Zone1 why does a million dollar company not pay its staff?

If you ever visited USMB Headquarters you would not have to ask
A volunteer is a person who performs or offers to perform a service voluntarily, without a wage.

A Volunteer is also someone who is appreciated for the effort they provide simply by providing that effort.
They are not ... And cannot be held to the same Requirements and Standards that paid employees can be.

The rules are different ... And in some cases, even the laws are different ...
As well as the fact that the Organization is also granted Limited Protection from some Liabilities ...
Associated with some actions that may be taken by Volunteer Staff.

It's like clockwork when lefties whine about the content of the USMB when things seem to be going badly for the democrat administration. The USMB is the most tolerant discussion board around but leave it to lefties to try to kill the golden goose when they are unhappy about the political situation.
This is why there needs to be a federal law that REQUIRES ALL INTERNET SITES be NAMED with their owners, a list of EMPLOYEES, a physical ADDRESS listed (not a po box), and CONTACT information listed........other wise, be shut down or blocked from use.

Most internet sites like this NEVER show who owns them, who runs them, who they employee, or how to contact them.

I had to do some MAJOR digging a couple months back to find out how to contact the owners, and of course they never responded. Cowards.

I agree with the idea that the owners should be named. List of employees? Maybe. But physical address? No way. The last thing anyone would want is for the lunatics that come to these websites to be able to stalk you and possibly kill you. All because they are angry at the website rules.
I agree with the idea that the owners should be named. List of employees? Maybe. But physical address? No way. The last thing anyone would want is for the lunatics that come to these websites to be able to stalk you and possibly kill you. All because they are angry at the website rules.
I agree with you except for that last statement.

I doubt if too many people are angry at the rules. They are angry about the targeted way they are enforced.
I wonder what the proper wage would be for a USMB modulator if the corporation agreed with Strolling?

Would it be minimum wage? Would it be deemed skilled labor? Management?

I wonder what the proper wage would be for a USMB modulator if the corporation agreed with Strolling?

Would it be minimum wage? Would it be deemed skilled labor? Management?


I'm curious how they would determine the hours worked.

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