Zone1 Why Does God Allow Us to Suffer?

But, before TV they had their place.
There are a lot of stories in the Bible and metaphors. The same kind of stories and metaphors you see on TV. Humans have not really changed that much in thousands of years.
There are a lot of stories in the Bible and metaphors. The same kind of stories and metaphors you see on TV. Humans have not really changed that much in thousands of years.
No, the only thing that changed through the Bible was the form of literary influence from empires that controlled the area.
It's garbage
Why? Psychologists generally agree how men's and women's minds work. Men are more likely to be engineers and women go into health care. Not all, but a significant number of the population. There are always exceptions.
I was in a particularly bad place. Everything was going wrong. Medical bills and my son's education was draining my finances to zip. Then my car started acting up. I barely made it to court. I prayed for a reliable car. Surely God could see how much I needed a car. I needed a miracle.

My car was wheezing on it's last tire track when I parked in front of my house. I heard a tremendous crash. Not my car please. Not the car. It was. Some meth head crashed into the car behind me. It was pushed into my car and my car pushed into the car in front of it. My poor little vehicle was an accordion. I asked God for a car. Now I had no car. When I told my boss what happened, I had no car and no job. All I did was pray!

I turned to the job hunt faxing my resume to every law firm in town. No takers. Nothing. Then I got a phone call. One of the attorneys I sent my resume to sent it on to a friend of his in Beverly Hills. They wanted an interview. I had to take the bus. Actually two busses. Why bother. It was too far. Without a car it would take twice as long to get to work. I went anyway. Take a flyer. Throw myself into the dark unknown.

I got the job which was supervising attorney over the personal injury department. It almost doubled my previous salary. My mind was buzzing on the bus ride home. Until I was able to save some money I was still out of wheels. When I got home, right in the mailbox, was the check from the insurance company for my totalled car. Who would have known that the old buggy was worth that much. It was a healthy down on a new car. With my salary increase the payments were a breeze.

Thank you Lord for the new car.
This is what happens sometimes when you pray. Things get worse.
I'm just not humble enough for stuff like that. There are good people praying their hearts out for their cancer striken children. But your car. That's what got God off his ass. You people are sick
Boo hoo. Just put Him on ignore like you tend to do in your cowardice when things don't go your way.

Meanwhile...sometimes God says a resounding NO. Looks like you have to deal with your numerous mental issues without His help.
Never mind, I really don't want this thread to be derailed into a thread about abortion because it isn't.

More like a situation out of my control that I am currently trying to make sense of and get answers for.

Nope because if He hated us Christmas and Easter wouldn't exist.

I needed a laugh! That comment is the end winner of stupidity for 2023. LOL
I'm just not humble enough for stuff like that. There are good people praying their hearts out for their cancer striken children. But your car. That's what got God off his ass. You people are sick

I thought about praying for your soul but then felt the strong urge to withdraw that prayer--you and others in this thread. Jesus Himself said, "wipe the dust off your feet and move on".

That's where you might be right now. You toss casual words around about Christians going to boiler rooms, having no idea about the state of your own soul. It's very sad, but here we are.
My fiancee and I currently feel abandoned by God with some real life struggles and are currently feeling miserable about it.

We're both wondering if He loves us so much then why does it currently seem like He's ignoring our prayers and allowing us to suffer without getting any answers whether they be yes or no? Just some kind of acknowledgement at least that He's listening.

I thought that Jesus was supposed to answer when you called on His name, but I called for Him until I was blue in the face last night and still nothing. 😞

We are a very "instant gratification" culture, but God definitely does not work like that. We are also a very "prayer request" culture and that isn't it either. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that in small doses, but the bulk of our prayers should be glorifying God, aligning with His will, speaking His Word back to Him. Not listing off troubles and etc.

My advice?

Thank God.
Reflect to Him and with Him who He is.
Read His Word. Preferably every day.
Ask to align with His will.
And then wait for Him.

Praying for you!

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