Why do you support Ukraine?

Prevent Russia from expanding its control over a democracy.
Ukraine is not worth one US dollar or one US life. Let Putin have that corrupt country, it was part of Russia for decades, let him have it and let him deal with its corrupt leaders. Oh, but that would stop the payments to the Biden family, so we can't do that, right?

Ukraine is not a democracy, it is a corrupt dictatorship.
There is absolutely no vital American interest in Ukraine. There’s no American interest in who controls the separatist regions of Ukraine.

The corruption alone in Ukraine should be enough to keep the US out of that conflict.

Ukraine is basically an oligarchy, not a dictatorship.
The sheer selfishness and ugliness of a know it all armchair American saying we should support Ukraine and send the F-16s or send the tanks in or give them $100 billion. Why don’t they get off their lazy ass and go fight for the Ukrainian army …they certainly talk a big game so get the hell out of America and go live in Ukraine and go fight for Ukraine.

just imagine if there were some guy in Rwanda who is saying you know what we should set $110 billion to Mexico to invade America. Or just imagine the sheer audacity of somebody from Israel or somebody from The united Arab saying you know let’s send $100 billion to a country that is at war with the United States. Just imagine if the United States had gone after whatever country and then somebody says from a third part country let’s send $100 billion, let’s send the tanks send the jets to this country that America invaded. And then that person is not even involved in the warfare . And they’re saying oh “it’s all in the name of democracy” . this is what are the main issues going on here. It’s those “know it all Americans”

we are in the United States of America we were not invited by Russia.

We have a country here where to many Americans on fast food they’re on dope right now the great majority of Americans want out of this war but it’s those know it all Americans the armchair generals they don’t have any blood on the line those (not even worth saying) yay those armchair generals can keep on pounding their Big Macs thinking they know what they’re talking about when they don’t know anything.

When America invaded Iraq in 2003 Russia stayed out of it. But make no mistake you had people in Russia say hey we should send the money to the iraqi‘s to kill Americans. The sheer violence of it and insanity of it and these “Cold War veterans”Americans who never really know what struggle is like never had to deal with their legs getting blown off never had to deal with a horrible injury like so many of the Iraq war veterans had like so many of the World War II veterans that these damn cold war veterans who never actually fought in a war. What a joke

That’s what we’re dealing with when it comes to the anti-Russian mentality it’s mostly from these older Americans the same people who support BLM the same idiots who support voting for people who are wrecking our country. These people never served in any war if they were maybe stationed in western Germany in a bunker… waiting for the Russians to come which never happened.

I’m not talking about Vietnam war veterans when I say “cold war veterans”. And I have nothing against Cold War era military members just know it all ones who never had any skin in the game never know what it’s like to go through a horrible injury.

It’s one thing to see a veteran who fought in a war especially those who had their legs blown off to weigh in on the Russia Ukraine war and why America should join the fight

Different story wrt the Pos armchair general Americans who never had any skin in the game, never knows what it’s like to have to go through a traumatic injury….. It’s those Americans who are the worst of all.
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Hundreds of thousands of good men from Ukraine and Russia are reported to have died in this war. And the United States gov (not the people but people in our government) just keeps up the war machine they just keep funding this thing. That’s not right that’s against Christianity.
We need new leadership in America. We need leadership which puts American interests first. Not the intersects of foreign nations. Some of which are not particularly friendly towards the US.

This neo-con philosophy of needlessly projecting military power all over the world needs to end.

I’m tired of these people who want to prove how tough they are by sending others to die for the causes they support.
If some idiot feels that strongly about this conflict, he can always throw in with the other idiots who have gone to Ukraine and volunteered to fight on their side. We could use a good gene pool cleaning.
As I have said before many times: "Putin the Commie, is the lesser of 2 evils. Zelensky, the Nazi is the most evil of the two. I feel compassion for the honest citizens of both countries but the leaders of both countries deserve to be hung off the sign of an Aral gas station like their uncle Benito Mussolini.

What has Zelensky done that is worse than invade another country?
Putin has been attacking the Ukraine, impoverishing it ever since he got into power.
He's had so many people killed, or attempted to have them killed, including a Ukrainian presidential candidate he didn't like.

I don't see how some guy who's only been in power since May 2019 and hasn't done much at all to be seen as evil, is seen by you as being way more evil than one of the worst dictators out there.
There is absolutely no vital American interest in Ukraine. There’s no American interest in who controls the separatist regions of Ukraine.

The corruption alone in Ukraine should be enough to keep the US out of that conflict.

Ukraine is basically an oligarchy, not a dictatorship.

Well, there is. The US's interest there lies in preventing Russia from expanding and increasing its influence.

In 2011 when Russia and the Ukraine were having problems growing crops, the lack of food caused the Arab Spring.
In order to keep allies, you need allies to be STABLE, and the Ukraine is a part of that. With that amount of wheat that is exported in the hands of Russia, rather than the Ukraine, the US loses a lot of stability among poorer nations that might support the US rather than Russia or China.
What has Zelensky done that is worse than invade another country?
Putin has been attacking the Ukraine, impoverishing it ever since he got into power.
He's had so many people killed, or attempted to have them killed, including a Ukrainian presidential candidate he didn't like.

I don't see how some guy who's only been in power since May 2019 and hasn't done much at all to be seen as evil, is seen by you as being way more evil than one of the worst dictators out there.
Zelensky is a stooge of the Khazarian Mafia and the OWG and is the titular head of the worlds biggest child trafficking cartel as well as drug trafficking and money laundering.
Back in the day a lot of people in Ireland were killed and oppressed by the English. But it wasn’t a one off sort of policy there were Irish men who worked with the English. Yes in the Soviet territories there were people from every Soviet territory that appreciated the Soviet union.

And I suppose in every country we have the very bad stories like the stuff that your family and friends have had to go through. sorry to hear about that and I appreciate your point of view in this thread and look forward to learning more from you.…You know that happened in the 1970s in northern Ireland when brave Irishman fought for their independence ..some that were brutally tortured by the British establishment.

My people the Irish have fought the British throughout the centuries and Have done so bravely. And the Irish Americans have built this country

I am an Irishman an American of Irish background my great grandfather immigrated from Ireland. But I don’t harbor this ill will toward the British like I see how some people from India believe that Winston Churchill was like Adolf Hitler perhaps like you believe Joseph Stalin was like Adolf Hitler or something of that nature.

I wonder what it’s like for the family and relatives of Irish men who were killed and oppress by the English throughout history and what they might say about the English.

To the point about Russia because it’s not Vladimir Putin but it’s Russia. To the point about Russia going after other countries other than Ukraine I’m not buying it yet. No way because the United States of America invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and just two years later and wait for Iraq. So if Russia wanted one of the smaller countries they would’ve already gone for it. And I would be really surprised if Russia goes after all of Ukraine anyways. It seems like they only want eastern Ukraine. Let’s look at Russia going after Ukraine compared to America going after Iraq …which do you think was more justified ? Ukraine is right on Russia’s border it’s something like 30% of Ukraine is pro Russian according to an Indian general.

Whereas United States of America was thousands of miles away from Iraq

Another point on top of this all don’t we live in a militarized world my friend. You know I don’t like warfare and by the way I’ve met quite a few people from Bulgaria and they are excellent people. I’ve met people from the former Yugoslavia and they all told me that the former communist Yugoslavia was a great place to live. At least that’s what the Bosnians told me…. they said that Tito was a great guy so I guess maybe not all communist states were bad?

I know people from the former Soviet union a former coworker of mine who is a Muslim something like 75 years old from Uzbekistan or one of the Muslim majority states of the Soviet union. He always told me that the Soviet union was a much better place than the Russian federation or America… and you know that there are plenty of people like that who live in Russia today and who live in former Soviet states none of them had a gun pointed at her head and they say that the Soviet times were better than what we see today.

What do you say to these honorable people?

You ask me I prefer American style democracy to to communism…. But there are people in this world who say there were good communist states Again like Yugoslavia

Dynasty in some cases of the world were the choice is either communism or some kind of a radical theocracy there’s no doubt that the communist state is way way better.

Would you rather live in communist Afghanistan or the hell hole that is the Taliban controlled Afghanistan?

I've got a foot in that camp as well. Mother's side of the family were Irish and came out to Australia in the 1850s. Don't get me started on Irish Independence!!!

Up the Republic!!!!!

In Oz though I am definitely a Constitutional Monarchist.

We need new leadership in America. We need leadership which puts American interests first. Not the intersects of foreign nations. Some of which are not particularly friendly towards the US.

This neo-con philosophy of needlessly projecting military power all over the world needs to end.

I’m tired of these people who want to prove how tough they are by sending others to die for the causes they support.
The Ukraine was VERY FRIENDLY towards the US...especially Hunter and "The Big Guy" and associated blood suckers!!!

Biden gave Putin the go-ahead. "Small incursion"....the fucking idiot!!!

Hey folks; YOU DO REALISE THAT THERE ARE GOOD ARGUMENTS ON BOTH SIDES. If Biden offered $100B then I would be remiss if I said i doubt the Ukes would see half of that on the Battlefield as useful Info or ordnance. Demstapo don't let a good crisis go to waste!!!

However, the Ukes will fight to the bitter end and Europe is their lead support in this; not that Demented Death Rattle Biden!!!

Zelensky is a stooge of the Khazarian Mafia and the OWG and is the titular head of the worlds biggest child trafficking cartel as well as drug trafficking and money laundering.

Yeah, and where did you get this "information" from?
This thread is meant for Americans who support Ukraine or I suppose Canadians or Europeans for that matter. Why do you support Ukraine?

Let me explain my position on the war I am neutral in the Russia Ukraine war. As an American I recognize that we invaded dated Iraq … for anyone here who supports Ukraine when we invaded Iraq in 2003 did you support Iraq? If not then what kind of logic do you have? When we went to war in Vietnam to defend south Vietnam from north Vietnam did you support north Vietnam ? because if you didn’t then why are you supporting Ukraine today?

Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia did not invade the United States of America. As an American I have no reason to be against Russia they did not support Saddam Hussein and Iraq in 2003 and they could have quite easily… but they did not they could’ve sent them tons and tons of F-16 jets or they could’ve sent them rifles they could’ve sent them plenty of tanks who knows chemical weapons they could’ve sent them many things that’s the point but they didn’t.

I suspect many people here support Ukraine because their government is telling them to do so. Because they see pictures on the media outlets including right wing and left wing …showing some Ukrainian refugees and children crying. Going by that same logic literally the same logic because we’re all human beings doesn’t matter what country you’re from unless somebody is a bigot. ….What about the grandmas in Iraq that were crying and screaming because of their dead grandchildren when the Americans invaded?

I can already imagine some of the far left wing and even the neo conservative responses

oh Saddam Hussein’s not the same thing as Zelenskyy”

Well actually Saddam Hussein had a huge amount of support from Iraqi Christians and from women in Iraq. And look at today Iraq is almost controlled by Iran and there’s many people in Iraq many people in the Arab nation that are against Iran they don’t like seeing women forced to cover their hair. But in Iraq and parts of Iraq that’s an issue now. Wasn’t like that in the 1980s or 1990s when by the way America support Iraq in a fight against Iran.

Ukrainian lives matter , CNN tells me this so I support Ukraine, can’t you see what Vladimir Putin is doing to Ukraine. Can’t you see how evil the Russians are. Don’t you see all the pictures of people crying in Ukraine

This is not a logical argument from the neoconservatives and from the left-wing Americans. And here is why …you could look at the photos from the Vietnam war of young Vietnamese babies being killed Vietnamese children crying.

There are individual Americans and individual Russians who have committed war crimes in war…but most Americans and most Russians just like most Ukrainians are good people. This all goes back to one thing you see America has invaded other countries so when Russia invaded Ukraine don’t throw that stone in the glass house.

Finally and here’s something really important to consider. Yes it is true that Russia is not really like Vietnam or Iraq in one singular extraordinary sense. Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the world.


First piece of misinformation:

It’s not a war. It’s an invasion.

Second piece of misinformation:

Women, children, and grandmas are crying, because they are civilians being bombed by a country committing egregious war crimes.

Third piece of misinformation:

People, normal people that is, support Ukraine, because supporting a civilian population being bombed illegally, through no provocation whatsoever, is the right side of things.

Fourth piece of misinformation:

The murders of Ukrainian civilians are exactly that murder. The support being given to Ukraine is because a European country being invaded must be defended by any means necessary, and every inch of the country must be liberated from the terrorist invaders.


Putin is a war criminal, that needs a rope around his neck.
There is absolutely no vital American interest in Ukraine. There’s no American interest in who controls the separatist regions of Ukraine.

The corruption alone in Ukraine should be enough to keep the US out of that conflict.

Ukraine is basically an oligarchy, not a dictatorship.
we have to get involved to keep the money flowing to the Biden family, don't you understand that?
I've got a foot in that camp as well. Mother's side of the family were Irish and came out to Australia in the 1850s. Don't get me started on Irish Independence!!!

Up the Republic!!!!!

In Oz though I am definitely a Constitutional Monarchist.


Yeah there’s a cause brother worth standing for …the cause of Irish republicanism an independent and united Ireland. That’s something that many Americans supported throughout the 20th century. And it makes sense I totally get it I’m an Irish American Along with at least 30 million Americans.. Irish Americans have contributed immensely to the United States.

March 17 is coming up very soon! . We see Way way more Irish flags then we do Ukrainian flags in South Buffalo, that makes me really proud to be from where I am from.

My great grandfather immigrated to the United States from Ireland From my dads side. From my mom side I’m Italian. I say the best of both worlds Irish Italian. :)

First piece of misinformation:

It’s not a war. It’s an invasion.

Second piece of misinformation:

Women, children, and grandmas are crying, because they are civilians being bombed by a country committing egregious war crimes.

Third piece of misinformation:

People, normal people that is, support Ukraine, because supporting a civilian population being bombed illegally, through no provocation whatsoever, is the right side of things.

Fourth piece of misinformation:

The murders of Ukrainian civilians are exactly that murder. The support being given to Ukraine is because a European country being invaded must be defended by any means necessary, and every inch of the country must be liberated from the terrorist invaders.


Putin is a war criminal, that needs a rope around his neck.
Have you gone to support Palestinian causes? Have you gone to war torn ravaged areas of Africa? Why aren’t you asking the US government to send money to the Palestinians, to send money to the war torn areas of Africa? I mean you were talking like this is a moral issue after all.

Have you gone to fight for Ukraine yet? What are you doing in this country. You can go and volunteer in Ukraine if you’re older. If you actually truly care go to Ukrainian fight. Same thing with everyone in this thread who claims to support Ukraine. You got a Ukrainian flag in your avatar and I wonder with these people do if they have a Ukrainian flag and the rabbit or do they have Ukrainian ancestors why are they doing this?

An invasion is a war. Yikes Buddy you’re talking very weird.

Don’t get me started on international rules or international laws all written on pieces of paper that mean nothing at all. Certainly meant nothing when so many countries of history have gone to war that’s a part of history. So don’t try and bring in international laws my friend.

The Russian military has actually been very very nice if you look at some of the videos from Ukraine it shows them stopping for Ukrainian civilians. That’s not the case you talk with other veterans of the US military there is no way that a convoy is going to stop for some line of people trying to block the convoy. They don’t know if they have bombs on them or something similar.

In any war there are crimes. There are war crimes committed by Ukrainians and Russians and that happens in every war. So no need to be on your moral high horse. Most Ukrainians and most Russians are good people.

you’re on the wrong side of history. When we invaded Iraq in 2003 Russia could’ve sent Iraq billions of dollars could’ve sent them all sorts of big-time weapons but they did no such thing. We have no right to be supplying Ukraine we look like major hypocrites.
And the way you talk about the leader of a country is very much anti-American and you’re talking about Russia in the way that Joe Biden is not. Joe Biden says he doesn’t want regime change in Russia. For somebody like you who claims to be an independent thinker you’re just swallowing whatever the neo conservative media including CNN tells you.

Russians are beautiful people. They stood with us in the greatest war ever World War II. You see I’m a real Democrat I’m a real liberal. Nobody will ever forget the World War II alliance. Maybe you have? Please don’t. What a dark world it would be if the greatest generation of Americans didn’t stand up in World War II with the British with the Russians and with the Chinese.

We are Americans we’ve invaded other countries. This is not our fight at all. The way you talk is completely wrong you keep on talking about Ukrainian civilians getting bombed that’s how people talked when America invaded Iraq constantly talking about Iraqi civilians getting bombed. But there’s another way to look at it….. throughout world history the major countries of the world including the United States have taken out expansionist militaristic ideologies. This is a part of history and there are many other wars going on in the world throughout history that America has not gotten involved in there are wars that Russia has not gotten involved in. Like the Iraq war.

The warmongers come off as sounding like demented Warhawks. Selfish, self-centered people like Lindsey Graham who might get a few things right is completely wrong about this that’s the kind of guy you’re siding with you side with Joe Biden with Lindsey Graham with Mitt Romney. You’re on the same side as them. I’m on the side of freedom and America.

You’re watching way too much CNN. Start watching independent media outlets. And please pray for the many good men and Ukraine and Russia who have died because of this these are brave people and this war keeps up because the Neo cons in the United States is funding it. The American people especially those in East Palestine are very much angry that all of this money has been sent to Ukraine but not to the people of these Palestine who really need it who are scared of the future. And also the many homeless Americans including Vietnam veterans out there on the streets begging for money they need it we need to help out poor Americans.
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First piece of misinformation:

It’s not a war. It’s an invasion.

Second piece of misinformation:

Women, children, and grandmas are crying, because they are civilians being bombed by a country committing egregious war crimes.

Third piece of misinformation:

People, normal people that is, support Ukraine, because supporting a civilian population being bombed illegally, through no provocation whatsoever, is the right side of things.

Fourth piece of misinformation:

The murders of Ukrainian civilians are exactly that murder. The support being given to Ukraine is because a European country being invaded must be defended by any means necessary, and every inch of the country must be liberated from the terrorist invaders.


Putin is a war criminal, that needs a rope around his neck.
Have you gone to support Palestinian causes? Have you gone to war torn ravaged areas of Africa? Why aren’t you asking the US government to send money to the Palestinians, to send money to the war torn areas of Africa? I mean you were talking like this is a moral issue after all.

Have you gone to fight for Ukraine yet? What are you doing in this country. You can go and volunteer in Ukraine if you’re older. If you actually truly care go to Ukrainian fight. Same thing with everyone in this thread who claims to support Ukraine. You got a Ukrainian flag in your avatar and I wonder with these people they have a Ukrainian flag in their avatar ….but do they have Ukrainian ancestors why are they doing this?

There are according to Wikipedia only about 1 million Ukrainian Americans in this country. Contrast that with 30 million Irish Americans or the 40 million German Americans we have in this country. Or the Polish Americans we have in this country. So it’s quite clear that the few American to support Ukraine are doing so because they’re told to by the media and neoconservatives ….not for more legitimate reasons Like maybe their grandfather or their ancestors are from Ukraine.

An invasion is a war. Yikes Buddy you’re talking very weird.

Don’t get me started on international rules or international laws all written on pieces of paper that mean nothing at all. Certainly meant nothing when so many countries of history have gone to war that’s a part of history. So don’t try and bring in international laws my friend.

The Russian military has actually been very very nice if you look at some of the videos from Ukraine it shows them stopping for Ukrainian civilians. That’s not the case you talk with other veterans of the US military there is no way that a convoy is going to stop for some line of people trying to block the convoy. They don’t know if they have bombs on them or something similar.

In any war there are crimes. There are war crimes committed by Ukrainians and Russians and that happens in every war. So no need to be on your moral high horse. Most Ukrainians and most Russians are good people.

you’re on the wrong side of history. When we invaded Iraq in 2003 Russia could’ve sent Iraq billions of dollars could’ve sent them all sorts of big-time weapons but they did no such thing. We have no right to be supplying Ukraine we look like major hypocrites.
And the way you talk about the leader of a country is very much anti-American and you’re talking about Russia in the way that Joe Biden is not. Joe Biden says he doesn’t want regime change in Russia. For somebody like you who claims to be an independent thinker you’re just swallowing whatever the neo conservative media including CNN tells you.

Russians are beautiful people. They stood with us in the greatest war ever World War II. You see I’m a real Democrat I’m a real liberal. Nobody will ever forget the World War II alliance. Maybe you have? Please don’t. What a dark world it would be if the greatest generation of Americans didn’t stand up in World War II with the British with the Russians and with the Chinese.

We are Americans we’ve invaded other countries. This is not our fight at all. The way you talk is completely wrong you keep on talking about Ukrainian civilians getting bombed that’s how people talked when America invaded Iraq constantly talking about Iraqi civilians getting bombed. But there’s another way to look at it….. throughout world history the major countries of the world including the United States have taken out expansionist militaristic ideologies. This is a part of history and there are many other wars going on in the world throughout history that America has not gotten involved in there are wars that Russia has not gotten involved in. Like the Iraq war.

The warmongers come off as sounding like demented Warhawks. Selfish, self-centered people like Lindsey Graham who might get a few things right is completely wrong about this that’s the kind of guy you’re siding with you side with Joe Biden with Lindsey Graham with Mitt Romney. You’re on the same side as them. I’m on the side of freedom and America.

You’re watching way too much CNN. Start watching independent media outlets. And please pray for the many good men and Ukraine and Russia who have died because of this these are brave people and this war keeps up because the Neo cons in the United States is funding it. The American people especially those in East Palestine are very much angry that all of this money has been sent to Ukraine but not to the people of these Palestine who really need it who are scared of the future. And also the many homeless Americans including Vietnam veterans out there on the streets begging for money they need it we need to help out poor Americans.
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First piece of misinformation:

It’s not a war. It’s an invasion.

Second piece of misinformation:

Women, children, and grandmas are crying, because they are civilians being bombed by a country committing egregious war crimes.

Third piece of misinformation:

People, normal people that is, support Ukraine, because supporting a civilian population being bombed illegally, through no provocation whatsoever, is the right side of things.

Fourth piece of misinformation:

The murders of Ukrainian civilians are exactly that murder. The support being given to Ukraine is because a European country being invaded must be defended by any means necessary, and every inch of the country must be liberated from the terrorist invaders.


Putin is a war criminal, that needs a rope around his neck.
All of that said, this is still none of our business.

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