Why doe Obama need to destroy American businesses to make them better???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
LIPs/Obama supporters call people like me "Obama bashers" because I've repeatedly used Obama's quotes regarding Obama's preferences.
Here are several examples of his "preferences" and what they have done:
-- "I prefer destroying 1,400 companies,putting 400,000 people out of work and eliminating $100 billion a year in tax revenue " which is what he means when he says he prefers a single payer health system.
Obamacare results:
A recent Commonwealth Fund survey found that four in 10 working-age adults skipped some kind of care because of the cost, and other surveys have found much the same. The portion of workers with annual deductibles — what consumers must pay before insurance kicks in —
rose from 55% eight years ago to
80% today, according to research by the Kaiser Family Foundation. And a Mercer study showed that 2014 saw the largest one-year increase in enrollment in "high-deductible plans" —
from 18% to 23% of all covered employees.
Dilemma over deductibles Costs crippling middle class

-- "I prefer higher gas prices".
So what did Obama do to make higher prices???
1)told Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer?
2) Encourage foreign drilling OFF Florida by Cuba
3) Encourage Canada to sell almost 1 million barrels per day to China?
4) In 3 years new leases under Obama 5,568 new leases..
Under Bush.. from 2006 to 2008 15,095 new leases!
NEARLY 3 times the new Federal Leases under Bush then Obama !
Number of New Oil Wells and New Leases Have Decreased Under Obama Data from BLM Show

-- "If a utility wants to build coal burning it bankrupt them!"
So Obama has forced utilities not to build coal burning plants and in doing so has destroyed the coal mining industry
OhioAmerican Energy, Inc. (“OhioAmerican”), a Subsidiary of Murray Energy Corporation (“Murray Energy”), today announced the closure of its coal mining operations near Brilliant, Jefferson County, Ohio.

Regulatory actions by President Barack Obama and his appointees and followers were cited as the entire reason. “Mr. Obama has already destroyed 83,000 megawatts of coal-fired electricity generation in America,” said Mr. Michael T. W. Carey, Vice President of Government Affairs for Murray Energy. “Electric prices in the recent PJM Interconnection monthly auction were bid up 800 percent (8 times) for 2015-2016 because of this,” he added.

“At its peak, OhioAmerican employed 239 local people in high-paying, well-benefited jobs,” said Mr. Stanley T. Piasecki, General Manager and Superintendent. “University studies show that our Mines can create up to eleven (11) secondary jobs in our communities, for store clerks, teachers, etc., to serve our direct employees. Thus, if one uses the eleven (11) to one (1) multiplier, the Obama Administration has destroyed 2,868 jobs in eastern Ohio with this forced Mine closure,” stated Mr. Piasecki.
Obama regulations kill Ohio coal mine hundreds of jobs wiped out - Conservative News
The damage that he has done can be undone. It will take years. Perhaps it will take generations. It starts in 2016.
I am pleased the DJIA is up! Great news!
Think what it would have been if we didn't have an anti-capitalist as President.
Obama has been a beneficiary of philanthropy (Annenberg Foundation paid his salary before he entered politics) and Annenberg
is a non-profit funded by a for profit company though!
So this leech has never worked for a for profit organization that PAYS taxes!
Consequently Obama equates "profit" with "evil".
So very very ignorant and leading a nation of people described by an advisor PAID for by Obama to denigrate Americans by calling those people that voted for Obama "stupidity of American Voter"!
In related news, the DOW hovers above 18,000
You understand that is actually bad news, right? Because the Dow is high due to lack of opportunity everywhere else. And even then it is mostly based on mergers and buy outs--nothing that increases actual production.
In related news, the DOW hovers above 18,000
You understand that is actually bad news, right? Because the Dow is high due to lack of opportunity everywhere else. And even then it is mostly based on mergers and buy outs--nothing that increases actual production.

The major reason for the DJIA upswing is a concept known as Quantitative Easing.. QE..

Quantitative easing is the program under which the Federal Reserve began to spend money buying short-term bonds from banks. In other words, it began to purchasefrom banks rather than letting banks borrow money. Basic economics has established that when there are more buyers than sellers, the price goes up. Because there's more competition to buy these bank bonds (a new buyer is in town with lots of money to spend), the interest rates of those bonds go down (as sellers don't have to compete to make those bonds attractive; if there weren't many buyers, a seller would raise the interest rate offered to attract buyers).
When someone asks "What will the end of quantitative easing mean for the stock market?", it's easy to predict how the market will react: prices will go down temporarily. People see that 30% improvement in the market and want to take a nice profit. Sellers outnumber buyers and prices go down. Yet that's a temporary thing. Good stocks are always worth investing in, and in any economic condition you can find good stocks worth owning—if you're willing to look.

What Did Quantitative Easing Do to the Stock Market trendshare

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