Why do you MORONS keep insisting that Hillary won something?

Don't you ever question why you can find nothing that I post that is incorrect,or untrue?

Shouldn't that realization tell you something about your worldview????

You don't have to be a dunce your entire life.....take a day off.
Certainly chic No one can dispute the accuracy and honesty of your posts AND pigs fly
And Trump can not win...............................LOL
Yes he won ,,,and America lost ,,,Thanks to republicans

/--- Mommy needs to change your stinky diaper
You folks opened up the trump can of feces Now you enjoy the aroma for the next 4 or less years
Funny, no smell here, must be your shorts...........................
Certainly chic No one can dispute the accuracy and honesty of your posts AND pigs fly
And Trump can not win...............................LOL
Yes he won ,,,and America lost ,,,Thanks to republicans

/--- Mommy needs to change your stinky diaper
You folks opened up the trump can of feces Now you enjoy the aroma for the next 4 or less years
Funny, no smell here, must be your shorts...........................
look in your crib I'm sure its near you
Cut it anyway you want, it still sounds like more people wanted Hillary for president, and instead they got Trump.
And Trump can not win...............................LOL
Yes he won ,,,and America lost ,,,Thanks to republicans

/--- Mommy needs to change your stinky diaper
You folks opened up the trump can of feces Now you enjoy the aroma for the next 4 or less years
Funny, no smell here, must be your shorts...........................
look in your crib I'm sure its near you
Hillary Clinton has a 97 percent chance of victory.....................................

What's that smell like kiddy
Cut it anyway you want, it still sounds like more people wanted Hillary for president, and instead they got Trump.
Take away the Mexicans in Mexifornia and Trump has more votes by far
Don't you ever question why you can find nothing that I post that is incorrect,or untrue?

Shouldn't that realization tell you something about your worldview????

You don't have to be a dunce your entire life.....take a day off.
Certainly chic No one can dispute the accuracy and honesty of your posts AND pigs fly
And Trump can not win...............................LOL
Yes he won ,,,and America lost ,,,Thanks to republicans

/--- Mommy needs to change your stinky diaper
You folks opened up the trump can of feces Now you enjoy the aroma for the next 4 or less years

In all fairness, if Clinton wasn't such a bad candidate and the Democratic Party hadn't picked her before the primaries as their candidate, Trump would have lost.

Nine years earlier the Dems found out that Clinton wasn't good enough to win their primaries, yet in 2015 they set her up to win the Democratic nomination. No you cry because your candidate couldn't win because she was a disaster.

Looks like the Democratic Party opened the can of stink and wanting the world to smell it.
Certainly chic No one can dispute the accuracy and honesty of your posts AND pigs fly
And Trump can not win...............................LOL
Yes he won ,,,and America lost ,,,Thanks to republicans

/--- Mommy needs to change your stinky diaper
You folks opened up the trump can of feces Now you enjoy the aroma for the next 4 or less years

In all fairness, if Clinton wasn't such a bad candidate and the Democratic Party hadn't picked her before the primaries as their candidate, Trump would have lost.

Nine years earlier the Dems found out that Clinton wasn't good enough to win their primaries, yet in 2015 they set her up to win the Democratic nomination. No you cry because your candidate couldn't win because she was a disaster.

Looks like the Democratic Party opened the can of stink and wanting the world to smell it.
hallei fucking lujiah
Certainly chic No one can dispute the accuracy and honesty of your posts AND pigs fly
And Trump can not win...............................LOL
Yes he won ,,,and America lost ,,,Thanks to republicans

/--- Mommy needs to change your stinky diaper
You folks opened up the trump can of feces Now you enjoy the aroma for the next 4 or less years

In all fairness, if Clinton wasn't such a bad candidate and the Democratic Party hadn't picked her before the primaries as their candidate, Trump would have lost.

Nine years earlier the Dems found out that Clinton wasn't good enough to win their primaries, yet in 2015 they set her up to win the Democratic nomination. No you cry because your candidate couldn't win because she was a disaster.

Looks like the Democratic Party opened the can of stink and wanting the world to smell it.
Hey Pap you want us to believe republicans would have liked Sanders and he'd have won ??? I call BS on that thought Your pub friends would have gone just as crazy and sanders would have lost too
And Trump can not win...............................LOL
Yes he won ,,,and America lost ,,,Thanks to republicans

/--- Mommy needs to change your stinky diaper
You folks opened up the trump can of feces Now you enjoy the aroma for the next 4 or less years

In all fairness, if Clinton wasn't such a bad candidate and the Democratic Party hadn't picked her before the primaries as their candidate, Trump would have lost.

Nine years earlier the Dems found out that Clinton wasn't good enough to win their primaries, yet in 2015 they set her up to win the Democratic nomination. No you cry because your candidate couldn't win because she was a disaster.

Looks like the Democratic Party opened the can of stink and wanting the world to smell it.
Hey Pap you want us to believe republicans would have liked Sanders and he'd have won ??? I call BS on that thought Your pub friends would have gone just as crazy and sanders would have lost too
Sanders should have won, and would have if the DNC had not prejudiced him
Yes he won ,,,and America lost ,,,Thanks to republicans

How old are you? Let me guess... 8?


Got you by at least 30 IQ points You're just another dummy who voted for trump

IQ of 30 is not much... even an average Hillarybot was smarter than that.

But congratz, you are smarter than 0.0003% of the population. For the over 30 IQ people here, that means he is dumber than 99.999% of the population.
Norman I see reading is not your strong point

Did you vote Democrat?

Then, neither thinking nor morality are yours.
Yes chic you're right I wasn't thinking when I called Trump an AH for belittling our intelligence services My bad Hillary with ALL her supposed faults would never do that And supporting Putin ? Are all repubs traitors?

Traitors to Obama?

You betcha'....that's because we're pro-America and not crypto-Islamists and back stabbing snakes.

How about you?

Why are you even talking to this troll. He opened account about month ago and already have 1200 posts, obvious troll.
Liberals still flaunting their 'Participation Trophy' (Popular Vote Win)?

IQ of 30 is not much... even an average Hillarybot was smarter than that.

But congratz, you are smarter than 0.0003% of the population. For the over 30 IQ people here, that means he is dumber than 99.999% of the population.
Norman I see reading is not your strong point

Did you vote Democrat?

Then, neither thinking nor morality are yours.
Yes chic you're right I wasn't thinking when I called Trump an AH for belittling our intelligence services My bad Hillary with ALL her supposed faults would never do that And supporting Putin ? Are all repubs traitors?

Traitors to Obama?

You betcha'....that's because we're pro-America and not crypto-Islamists and back stabbing snakes.

How about you?

Why are you even talking to this troll. He opened account about month ago and already have 1200 posts, obvious troll.
If you're talking about moi I was here in 2013 for about 1 1/2 years until I had a puter problem and didn't get back for a while And troll ? Is one who hates traitorous repubs a troll?
She won the "less testicles than her opponent" contest as well as the popular vote. They carry the same weight.
Why are you even talking to this troll. He opened account about month ago and already have 1200 posts, obvious troll.

You're derailing every thread that you don't like with your spam. Grow up.
Sorry don't mean to derail anything

You do now that most of the stuff you posted (one liners) are not real discussion. Repeating the same things over and over isn't helping neither. Stay on subject and you'll be worth having conversation with.

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