Zone1 Why Does God Allow Us to Suffer?

UN resolution 181 gave Jews a homeland, crackpot
You remind me of friend of mine. An avowed atheist. One of her reasons for being an atheist is that as a teen she suffered from severe, debilitating headaches. She prayed and prayed but still had those headaches. God would have taken them away, if God existed.

I asked her what happened since I had never known her to have any headaches.
"Nothing. They eventually went away. But God had nothing to do with it."
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My fiancee and I currently feel abandoned by God with some real life struggles and are currently feeling miserable about it.

We're both wondering if He loves us so much then why does it currently seem like He's ignoring our prayers and allowing us to suffer without getting any answers whether they be yes or no? Just some kind of acknowledgement at least that He's listening.

I thought that Jesus was supposed to answer when you called on His name, but I called for Him until I was blue in the face last night and still nothing. 😞
When bad shit happens, one can accept it and do what can be done to ameliorate the situation(s). Jesus is not there to fix it, He is there to remind you of what a capable person you are, and will still be, at the end of your struggle. I wish you guys the best and sending prayers.
You remind me of friend of mine. An avowed atheist. One of her reasons for being an atheist is that as a teen she suffered from severe, debilitating headaches. She prayed and prayed but still had those headaches. God would have taken them away, if God existed.
I'm an atheist because I don't believe unbelievable stories.
When bad shit happens, one can accept it and do what can be done to ameliorate the situation(s). Jesus is not there to fix it, He is there to remind you of what a capable person you are, and will still be, at the end of your struggle. I wish you guys the best and sending prayers.

Thank you. :)

You mean like nothing creating everything? Yeah, I agree.

I know that we disagree about some stuff but yeah that's why I never turned into an atheist as that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
My fiancee and I currently feel abandoned by God with some real life struggles and are currently feeling miserable about it.

We're both wondering if He loves us so much then why does it currently seem like He's ignoring our prayers and allowing us to suffer without getting any answers whether they be yes or no? Just some kind of acknowledgement at least that He's listening.

I thought that Jesus was supposed to answer when you called on His name, but I called for Him until I was blue in the face last night and still nothing. 😞

Noah's arc right? God went "I don't like what you're doing, GENOCIDE", because humans were violent (I mean, omnivores, literally designed to kill other animals) he went and killed all humans and all animals, except a few.

But he'd even created carnivores, and then HAD A PROBLEM WITH VIOLENCE. The dude has not logic skills whatsoever.

You think God loved all the people he killed in a huge flood?

Nah, God either doesn't give a damn, or... most likely, doesn't exist any more than Hairy Potter does.

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