Why Do You Think 7 Leftist News Organizations Wanted Personal Info on Manafort Jurors?

If they wanted to "interview them after", they'd have waited and asked for the info after. That's when such information is normally disseminated.
Then they don't need names until the trial is OVER.

They don't NEED them at all. How about they just advertise that they'd love to interview any jurors who are interested, and to contact them?
All those leftist organisations should be in GITMO

What thugs !!!!


Same reason they do it for most major jury trials....but perhaps the OP didn't know that.

Were they getting death threats tuna breath?
it is common practice, especially on high profile cases to reveal who the jurors are to the press.... settled by the Courts, unless there is some sort of threat...

The press usually approaches the juror and asks them their reasoning for their verdict and reports on it,

UNLESS the juror does not want to be part of this and asks them not to reveal them to the public.... then the press honors their request.... is what I read the day before yesterday....

It is NOT common practice for the judge to be threatened in cases, therefore withholding the names is the best course of action in this case. In fact, it is the most common reason to withhold
the motion that requested the sealed 'sidebars' of the judge and lawyers during the trial be released, had the request for the juror's names also.... no biggie, common practice.

the judge ruled the court would give the press the origionally sealed sidebar and behind closed door meetings when the trial was over, but ruled against the motion for the names of jurors for safety reasons....

which is fine and dandy with the press from all i've read? so what is all this drama from the right wing about???
Then they don't need names until the trial is OVER.
They all wanna be first.

Again, it's not that hard.

No matter what Alex Jones says everything isn't a conspiracy.

If they wanted to "interview them after", they'd have waited and asked for the info after. That's when such information is normally disseminated.
You kids will believe any conspiracy theory that crosses your oath won't you.

They wanna be first.

Seriously, I know I've said this several times already but it's not that hard.
Same reason they do it for most major jury trials....but perhaps the OP didn't know that.
Alex Jones didn't bother to mention that part.
it is common practice, especially on high profile cases to reveal who the jurors are to the press.... settled by the Courts, unless there is some sort of threat...

The press usually approaches the juror and asks them their reasoning for their verdict and reports on it,

UNLESS the juror does not want to be part of this and asks them not to reveal them to the public.... then the press honors their request.... is what I read the day before yesterday....
it is common practice, especially on high profile cases to reveal who the jurors are to the press.... settled by the Courts, unless there is some sort of threat...

The press usually approaches the juror and asks them their reasoning for their verdict and reports on it,

UNLESS the juror does not want to be part of this and asks them not to reveal them to the public.... then the press honors their request.... is what I read the day before yesterday....
The Left require crime to survive.
They're getting progressively more dangerous since they openly embraced Fascism
it is common practice, especially on high profile cases to reveal who the jurors are to the press.... settled by the Courts, unless there is some sort of threat...

The press usually approaches the juror and asks them their reasoning for their verdict and reports on it,

UNLESS the juror does not want to be part of this and asks them not to reveal them to the public.... then the press honors their request.... is what I read the day before yesterday....
it is common practice, especially on high profile cases to reveal who the jurors are to the press.... settled by the Courts, unless there is some sort of threat...

The press usually approaches the juror and asks them their reasoning for their verdict and reports on it,

UNLESS the juror does not want to be part of this and asks them not to reveal them to the public.... then the press honors their request.... is what I read the day before yesterday....

If they wanted to "interview them after", they'd have waited and asked for the info after. That's when such information is normally disseminated.
You kids will believe any conspiracy theory that crosses your oath won't you.

They wanna be first.

Seriously, I know I've said this several times already but it's not that hard.

And you leftist partisan hacks will ignore and deny a conspiracy even when it stares you in the face.

Consider: these seven news outlets all put their names to ONE lawsuit demanding this information. That means they actually got together and communicated with each other and decided to file the suit as a group. The last time I checked, that was the definition of conspiring. Let me see:

1a : to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or an act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement
  • accused of conspiring to overthrow the government

  • conspired to monopolize and restrict trade
b : scheme
2: to act in harmony toward a common end

  • Circumstances conspired to defeat his efforts.
  • … the sun and the wind conspired to make splinters out of solid wood.
  • —B. J. Oliphant
Why, yes. There it is.

"They wanna be first." I've said it before, but clearly I need to repeat myself for you to get it: funny how I didn't notice anyone suing for the names of the OJ jurors in the middle of THAT trial, which was a hell of a lot more sensational and took a lot longer. And they don't seem to have had any problems with getting those interviews splattered all over the place immediately after.

So how about you stop pissing down our legs and insisting that it's raining?

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