Why do you need to carry a gun?

Let’s see..

I’m leaving the house
Somebody may piss me off today, I had better bring my gun

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

Cherry picking
Guns caused 33,000 unnecessary deaths last year

Show me 33,000 Little Caesar employees to the rescue

Another study estimates there are 1,029,615 DGUs per year “for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere” excluding “military service, police work, or work as a security guard,” (within the range of the National Academies’ paper), yielding an estimate of 162,000 cases per year where someone “almost certainly would have been killed” if they “had not used a gun for protection.”

Any Study Of 'Gun Violence' Should Include How Guns Save Lives

If the MSM doesn't tell them this is happening, in their world, it just isn't.

This story I posted will be gone by the end of the night on the news site. It's not even a big deal any longer, and it certainly will not be broadcasted by any outlet outside of Cleveland.

See no evil.....hear no evil. The left only wants to discuss bad things about firearms and none of the good. But you can do that with any subject such as automobiles, investments, internet, cell phones............
Let’s see..

I’m leaving the house
Somebody may piss me off today, I had better bring my gun

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

Cherry picking
Guns caused 33,000 unnecessary deaths last year

Show me 33,000 Little Caesar employees to the rescue

Another study estimates there are 1,029,615 DGUs per year “for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere” excluding “military service, police work, or work as a security guard,” (within the range of the National Academies’ paper), yielding an estimate of 162,000 cases per year where someone “almost certainly would have been killed” if they “had not used a gun for protection.”

Any Study Of 'Gun Violence' Should Include How Guns Save Lives

If the MSM doesn't tell them this is happening, in their world, it just isn't.

This story I posted will be gone by the end of the night on the news site. It's not even a big deal any longer, and it certainly will not be broadcasted by any outlet outside of Cleveland.

See no evil.....hear no evil. The left only wants to discuss bad things about firearms and none of the good. But you can do that with any subject such as automobiles, investments, internet, cell phones............

or it could be they are very aware of the benefits but their motives are not as they say,,,thats what I think,,,

the ends justify the means,,,lie lie lie,,,
The eastern side of my state has rattlesnakes. I grew up learning how to stay away from them.

What I don't understand is why the need to kill the snake. Yes a copperhead is very dangerous and kills but that doesn't mean that it should be killed.

All that was needed was to call the proper animal authorities to have them come to remove the snake. Take it somewhere that it won't harm anyone.

It's not necessary to kill it. We didn't kill rattlesnakes just because we saw them. We just learned to stay away from them and if they got too close to homes to call the proper authorities to come to remove it.

The county I live in, Animal Control could take days for a reptile. It is very rural, Fire or Paramedics is at least twenty minutes. Police can take much longer. You learn to take care of things yourself. That is why the law says you are well within your rights to kill venomous snakes. Non venomous is a $1,000 fine. Or possibly jail time.

The eastern side of my state that has rattlesnakes is very rural too. It's mostly desert and farms.

Yes it would take a while for the right person to get there but the snake isn't going anywhere and people know to stay away from it so it's not much of a threat to anyone. Just because it can't be removed at that instant second for your instant gratification doesn't mean it won't be properly removed.

I just don't think it's necessary to kill the snake. It can be moved to a safe place.

Part of the violence mentality I cited way earlier is this wacko idea that one deals with every little thing that may come up by shooting at it, blowing it up, destroying it. Very primitive.
No whats primitive is when you walk down the street 8n a bad hood and relize your about the be beat up robbed and raped
Jail is not suppose to be a vacation spot, for the violent criminals they should make it hard for them to not look forward to going back jail. Jail in the US is almost a reward and dont get me started on how the justice is system is fucked. The rich in most cases dont even go to jail, is made only for the poor.
And your stats are made up, I live in both countries the US is far more dangerous for women, girls, kids and men in general. 30000 deaths per year or so, that's worse than been in Syria or Iraq.
Trust me i love this country but guns availability fucked it up, plus entertainment, low morals, broken family system, selfishness, savage capitalism and so forth.
You as a foreigner if you go to Morocco and wonder in poor remote areas they will feed you and host is part of our culture....you'll find 1 member of the family can support 7 members of his family and so forth, we take care of our elderly people and we dont throw them in senior homes.....there is a huge cultural differences.

If it's such a wonderful place, move back. We won't miss you.

I get so perturbed by foreigners coming here and then telling us the faults of our country compared to theirs. Yet you came here, we don't go there. And there's a reason why millions of people are trying to get here as well.

Yes, guns and our Constitution are part of living in a free society. You have the freedom here to be anybody you wish. You can be poor if you want, middle-class if you want, and even wealthy if you want. We live in the greatest country in the world. Part of freedom is being able to defend yourself from bad people.

You don't even realize that you supported my point. The reason people don't want to be imprisoned in other countries is because it's not a cake walk like in the US. It's not the guns that are the problem, it's Democrats.
I told you I love and live both countries. Yes millions come to the US 5o make a good living, business, school and else....but if wants points our the flaws he has to go out? What kind of logic is that ?
The constitution is outdated and needs to be updated.
And if an amendment is causing thousands of deaths and and thousands of long lasting injuries , maybe and just maybe it needs revisiting?

As I said you are numb to the violence because you grow up in it.

No, I didn't grow up in it. In fact growing up, it was the most peaceful area to be a kid. Outside of police officers, I never seen a gun until I became an adult. Nobody in our neighborhood owned one.

Our Constitution is fine, it's the people that want to constantly change it that's the problem. I take umbrage when people come here and then complain. So yes, that's my attitude. If you don't like it here, you simply leave. It's bad enough when our own people complain about our government systems yet alone visitors of foreigners. It's like somebody going to a restaurant and always complaining about the food they serve, but they keep coming back. If you don't like the food we serve, go to another restaurant where you think it's better.
I can only talk about myself on that one...do I love the US? Yes absolutely. it has so many good things but also so many bad things.
And dont forget America it is what it is because of immigrants what they brought with them. Throughout the years.
I grow up in a gun free country, when I moved here I saw a gun violence epedemic..so to me the availability of guns contribute to big time in the gun violence is simple as that.

Then I think if it's one thing you should learn about this country, that is it has it's good points and bad just like every other country. Apparently you moved here because we have more good in this country than yours.

Our society works the way it does because of all the freedoms we have, and yes, including the right to use deadly force for self-defense. Guns do way more good things for our society than bad. But it's like the internet. It's how you use it. Most people will use the internet for good or great things. Others will use it to lure children into sex or learn how to make deadly bombs. But removing the internet from all people will not stop the problem or make things better for society. Bad people will still find a way to make bombs, or find different ways to seduce children or set people up for robbery.

As I pointed out earlier, crime and gun crimes went on the decrease starting in the early 90's. It's proportional to more states adopting CCW programs and creating laws that protect the shooter. It didn't stop and reverse itself until the Ferguson Effect kicked in. If not for that, I'd be willing to bet it would continue the decline.
I completly disagree about the gun issue. And I stand by more guns and easy access to them , more deaths and crimes.

I moved here for school and later for business. I love it here no doubt but in no is better than my original country that I plan to retire to. And that doesnt mean the US is worse...but family, values, social life, hospitality, safety, culture is way better in my original country....
Is like for Google...great facility, amazing amenities, fun but home is better.

And dont forget that God made this land for as humans not for a specific group of people, we can be all wiped out one way or another and other people come and settle in.

And I'll give you an example of the 2 countries to sum it up:

In Morocco if someone died in my neighborhood no one worked, and every one was involved and saddened...in my American neighborhood elderly people die for days in their apparement without no one knowing.
We also take care of our mentally sick or addicted and never let them on the street like here...because here, people dont have time for others, it is all me me me me.
Let’s see..

I’m leaving the house
Somebody may piss me off today, I had better bring my gun

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

"After an initial investigation, we’re told it looks like the suspect shot the victim and the victim returned fire, but the investigation into the incident continues."

Gun fire being exchanged. That sounds dangerous.

Yet you choose not to wear a bullet-proof vest. Why?

It is dangerous. That's why the worker had a gun. Good thing he did too, otherwise he may be dead today.

Not everyone with a gun is as lucky. Why not increase your odds with a bullet-proof vest?

This really isn't complicated. Yet you're tap-dancing all around the issue instead of tackling it head on.
Let’s see..

I’m leaving the house
Somebody may piss me off today, I had better bring my gun

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

"After an initial investigation, we’re told it looks like the suspect shot the victim and the victim returned fire, but the investigation into the incident continues."

Gun fire being exchanged. That sounds dangerous.

Yet you choose not to wear a bullet-proof vest. Why?

It is dangerous. That's why the worker had a gun. Good thing he did too, otherwise he may be dead today.

Not everyone with a gun is as lucky. Why not increase your odds with a bullet-proof vest?

This really isn't complicated. Yet you're tap-dancing all around the issue instead of tackling it head on.

do you work for a body armor company???

cause you sure are pushing them,,,
Let’s see..

I’m leaving the house
Somebody may piss me off today, I had better bring my gun

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

"After an initial investigation, we’re told it looks like the suspect shot the victim and the victim returned fire, but the investigation into the incident continues."

Gun fire being exchanged. That sounds dangerous.

Yet you choose not to wear a bullet-proof vest. Why?

It is dangerous. That's why the worker had a gun. Good thing he did too, otherwise he may be dead today.

Not everyone with a gun is as lucky. Why not increase your odds with a bullet-proof vest?

This really isn't complicated. Yet you're tap-dancing all around the issue instead of tackling it head on.

No, it's just I'm sick of talking about it is all. You're starting to sound like my mother for crying out loud.
If it's such a wonderful place, move back. We won't miss you.

I get so perturbed by foreigners coming here and then telling us the faults of our country compared to theirs. Yet you came here, we don't go there. And there's a reason why millions of people are trying to get here as well.

Yes, guns and our Constitution are part of living in a free society. You have the freedom here to be anybody you wish. You can be poor if you want, middle-class if you want, and even wealthy if you want. We live in the greatest country in the world. Part of freedom is being able to defend yourself from bad people.

You don't even realize that you supported my point. The reason people don't want to be imprisoned in other countries is because it's not a cake walk like in the US. It's not the guns that are the problem, it's Democrats.
I told you I love and live both countries. Yes millions come to the US 5o make a good living, business, school and else....but if wants points our the flaws he has to go out? What kind of logic is that ?
The constitution is outdated and needs to be updated.
And if an amendment is causing thousands of deaths and and thousands of long lasting injuries , maybe and just maybe it needs revisiting?

As I said you are numb to the violence because you grow up in it.

No, I didn't grow up in it. In fact growing up, it was the most peaceful area to be a kid. Outside of police officers, I never seen a gun until I became an adult. Nobody in our neighborhood owned one.

Our Constitution is fine, it's the people that want to constantly change it that's the problem. I take umbrage when people come here and then complain. So yes, that's my attitude. If you don't like it here, you simply leave. It's bad enough when our own people complain about our government systems yet alone visitors of foreigners. It's like somebody going to a restaurant and always complaining about the food they serve, but they keep coming back. If you don't like the food we serve, go to another restaurant where you think it's better.
I can only talk about myself on that one...do I love the US? Yes absolutely. it has so many good things but also so many bad things.
And dont forget America it is what it is because of immigrants what they brought with them. Throughout the years.
I grow up in a gun free country, when I moved here I saw a gun violence epedemic..so to me the availability of guns contribute to big time in the gun violence is simple as that.

Then I think if it's one thing you should learn about this country, that is it has it's good points and bad just like every other country. Apparently you moved here because we have more good in this country than yours.

Our society works the way it does because of all the freedoms we have, and yes, including the right to use deadly force for self-defense. Guns do way more good things for our society than bad. But it's like the internet. It's how you use it. Most people will use the internet for good or great things. Others will use it to lure children into sex or learn how to make deadly bombs. But removing the internet from all people will not stop the problem or make things better for society. Bad people will still find a way to make bombs, or find different ways to seduce children or set people up for robbery.

As I pointed out earlier, crime and gun crimes went on the decrease starting in the early 90's. It's proportional to more states adopting CCW programs and creating laws that protect the shooter. It didn't stop and reverse itself until the Ferguson Effect kicked in. If not for that, I'd be willing to bet it would continue the decline.
I completly disagree about the gun issue. And I stand by more guns and easy access to them , more deaths and crimes.

I moved here for school and later for business. I love it here no doubt but in no is better than my original country that I plan to retire to. And that doesnt mean the US is worse...but family, values, social life, hospitality, safety, culture is way better in my original country....
Is like for Google...great facility, amazing amenities, fun but home is better.

And dont forget that God made this land for as humans not for a specific group of people, we can be all wiped out one way or another and other people come and settle in.

And I'll give you an example of the 2 countries to sum it up:

In Morocco if someone died in my neighborhood no one worked, and every one was involved and saddened...in my American neighborhood elderly people die for days in their apparement without no one knowing.
We also take care of our mentally sick or addicted and never let them on the street like here...because here, people dont have time for others, it is all me me me me.

An organized society has borders. It would be a chaos if we didn't have borders. Without borders, you can't make claim to land, you can't create a government, nor can you create laws.

All land does not belong to all man. It's up to man to determine which land is his and you to which land is yours.

In a much smaller society, you have more personal contact with people. If you live in the city, you don't know many of them because of so many around. That and the fact you may not want to know them. If you go to small town America, you'd be surprised at the different lifestyle; more of a lifestyle you claim is valued in your home country.

In small town America, everybody does know each other on a personal basis. Everybody does know each others business. So it's not the country so much, it's the environment. The population of your country is less than the population of our largest state.

As per statistics that I posted, guns are responsible for just a little over 11,000 homicides. And again, a homicide is a killing, but not necessarily an illegal killing. Many of those are justifiable. Now when you measure our homicide rate vs our population, guns don't really kill as many as you think. To put it another way, our professional football stadium holds 66,000 people. So the number of people killed by guns in the US is about one-fifth of that stadium of people. That's not all too bad for a country of 330 million people.
Let’s see..

I’m leaving the house
Somebody may piss me off today, I had better bring my gun

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

Cherry picking
Guns caused 33,000 unnecessary deaths last year

Show me 33,000 Little Caesar employees to the rescue

Another study estimates there are 1,029,615 DGUs per year “for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere” excluding “military service, police work, or work as a security guard,” (within the range of the National Academies’ paper), yielding an estimate of 162,000 cases per year where someone “almost certainly would have been killed” if they “had not used a gun for protection.”

Any Study Of 'Gun Violence' Should Include How Guns Save Lives

If the MSM doesn't tell them this is happening, in their world, it just isn't.

This story I posted will be gone by the end of the night on the news site. It's not even a big deal any longer, and it certainly will not be broadcasted by any outlet outside of Cleveland.

See no evil.....hear no evil. The left only wants to discuss bad things about firearms and none of the good. But you can do that with any subject such as automobiles, investments, internet, cell phones............

or it could be they are very aware of the benefits but their motives are not as they say,,,thats what I think,,,

the ends justify the means,,,lie lie lie,,,

They are told by their leaders to be against guns; puppets.

So why would their leaders want to disarm America? Well, the Democrat party like the Republican party relies on groups to vote for them. The two largest groups for Democrats are victims and government dependents. It would make political sense to expand those groups as much as possible.

The Democrat politicians appear to be dumb, but they're really not. They know exactly what would happen if they could remove guns from Americans. The only two groups with guns would be the cops and the bad guys. That would make the rest of us victims, because we would have no way to defend ourselves. And let's face it, Democrats love victims, and victims love Democrats.
I told you I love and live both countries. Yes millions come to the US 5o make a good living, business, school and else....but if wants points our the flaws he has to go out? What kind of logic is that ?
The constitution is outdated and needs to be updated.
And if an amendment is causing thousands of deaths and and thousands of long lasting injuries , maybe and just maybe it needs revisiting?

As I said you are numb to the violence because you grow up in it.

No, I didn't grow up in it. In fact growing up, it was the most peaceful area to be a kid. Outside of police officers, I never seen a gun until I became an adult. Nobody in our neighborhood owned one.

Our Constitution is fine, it's the people that want to constantly change it that's the problem. I take umbrage when people come here and then complain. So yes, that's my attitude. If you don't like it here, you simply leave. It's bad enough when our own people complain about our government systems yet alone visitors of foreigners. It's like somebody going to a restaurant and always complaining about the food they serve, but they keep coming back. If you don't like the food we serve, go to another restaurant where you think it's better.
I can only talk about myself on that one...do I love the US? Yes absolutely. it has so many good things but also so many bad things.
And dont forget America it is what it is because of immigrants what they brought with them. Throughout the years.
I grow up in a gun free country, when I moved here I saw a gun violence epedemic..so to me the availability of guns contribute to big time in the gun violence is simple as that.

Then I think if it's one thing you should learn about this country, that is it has it's good points and bad just like every other country. Apparently you moved here because we have more good in this country than yours.

Our society works the way it does because of all the freedoms we have, and yes, including the right to use deadly force for self-defense. Guns do way more good things for our society than bad. But it's like the internet. It's how you use it. Most people will use the internet for good or great things. Others will use it to lure children into sex or learn how to make deadly bombs. But removing the internet from all people will not stop the problem or make things better for society. Bad people will still find a way to make bombs, or find different ways to seduce children or set people up for robbery.

As I pointed out earlier, crime and gun crimes went on the decrease starting in the early 90's. It's proportional to more states adopting CCW programs and creating laws that protect the shooter. It didn't stop and reverse itself until the Ferguson Effect kicked in. If not for that, I'd be willing to bet it would continue the decline.
I completly disagree about the gun issue. And I stand by more guns and easy access to them , more deaths and crimes.

I moved here for school and later for business. I love it here no doubt but in no is better than my original country that I plan to retire to. And that doesnt mean the US is worse...but family, values, social life, hospitality, safety, culture is way better in my original country....
Is like for Google...great facility, amazing amenities, fun but home is better.

And dont forget that God made this land for as humans not for a specific group of people, we can be all wiped out one way or another and other people come and settle in.

And I'll give you an example of the 2 countries to sum it up:

In Morocco if someone died in my neighborhood no one worked, and every one was involved and saddened...in my American neighborhood elderly people die for days in their apparement without no one knowing.
We also take care of our mentally sick or addicted and never let them on the street like here...because here, people dont have time for others, it is all me me me me.

An organized society has borders. It would be a chaos if we didn't have borders. Without borders, you can't make claim to land, you can't create a government, nor can you create laws.

All land does not belong to all man. It's up to man to determine which land is his and you to which land is yours.

In a much smaller society, you have more personal contact with people. If you live in the city, you don't know many of them because of so many around. That and the fact you may not want to know them. If you go to small town America, you'd be surprised at the different lifestyle; more of a lifestyle you claim is valued in your home country.

In small town America, everybody does know each other on a personal basis. Everybody does know each others business. So it's not the country so much, it's the environment. The population of your country is less than the population of our largest state.

As per statistics that I posted, guns are responsible for just a little over 11,000 homicides. And again, a homicide is a killing, but not necessarily an illegal killing. Many of those are justifiable. Now when you measure our homicide rate vs our population, guns don't really kill as many as you think. To put it another way, our professional football stadium holds 66,000 people. So the number of people killed by guns in the US is about one-fifth of that stadium of people. That's not all too bad for a country of 330 million people.
Not true about small towns va big towns I grow up in Casablanca is one of the busiest cities in Africa, every neighborhood we grew up knowing each other and. Culturally we are curious and like to help and know about others...you can take a bus and everyone is talking to everyone unlike here...in small town is even more.
When we came home at night our neighbors had our friends over waiting for us to come home, those friends never told us they were Coming and we host them feed our best food and they can stay as long as they want.
Again is cultural.and a religious thing....here people are super selfish, I see kids that dont care about their older parents.

We have borders as well, but still we get lot of subsaharan migrants that stay illegally, I have 0 problem with it because there is still enough food and water for all of us. My ancestors moved all over the old world according to my DNA is a human thing.
Live and let live that's my moto.
The eastern side of my state has rattlesnakes. I grew up learning how to stay away from them.

What I don't understand is why the need to kill the snake. Yes a copperhead is very dangerous and kills but that doesn't mean that it should be killed.

All that was needed was to call the proper animal authorities to have them come to remove the snake. Take it somewhere that it won't harm anyone.

It's not necessary to kill it. We didn't kill rattlesnakes just because we saw them. We just learned to stay away from them and if they got too close to homes to call the proper authorities to come to remove it.

The county I live in, Animal Control could take days for a reptile. It is very rural, Fire or Paramedics is at least twenty minutes. Police can take much longer. You learn to take care of things yourself. That is why the law says you are well within your rights to kill venomous snakes. Non venomous is a $1,000 fine. Or possibly jail time.

The eastern side of my state that has rattlesnakes is very rural too. It's mostly desert and farms.

Yes it would take a while for the right person to get there but the snake isn't going anywhere and people know to stay away from it so it's not much of a threat to anyone. Just because it can't be removed at that instant second for your instant gratification doesn't mean it won't be properly removed.

I just don't think it's necessary to kill the snake. It can be moved to a safe place.

Part of the violence mentality I cited way earlier is this wacko idea that one deals with every little thing that may come up by shooting at it, blowing it up, destroying it. Very primitive.
No whats primitive is when you walk down the street 8n a bad hood and relize your about the be beat up robbed and raped

What if I'm carrying a "wennie"?
The eastern side of my state has rattlesnakes. I grew up learning how to stay away from them.

What I don't understand is why the need to kill the snake. Yes a copperhead is very dangerous and kills but that doesn't mean that it should be killed.

All that was needed was to call the proper animal authorities to have them come to remove the snake. Take it somewhere that it won't harm anyone.

It's not necessary to kill it. We didn't kill rattlesnakes just because we saw them. We just learned to stay away from them and if they got too close to homes to call the proper authorities to come to remove it.

The county I live in, Animal Control could take days for a reptile. It is very rural, Fire or Paramedics is at least twenty minutes. Police can take much longer. You learn to take care of things yourself. That is why the law says you are well within your rights to kill venomous snakes. Non venomous is a $1,000 fine. Or possibly jail time.

The eastern side of my state that has rattlesnakes is very rural too. It's mostly desert and farms.

Yes it would take a while for the right person to get there but the snake isn't going anywhere and people know to stay away from it so it's not much of a threat to anyone. Just because it can't be removed at that instant second for your instant gratification doesn't mean it won't be properly removed.

I just don't think it's necessary to kill the snake. It can be moved to a safe place.

Part of the violence mentality I cited way earlier is this wacko idea that one deals with every little thing that may come up by shooting at it, blowing it up, destroying it. Very primitive.
No whats primitive is when you walk down the street 8n a bad hood and relize your about the be beat up robbed and raped

What if I'm carrying a "wennie"?

Then you can play with it
Let’s see..

I’m leaving the house
Somebody may piss me off today, I had better bring my gun

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

"After an initial investigation, we’re told it looks like the suspect shot the victim and the victim returned fire, but the investigation into the incident continues."

Gun fire being exchanged. That sounds dangerous.

Yet you choose not to wear a bullet-proof vest. Why?

It is dangerous. That's why the worker had a gun. Good thing he did too, otherwise he may be dead today.

Not everyone with a gun is as lucky. Why not increase your odds with a bullet-proof vest?

This really isn't complicated. Yet you're tap-dancing all around the issue instead of tackling it head on.

No, it's just I'm sick of talking about it is all. You're starting to sound like my mother for crying out loud.

Does your mom call you out on your bullshit too?

"I don't wear body armor because it's illegal, duh. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's so difficult to put on. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's just so difficult to clean. Oops I mean...I don't want to talk about this anymore."
Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

"After an initial investigation, we’re told it looks like the suspect shot the victim and the victim returned fire, but the investigation into the incident continues."

Gun fire being exchanged. That sounds dangerous.

Yet you choose not to wear a bullet-proof vest. Why?

It is dangerous. That's why the worker had a gun. Good thing he did too, otherwise he may be dead today.

Not everyone with a gun is as lucky. Why not increase your odds with a bullet-proof vest?

This really isn't complicated. Yet you're tap-dancing all around the issue instead of tackling it head on.

No, it's just I'm sick of talking about it is all. You're starting to sound like my mother for crying out loud.

Does your mom call you out on your bullshit too?

"I don't wear body armor because it's illegal, duh. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's so difficult to put on. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's just so difficult to clean. Oops I mean...I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Nunya DB, faggot. Try me.
Let’s see..

I’m leaving the house
Somebody may piss me off today, I had better bring my gun

Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

"After an initial investigation, we’re told it looks like the suspect shot the victim and the victim returned fire, but the investigation into the incident continues."

Gun fire being exchanged. That sounds dangerous.

Yet you choose not to wear a bullet-proof vest. Why?

It is dangerous. That's why the worker had a gun. Good thing he did too, otherwise he may be dead today.

Not everyone with a gun is as lucky. Why not increase your odds with a bullet-proof vest?

This really isn't complicated. Yet you're tap-dancing all around the issue instead of tackling it head on.

do you work for a body armor company???

cause you sure are pushing them,,,

That might be a good idea if conservatives are as concerned with self-defense as much as they claim they are.
"After an initial investigation, we’re told it looks like the suspect shot the victim and the victim returned fire, but the investigation into the incident continues."

Gun fire being exchanged. That sounds dangerous.

Yet you choose not to wear a bullet-proof vest. Why?

It is dangerous. That's why the worker had a gun. Good thing he did too, otherwise he may be dead today.

Not everyone with a gun is as lucky. Why not increase your odds with a bullet-proof vest?

This really isn't complicated. Yet you're tap-dancing all around the issue instead of tackling it head on.

No, it's just I'm sick of talking about it is all. You're starting to sound like my mother for crying out loud.

Does your mom call you out on your bullshit too?

"I don't wear body armor because it's illegal, duh. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's so difficult to put on. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's just so difficult to clean. Oops I mean...I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Nunya DB, faggot. Try me.

Try you how exactly?
Yep, that's why armed citizens carry guns, in case somebody pisses them off.

But you know, we were talking about Americans defending themselves, and your claim was it seldom ever happens because it's not reported where you live. Since this happened just last night (and it happens all the time here in the Cleveland area) I thought it would be a good time to post it.

Little Caesars employee fires back at suspect during armed robbery attempt

Gee, do you think the customer just pissed the worker off or something?

"After an initial investigation, we’re told it looks like the suspect shot the victim and the victim returned fire, but the investigation into the incident continues."

Gun fire being exchanged. That sounds dangerous.

Yet you choose not to wear a bullet-proof vest. Why?

It is dangerous. That's why the worker had a gun. Good thing he did too, otherwise he may be dead today.

Not everyone with a gun is as lucky. Why not increase your odds with a bullet-proof vest?

This really isn't complicated. Yet you're tap-dancing all around the issue instead of tackling it head on.

No, it's just I'm sick of talking about it is all. You're starting to sound like my mother for crying out loud.

Does your mom call you out on your bullshit too?

"I don't wear body armor because it's illegal, duh. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's so difficult to put on. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's just so difficult to clean. Oops I mean...I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Yes, you talk like my mother. You don't get to a point. You just ramble on and on expecting me to guess your motive.

I have better things to do than to play games with somebody that is too inept to carry on a conversation; especially when you ask the same question I answered over and over again.

Now grown ups are discussing issues here. Go away.
It is dangerous. That's why the worker had a gun. Good thing he did too, otherwise he may be dead today.

Not everyone with a gun is as lucky. Why not increase your odds with a bullet-proof vest?

This really isn't complicated. Yet you're tap-dancing all around the issue instead of tackling it head on.

No, it's just I'm sick of talking about it is all. You're starting to sound like my mother for crying out loud.

Does your mom call you out on your bullshit too?

"I don't wear body armor because it's illegal, duh. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's so difficult to put on. Oops I mean I don't wear body armor because it's just so difficult to clean. Oops I mean...I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Nunya DB, faggot. Try me.

Try you how exactly?

However you want. Do you just want to get jackslapped, or a bullet between your eyes? It's up to you! :113:

Bottom line being: Don't screw around or you might get hurt.

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