation.
* From 2010 to 2015, Obama held federal spending to the slowest growth rate since the 1940s. Although he increased the national debt, his percentage of increase was much lower than Bush's or Reagan's.
* Imposed consumer protections rules on credit card companies to limit overdraft and other fees and to prevent them from raising interest rates without notice.
* Expanded overtime pay so that businesses could not overwork salaried employees who make up to $48K. That was an improvement, but I wish he had raised the ceiling to $80K. Some businesses abuse salaried managers by making them work 70-80 hours per week (this happened to my oldest son).
* Expanded health coverage for children.

I know that Obama did other good things, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. And, of course, everyone here knows that I am not a big fan of Obama's.
I think Obama was a successful president in the following ways:

* Obama pushed through the long-overdue benefit of concurrent receipt for 100% disabled veterans.
* Obama, against the urging of his far-left allies, made the Bush tax cuts for the middle class permanent.
* As part of the 2015 budget deal, Obama agreed to allow American oil exports.
* As part of the 2015 budget deal, Obama agreed to the continuance of over $700 billion in tax breaks.
* There was never any suggestion or hint that Obama cheated on his wife.
* Although the House Republicans foolishly rejected the 2013 immigration bill that passed the Senate 68-32, Obama was prepared to sign the Senate bill, which contained numerous tough provisions and would have been a vast improvement over the current situation.
* From 2010 to 2015, Obama held federal spending to the slowest growth rate since the 1940s. Although he increased the national debt, his percentage of increase was much lower than Bush's or Reagan's.
* Imposed consumer protections rules on credit card companies to limit overdraft and other fees and to prevent them from raising interest rates without notice.
* Expanded overtime pay so that businesses could not overwork salaried employees who make up to $48K. That was an improvement, but I wish he had raised the ceiling to $80K. Some businesses abuse salaried managers by making them work 70-80 hours per week (this happened to my oldest son).
* Expanded health coverage for children.

I know that Obama did other good things, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. And, of course, everyone here knows that I am not a big fan of Obama's.
Why the hell not? LOL.
I think Obama was a successful president in the following ways:

* Obama pushed through the long-overdue benefit of concurrent receipt for 100% disabled veterans.
* Obama, against the urging of his far-left allies, made the Bush tax cuts for the middle class permanent.
* As part of the 2015 budget deal, Obama agreed to allow American oil exports.
* As part of the 2015 budget deal, Obama agreed to the continuance of over $700 billion in tax breaks.
* There was never any suggestion or hint that Obama cheated on his wife.
* Although the House Republicans foolishly rejected the 2013 immigration bill that passed the Senate 68-32, Obama was prepared to sign the Senate bill, which contained numerous tough provisions and would have been a vast improvement over the current situation.
* From 2010 to 2015, Obama held federal spending to the slowest growth rate since the 1940s. Although he increased the national debt, his percentage of increase was much lower than Bush's or Reagan's.
* Imposed consumer protections rules on credit card companies to limit overdraft and other fees and to prevent them from raising interest rates without notice.
* Expanded overtime pay so that businesses could not overwork salaried employees who make up to $48K. That was an improvement, but I wish he had raised the ceiling to $80K. Some businesses abuse salaried managers by making them work 70-80 hours per week (this happened to my oldest son).
* Expanded health coverage for children.

I know that Obama did other good things, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. And, of course, everyone here knows that I am not a big fan of Obama's.
Why the hell not? LOL.
The usual brainwash?
I don't consider Hussein Obama or Barry Soetoro or whatever his real name is, a succesful President.

I do consider him however, the first Muslim President who was born in Kenya.
Thanks in advance.
Net neutrality, environmental protections, he headed a federal government era that brought us to the economy we have now, he was a great role model for young people and African americans, he always said people have to work hard to be successful. How inspirational would that be to young black kids? That's exactly the sort of role model we want for them.

Obamacare appears to have missed the mark. It needed some big adjustments to refine and tune it like any big complicated system or project but gridlocked government, political big health care, and obviously some tragic flaws have hindered it. The core idea was correct but probably the path to achieve it by including some of the existing private sector parts was not the correct one. Everyone should have some form of health care in the greatest and richest country in the world and it is absolutely wrong for providers to black list those that get sick not just emotionally or morally but logically as well. And it's wrong for the young and healthy to not build a good relationship with the providers who can then guide them into lifelong healthiness.
I don't consider Hussein Obama or Barry Soetoro or whatever his real name is, a succesful President.

I do consider him however, the first Muslim President who was born in Kenya.
Damn is that bitch stupid or what?
Presidential historians currently rank President Obama 11 out of 45 presidents. Trump is ranked 44...so far.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
Ask a historian where they rank Churchill for 20th century leaders. If he’s not in their top 3 then they are leftist moonbats.

Many of your historians are leftist moonbats.
The same poll that ranked Trump at 44 ranked Obama at 8. That's what you get when you poll liberal arts "professors".


Then how do you account for Reagan and Eisenhower being in the top ten?
Eisenhower was president during the formation of NASA and the building of the Interstate Highway System. He believe in education and science.

Reagan's popularity is built on hype.

About the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project

Five myths about Ronald Reagan's legacy

Republicans started the Reagan Legacy Project at the end of the 90's. They worked tirelessly to get every school, road, Hospital, Airport, ship and whatever to be named after Reagan. They endlessly pushed a false narrative about everything and ignoring the horrible things he did to millions of Americans.

His first tax cut was so huge and caused such terrible damage that every year after he raised taxes to try to fix some of the damage he caused. And that's just one thing.
I think Obama was a successful president in the following ways:

* Obama pushed through the long-overdue benefit of concurrent receipt for 100% disabled veterans.
* Obama, against the urging of his far-left allies, made the Bush tax cuts for the middle class permanent.
* As part of the 2015 budget deal, Obama agreed to allow American oil exports.
* As part of the 2015 budget deal, Obama agreed to the continuance of over $700 billion in tax breaks.
* There was never any suggestion or hint that Obama cheated on his wife.
* Although the House Republicans foolishly rejected the 2013 immigration bill that passed the Senate 68-32, Obama was prepared to sign the Senate bill, which contained numerous tough provisions and would have been a vast improvement over the current situation.
* From 2010 to 2015, Obama held federal spending to the slowest growth rate since the 1940s. Although he increased the national debt, his percentage of increase was much lower than Bush's or Reagan's.
* Imposed consumer protections rules on credit card companies to limit overdraft and other fees and to prevent them from raising interest rates without notice.
* Expanded overtime pay so that businesses could not overwork salaried employees who make up to $48K. That was an improvement, but I wish he had raised the ceiling to $80K. Some businesses abuse salaried managers by making them work 70-80 hours per week (this happened to my oldest son).
* Expanded health coverage for children.

I know that Obama did other good things, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. And, of course, everyone here knows that I am not a big fan of Obama's.
Why the hell not? LOL.
The usual brainwash?
Brainwash is believing Trump's inauguration had more people than Obama's.
Thanks in advance.
Great Obama successful?
He was a cluster fuck.
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I think Obama was a successful president in the following ways:

* Obama pushed through the long-overdue benefit of concurrent receipt for 100% disabled veterans.
* Obama, against the urging of his far-left allies, made the Bush tax cuts for the middle class permanent.
* As part of the 2015 budget deal, Obama agreed to allow American oil exports.
* As part of the 2015 budget deal, Obama agreed to the continuance of over $700 billion in tax breaks.
* There was never any suggestion or hint that Obama cheated on his wife.
* Although the House Republicans foolishly rejected the 2013 immigration bill that passed the Senate 68-32, Obama was prepared to sign the Senate bill, which contained numerous tough provisions and would have been a vast improvement over the current situation.
* From 2010 to 2015, Obama held federal spending to the slowest growth rate since the 1940s. Although he increased the national debt, his percentage of increase was much lower than Bush's or Reagan's.
* Imposed consumer protections rules on credit card companies to limit overdraft and other fees and to prevent them from raising interest rates without notice.
* Expanded overtime pay so that businesses could not overwork salaried employees who make up to $48K. That was an improvement, but I wish he had raised the ceiling to $80K. Some businesses abuse salaried managers by making them work 70-80 hours per week (this happened to my oldest son).
* Expanded health coverage for children.

I know that Obama did other good things, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. And, of course, everyone here knows that I am not a big fan of Obama's.
Why the hell not? LOL.
The usual brainwash?
Brainwash is believing Trump's inauguration had more people than Obama's.
He did bigly

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