Why do you MORONS keep insisting that Hillary won something?

Why would you try to deny the leaks had any impact if you didn't think the Russians had anything to do with it?


Why would you cheer about how the leaks were turning Hitlery into toast all during the summer and fall of last year, and now suddenly claim they had no impact? Did you guys go in for some kind of special shock treatments to have amnesia induced?

This is very, very fucking bizarre.
Why would you try to deny the leaks had any impact if you didn't think the Russians had anything to do with it?


Why would you cheer about how the leaks were turning Hitlery into toast all during the summer and fall of last year, and now suddenly claim they had no impact? Did you guys go in for some kind of special shock treatments to have amnesia induced?

This is very, very fucking bizarre.

Moon Bat, prove that the leaks had any measurable impact on the election. The Real Clear Politics averages before and after the leaks said there was no measurable impact.

After you get through explaining that to us then explain why it is a bad thing to have corruption of the DNC and Crooked Hillary exposed. Most people think it is a good thing to have corruption and dirty tricks exposed. Why don't you Moon Bats? Are you that devoid of a moral foundation that you would want to hide DNC and Crooked Hillary's corruption? For instance, don't you think thint the American people needed to know that the DNC arranged to have debate questions given to her prior to the debates? What the hell is wrong with you?
Why would you try to deny the leaks had any impact if you didn't think the Russians had anything to do with it?


Why would you cheer about how the leaks were turning Hitlery into toast all during the summer and fall of last year, and now suddenly claim they had no impact? Did you guys go in for some kind of special shock treatments to have amnesia induced?

This is very, very fucking bizarre.

Moon Bat, prove that the leaks had any measurable impact on the election. The Real Clear Politics averages before and after the leaks said there was no measurable impact.

After you get through explaining that to us then explain why it is a bad thing to have corruption of the DNC and Crooked Hillary exposed. Most people think it is a good thing to have corruption and dirty tricks exposed. Why don't you Moon Bats? Are you that devoid of a moral foundation that you would want to hide DNC and Crooked Hillary's corruption? For instance, don't you think thint the American people needed to know that the DNC arranged to have debate questions given to her prior to the debates? What the hell is wrong with you?
The Russians did hack the DNC, so did China, North Korea and 4 kids from the Toledo hacking club..........................Not to mention the NSA has every email ever sent, by anyone
Why would you try to deny the leaks had any impact if you didn't think the Russians had anything to do with it?


Why would you cheer about how the leaks were turning Hitlery into toast all during the summer and fall of last year, and now suddenly claim they had no impact? Did you guys go in for some kind of special shock treatments to have amnesia induced?

This is very, very fucking bizarre.

Moon Bat, prove that the leaks had any measurable impact on the election. The Real Clear Politics averages before and after the leaks said there was no measurable impact.

After you get through explaining that to us then explain why it is a bad thing to have corruption of the DNC and Crooked Hillary exposed. Most people think it is a good thing to have corruption and dirty tricks exposed. Why don't you Moon Bats? Are you that devoid of a moral foundation that you would want to hide DNC and Crooked Hillary's corruption? For instance, don't you think thint the American people needed to know that the DNC arranged to have debate questions given to her prior to the debates? What the hell is wrong with you?
Hey, ask your fellow pseudocons. They are the ones who were gloating at what a big impact the leaks were having on Hitlery all last summer and fall.

Now you've gone total Orwell. Positively schizophrenic. I honestly do not know how you do that. It must require YEARS of brainwashing by your propagandists.

As for the DNC corruption, here's the thing. Do you think if RNC emails were leaked, the GOP would be shown to be pure as the driven snow? How about if the Trump campaign's emails were leaked? How deep does your tard go?

It was SELECTIVE leaking by Trump's love interest, Putin.

All caught up YET?!?!

I'm sorry to have burned you and PC for parroting yet another lie by your propaganda outlet, but it had to be done.

The Russians did hack the DNC, so did China, North Korea and 4 kids from the Toledo hacking club..........................Not to mention the NSA has every email ever sent, by anyone

Assange said the Russians didn't give him the info that he posted. He also said that Podesta had a pass word of "password" that means a 14 year old could have hacked the DNC.

The Russians did hack the DNC, so did China, North Korea and 4 kids from the Toledo hacking club..........................Not to mention the NSA has every email ever sent, by anyone

Assange said the Russians didn't give him the info that he posted.
And you bleeved him over our intelligence services. With ZERO evidence.

Of course.

I can hear you choking on Putin's cock from here.
Vladimir Trump's ego can't handle the fact he got a leg up from a hostile foreign power. That's what all this denial is about.

His short attention span obsequious Chumps just mimic what their messiah tweets and their propaganda outlets blast at them.
I mean, just how many pounds of brain damage do you have to have to parrot the claim the leaks didn't start until OCTOBER!?!?!

WOW! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

That's some serious willful amnesia right there.

"We have always been at war with Eastasia."

The Russians did hack the DNC, so did China, North Korea and 4 kids from the Toledo hacking club..........................Not to mention the NSA has every email ever sent, by anyone

Assange said the Russians didn't give him the info that he posted.
And you bleeved him over our intelligence services. With ZERO evidence.

Of course.

I can hear you choking on Putin's cock from here.

Jut go ahead and get yourself all sick and worked up thinking that Putin caused Crooked Hillary to lose. Trump will still get sworn in in two weeks and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. You may want to run off and hide in your Moon Bat safe place.

We need to have all you Moon Bats think like that because then you won't focus on the real reasons the Democrats have lost both branches of government and lost over 1,000 elected offices over the last few years.

Keep living in your world of denial. You are less of a problem that way.

The Russians did hack the DNC, so did China, North Korea and 4 kids from the Toledo hacking club..........................Not to mention the NSA has every email ever sent, by anyone

Assange said the Russians didn't give him the info that he posted.
And you bleeved him over our intelligence services. With ZERO evidence.

Of course.

I can hear you choking on Putin's cock from here.
No intelligence agency has shown any evidence of Russian hacking, that said the Russians hack everything in the USA every day, so they probably did, this does not mean that Assange got his info from the Russians as the NSA also dis data monitoring of the DNC, not to mention several high school kids in Iowa
I mean, just how many pounds of brain damage do you have to have to parrot the claim the leaks didn't start until OCTOBER!?!?!

WOW! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

That's some serious willful amnesia right there.

"We have always been at war with Eastasia."
You lost dickhead, accept it, whether the Russians hacked your ass or not means nothing
That alliance ends and Oceania, allied with Eurasia, fights Eastasia, a change which occurred during Hate Week, dedicated to creating patriotic fervour for the Party's perpetual war. The public are blind to the change; in mid-sentence an orator changes the name of the enemy from "Eurasia" to "Eastasia" without pause. When the public are enraged at noticing that the wrong flags and posters are displayed, they tear them down—thus the origin of the idiom "We've always been at war with Eastasia"; later the Party claims to have captured Africa.

Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia

Summer 2016: Wikileaks has some AWESOME sauce! Hitlery is toast! Stick a fork in her!

November 2016: What do you mean Russia was behind the leaks?

December 2016: Those leaks had no impact on the election!

January 2017: Those leaks didn't start until October! Fox News sez so!

Schizophrenic goldfish.
The Moon Bats want to do the election over again because Cooked Hillary only lost because they think the Russians exposed Democrat corruption.

That actually believe that. Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much.
Moon Bats are comical. Pathetic but comical.

The bit of trying to blame Crooked Hillary's loss on James Comey didn't work out too well.

Then they tried to blame Crooked Hillary's loss on the EC and tried to get the Electors to change their vote. Didn't work out too well.

Then they tried a recount. Another flub.

Then they tried blaming Crooked Hillary's loss on Putin. Nobody is buying that silly shit.

Now they have once last chance. I suspect that they will continue to be disappointed.

Dem mulls move to delay certification of Trump's victory

Democrat mulls move to delay certification of Trump's victory

Rep. Ed Perlmutter, D-Colo., indicated Thursday that he is exploring all possible procedures at his disposal to delay certification of the Electoral College results during a joint session of Congress on Friday.
We see the tards behaving very Orwellian. While the leaks were being fed to them, they were ejaculating all over the place. They were so joyous about the leaks killing Hillary's election chances. "She's done!"

Now, they are trying to convince themselves the leaks didn't affect the election at all!

"We have always been at war with Eastasia."

Not only that, they are revising history to show the leaks didn't start until October.

Fucking incredible.

Whether they know it or not, these twisted Orwellian machinations are an admission that deep down inside they still believe the leaks did affect the election outcome, and that Trump's legitimacy is therefore in question.

The Democrats before the election on this board claimed that the leaks had no effect, then she lost and now they claim differently. It has been an interesting transition to say the least.

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