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Why do you need to carry a gun?

This is how ridiculous you toters are.

You can't admit that a person carrying a loaded weapon in public poses a risk.

Either you are lying (again).

Or you are so fucking stupid that you don't think a loaded gun is a potential hazard if it is mishandled. In which case you have no respect for the gun & should not be handling it.

There is no such thing as zero risk for anything.

I have more than 3 decades of experience carrying a concealed weapon and since not a single person I ever had dealings with in all that time was injured because I was carrying a weapon I can safely say I pose at best a minuscule risk to anyone.

I'll bet my carrying poses less risk to the public than your driving does.
My statement is the truth. You know it. The idea you toters argue that just proves how ignorant you people really are.

So we are at risk of getting run over by a bus so we shouldn't care if you yeahoos add to the risk? Really?

Buses perform a needed service. You toting a gun does not.

How many times have you been put at risk by a person carrying a concealed weapon?

You have to remember that he considers it an intolerable risk to him that people own guns at all.
I own guns, shitforbrains.

Which explains a lot about why you expect gun ownership to turn other people into crazed maniacs. But again, I must remind you that you are not in any way representative of normal, reasonably-intelligent people.

I own guns. I have been around other gun owners and personally knew gun owners that have fired their guns by accident, fired their guns in ignorance, and/or done really stupid shit with their loaded gun.

So don't tell me every gun toting assfuck never makes a mistke & don't pretend you would never either.

I doubt you own guns if you did you'd be a risk to the public
This is how ridiculous you toters are.
You can't admit that a person carrying a loaded weapon in public poses a risk.
I'm sure all will agree that competency is required for carry. And you're right, a competent person carrying a loaded gun does pose a serious risk - to criminals. Is this why you oppose it?
Why do you need to carry a gun?

#1 REASON: because there is a world full of little pissant commie leftards who think it is their place on Earth to tell you how to live, think, eat and sleep, then harass and attack you anywhere from the supermarket to the local quiet diner just for wearing a red baseball cap with four letters on it.

Now now now. Obviously, no one has stopped you from being an ignorant, uneducated bigoted fool.

Obviously, no one has stopped you from being an ignorant, uneducated bigoted fool.

and no one has stopped you from proving you are an ignorant, uneducated, bigoted fool.
Why do you need to carry a gun?

#1 REASON: because there is a world full of little pissant commie leftards who think it is their place on Earth to tell you how to live, think, eat and sleep, then harass and attack you anywhere from the supermarket to the local quiet diner just for wearing a red baseball cap with four letters on it.

Now now now. Obviously, no one has stopped you from being an ignorant, uneducated bigoted fool.

Obviously, no one has stopped you from being an ignorant, uneducated bigoted fool.

and no one has stopped you from proving you are an ignorant, uneducated, bigoted fool.

By the same token, you either.
This is how ridiculous you toters are.

You can't admit that a person carrying a loaded weapon in public poses a risk.

Either you are lying (again).

Or you are so fucking stupid that you don't think a loaded gun is a potential hazard if it is mishandled. In which case you have no respect for the gun & should not be handling it.

This is how ridiculous you gun control nutters are.

You can't admit that the "risk" posed by people who legally carry is far less than that posed by any number of circumstances you accept without question every day.

Either you are suffering from paranoid delusion or . . . there actually isn't any other option I can see.

You are in far more danger every single day from every single person driving a car in your vicinity. I note that you are not frantically trying to prevent people from driving cars around you to "protect your safety". That gun in your hypothetical of us walking somewhere next to each other is far less likely to suddenly go off and shoot you than my car is to develop a mechanical failure and run into your car as we're driving along beside each other. And any "toter" you'd care to name is less likely to suddenly pull the gun and shoot you than at least half of the people driving on any given road are to make a bonehead mistake and hit you.

Just as I have been a victim of the violent crime you so airily assure me A) will never happen, and B) I would be "safer" just facing defenseless than attempting to protect myself, I have also been hit by a car simply because the driver carelessly didn't think to look to her right for pedestrians before pulling out of a parking lot driveway.

You know what I HAVEN'T been? Shot, or even shot at, by someone carrying a licensed firearm. Haven't even had such a firearm waved in my general direction.
I feel so big and masculine when I carry a gun; and nobody better fool with me, when I'm toting.
This is how ridiculous you toters are.

You can't admit that a person carrying a loaded weapon in public poses a risk.

Either you are lying (again).

Or you are so fucking stupid that you don't think a loaded gun is a potential hazard if it is mishandled. In which case you have no respect for the gun & should not be handling it.

This is how ridiculous you gun control nutters are.

You can't admit that the "risk" posed by people who legally carry is far less than that posed by any number of circumstances you accept without question every day.

Either you are suffering from paranoid delusion or . . . there actually isn't any other option I can see.

You are in far more danger every single day from every single person driving a car in your vicinity. I note that you are not frantically trying to prevent people from driving cars around you to "protect your safety". That gun in your hypothetical of us walking somewhere next to each other is far less likely to suddenly go off and shoot you than my car is to develop a mechanical failure and run into your car as we're driving along beside each other. And any "toter" you'd care to name is less likely to suddenly pull the gun and shoot you than at least half of the people driving on any given road are to make a bonehead mistake and hit you.

Just as I have been a victim of the violent crime you so airily assure me A) will never happen, and B) I would be "safer" just facing defenseless than attempting to protect myself, I have also been hit by a car simply because the driver carelessly didn't think to look to her right for pedestrians before pulling out of a parking lot driveway.

You know what I HAVEN'T been? Shot, or even shot at, by someone carrying a licensed firearm. Haven't even had such a firearm waved in my general direction.

I have had a Colt Peacemaker held to my forehead by a fruitcake that had designs on my wife (I didn't know he had at the time). I calmly told him to either pull the trigger or put it away. It unhinged him to the point he went to bed and stayed there. I was not that far off from returning from South East Asia so my brain was not exactly normal at the time. BTW, he ended up with the wife. I should have sent him a thank you not and a box of 45 long colts. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it.

Don't you even tell anyone that they have never been faced with anything. You are just blowing shit out your blow hole. There is no law that says this nutcase can't have a weapon but, trust me, there should be. He thought it was going to be funny. Most people would have panicked. I went completely devoid of emotion and was weighing my options including killing him. He uncocked the weapon, broke down, dropped the weapon and went directly to bed where he broke down all the way. Even to this day, I can't believe that something like this could ever happen. Insanity at it's worst. And to think we allow nut cases like that to have guns.
This is how ridiculous you toters are.

You can't admit that a person carrying a loaded weapon in public poses a risk.

Either you are lying (again).

Or you are so fucking stupid that you don't think a loaded gun is a potential hazard if it is mishandled. In which case you have no respect for the gun & should not be handling it.

Carrying a gun poses no risk. Shooting a gun does.

I spend all day on the road. If I had the legal authority to do so, I could take at least 50 drivers off the road each day. You'd be amazed at the stupidest shit people do around a semi while driving. Over 34,000 vehicle deaths occur every year in the US; mostly because of people mishandling their vehicle. Should we start taking drivers licenses away because of that? After all, there were only a little over 500 deaths a year from accidental gun discharges.
OK I gert it.

If You & I are walking in a crowded park. Me unarmed, you toting a loaded weapon. Which one of us poses a higher risk of getting someone injured or killed by a weapon we are carrying?

My risk is zero. If you claim yours is zero then you are just a liar.

That's about the stupidest analogy I've ever read. That's like asking who is more likely to get hit by a bus, the person crossing the street or the person in the bus?

My statement is the truth. You know it. The idea you toters argue that just proves how ignorant you people really are.

So we are at risk of getting run over by a bus so we shouldn't care if you yeahoos add to the risk? Really?

Buses perform a needed service. You toting a gun does not.

It does for me and millions of other Americans in the past. If you don’t think being armed is needed, then don’t carry. But don’t tell me what my needs are.

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Your needs put others at risk.

How exactly?
Why concealed?

Are you ashamed?

Because so many people have a tendency to figuratively piss themselves when a firearm is carried openly.

I feel uncomfortable with many people wearing their guns openly. I watch for body language and see many with that "Hip Roll" that, as far as I an concerned, is threatening to all those around them and meant to be. It's right up there with pulling your weapon out. I am not a fan of Open Carry and never have been. But i am a big fan of Concealed Carry as long as there is some kind of training and licensing that goes with it. There are more than a few times that an Open Carry has lead to problems but only once has a CCW person been recorded killing someone needlessly. And that was a retired Sheriff in a Movie House. Goes to show that it can be extremely unhealthy to smack your lips too loud when eating popcorn.

If a person is doing it right, I will still probably be aware that they are packing when the are CCW but only because there will be tell tell things from body language but it won't be agressive. Pretty much, after the training, the aggressive nature is weeded out when you learn just how much serious trouble you will get into just by showing your weapon in public. All of a sudden, it' s no Rexall Ranger anymore. It's real. And then you start weighing whether you even need to be carrying your weapon with you at all times at all.
Not long ago, I walked to the mailbox, and along my route I saw a Copperhead snake. For those who are uninformed about this particular snake, it is venomous. A healthy adult probably will not die from the bite, providing that they receive medical attention promptly. However, children, and elderly, will find the bite far more deadly. Not to mention pets. Everyone on my street has dogs, and I have cats as well. Additionally my neighbor is in his 80’s, and he would probably find the bite life threatening.

So this snake was a danger to my pets, my neighbors, and the children who live a quarter mile away.

I pulled the pistol I habitually carry, and shot the snake. I was in my yard, in my neighborhood, if you can call it a neighborhood to live in such a rural area. Yet I was armed, because this is not the first wildlife threat I’ve found myself facing. We also have Wild Boar, which are very aggressive and potentially dangerous or deadly. Coyotes are heard from time to time as they roam along the wooded areas that take up a vast majority of the space out here.

I did not go looking for the snake. I did not go out of my way searching for it. I found it on my normal path, walking to the mailbox in my rural area, on my land. In my yard, the area with grass and such.

So why carry a gun? Because if I had to turn around and rush to the house to get the pistol, the snake may have moved, and been difficult, or impossible to locate. Perhaps he would have returned to the woods, where I sometimes walk, to check the property, but never in a hunting frame of mind. That snake might have bitten my dog, my cats, or my neighbors pets. It might have bitten my neighbor, the old man who has his mailbox positioned next to mine. It might have bitten a child. The best you could hope for is an expensive trip to the Emergency Room, sucking your cash out to pay for the care you would need to minimize the danger.

There is much truth in the old saying. It is better to have, and not need, than to need and not have. There are. Probably a dozen more Copperheads within two hundred yards of where I sit. In the woods, or marshy areas. Hunting and living, and just as much of a danger to the neighborhood as the one I shot. I did not break the law. In Georgia, you can kill venomous snakes, but not non venomous snakes. The experts tell you to take two steps back, and run away if you come across one. That is not my way. It leaves the problem for another. It leaves the danger for my 80 year old neighbor, his dog, or the dogs two doors down who meander over to say hello now and then.

It leaves the danger for the children, who ride their bikes up and down the dirt road.

So why do you need to carry a gun? Because there are more dangers than the odd robbery, or attempted murder. Because the world is filled with threats, two legged, four legged, and even no legs at all. With a gun, you have a much better chance of survival than without. With a gun, you do not guarantee survival, but you increase your odds dramatically.

Yes, accidents are going to happen, just as they do with cars and drivers. Yes, people are going to use the gun to criminally harm another. And yes, people who have guns are going to die before they can get the thing into play. I didn’t say it was a miracle answer, I just said it increases your odds of survival. No one can guarantee your safety or protection. The best that they, or I, can do is give you a fighting chance at survival. Be it from a Copperhead, or a Shitheaded thug. If you choose to take no action to protect yourself, that is your choice, and I’ll respect it. But do not try and take that right from others, because I won’t respect that.
Ridiculous sophistry.

No one ‘needs’ to carry a gun.

Carrying a concealed firearm is a subjective, personal preference.

Just as I carry a concealed firearm not out of ‘need’ but due to preference.

IF you carry ( I don't think you have the balls to) but IF you do you hope to be able to use it on whitey.

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