Why Does a Politician Missing Congressional Votes Suddenly Matter to Liberals?

it's particularly amusing watching people trying to ridicule somebody deep inside their head living rent-free

your posts say it all; too bad only normal people can see it
The Liberal Media is suddenly attacking GOP Candidates, specifically Rubio and Cruz, for Missing Votes While Serving in Congress....

Do they REALLY want to 'go there'? I don't think so....


CNN LINK: Obama making less than a quarter of Senate votes - CNN.com

"Sen. Barack Obama has missed the most votes of any Democratic presidential hopeful in the Senate over the last two months, including a vote on an Iran resolution he has blasted Sen. Hillary Clinton for supporting."

"The Illinois Democrat (Obama) has missed nearly 80 percent of all votes since September. The final quarter of 2007, leading up to the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primary, saw the future president (Obama) post even more dismal numbers – missing 89.4 per cent of his opportunities to shout ‘aye’ or ‘nay.’
- Clinton, in hot pursuit of Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination, missed 83.5 per cent that quarter."

(*** Obama missed a vote on a resolution that declared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, an elite part of the Iranian military, a terrorist organization. SURPRISE, SURPRISE :rolleyes:)



In 2007, CNN reported that Obama had missed nearly 80 percent of the votes while Biden had missed 68 percent of the votes in the same time period.

Factcheck.org reported that John Kerry has missed 89.8 percent of Senate votes during his run for president in 2004. In 2008, Hillary Clinton missed 77.9 percent of votes.


Yeah, I know:
- The media made it clear that Obama's past does NOT matter
- Stuff Liberals do doesn't count
- I am a 'racist' for bringing this up
- My sources aren't Liberal-deemed 'credible'
- 'B...b...b...what about BUSH?'
- It's only hypocritical if it involves a Republican

...did I cover all the Liberal talking points / excuses / come-backs? Of course I didn't. Here come the rest NOW....

idiota,..... when the CANDIDATE says people should lose their jobs if they don't show up for work THAT makes it an issue.

which candidate leftard???
The Liberal Media is suddenly attacking GOP Candidates, specifically Rubio and Cruz, for Missing Votes While Serving in Congress....

Do they REALLY want to 'go there'? I don't think so....


CNN LINK: Obama making less than a quarter of Senate votes - CNN.com

"Sen. Barack Obama has missed the most votes of any Democratic presidential hopeful in the Senate over the last two months, including a vote on an Iran resolution he has blasted Sen. Hillary Clinton for supporting."

"The Illinois Democrat (Obama) has missed nearly 80 percent of all votes since September. The final quarter of 2007, leading up to the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primary, saw the future president (Obama) post even more dismal numbers – missing 89.4 per cent of his opportunities to shout ‘aye’ or ‘nay.’
- Clinton, in hot pursuit of Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination, missed 83.5 per cent that quarter."

(*** Obama missed a vote on a resolution that declared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, an elite part of the Iranian military, a terrorist organization. SURPRISE, SURPRISE :rolleyes:)



In 2007, CNN reported that Obama had missed nearly 80 percent of the votes while Biden had missed 68 percent of the votes in the same time period.

Factcheck.org reported that John Kerry has missed 89.8 percent of Senate votes during his run for president in 2004. In 2008, Hillary Clinton missed 77.9 percent of votes.


Yeah, I know:
- The media made it clear that Obama's past does NOT matter
- Stuff Liberals do doesn't count
- I am a 'racist' for bringing this up
- My sources aren't Liberal-deemed 'credible'
- 'B...b...b...what about BUSH?'
- It's only hypocritical if it involves a Republican

...did I cover all the Liberal talking points / excuses / come-backs? Of course I didn't. Here come the rest NOW....

As an independent it is important to me.
You guys know Trump started all the crap about Rubio missing votes, don't you? Why is the blame being put on "liberals"? Is Trump now an official liberal?
I disagree with forcing anyone to step down. The reason is that you're elected to a 6 year term ...

You are elected to do a JOB for 6 years. You are not elected to neglect your duties and responsibilities, to ignore the very people who sent you to Washington to Represent them.

When people are working somewhere, they might call another company or go for an interview on free time, but they do not abandon that current job for weeks, months on end, and still expect that job to be sitting there. Your ass would be fired.

Keeping your seat is like unfairly keeping a tax-payer funded 'safety net'. "I will F* off from my current job while chasing another one, and if it doesn't work out I will come back to the job I have neglected." Nice!
I disagree with forcing anyone to step down. The reason is that you're elected to a 6 year term ...

You are elected to do a JOB for 6 years. You are not elected to neglect your duties and responsibilities, to ignore the very people who sent you to Washington to Represent them.

When people are working somewhere, they might call another company or go for an interview on free time, but they do not abandon that current job for weeks, months on end, and still expect that job to be sitting there. Your ass would be fired.

Keeping your seat is like unfairly keeping a tax-payer funded 'safety net'. "I will F* off from my current job while chasing another one, and if it doesn't work out I will come back to the job I have neglected." Nice!

Well, that is the difference between being "hired" and being elected. Arizona is a better place because John McCain kept his job and his Senority.

I, for one, like aggressive politicians. Nothing wrong with the guys who are happy being the local tax collector or the county clerk but those who excell at their profession should be able to elevate. I see your point and think it's a "perfect world" remedy that is the inadvertent enemy of our "good system" we have now.

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