Why Does CNN Carry Water For Communists?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Memorial Day.....more Leftist vandalism.
In Pittsburgh, Communists memorialized the Maoists of Peru, 'Shining Path,' with red paint splashed on the Doughboy Monument, and the dates of communist terrorism in Peru, June 19th, 1986

From Newsweek:
"The unwanted markings included the phrase, "June 19, 1986. Glory To The Day Of Heroism" and were accompanied by a number of hammer and sickle symbols, often used in communist ideology, notably the emblem on the Flag of the Soviet Union, and a symbol first adapted during the Russian Revolution.

The phrase used in the graffiti appears to reference a battle that took place between the People's Guerrilla Army and the Peruvian state on the same date. But so far it is unclear as to what is meant by the act of defiance on this public landmark."

Read the CNN story and see if you can find any mention of hammer and sickles, or the Shining Path communists....
"A WWI memorial in Pittsburgh was vandalized on Memorial Day, police say

"Red paint was splashed on the memorial and "indeterminate messages" were written in the paint, police said. "
Because CNN is a Communist New Network.

I wouldn't even doubt the CHICOMS have huge stake in the network.

Syllogism Of The Left

1. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.

Let's check:
The Left hates America and Americans

CNN is of the Left

CNN hates America and Americans.

2. The Wuhan virus spotlit the above. At this point, evidence points to the Chines biolab producing the virus either as a bioweapon, or as protection against such a weapon.
We don't know how it was set free, but there is little doubt about the origin.

3. China held back the information for some six weeks, used their proxy, WHO to lie to the world about it being transmissible, and allowed millions of potentially infected individuals to travel worldwide.

4. Both Democrat politicians and their allies in the media hid this, blamed Trump, and praised the Chinese for imaginary attempts to stem the spread of the Chinese virus.
Today......CNN in their service:

"China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive
Many have continued to hammer phrases such as "China flu" or "Wuhan virus," despite warnings that such terms could lead to increased hostility against Asians.
the Beijing model is not necessarily looking so bad. China, despite being where the virus first emerged, has coped with the ensuing pandemic far better than many other countries, even though those countries had a longer warning time and greater chance to prepare.
The crisis has also highlighted the benefits of a strong government and centralized planning, while -- despite Adonis's claims to the contrary -- exposing the limitations of private industry to respond quickly, particularly in the healthcare sector."

China's model of control has been blamed for the coronavirus crisis, but for some it's looking increasingly attractive

On Sunday, Andrew Adonis, a member of Britain's House of Lords and onetime cabinet minister, took aim at the idea that the coronavirus pandemic was causing a crisis of capitalism.


They should be wearing armbands and Mao jackets at CNN.
The Democratic Party has officially checked out of Team America. They have worked tirelessly to undermine the President and divide the nation. The Democrats are a foreign adversary.

Remember the tears and hand-wringing when Iranian terrorist chief Soleimani was killed?


Nothing new.....Bill Clinton was bribed by the Chinese Communists to give them our missile technology.

Hillary by Putin for our uranium.

No wonder the Kremlin wanted a Clinton in the presidency.
cnn and holly wood have a huge stake in the potential 1.5 billion viewers in china .
I believe it!

The Democratic Party has officially checked out of Team America. They have worked tirelessly to undermine the President and divide the nation. The Democrats are a foreign adversary.

Remember the tears and hand-wringing when Iranian terrorist chief Soleimani was killed?


Nothing new.....Bill Clinton was bribed by the Chinese Communists to give them our missile technology.

Hillary by Putin for our uranium.

No wonder the Kremlin wanted a Clinton in the presidency.
Of course I remember. It seems over the last 3 years the Democrats, just keep sliding further and further left. It has to be about more than just hating Trump. You can hate the President without turning Commie.
Because CNN is a Communist New Network.

I wouldn't even doubt the CHICOMS have huge stake in the network.

View attachment 341745
cnn and holly wood have a huge stake in the potential 1.5 billion viewers in china .

Kinda proves what Prager said:

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.
The Democratic Party has officially checked out of Team America. They have worked tirelessly to undermine the President and divide the nation. The Democrats are a foreign adversary.

Remember the tears and hand-wringing when Iranian terrorist chief Soleimani was killed?


Nothing new.....Bill Clinton was bribed by the Chinese Communists to give them our missile technology.

Hillary by Putin for our uranium.

No wonder the Kremlin wanted a Clinton in the presidency.
Of course I remember. It seems over the last 3 years the Democrats, just keep sliding further and further left. It has to be about more than just hating Trump. You can hate the President without turning Commie.

I believe it goes back further.....

The 32nd President had a long time love affair with the Soviet Union, from recognizing them in 1933 to turning over our foreign policy to Stalin.

The Democrats stand for the same things the CPUSA did.
Kinda proves what Prager said:

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.
Well, I doubt that Ted Turner was a marxist. But if he was...CNN is showing its true colors after all these years.
Kinda proves what Prager said:

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.
Well, I doubt that Ted Turner was a marxist. But if he was...CNN is showing its true colors after all these years.

Turner sold CNN in 1996.
Memorial Day.....more Leftist vandalism.
In Pittsburgh, Communists memorialized the Maoists of Peru, 'Shining Path,' with red paint splashed on the Doughboy Monument, and the dates of communist terrorism in Peru, June 19th, 1986

From Newsweek:
"The unwanted markings included the phrase, "June 19, 1986. Glory To The Day Of Heroism" and were accompanied by a number of hammer and sickle symbols, often used in communist ideology, notably the emblem on the Flag of the Soviet Union, and a symbol first adapted during the Russian Revolution.

The phrase used in the graffiti appears to reference a battle that took place between the People's Guerrilla Army and the Peruvian state on the same date. But so far it is unclear as to what is meant by the act of defiance on this public landmark."

Read the CNN story and see if you can find any mention of hammer and sickles, or the Shining Path communists....
"A WWI memorial in Pittsburgh was vandalized on Memorial Day, police say

"Red paint was splashed on the memorial and "indeterminate messages" were written in the paint, police said. "

Because they ARE communists. Duh!
Memorial Day.....more Leftist vandalism.
In Pittsburgh, Communists memorialized the Maoists of Peru, 'Shining Path,' with red paint splashed on the Doughboy Monument, and the dates of communist terrorism in Peru, June 19th, 1986

From Newsweek:
"The unwanted markings included the phrase, "June 19, 1986. Glory To The Day Of Heroism" and were accompanied by a number of hammer and sickle symbols, often used in communist ideology, notably the emblem on the Flag of the Soviet Union, and a symbol first adapted during the Russian Revolution.

The phrase used in the graffiti appears to reference a battle that took place between the People's Guerrilla Army and the Peruvian state on the same date. But so far it is unclear as to what is meant by the act of defiance on this public landmark."

Read the CNN story and see if you can find any mention of hammer and sickles, or the Shining Path communists....
"A WWI memorial in Pittsburgh was vandalized on Memorial Day, police say

"Red paint was splashed on the memorial and "indeterminate messages" were written in the paint, police said. "

The thing to keep in mind, the warning to be heeded, is the modern democratic party's (and their media lackey's) no longer feeling the need to hide their socio-communist core or fear the American people seeing it, witnessing it. The democrats in power and the MSM have become so brazen with their support for communism that they seem to believe nothing can touch them, so why hide the truth of what they really are. A reason must exist that explains their unshakeable confidence. What are they planning? What schemes are afoot? What victories have they already won or are imminent?

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