Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

She is young and dumb and I feel sorry for her. I remember being young and dumb.

But I hate what she is helping to do to America.

I hate that she is so alarmingly attractive to so many people.

And I believe Rush is right when he says Pelosi will some day knock her off her pedestal.

I am sad for this dumb young Woman, but I'd be glad to have her discredited in the eyes of her supporters.


It's Republicans that have focused on AOC and continue to thrust her into the national spotlight. She is only one of many freshman congress people. A beginner at politics.

The Republicans focus on her because she is on the fringe - an extremist. They are trying desperately trying to convince the American people that she represents the majority of liberals - which she does not.

However, this may very well backfire on Republicans - as more Americans hear what she has to say, more Americans may start to think her ideas are valid. It may be the first step in a massive swing to the left in America.

From what I've seen of the 'Green New Deal', most of it is unrealistic nonsense. A list of 'nice intentions', but totally void of reality. But don't count on most American being able to tell the difference between what's possible and what is not.

Hell, when you consider the blatant lies and obvious falsehoods that have been believed and promoted by Trumpbots in the past couple of years, it seems only reasonable that some liberals are equally entitled to live in their own fantasy world too!
The tribes bash each other out of pure reflexive impulse now. It appears to be the first behavior that pops to mind.

That doesn't make any of it true, of course, but I don't think honesty or accuracy are particular priorities at this point.

I would agree with you, except for AOC.
She is the progressive/radical American left poster child.
She does not share the same goals as you and I.
Liberal or Conservative, the vast middle ground of America shares the same fundamental goals. Something those of us who are mostly straight shooters wish we would talk more about.
The progressive left does not share our goals. They do not want America to succeed. They want to instead transform America into something very, very different than the majority of the rest of us want.
So, on this, I disagree with you.
My only suggestion (not that you asked for it!) would be to look at her as a symptom rather than a target. Mocking her and making fun of her is fine, that's what we do nowadays. But it appears she does represent a growing part of our society, and her opponents will need to come up with something more than just mockery.

Unless you think she is NOT a symptom and just a one-off, an aberration. But that seems risky to me.

Oh I definitely do not believe she is a one off, rather a dangerous path forger to those like her, and worse.
And I agree simple mockery and mud slinging will do nothing to convince her followers to abandon her ideology. (who actually know very little on what she stands for)
Her path is to fundamentally transform America into a nation of dependents.
Look, my generation produced millennials. We babied them, overly protected them and gave them pretty much whatever they wanted regardless of behavior. They are entering into the world and are VERY much seeking a new parent. Someone to continue to keep protect them from anything that might upset them, provide for them regardless of behavior or value added to the society they want to leech off of.
And to them - AOC looks wonderful.
I know this sounds terrible. There may be ways to wean them off of this plateau. One might be a nice long conventional war with the draft reinstated. It won't be popular. And may have to include a small part of our nation devastated. That would mean life would change for most of us except the elites. Of course other may come up with more reasonable alternatives.
I just think she is young and naive and has no real idea how life in the real world really works.
She understands her constituency and their struggles

More than most Congressmen
If that was the case she wouldn't be purposing alll the crazy unrealistic things she does this stuff she puts out there like the new green deal sounds great on paper and in theroy but the reality is very different.

Again...................you guys don't appear to understand the difference between a NON BINDING RESOLUTION and a bill that is signed into law.

If its a bill that is signed into law, it is something that everyone must follow and adhere to.

If it is a NON BINDING RESOLUTION, then it is a frame work of ideas that they hope are workable, but it is non binding and doesn't have to be followed. This non binding resolution is simply a hope of what they want to accomplish, and a framework to follow, but it is not binding in any way. And, fwiw, Congress has passed quite a few of them.
I understand all that what i also understand is she truly seems to believe everything she said she only walks it back when people start pointing out the obvious problems with it to her as I have said before she comes off as someone who is very naive with no real life experience and it shows. Maybe that will change as she gets older and matures however Congress is not really a place where people learn how the real world works.
I just think she is young and naive and has no real idea how life in the real world really works.
She understands her constituency and their struggles

More than most Congressmen

READ: She understands her constituency and know hows to exploit that to gain power. PERIOD.
She is a user. She wants power. It is easy to see. And if you can't - you are blind by your partisanship.
That is the purpose of elected officials

To advocate for the needs of their constituents
The purpose of elected officials is to exploit voters to gain power for themselves?
She reminds me of a young Hillary Clinton, but crazier, more idealistic and half as intelligent.
our current policy is quite expensive.

the right wing has no revenue solutions.
Says a socialist
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

what solution does the Right Wing have?

in left wing fantasy, our chief magistrate of the Union,

merely has to proclaim, Only lousy capitalists lose money on public policies with a Commerce Clause.
The national debt has been far too large to paid back for decades… It really doesn’t make any difference anymore
I just think she is young and naive and has no real idea how life in the real world really works.
She understands her constituency and their struggles

More than most Congressmen

READ: She understands her constituency and know hows to exploit that to gain power. PERIOD.
She is a user. She wants power. It is easy to see. And if you can't - you are blind by your partisanship.
That is the purpose of elected officials

To advocate for the needs of their constituents
The purpose of elected officials is to exploit voters to gain power for themselves?
She reminds me of a young Hillary Clinton, but crazier, more idealistic and half as intelligent.

Unlike most of her colleagues, AOC has gone door to door to meet the people and hear their problems. Many Americans have the same problems with healthcare, education, wages. Most Americans care about the environment

Not all problems can be solved by giving tax breaks to billionaires
I just think she is young and naive and has no real idea how life in the real world really works.
She understands her constituency and their struggles

More than most Congressmen

READ: She understands her constituency and know hows to exploit that to gain power. PERIOD.
She is a user. She wants power. It is easy to see. And if you can't - you are blind by your partisanship.
That is the purpose of elected officials

To advocate for the needs of their constituents
The purpose of elected officials is to exploit voters to gain power for themselves?
She reminds me of a young Hillary Clinton, but crazier, more idealistic and half as intelligent.

Unlike most of her colleagues, AOC has gone door to door to meet the people and hear their problems. Many Americans have the same problems with healthcare, education, wages. Most Americans care about the environment

Not all problems can be solved by giving tax breaks to billionaires

Sure, but she was serving drinks at the time.
I just think she is young and naive and has no real idea how life in the real world really works.
She understands her constituency and their struggles

More than most Congressmen

READ: She understands her constituency and know hows to exploit that to gain power. PERIOD.
She is a user. She wants power. It is easy to see. And if you can't - you are blind by your partisanship.
That is the purpose of elected officials

To advocate for the needs of their constituents
The purpose of elected officials is to exploit voters to gain power for themselves?
She reminds me of a young Hillary Clinton, but crazier, more idealistic and half as intelligent.

Unlike most of her colleagues, AOC has gone door to door to meet the people and hear their problems. Many Americans have the same problems with healthcare, education, wages. Most Americans care about the environment

Not all problems can be solved by giving tax breaks to billionaires
I just think she is young and naive and has no real idea how life in the real world really works.
She understands her constituency and their struggles

More than most Congressmen
If that was the case she wouldn't be purposing alll the crazy unrealistic things she does this stuff she puts out there like the new green deal sounds great on paper and in theroy but the reality is very different.

Again...................you guys don't appear to understand the difference between a NON BINDING RESOLUTION and a bill that is signed into law.

If its a bill that is signed into law, it is something that everyone must follow and adhere to.

If it is a NON BINDING RESOLUTION, then it is a frame work of ideas that they hope are workable, but it is non binding and doesn't have to be followed. This non binding resolution is simply a hope of what they want to accomplish, and a framework to follow, but it is not binding in any way. And, fwiw, Congress has passed quite a few of them.
I understand all that what i also understand is she truly seems to believe everything she said she only walks it back when people start pointing out the obvious problems with it to her as I have said before she comes off as someone who is very naive with no real life experience and it shows. Maybe that will change as she gets older and matures however Congress is not really a place where people learn how the real world works.

Again, if you guys understand it is a NON BINDING RESOLUTION, then why are conservatives acting like she's bringing about the end of the world? They are good ideas, and while some may not be completely practical at this time, it shouldn't mean we can't aspire towards trying to clean up the environment.

And, again.....................it's not a law, just a collection of suggestions to aspire to. Ignore it if it bothers you, because it's non binding.
I just think she is young and naive and has no real idea how life in the real world really works.
She understands her constituency and their struggles

More than most Congressmen
If that was the case she wouldn't be purposing alll the crazy unrealistic things she does this stuff she puts out there like the new green deal sounds great on paper and in theroy but the reality is very different.

Again...................you guys don't appear to understand the difference between a NON BINDING RESOLUTION and a bill that is signed into law.

If its a bill that is signed into law, it is something that everyone must follow and adhere to.

If it is a NON BINDING RESOLUTION, then it is a frame work of ideas that they hope are workable, but it is non binding and doesn't have to be followed. This non binding resolution is simply a hope of what they want to accomplish, and a framework to follow, but it is not binding in any way. And, fwiw, Congress has passed quite a few of them.
I understand all that what i also understand is she truly seems to believe everything she said she only walks it back when people start pointing out the obvious problems with it to her as I have said before she comes off as someone who is very naive with no real life experience and it shows. Maybe that will change as she gets older and matures however Congress is not really a place where people learn how the real world works.

Again, if you guys understand it is a NON BINDING RESOLUTION, then why are conservatives acting like she's bringing about the end of the world? They are good ideas, and while some may not be completely practical at this time, it shouldn't mean we can't aspire towards trying to clean up the environment.

And, again.....................it's not a law, just a collection of suggestions to aspire to. Ignore it if it bothers you, because it's non binding.

She understands her constituency and their struggles

More than most Congressmen
If that was the case she wouldn't be purposing alll the crazy unrealistic things she does this stuff she puts out there like the new green deal sounds great on paper and in theroy but the reality is very different.

Again...................you guys don't appear to understand the difference between a NON BINDING RESOLUTION and a bill that is signed into law.

If its a bill that is signed into law, it is something that everyone must follow and adhere to.

If it is a NON BINDING RESOLUTION, then it is a frame work of ideas that they hope are workable, but it is non binding and doesn't have to be followed. This non binding resolution is simply a hope of what they want to accomplish, and a framework to follow, but it is not binding in any way. And, fwiw, Congress has passed quite a few of them.
I understand all that what i also understand is she truly seems to believe everything she said she only walks it back when people start pointing out the obvious problems with it to her as I have said before she comes off as someone who is very naive with no real life experience and it shows. Maybe that will change as she gets older and matures however Congress is not really a place where people learn how the real world works.

Again, if you guys understand it is a NON BINDING RESOLUTION, then why are conservatives acting like she's bringing about the end of the world? They are good ideas, and while some may not be completely practical at this time, it shouldn't mean we can't aspire towards trying to clean up the environment.

And, again.....................it's not a law, just a collection of suggestions to aspire to. Ignore it if it bothers you, because it's non binding.


That is a serious non sequitur. Your meme says "statism, ideas so good they have to be mandatory". Hate to tell you, but non binding resolutions are suggestions, they aren't mandatory.
She understands her constituency and their struggles

More than most Congressmen

READ: She understands her constituency and know hows to exploit that to gain power. PERIOD.
She is a user. She wants power. It is easy to see. And if you can't - you are blind by your partisanship.
That is the purpose of elected officials

To advocate for the needs of their constituents
The purpose of elected officials is to exploit voters to gain power for themselves?
She reminds me of a young Hillary Clinton, but crazier, more idealistic and half as intelligent.

Unlike most of her colleagues, AOC has gone door to door to meet the people and hear their problems. Many Americans have the same problems with healthcare, education, wages. Most Americans care about the environment

Not all problems can be solved by giving tax breaks to billionaires

Sure, but she was serving drinks at the time.
Nothing wrong with bar tending. It is an honorable profession and a good way to meet and talk to people
I just think she is young and naive and has no real idea how life in the real world really works.
She understands her constituency and their struggles

More than most Congressmen
If that was the case she wouldn't be purposing alll the crazy unrealistic things she does this stuff she puts out there like the new green deal sounds great on paper and in theroy but the reality is very different.

Again...................you guys don't appear to understand the difference between a NON BINDING RESOLUTION and a bill that is signed into law.

If its a bill that is signed into law, it is something that everyone must follow and adhere to.

If it is a NON BINDING RESOLUTION, then it is a frame work of ideas that they hope are workable, but it is non binding and doesn't have to be followed. This non binding resolution is simply a hope of what they want to accomplish, and a framework to follow, but it is not binding in any way. And, fwiw, Congress has passed quite a few of them.
I understand all that what i also understand is she truly seems to believe everything she said she only walks it back when people start pointing out the obvious problems with it to her as I have said before she comes off as someone who is very naive with no real life experience and it shows. Maybe that will change as she gets older and matures however Congress is not really a place where people learn how the real world works.

Again, if you guys understand it is a NON BINDING RESOLUTION, then why are conservatives acting like she's bringing about the end of the world? They are good ideas, and while some may not be completely practical at this time, it shouldn't mean we can't aspire towards trying to clean up the environment.

And, again.....................it's not a law, just a collection of suggestions to aspire to. Ignore it if it bothers you, because it's non binding.
You have to take the whole thing into consideration. California needs common sense forest and resivour/manned made lake policies. Common sense policies that does not put a snail darter over the importance of humans. This is the way you look at everything about everything that includes everything. Here in Florida big upgrades in building codes are needed with infrastructure improvements for hurricanes.
If that was the case she wouldn't be purposing alll the crazy unrealistic things she does this stuff she puts out there like the new green deal sounds great on paper and in theroy but the reality is very different.

Again...................you guys don't appear to understand the difference between a NON BINDING RESOLUTION and a bill that is signed into law.

If its a bill that is signed into law, it is something that everyone must follow and adhere to.

If it is a NON BINDING RESOLUTION, then it is a frame work of ideas that they hope are workable, but it is non binding and doesn't have to be followed. This non binding resolution is simply a hope of what they want to accomplish, and a framework to follow, but it is not binding in any way. And, fwiw, Congress has passed quite a few of them.
I understand all that what i also understand is she truly seems to believe everything she said she only walks it back when people start pointing out the obvious problems with it to her as I have said before she comes off as someone who is very naive with no real life experience and it shows. Maybe that will change as she gets older and matures however Congress is not really a place where people learn how the real world works.

Again, if you guys understand it is a NON BINDING RESOLUTION, then why are conservatives acting like she's bringing about the end of the world? They are good ideas, and while some may not be completely practical at this time, it shouldn't mean we can't aspire towards trying to clean up the environment.

And, again.....................it's not a law, just a collection of suggestions to aspire to. Ignore it if it bothers you, because it's non binding.


That is a serious non sequitur. Your meme says "statism, ideas so good they have to be mandatory". Hate to tell you, but non binding resolutions are suggestions, they aren't mandatory.
Like taxes and socialist entitlement program … Once something is in place it’s impossible to get rid of.
Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

She is young and dumb and I feel sorry for her. I remember being young and dumb.

But I hate what she is helping to do to America.

I hate that she is so alarmingly attractive to so many people.

And I believe Rush is right when he says Pelosi will some day knock her off her pedestal.

I am sad for this dumb young Woman, but I'd be glad to have her discredited in the eyes of her supporters.


I bash her mindless ideas... because they are insane.

Reminds me of people being interviewed about the Green New Deal... at first everyone is like "This is great!" and then they hear what is in it, and everyone backs off.

The ideas she spouts are insane.

Her as a person? I don't know her. I feel kind of sorry for her.
INDEED marx was nothing but a druken bum
Shes still a blathering idiot .she thought NYS now had 3 billion dollars to spend .She deserves a refund from Boston U
or do the taxpayers deserve a refund with all the programs she took advantage of ? ?

The commies will tell you while standing on the necks of starving Americans that you have to break a few eggs to make an omlette ...
but we're out of eggs
because that wasnt real socialism
ever see a starving American today ? if an american died of starvation CNN would be broadcasting every detail of thier lives 24/7

ive been watching western europes slow motion collapse for over a decade THEY are no one to take lessons from .

People die at home waiting for surgery in some "advanced western euro " soon to be african shitholes .social safety nets are already being stretched to the breaking point
READ: She understands her constituency and know hows to exploit that to gain power. PERIOD.
She is a user. She wants power. It is easy to see. And if you can't - you are blind by your partisanship.
That is the purpose of elected officials

To advocate for the needs of their constituents
The purpose of elected officials is to exploit voters to gain power for themselves?
She reminds me of a young Hillary Clinton, but crazier, more idealistic and half as intelligent.

Unlike most of her colleagues, AOC has gone door to door to meet the people and hear their problems. Many Americans have the same problems with healthcare, education, wages. Most Americans care about the environment

Not all problems can be solved by giving tax breaks to billionaires

Sure, but she was serving drinks at the time.
Nothing wrong with bar tending. It is an honorable profession and a good way to meet and talk to people
There is nothing wrong with it if term limits were applied. 18 years for both part of the congress should be the limit at max. Pelosi and others created this monster. Being in the Congress for 50 years is not an honor. It is a tragedy. Being a Progressive Socialist representative/senator is the easiest job in political history. The pressure is not on them. It does however put pressure on RINO Repubs and NEO CONS with the dwindling amount of real Democrats in tow.
Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

She is young and dumb and I feel sorry for her. I remember being young and dumb.

But I hate what she is helping to do to America.

I hate that she is so alarmingly attractive to so many people.

And I believe Rush is right when he says Pelosi will some day knock her off her pedestal.

I am sad for this dumb young Woman, but I'd be glad to have her discredited in the eyes of her supporters.

This idiot actually celebrated her state losing several 1000 high paying jobs and $25Billion into NY coffers.

What a maroon...

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