Why do you need to carry a gun?

No, it's just I'm sick of talking about it is all. You're starting to sound like my mother for crying out loud.

Does your mom call you out on your bullshit too?

"I don't wear body armor because it's illegal, duh. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's so difficult to put on. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's just so difficult to clean. Oops I mean...I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Yes, you talk like my mother. You don't get to a point. You just ramble on and on expecting me to guess your motive.

I have better things to do than to play games with somebody that is too inept to carry on a conversation; especially when you ask the same question I answered over and over again.

Now grown ups are discussing issues here. Go away.

I already told you what the point is: Self-defense clearly isn't as high of a priority as you guys claim it to be.

And each of the responses you provided has been complete bullshit. Maybe you should try giving an actual answer next time instead of just rattling off bullshit after bullshit and expecting it to work. Here is a list of stupid excuses that you have come up with:

- It's illegal. (It isn't)
- It takes too long to put on. (It takes 2 seconds to put on. I showed you a video)
- A gun works better than a vest. (It isn't a choice between the two. You can have both)
- A gun works better than a vest. (You made the same stupid argument twice.)
- A vest is not practical in warm weather. (Yet you won't wear one in cold weather?)
- Tanks are better for self defense. (But they are illegal)
- They cost money. (If self-defense is so important, then why not spend money on both guns and a bullet-proof vest?)
- They need to be washed. (Looks pretty easy to me. You just throw it in the washing machine.)


I told you over and over again that an American's choice of self-defense is up to them--not you, and it's not your place to repeatedly question their choice.

So let's try this an eleventh time: I prefer to use a firearm for self defense--not a stupid vest. Why? Because vests only provide additional protection; guns provide the main protection. For the price of a vest, I can purchase a cheap firearm. Vests do not scare away an attacker, guns do. Vests are impractical, bulky, and going back to the OP, completely useless if you are in danger of an attack by an animal. Vests may be a good idea if you expect to create confrontations as our police have to do; not to get your mail from the mailbox.

Now, if you have any other questions, please ask somebody else unless you have some sort of point.

I can question your choices all I want, princess. Your hissy fit isn't going to change that.

Once again, I am not comparing which is the better form of self-defense. I'm simply asking why you choose not to use BOTH when we already agreed that both a gun and a vest is better than just the gun. But good, you rattled off a few more reasons.

"They're impractical": How are they impractical? They can save your life in the event that you get shot. How is that impractical?

"They're bulky": Finally your first sensible response. You don't like how they feel. You prefer comfort over an extra layer of self-defense. Right?

"They're useless if you're attacked by an animal": When you go to the store, you carry a gun. Do you think you're more likely to be attacked by an animal or a person?
Come get them pussy.
No, it's just I'm sick of talking about it is all. You're starting to sound like my mother for crying out loud.

Does your mom call you out on your bullshit too?

"I don't wear body armor because it's illegal, duh. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's so difficult to put on. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's just so difficult to clean. Oops I mean...I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Yes, you talk like my mother. You don't get to a point. You just ramble on and on expecting me to guess your motive.

I have better things to do than to play games with somebody that is too inept to carry on a conversation; especially when you ask the same question I answered over and over again.

Now grown ups are discussing issues here. Go away.

I already told you what the point is: Self-defense clearly isn't as high of a priority as you guys claim it to be.

And each of the responses you provided has been complete bullshit. Maybe you should try giving an actual answer next time instead of just rattling off bullshit after bullshit and expecting it to work. Here is a list of stupid excuses that you have come up with:

- It's illegal. (It isn't)
- It takes too long to put on. (It takes 2 seconds to put on. I showed you a video)
- A gun works better than a vest. (It isn't a choice between the two. You can have both)
- A gun works better than a vest. (You made the same stupid argument twice.)
- A vest is not practical in warm weather. (Yet you won't wear one in cold weather?)
- Tanks are better for self defense. (But they are illegal)
- They cost money. (If self-defense is so important, then why not spend money on both guns and a bullet-proof vest?)
- They need to be washed. (Looks pretty easy to me. You just throw it in the washing machine.)


I told you over and over again that an American's choice of self-defense is up to them--not you, and it's not your place to repeatedly question their choice.

So let's try this an eleventh time: I prefer to use a firearm for self defense--not a stupid vest. Why? Because vests only provide additional protection; guns provide the main protection. For the price of a vest, I can purchase a cheap firearm. Vests do not scare away an attacker, guns do. Vests are impractical, bulky, and going back to the OP, completely useless if you are in danger of an attack by an animal. Vests may be a good idea if you expect to create confrontations as our police have to do; not to get your mail from the mailbox.

Now, if you have any other questions, please ask somebody else unless you have some sort of point.

I can question your choices all I want, princess. Your hissy fit isn't going to change that.

Once again, I am not comparing which is the better form of self-defense. I'm simply asking why you choose not to use BOTH when we already agreed that both a gun and a vest is better than just the gun. But good, you rattled off a few more reasons.

"They're impractical": How are they impractical? They can save your life in the event that you get shot. How is that impractical?

"They're bulky": Finally your first sensible response. You don't like how they feel. You prefer comfort over an extra layer of self-defense. Right?

"They're useless if you're attacked by an animal": When you go to the store, you carry a gun. Do you think you're more likely to be attacked by an animal or a person?

They are impractical because they are bulky and make you sweat. A gun can be easily carried on your hip and has the added effect of scaring away most criminals, a vest won't do that.
Let’s see..

I’m leaving the house
Somebody may piss me off today, I had better bring my gun

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

Cherry picking
Guns caused 33,000 unnecessary deaths last year

Show me 33,000 Little Caesar employees to the rescue

Talk about cherry picking.

33,636 deaths due to "injury by firearms" (10.6 deaths per 100,000 persons).[7] These deaths included 21,175 suicides,[7] 11,208 homicides,[8]505 deaths due to accidental or negligent discharge of a firearm, and 281 deaths due to firearms use with "undetermined intent".[7] The ownership and control of guns are among the most widely debated issues in the country.

Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia

So most of the gun deaths are self inflicted; suicide. Homicides are deaths that may be legal or illegal. If a police officer shoots an armed suspect and kills him, that's considered a homicide. If this pizza shop worker killed the suspect, that would be considered homicide.

So try to inflate the numbers all you like. One of us will just insert truth into your claims.
Suicide is just as dead
Guns are the overwhelmingly preferred method

Why do gun nuts insist that those who are suffering depression be allowed guns?

Why do you assume someone who really wants to kill himself won't do so if he can't get his hands on a gun?

Suicide is not a crime it is a choice

Everyone has the right to decide if they live or die

Second most popular method is drugs or poison
With drugs or poison you have over an hour to change your mind
With a gun, you have a split second
Let’s see..

I’m leaving the house
Somebody may piss me off today, I had better bring my gun

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

Cherry picking
Guns caused 33,000 unnecessary deaths last year

Show me 33,000 Little Caesar employees to the rescue

Another study estimates there are 1,029,615 DGUs per year “for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere” excluding “military service, police work, or work as a security guard,” (within the range of the National Academies’ paper), yielding an estimate of 162,000 cases per year where someone “almost certainly would have been killed” if they “had not used a gun for protection.”

Any Study Of 'Gun Violence' Should Include How Guns Save Lives

What total nonsense
Gun holders fantasy that he is saving lives

In 2012, there were 8,855 criminal gun homicides in the FBI’s homicide database, but only 258 gun killings by private citizens that were deemed justifiable, which the FBI defines as “the killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen.” That works out to one justifiable gun death for every 34 unjustifiable gun deaths.

162,000 where someone certainly would be killed but only 258 actually killed

You're ignoring the million plus times a private gun owner prevents a crime by merely showing he is armed. Far better to not have to kill if the attacker can be scared off.
Let’s see..

I’m leaving the house
Somebody may piss me off today, I had better bring my gun

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

Cherry picking
Guns caused 33,000 unnecessary deaths last year

Show me 33,000 Little Caesar employees to the rescue

Another study estimates there are 1,029,615 DGUs per year “for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere” excluding “military service, police work, or work as a security guard,” (within the range of the National Academies’ paper), yielding an estimate of 162,000 cases per year where someone “almost certainly would have been killed” if they “had not used a gun for protection.”

Any Study Of 'Gun Violence' Should Include How Guns Save Lives

What total nonsense
Gun holders fantasy that he is saving lives

In 2012, there were 8,855 criminal gun homicides in the FBI’s homicide database, but only 258 gun killings by private citizens that were deemed justifiable, which the FBI defines as “the killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen.” That works out to one justifiable gun death for every 34 unjustifiable gun deaths.

162,000 where someone certainly would be killed but only 258 actually killed
Why do you think a person has to kill in self defense for it to count?

Stopping an assault by merely pointing a gun at a criminal is a defensive gun use even if that gun is never fired.
Not even close
258 to 162,000 claimed lives saved

Calls into question how serious the threat is
Just because you see a black person doesn’t mean he is trying to kill you
Again, I carry because if a thug confuses me our my family as 'victims' then at least we have a fighting chance.

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

Cherry picking
Guns caused 33,000 unnecessary deaths last year

Show me 33,000 Little Caesar employees to the rescue

Another study estimates there are 1,029,615 DGUs per year “for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere” excluding “military service, police work, or work as a security guard,” (within the range of the National Academies’ paper), yielding an estimate of 162,000 cases per year where someone “almost certainly would have been killed” if they “had not used a gun for protection.”

Any Study Of 'Gun Violence' Should Include How Guns Save Lives

What total nonsense
Gun holders fantasy that he is saving lives

In 2012, there were 8,855 criminal gun homicides in the FBI’s homicide database, but only 258 gun killings by private citizens that were deemed justifiable, which the FBI defines as “the killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen.” That works out to one justifiable gun death for every 34 unjustifiable gun deaths.

162,000 where someone certainly would be killed but only 258 actually killed
Why do you think a person has to kill in self defense for it to count?

Stopping an assault by merely pointing a gun at a criminal is a defensive gun use even if that gun is never fired.
Not even close
258 to 162,000 claimed lives saved

Calls into question how serious the threat is
Just because you see a black person doesn’t mean he is trying to kill you

LIAR,,,why are you misquoting the stats???

those are time certain death was expected,,,it may be several million times that they were used to stop a crime

give it up you commie prick you aint getting our guns,,,
Let’s see..

I’m leaving the house
Somebody may piss me off today, I had better bring my gun

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

Cherry picking
Guns caused 33,000 unnecessary deaths last year

Show me 33,000 Little Caesar employees to the rescue

Talk about cherry picking.

33,636 deaths due to "injury by firearms" (10.6 deaths per 100,000 persons).[7] These deaths included 21,175 suicides,[7] 11,208 homicides,[8]505 deaths due to accidental or negligent discharge of a firearm, and 281 deaths due to firearms use with "undetermined intent".[7] The ownership and control of guns are among the most widely debated issues in the country.

Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia

So most of the gun deaths are self inflicted; suicide. Homicides are deaths that may be legal or illegal. If a police officer shoots an armed suspect and kills him, that's considered a homicide. If this pizza shop worker killed the suspect, that would be considered homicide.

So try to inflate the numbers all you like. One of us will just insert truth into your claims.
Suicide is just as dead
Guns are the overwhelmingly preferred method

Why do gun nuts insist that those who are suffering depression be allowed guns?

Because people who suffer from depression are usually not a harm to other people. People who plan to commit suicide won't stop because there are no guns around. My cousin lost her husband to suicide in Canada. She came home and found her husbands car running in the garage with the door closed.

So if you take guns away from the public, it won't change the suicide rate any. This is the same idiotic thinking they have in California costing the taxpayers millions of dollars.

A Suicide Net Is Quietly Being Added to the Golden Gate Bridge. Here's Why It's So Controversial
Then I think if it's one thing you should learn about this country, that is it has it's good points and bad just like every other country. Apparently you moved here because we have more good in this country than yours.

Our society works the way it does because of all the freedoms we have, and yes, including the right to use deadly force for self-defense. Guns do way more good things for our society than bad. But it's like the internet. It's how you use it. Most people will use the internet for good or great things. Others will use it to lure children into sex or learn how to make deadly bombs. But removing the internet from all people will not stop the problem or make things better for society. Bad people will still find a way to make bombs, or find different ways to seduce children or set people up for robbery.

As I pointed out earlier, crime and gun crimes went on the decrease starting in the early 90's. It's proportional to more states adopting CCW programs and creating laws that protect the shooter. It didn't stop and reverse itself until the Ferguson Effect kicked in. If not for that, I'd be willing to bet it would continue the decline.
I completly disagree about the gun issue. And I stand by more guns and easy access to them , more deaths and crimes.

I moved here for school and later for business. I love it here no doubt but in no is better than my original country that I plan to retire to. And that doesnt mean the US is worse...but family, values, social life, hospitality, safety, culture is way better in my original country....
Is like for Google...great facility, amazing amenities, fun but home is better.

And dont forget that God made this land for as humans not for a specific group of people, we can be all wiped out one way or another and other people come and settle in.

And I'll give you an example of the 2 countries to sum it up:

In Morocco if someone died in my neighborhood no one worked, and every one was involved and saddened...in my American neighborhood elderly people die for days in their apparement without no one knowing.
We also take care of our mentally sick or addicted and never let them on the street like here...because here, people dont have time for others, it is all me me me me.

An organized society has borders. It would be a chaos if we didn't have borders. Without borders, you can't make claim to land, you can't create a government, nor can you create laws.

All land does not belong to all man. It's up to man to determine which land is his and you to which land is yours.

In a much smaller society, you have more personal contact with people. If you live in the city, you don't know many of them because of so many around. That and the fact you may not want to know them. If you go to small town America, you'd be surprised at the different lifestyle; more of a lifestyle you claim is valued in your home country.

In small town America, everybody does know each other on a personal basis. Everybody does know each others business. So it's not the country so much, it's the environment. The population of your country is less than the population of our largest state.

As per statistics that I posted, guns are responsible for just a little over 11,000 homicides. And again, a homicide is a killing, but not necessarily an illegal killing. Many of those are justifiable. Now when you measure our homicide rate vs our population, guns don't really kill as many as you think. To put it another way, our professional football stadium holds 66,000 people. So the number of people killed by guns in the US is about one-fifth of that stadium of people. That's not all too bad for a country of 330 million people.
Not true about small towns va big towns I grow up in Casablanca is one of the busiest cities in Africa, every neighborhood we grew up knowing each other and. Culturally we are curious and like to help and know about others...you can take a bus and everyone is talking to everyone unlike here...in small town is even more.
When we came home at night our neighbors had our friends over waiting for us to come home, those friends never told us they were Coming and we host them feed our best food and they can stay as long as they want.
Again is cultural.and a religious thing....here people are super selfish, I see kids that dont care about their older parents.

We have borders as well, but still we get lot of subsaharan migrants that stay illegally, I have 0 problem with it because there is still enough food and water for all of us. My ancestors moved all over the old world according to my DNA is a human thing.
Live and let live that's my moto.

If that's your motto and we disappoint you, perhaps it's time to move back. After all, money isn't everything, is it?
You missed the point....i'm both here and there. And you are disappointing yourself. I enjoy both worlds....and money is not everything. Just look at trump, pissed off most of the time, insecure, no empathy, jerk, dick, asshole, greedy, narcissist, seems unhappy most of the time. I have a good laugh every single day.

Well I'm just here. I have no desire to go to Morocco. I have everything I want and need in the good ole USA.

As far as Trump goes, he's the most entertaining and humorous President we've ever had.
I carry a gun because I cant afford a Huey

I can't afford Puff the Magic Dragon. Also known as "Spooky". :) Thugs don't like 'em.


Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

Cherry picking
Guns caused 33,000 unnecessary deaths last year

Show me 33,000 Little Caesar employees to the rescue

Talk about cherry picking.

33,636 deaths due to "injury by firearms" (10.6 deaths per 100,000 persons).[7] These deaths included 21,175 suicides,[7] 11,208 homicides,[8]505 deaths due to accidental or negligent discharge of a firearm, and 281 deaths due to firearms use with "undetermined intent".[7] The ownership and control of guns are among the most widely debated issues in the country.

Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia

So most of the gun deaths are self inflicted; suicide. Homicides are deaths that may be legal or illegal. If a police officer shoots an armed suspect and kills him, that's considered a homicide. If this pizza shop worker killed the suspect, that would be considered homicide.

So try to inflate the numbers all you like. One of us will just insert truth into your claims.
Suicide is just as dead
Guns are the overwhelmingly preferred method

Why do gun nuts insist that those who are suffering depression be allowed guns?

Why do you assume someone who really wants to kill himself won't do so if he can't get his hands on a gun?

Suicide is not a crime it is a choice

Everyone has the right to decide if they live or die

Second most popular method is drugs or poison
With drugs or poison you have over an hour to change your mind
With a gun, you have a split second
So what?

Suicide is a choice not a crime.

Every person has the right to decide whether they live or die
Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

Cherry picking
Guns caused 33,000 unnecessary deaths last year

Show me 33,000 Little Caesar employees to the rescue

Another study estimates there are 1,029,615 DGUs per year “for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere” excluding “military service, police work, or work as a security guard,” (within the range of the National Academies’ paper), yielding an estimate of 162,000 cases per year where someone “almost certainly would have been killed” if they “had not used a gun for protection.”

Any Study Of 'Gun Violence' Should Include How Guns Save Lives

What total nonsense
Gun holders fantasy that he is saving lives

In 2012, there were 8,855 criminal gun homicides in the FBI’s homicide database, but only 258 gun killings by private citizens that were deemed justifiable, which the FBI defines as “the killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen.” That works out to one justifiable gun death for every 34 unjustifiable gun deaths.

162,000 where someone certainly would be killed but only 258 actually killed
Why do you think a person has to kill in self defense for it to count?

Stopping an assault by merely pointing a gun at a criminal is a defensive gun use even if that gun is never fired.
Not even close
258 to 162,000 claimed lives saved

Calls into question how serious the threat is
Just because you see a black person doesn’t mean he is trying to kill you

Where did I ever mention race?

What is it with you people here? You just assume everyone is racist?

FYI my mother was 1/2 Black so don't assume I am a racist when it's actually you.

A gun can be used in self defense without it being fired. In fact that there are so few criminals that wind up dead when a law abiding person is armed is proof of the incredible restraint law abiding gun owners have.
The county I live in, Animal Control could take days for a reptile. It is very rural, Fire or Paramedics is at least twenty minutes. Police can take much longer. You learn to take care of things yourself. That is why the law says you are well within your rights to kill venomous snakes. Non venomous is a $1,000 fine. Or possibly jail time.

The eastern side of my state that has rattlesnakes is very rural too. It's mostly desert and farms.

Yes it would take a while for the right person to get there but the snake isn't going anywhere and people know to stay away from it so it's not much of a threat to anyone. Just because it can't be removed at that instant second for your instant gratification doesn't mean it won't be properly removed.

I just don't think it's necessary to kill the snake. It can be moved to a safe place.

Part of the violence mentality I cited way earlier is this wacko idea that one deals with every little thing that may come up by shooting at it, blowing it up, destroying it. Very primitive.
No whats primitive is when you walk down the street 8n a bad hood and relize your about the be beat up robbed and raped

What if I'm carrying a "wennie"?

Find a place that sells buns?

Beats me. Poster has yet to tell me what a "wennie" is. I'm guessing it's something to do with Wednesday.
Cherry picking
Guns caused 33,000 unnecessary deaths last year

Show me 33,000 Little Caesar employees to the rescue

Talk about cherry picking.

33,636 deaths due to "injury by firearms" (10.6 deaths per 100,000 persons).[7] These deaths included 21,175 suicides,[7] 11,208 homicides,[8]505 deaths due to accidental or negligent discharge of a firearm, and 281 deaths due to firearms use with "undetermined intent".[7] The ownership and control of guns are among the most widely debated issues in the country.

Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia

So most of the gun deaths are self inflicted; suicide. Homicides are deaths that may be legal or illegal. If a police officer shoots an armed suspect and kills him, that's considered a homicide. If this pizza shop worker killed the suspect, that would be considered homicide.

So try to inflate the numbers all you like. One of us will just insert truth into your claims.
Suicide is just as dead
Guns are the overwhelmingly preferred method

Why do gun nuts insist that those who are suffering depression be allowed guns?

Why do you assume someone who really wants to kill himself won't do so if he can't get his hands on a gun?

Suicide is not a crime it is a choice

Everyone has the right to decide if they live or die

Second most popular method is drugs or poison
With drugs or poison you have over an hour to change your mind
With a gun, you have a split second
So what?

Suicide is a choice not a crime.

Every person has the right to decide whether they live or die
Dead is dead
Cherry picking
Guns caused 33,000 unnecessary deaths last year

Show me 33,000 Little Caesar employees to the rescue

Another study estimates there are 1,029,615 DGUs per year “for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere” excluding “military service, police work, or work as a security guard,” (within the range of the National Academies’ paper), yielding an estimate of 162,000 cases per year where someone “almost certainly would have been killed” if they “had not used a gun for protection.”

Any Study Of 'Gun Violence' Should Include How Guns Save Lives

What total nonsense
Gun holders fantasy that he is saving lives

In 2012, there were 8,855 criminal gun homicides in the FBI’s homicide database, but only 258 gun killings by private citizens that were deemed justifiable, which the FBI defines as “the killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen.” That works out to one justifiable gun death for every 34 unjustifiable gun deaths.

162,000 where someone certainly would be killed but only 258 actually killed
Why do you think a person has to kill in self defense for it to count?

Stopping an assault by merely pointing a gun at a criminal is a defensive gun use even if that gun is never fired.
Not even close
258 to 162,000 claimed lives saved

Calls into question how serious the threat is
Just because you see a black person doesn’t mean he is trying to kill you

Where did I ever mention race?

What is it with you people here? You just assume everyone is racist?

FYI my mother was 1/2 Black so don't assume I am a racist when it's actually you.

A gun can be used in self defense without it being fired. In fact that there are so few criminals that wind up dead when a law abiding person is armed is proof of the incredible restraint law abiding gun owners have.

You just assume everyone is racist?

Left wing beliefs are racist. They put people into groups, work to get those groups fighting against each other, and then use that conflict to amass more and more power over those groups......calling their enemies "racist" is one tool to keep people fighting against each other.........they will also accuse conservatives of racism to hide their own racism.....

Psychological projection - Wikipedia

Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1]
Talk about cherry picking.

33,636 deaths due to "injury by firearms" (10.6 deaths per 100,000 persons).[7] These deaths included 21,175 suicides,[7] 11,208 homicides,[8]505 deaths due to accidental or negligent discharge of a firearm, and 281 deaths due to firearms use with "undetermined intent".[7] The ownership and control of guns are among the most widely debated issues in the country.

Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia

So most of the gun deaths are self inflicted; suicide. Homicides are deaths that may be legal or illegal. If a police officer shoots an armed suspect and kills him, that's considered a homicide. If this pizza shop worker killed the suspect, that would be considered homicide.

So try to inflate the numbers all you like. One of us will just insert truth into your claims.
Suicide is just as dead
Guns are the overwhelmingly preferred method

Why do gun nuts insist that those who are suffering depression be allowed guns?

Why do you assume someone who really wants to kill himself won't do so if he can't get his hands on a gun?

Suicide is not a crime it is a choice

Everyone has the right to decide if they live or die

Second most popular method is drugs or poison
With drugs or poison you have over an hour to change your mind
With a gun, you have a split second
So what?

Suicide is a choice not a crime.

Every person has the right to decide whether they live or die
Dead is dead

So what?

Every person has the right to make the choice whether they live or die.
Love it....I get to practice my 4 languages. I had Korean BBQ and heading to a taco stand in a few minutes (ran by illegals).

Hopefully nobody stabs you on the way there

Being stabbed is good, because knives are much more moral than guns. Apparently, you're less dead that way, or something.
Guys are more lethal.
Why America bas a gun violence epidemic eventhough guns are available to the masses contrary to most of the world?

It's due in large part to the influence of hispanic and black thug culture, and how this lifestyle is glorified by the entertainment media.
Entertainment is ran by Hispanics and blacks?? And whites dont produce criminals, mass shooters, church burners, kid molesters, rapists ?

Wow, how is that "I pretend to be incredibly obtuse and unable to understand what's said to me as a brilliant debate tactic" ploy working out for you?
I lived and grew up in very non-violent areas. Then the blacks moved in and everything changed. So what do you want me to do about that? Thank your Democrat politicians and HUD for it.
Blame also those who screwed the blacks from slavery, segregation to what we see now.
I lived in a big city , and we had some super rough neighborhoods, drugs and all....people get stabbed but hardly ever get killed...now if they had access to guns we would be just like any other US city.

Sorry, what percentage of your country's population is black? You can tell us about your "superiority" on race issues when YOU don't live in a country that's almost entirely white.

And you'll excuse me if I don't think it's an improvement to be stabbed with a knife instead of shot with an "eeeevil" gun.
My country is an African country....
So now you blaming rape and crimes on blacks ?

Nope. I'm saying that if you live in a homogenous country, you have nothing to tell us about racism and race relations. The fact that your country is, in fact, a reverse homogeny from those we normally hear utterly-unearned preening and self-righteousness doesn't change that fact.

Or, to put it in words someone who's stupid enough to be a leftist can understand, call me when you don't live in a racist heaven.
It has nothing do with race...American culture is plagued with violence...just look at the president of the country (promotes beating people in his rallies, call people names, agressive, changes attacks all day along) part of the population has be a lot worse, and with the easy access to guns...the US has fatalities in numbers that exceeds those of wars.

It has a lot to do with race, and more importantly, with the diversity of cultures that goes with them. You wouldn't know about that, because you're presuming to lecture people from a country that essentially has one race and culture in it.

Again, call me when you have some experience of what you ASSume superiority on.
Love it....I get to practice my 4 languages. I had Korean BBQ and heading to a taco stand in a few minutes (ran by illegals).

Hopefully nobody stabs you on the way there

Being stabbed is good, because knives are much more moral than guns. Apparently, you're less dead that way, or something.
Guys are more lethal.
Why America bas a gun violence epidemic eventhough guns are available to the masses contrary to most of the world?

No, guns are no more lethal than any other weapon. They're just more convenient.

The real question here is, "Why do dumbfucks who don't live in America actually think they know more about it than people who are actually here?" And the follow-up question: "Who the fuck asked a bunch of no-nothing foreign twats for their advice on how to run things in a culture they know nothing about?"

Your pissant racist paradise works for you, you just go on with yourself. If you ever become a major world power that people clamor to get into, MAYBE your opinion on how it's done will matter. Until then, you're like a rat trying to tell an eagle that he's flying wrong.
You just proved my point, aggressive and ready to blow up. You have anger issues and you need help.

"Any response that isn't praising me for my wisdom is OBVIOUSLY proving me right, because I can't hear anything but the voices in my head."

You continue to prove my point; stupid and proud of it. You have education issues and you need help.

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