Why do you need a gun?

Because I want one.

Besides who's going to try to take it?

I've seen punks like that get a beat down to the point where they're laying in a pool of their own blood unconscious. Don't know if they ever lived or died. Sooner or later scum like the one in the video gets it, ESPECIALLY around Vegas. Nevada has CC, and walking up to any car and starting to beat on it is a really, REALLY stupid thing to do. That woman could have been an off duty cop. You just never know. In any case, I'm sure that idiot isn't still out there beating on cars. He'd be dead by now.
In case someone still needs more reasons

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPwZeWOZ8JU&feature=related]YouTube - Criminals For Gun Control 2, Carjacker[/ame]
I used to need a gun to go dove hunting. Then, after twenty years or so, I decided they were too pretty to kill, so I stopped hunting them.

Now, I have a 12-gauge standing in the corner of the bedroom with a box of shells next to it. If I ever hear someone screwing around downstairs in the middle of the night when we are both upstairs, I will load the 12-gauge and use it if necessary.

That's what I needed/need "guns" for.
In my state it is illegal to store a loaded gun, even if its locked up and everything.

Gun?? What Gun officer?
It's better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.

Those who oppose gun ownership are either afraid of guns, or know nothing about guns, or are not inclined to defend themselves under any circumstances. Or (typically) all three.

A citizen without a weapon is a declawed cat who needs to stay close to home and be very, very careful.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCsIyVn1hko]YouTube - A couple of rednecks get OWNED![/ame]
I think having a gun is a right although few people really need one. It's been so long since I used mine, it would probably blow up in my face if I tried to fire it.

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