Why Does a Politician Missing Congressional Votes Suddenly Matter to Liberals?

Short answer to the OP, it really doesn't matter. Liberals see an issue they think will gin up outrage in their base (it will, because their base is totally clueless anyway) and were stung in the past by their own candidates' lack of interest in performing the duties of the jobs they so passionately pursued (there's a reason our president is known as president 'present'). Thus, they stomp and wail and bang their spoons on their highchairs, thinking they're scoring vast political points, not realizing how utterly ridiculous they look.
correct Einstein; but since it didnt matter to voters apparently my question still stands

So if it was so important to you guys back then, why don't you care about it now?

We're not talking about what "the voters" care about, we're talking about what you movement conservative clowns care about.

again i already addressed why that consideration needs to be abandoned.

dont you have anything relevant to add??

You "addressed" nothing, clown - you just made a few pathetic excuses for your own hypocrisy.

not hypocrisy leftard; if it doesnt matter to folks then why stick with it?
answer the q leftard

So what "matters to folks" is more important to you than your own internal consistency?

cant i say i "evolved"; that intellectual giant obama did

keep trying........................................
what kind of loser calls himself a moderator or takes a job as moderator when he is clearly not objective???


Why do clowns like yourself constantly whine like little bitches about my status as a moderator?
Rubio's no doubt lining up private-sector opportunities as backup if he doesn't get the nomination. He'll survive.
Why does a politician missing congressional votes suddenly not matter to conservatives?
It always matters. If someone campaigns for an office, then refuses to perform the duties of that office (like voting 'present' all the time), they shouldn't be in that office.

they expect me to be objective in my role as moderator!!


the posters are making fun of me!!

Its fun watching Beddy meltdown like this. "yawn"...only if it were not so predictable.
It's not so much missed votes because all senators running for a "higher office" miss votes. It's more about how he apparently just gave up trying to be a senator cause he didn't like the job. A bit like Obama.
The Liberal Media is suddenly attacking GOP Candidates, specifically Rubio and Cruz, for Missing Votes While Serving in Congress....

Do they REALLY want to 'go there'? I don't think so....


CNN LINK: Obama making less than a quarter of Senate votes - CNN.com

"Sen. Barack Obama has missed the most votes of any Democratic presidential hopeful in the Senate over the last two months, including a vote on an Iran resolution he has blasted Sen. Hillary Clinton for supporting."

"The Illinois Democrat (Obama) has missed nearly 80 percent of all votes since September. The final quarter of 2007, leading up to the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primary, saw the future president (Obama) post even more dismal numbers – missing 89.4 per cent of his opportunities to shout ‘aye’ or ‘nay.’
- Clinton, in hot pursuit of Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination, missed 83.5 per cent that quarter."

(*** Obama missed a vote on a resolution that declared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, an elite part of the Iranian military, a terrorist organization. SURPRISE, SURPRISE :rolleyes:)



In 2007, CNN reported that Obama had missed nearly 80 percent of the votes while Biden had missed 68 percent of the votes in the same time period.

Factcheck.org reported that John Kerry has missed 89.8 percent of Senate votes during his run for president in 2004. In 2008, Hillary Clinton missed 77.9 percent of votes.


Yeah, I know:
- The media made it clear that Obama's past does NOT matter
- Stuff Liberals do doesn't count
- I am a 'racist' for bringing this up
- My sources aren't Liberal-deemed 'credible'
- 'B...b...b...what about BUSH?'
- It's only hypocritical if it involves a Republican

...did I cover all the Liberal talking points / excuses / come-backs? Of course I didn't. Here come the rest NOW....

idiota,..... when the CANDIDATE says people should lose their jobs if they don't show up for work THAT makes it an issue.

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