Why do you MORONS keep insisting that Hillary won something?

Yes Republicans it's treason,,,,,
"In his dalliance with Vladimir Putin, Trump’s actions are skirting treason. John Shattuck, former Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and former Washington legal director of the ACLU has pointed to the constitutional definition of treason: a crime committed by a person “owing allegiance to the United States who... adheres to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort.” By undermining further investigation or sanctions against the Russian manipulation of the 2016 election, Trump as president would be giving aid and comfort to Russian interference with American democracy"
Huffington Post

"In his dalliance with Vladimir Putin, Trump’s actions are skirting treason. "

These dunces make this far too simple:

Got you by at least 30 IQ points You're just another dummy who voted for trump

IQ of 30 is not much... even an average Hillarybot was smarter than that.

But congratz, you are smarter than 0.0003% of the population. For the over 30 IQ people here, that means he is dumber than 99.999% of the population.
Norman I see reading is not your strong point

Did you vote Democrat?

Then, neither thinking nor morality are yours.
Yes chic you're right I wasn't thinking when I called Trump an AH for belittling our intelligence services My bad Hillary with ALL her supposed faults would never do that And supporting Putin ? Are all repubs traitors?

Traitors to Obama?

You betcha'....that's because we're pro-America and not crypto-Islamists and back stabbing snakes.

How about you?
SNAKES you say?? your ah just brought them into the whitehouse
1. In my entire life I have never used that excuse...possibly why my academic career is far superior to yours.

2. The only persons I have seen use that..".Tl, Dr" ....are liars who did read same, but are embarrassed at being unable to produce a response.

3. One can only conclude that the recent election has left you deeply, deeply wounded.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving individual.

I know you're trying to be nice. Anyways, you can say "but hurt" here. :2up:

내가 정말로하고 싶은 말을 할 수 없다!
너는 여기에 갈 수 없어.

엄마가 나를 내 방으로 보낼거야!
이런! 나는 거기에서 기다릴 것이다.


나는 바보가되고있다.

너 나쁜거야, 너 너
IQ of 30 is not much... even an average Hillarybot was smarter than that.

But congratz, you are smarter than 0.0003% of the population. For the over 30 IQ people here, that means he is dumber than 99.999% of the population.
Norman I see reading is not your strong point

Did you vote Democrat?

Then, neither thinking nor morality are yours.
Yes chic you're right I wasn't thinking when I called Trump an AH for belittling our intelligence services My bad Hillary with ALL her supposed faults would never do that And supporting Putin ? Are all repubs traitors?

Traitors to Obama?

You betcha'....that's because we're pro-America and not crypto-Islamists and back stabbing snakes.

How about you?
SNAKES you say?? your ah just brought them into the whitehouse

Obama: a back-stabbing snake.
1. "Obama's Betrayal of Israel at the UN Must Not Stand

2. .... Obama’s ill-advised decision to order the U.S. to abstain on a United Nations resolution condemning Israeli settlements breaks with past U.S. policy, undermines a vital ally and sets back the cause of Middle East peace.

3. Previous U.S. administrations have vetoed such resolutions ...for undermining the course of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. As Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer correctly noted in condemning the administration’s decision, the “fervently anti-Israel” UN is “the wrong forum” for Israel and the Palestinians to settle their differences.
[We on the right warned every Jewish voter of the “fervently anti-Israel” positions of this snake.]

4. By abandoning past U.S. practice, Obama is encouraging the Palestinians in their belief that they can leverage the UN in their effort to achieve statehood. If anything, his decision is a failure of diplomacy...
[One more in an unbroken string of failures by this snake.]

5. Israel, not the UN or the “international community,” is their negotiating partner.
[And certainly not the crypto-Islamist, Obama!]

6. The U.S., as the world's only superpower, has already walked away from its responsibility to save hundreds of thousands of Syrian lives, and it permitted a refugee exodus that is destabilizing Europe and may lead to the end of the European Union. To walk away from an ally critical both to U.S. security and to that of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates is ill-advised. To abandon a friend -- a lawful, stable democracy with a dynamic, innovative, outward-looking economy -- is inconceivable.

7. Fortunately, the bipartisan uproar sparked by Obama’s UN decision provides an opportunity for Democrats and Republicans to rally around a more constructive policy. They should start by agreeing to President-elect Donald Trump’s plans to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem --

8. .... provide a powerful reaffirmation to Israel –- a nation born after the slaughter of six million Jews, and under siege since its birth -- of the U.S.’s enduring commitment, and to the world of Israel’s right to exist. That reaffirmation, in turn, is essential in providing Israel with the confidence to move ahead with a two-state solution.

9. In the choice between terror and peace, and democracy and repression, there can be no room for impartiality, let alone abstention."
Obama’s Betrayal of Israel at the UN Must Not Stand
Just gotta stop you with #1 and won't get into the other bullshit you post
Did you know America gave 34 BILLION dollars to Israel this year MORE than any other presidential regime? What a slap in the face huh??
Yes Republicans it's treason,,,,,
"In his dalliance with Vladimir Putin, Trump’s actions are skirting treason. John Shattuck, former Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and former Washington legal director of the ACLU has pointed to the constitutional definition of treason: a crime committed by a person “owing allegiance to the United States who... adheres to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort.” By undermining further investigation or sanctions against the Russian manipulation of the 2016 election, Trump as president would be giving aid and comfort to Russian interference with American democracy"
Huffington Post

Exactly what did the Russians do and where is the proof?

Wikileaks had some emails that exposed the corruption of the DNC and Crooked Hillary but Podesta himself said it was likely that the leaks came from an insider. The CIA, NSA and FBI all said the Russians did nothing to influence the election.
I know you're trying to be nice. Anyways, you can say "but hurt" here. :2up:

내가 정말로하고 싶은 말을 할 수 없다!
너는 여기에 갈 수 없어.

엄마가 나를 내 방으로 보낼거야!
이런! 나는 거기에서 기다릴 것이다.


나는 바보가되고있다.

너 나쁜거야, 너 너

아, 네, 그 질문은 당신 .....
Just gotta stop you with #1 and won't get into the other bullshit you post
Did you know America gave 34 BILLION dollars to Israel this year MORE than any other presidential regime? What a slap in the face huh??

He is a dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.
IQ of 30 is not much... even an average Hillarybot was smarter than that.

But congratz, you are smarter than 0.0003% of the population. For the over 30 IQ people here, that means he is dumber than 99.999% of the population.
Norman I see reading is not your strong point

Did you vote Democrat?

Then, neither thinking nor morality are yours.
Yes chic you're right I wasn't thinking when I called Trump an AH for belittling our intelligence services My bad Hillary with ALL her supposed faults would never do that And supporting Putin ? Are all repubs traitors?

Hillary belittled the American voters for belittling Trump, but "what difference does it make."
Look We already know the AH is smarter than the generals BUT the FBI and CIA too??? unbelievable we have such a great man in our WH

We also know that Clinton belittled American voters, it was clear the day she said it. Glad she didn't win, she thought nothing of those that supported her and worse for those that didn't. Wall St. lost a cash cow when Clinton lost.
Just gotta stop you with #1 and won't get into the other bullshit you post
Did you know America gave 34 BILLION dollars to Israel this year MORE than any other presidential regime? What a slap in the face huh??

He is a dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.
An MSNBC poll said 90 to 10 percent said the russian hacking was an act of war Obama took out the trash for your idiot chump
Just gotta stop you with #1 and won't get into the other bullshit you post
Did you know America gave 34 BILLION dollars to Israel this year MORE than any other presidential regime? What a slap in the face huh??

He is a dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.
An MSNBC poll said 90 to 10 percent said the russian hacking was an act of war Obama took out the trash for your idiot chump

I more than appreciate you admitting that MSNBC is your news source.

It verifies what every criticism of you said.
Just gotta stop you with #1 and won't get into the other bullshit you post
Did you know America gave 34 BILLION dollars to Israel this year MORE than any other presidential regime? What a slap in the face huh??

He is a dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.
An MSNBC poll said 90 to 10 percent said the russian hacking was an act of war Obama took out the trash for your idiot chump

I more than appreciate you admitting that MSNBC is your news source.

It verifies what every criticism of you said.
Not my only source but you sound like a FAUX and Limpaw follower Your posts are too sick for you to come up with them yourself
Just gotta stop you with #1 and won't get into the other bullshit you post
Did you know America gave 34 BILLION dollars to Israel this year MORE than any other presidential regime? What a slap in the face huh??

He is a dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.
An MSNBC poll said 90 to 10 percent said the russian hacking was an act of war Obama took out the trash for your idiot chump

I more than appreciate you admitting that MSNBC is your news source.

It verifies what every criticism of you said.
Not my only source but you sound like a FAUX and Limpaw follower Your posts are too sick for you to come up with them yourself

Don't you ever question why you can find nothing that I post that is incorrect,or untrue?

Shouldn't that realization tell you something about your worldview????

You don't have to be a dunce your entire life.....take a day off.
Just gotta stop you with #1 and won't get into the other bullshit you post
Did you know America gave 34 BILLION dollars to Israel this year MORE than any other presidential regime? What a slap in the face huh??

He is a dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.
An MSNBC poll said 90 to 10 percent said the russian hacking was an act of war Obama took out the trash for your idiot chump

I more than appreciate you admitting that MSNBC is your news source.

It verifies what every criticism of you said.
Not my only source but you sound like a FAUX and Limpaw follower Your posts are too sick for you to come up with them yourself

Don't you ever question why you can find nothing that I post that is incorrect,or untrue?

Shouldn't that realization tell you something about your worldview????

You don't have to be a dunce your entire life.....take a day off.
Certainly chic No one can dispute the accuracy and honesty of your posts AND pigs fly
He is a dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.

You are welcome to claim any or all of that appellation.
An MSNBC poll said 90 to 10 percent said the russian hacking was an act of war Obama took out the trash for your idiot chump

I more than appreciate you admitting that MSNBC is your news source.

It verifies what every criticism of you said.
Not my only source but you sound like a FAUX and Limpaw follower Your posts are too sick for you to come up with them yourself

Don't you ever question why you can find nothing that I post that is incorrect,or untrue?

Shouldn't that realization tell you something about your worldview????

You don't have to be a dunce your entire life.....take a day off.
Certainly chic No one can dispute the accuracy and honesty of your posts AND pigs fly
And Trump can not win...............................LOL
An MSNBC poll said 90 to 10 percent said the russian hacking was an act of war Obama took out the trash for your idiot chump

I more than appreciate you admitting that MSNBC is your news source.

It verifies what every criticism of you said.
Not my only source but you sound like a FAUX and Limpaw follower Your posts are too sick for you to come up with them yourself

Don't you ever question why you can find nothing that I post that is incorrect,or untrue?

Shouldn't that realization tell you something about your worldview????

You don't have to be a dunce your entire life.....take a day off.
Certainly chic No one can dispute the accuracy and honesty of your posts AND pigs fly
And Trump can not win...............................LOL
Yes he won ,,,and America lost ,,,Thanks to republicans
Hillary won the popular vote. that's all she won, move on
And what did Hillary win?

I more than appreciate you admitting that MSNBC is your news source.

It verifies what every criticism of you said.
Not my only source but you sound like a FAUX and Limpaw follower Your posts are too sick for you to come up with them yourself

Don't you ever question why you can find nothing that I post that is incorrect,or untrue?

Shouldn't that realization tell you something about your worldview????

You don't have to be a dunce your entire life.....take a day off.
Certainly chic No one can dispute the accuracy and honesty of your posts AND pigs fly
And Trump can not win...............................LOL
Yes he won ,,,and America lost ,,,Thanks to republicans

/--- Mommy needs to change your stinky diaper
Not my only source but you sound like a FAUX and Limpaw follower Your posts are too sick for you to come up with them yourself

Don't you ever question why you can find nothing that I post that is incorrect,or untrue?

Shouldn't that realization tell you something about your worldview????

You don't have to be a dunce your entire life.....take a day off.
Certainly chic No one can dispute the accuracy and honesty of your posts AND pigs fly
And Trump can not win...............................LOL
Yes he won ,,,and America lost ,,,Thanks to republicans

/--- Mommy needs to change your stinky diaper
You folks opened up the trump can of feces Now you enjoy the aroma for the next 4 or less years

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