Why Does a Politician Missing Congressional Votes Suddenly Matter to Liberals?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Liberal Media is suddenly attacking GOP Candidates, specifically Rubio and Cruz, for Missing Votes While Serving in Congress....

Do they REALLY want to 'go there'? I don't think so....


CNN LINK: Obama making less than a quarter of Senate votes - CNN.com

"Sen. Barack Obama has missed the most votes of any Democratic presidential hopeful in the Senate over the last two months, including a vote on an Iran resolution he has blasted Sen. Hillary Clinton for supporting."

"The Illinois Democrat (Obama) has missed nearly 80 percent of all votes since September. The final quarter of 2007, leading up to the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primary, saw the future president (Obama) post even more dismal numbers – missing 89.4 per cent of his opportunities to shout ‘aye’ or ‘nay.’
- Clinton, in hot pursuit of Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination, missed 83.5 per cent that quarter."

(*** Obama missed a vote on a resolution that declared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, an elite part of the Iranian military, a terrorist organization. SURPRISE, SURPRISE :rolleyes:)



In 2007, CNN reported that Obama had missed nearly 80 percent of the votes while Biden had missed 68 percent of the votes in the same time period.

Factcheck.org reported that John Kerry has missed 89.8 percent of Senate votes during his run for president in 2004. In 2008, Hillary Clinton missed 77.9 percent of votes.


Yeah, I know:
- The media made it clear that Obama's past does NOT matter
- Stuff Liberals do doesn't count
- I am a 'racist' for bringing this up
- My sources aren't Liberal-deemed 'credible'
- 'B...b...b...what about BUSH?'
- It's only hypocritical if it involves a Republican

...did I cover all the Liberal talking points / excuses / come-backs? Of course I didn't. Here come the rest NOW....
Imagine if Cruz was accused of sticking a stoogie in some 19 year old intern's snootch.

And today's winner of the bill Clinton 'It depends on what your definition of the word 'IS' is' award goes to Arianrhod....

Imagine if Cruz was accused of sticking a stoogie in some 19 year old intern's snootch.

He'd have to convert and become a Democrat, where he would be welcomed with open arms... :p (I hear doing so comes with a free membership to 'Pedophile Island'...)
It was Jeb Bush that brought up Rubio missing votes during the debate...

We already know that congress doesn't get shit done anyway..
What bothers me is that he has said he won't run to keep his seat (Marco Rubio). Ted Cruz, as far as I know, is going back to his seat.

What the difference is that as Senator, you are 1 of 100. Nothing gets passed on your own. You need to work with others. As a Senator you have 6 years so anyone who doesn't hold up their end of a bargain is probably going to need you again at some point so they keep their words on deals, etc.. Rubio basically showed all of his cards and is now incapable of representing the citizens who sent him there to the best of his ability. It would be like a football team telling all others whom they are going to draft 3 weeks before the event. Others are not going to seek his help (or pledge theirs) because there is no payback to come next year or the year after.
It was Jeb Bush that brought up Rubio missing votes during the debate...

We already know that congress doesn't get shit done anyway..

You're right on big-high profile matters.

On average they pass 758 bills each year. About 6500 are introduced.
Why does a politician missing congressional votes suddenly not matter to conservatives?
What bothers me is that he has said he won't run to keep his seat (Marco Rubio). Ted Cruz, as far as I know, is going back to his seat. .

SO WHAT?! Holy Cr@p! Obama did not give up his seat to run. Hell, that jackass did not even finish one FULL term - did not spend one full term representing the people who sent him there to represent them - as a US Senator and miss an ASS-LOAD of votes.

You do make a great point, though. If you make the personal decision to run for a higher office, which is going to take you away from doing the job for which you were elected then you should be FORCED to step down / aside. The people who elected 'you' deserve your FULL attention and effort.
The establishment is busy eating their own relax people everything is going exactly to plan :eusa_shhh:.
Why does a politician missing congressional votes suddenly not matter to conservatives?

why should it?

how long do Republicans have to be the only ones playing by the rules????

It seemed to matter a whole lot to you guys when Obama was running for President...

correct Einstein; but since it didnt matter to voters apparently my question still stands

So if it was so important to you guys back then, why don't you care about it now?

We're not talking about what "the voters" care about, we're talking about what you movement conservative clowns care about.
Which DEMOCRATS are bashing Rubio for missing votes?

From Politico, "Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid tore into Sen. Marco Rubio on Thursday, calling on the Florida Republican and 2016 presidential contender to resign his Senate seat...Why should the taxpayers of this country and people of Florida put up with having only one senator? Doesn’t seem fair to me."
Reid is a walking, talking hemorrhoid, a draining, painful pain in the ass that offers no socially redeeming value, one that should be 'lanced' from the buttocks of the nation.
What bothers me is that he has said he won't run to keep his seat (Marco Rubio). Ted Cruz, as far as I know, is going back to his seat. .

SO WHAT?! Holy Cr@p! Obama did not give up his seat to run. Hell, that jackass did not even finish one FULL term - did not spend one full term representing the people who sent him there to represent them - as a US Senator and miss an ASS-LOAD of votes.
Again, I don't begrudge anyone for missing votes to run for higher office (or lower office). Hell, when you're looking for another job, you're subconsciously not doing the job you were hired for.

I'm sure politicians of all stripes have missed votes by the thousands in this quest for higher.

You do make a great point, though. If you make the personal decision to run for a higher office, which is going to take you away from doing the job for which you were elected then you should be FORCED to step down / aside. The people who elected 'you' deserve your FULL attention and effort.

I disagree with forcing anyone to step down. The reason is that you're elected to a 6 year term and most votes are not close enough as to your vote or commentary or consideration swinging the outcome one way or the other. Lets be serious about that.

If you announce, however, that you're not going to be there in 2017, you are no longer effective as a Senator. You can't go to Senator Cantwell or Senator Finestine (sp?) (from the pacific coast states) and tell him give me support for Miami's High Speed rail portion of the highway bill and when the off-shore drilling in the Pacific comes up next time, I'll be against it. Because you won't be there next time.

The fact that this is the way it works is not the topic. Should it work that way? Don't know. Does it? Yes.

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