Zone1 Why Does God Even Hate Homosexuality?

People are born with many defects. Both mentally and physically. I don't get why some refuse to consider this thinking it implies that gives them the right to act on those impulses. It DOESNT. We all have our crosses to carry in this life. Fighting our baser natures is what builds our character THAT is why accepting and giving into those things God says not to do, is so destructive to the soul
Only if people subscribe to the same religion as you or they believe there is such a thing as a soul./

The fact is that all human behavior exists on a continuum and ALL human behaviors you see today have always been part of the human condition even before there was any type of god worship or religions.

The idea that ALL people who happen to be homosexual by choice or not are somehow all morally inferior is pure nonsense.
If I may suggest:

The story of Elijah finding God in a tiny whispering sound had a great impact on me. We humans have a habit of emphasizing quite loudly by using words like 'abomination!'

God's advice on how to best live our lives here mankind called COMMANDMENTS, perhaps because some discovered what good advice it was. Think in terms of God whispering...why did He advise against homosexuality?

First there were the health reasons, physical, mental, spiritual. Family was always vital to God, and a same sex relationship makes it impossible for offspring to have both a natural mother and father. Knowing who their 'biological parents' has a high importance among those who are adopted. That desire can affect many people. Next, should focus on genitalia be the first or primary focus in one's life? Plain people accept as fact how unlikely the handsome and the beautiful who attract them will give them a second glance, no matter how great the love from the plain, unattractive person. That does not prohibit the plain person from learning to love another. The same holds true for people attracted to the same sex.

People who choose to live their lives as homosexuals, do give up a lot when it comes to health and family--and therefore community. Is what they gain worth what they give up? And that's for each individual to decide for him/herself. We can quietly advise the undecided IF they ask what we think, but their free choice is to be respected.

I have a huge problem with society telling homosexuals, "Oh, it is fine--go for it if it feels right." No! Each person must lay out the pros and the cons, including the advice from our Creator if one is a person of faith. Remember, God wants what is best for us in this life. For that reason alone, He is worth listening to. He wants what is best for each of us in this life. Forget the clamor of society; as a whole, we are not good listeners and the clamor isn't worth listening to.
And for those that want nothing to do with your god?
I see it a bit differently. We do have the authority to condemn a behavior; what we have no authority or no right to do is to condemn the individual. I was very close to people who had abortions. They knew my position and never said a word to me before the abortion. It was when they were in pain several years later because of the abortion and had to talk to someone I learned what they had done. In each case, we knew I would never change my position on abortion, but we also knew we were close to one another and I would never condemn them. At the times they came to me, they came for comfort and that is the very thing they received. IF/when any condemnation is to be done, way above my authority and pay grade. I love my friends, and I trust God loves them more.

The same with a great boss I once had. He was fantastic at his job and with people, a truly great person. His job and his employees were always first and foremost. He was homosexual and some disapproved of him for that reason. He never spoke of it, and while I do believe God warns against homosexuality, again, there was no reason for me to condemn him. There was so much more to him than sexual choices. I wouldn't want to be first and foremost known as a heterosexual, and it seems a little off (to me) that the first thing some want to people to know is that they are gay, transgender, etc. I don't get that, just as I don't get some history books are beginning by introducing a person of fame by, S/he was a homosexual.

Wouldn't it seem off if I pointed to someone and said, "She had an abortion..." when the most important words about that person is, "She is my best friend. She can make me laugh at the most common things."

Having an abortion or being homosexual/heterosexual is such a tiny part of who someone is, does it even warrant mention? And that's a question for both gay and straight people. Why are we talking about something so unimportant?
I'm curious. How do you think we differ in our opinions? :)
I know you believe what you say. I do not believe as you do based on 1) what I know of Bible history, culture, law, teachings including what the Scriptures teach us Jesus said, and 2) what my gay friends tell me of their life experience. Not one of them 'chose' to be gay. They just are. They are also good people, loving, caring, positive influences in the world about them.

If they sin, and I am sure they do as we ALL do, I cannot believe being gay is one of their sins. They do not participate in the lewd behavior some gay people do. They are never in anybody's face with demands and accusations. They are as opposed to grooming children, exposing them to sometimes lewd transvestite entertainment and such, or forcing sexual content on young children as I am. They all know that children do better growing up with a loving mom and dad in the home as they all did. They all thought the Christian baker should have the right to refuse to participate in a gay wedding that was against his beliefs.

And what they do with their consenting partners in the privacy of their bedrooms is THEIR business and not any business of mine of anybody else's.

Again I refer to Matthew 23 as the attitude Christians should have re the sins of others. We should focus on our own sin rather than that of our neighbor. We should always speak out against sins that harm people. My gay friends are harming no one.

That is my belief. I know that others on this thread strongly disagree with me. That is their right. That is your right, and I so much appreciate your respectful and gentle way of expressing it. Some Christians show it more than others. :)
^^^^People like this are ashamed of the Gospel, ashamed for calling out sin and proclaiming the truth! that a Holy G-d will NOT accept the unredeemed sinner into His presence, that only the shed blood of Christ will secure a soul's salvation for all who repent and believe.
^^^^People like this are ashamed of the Gospel, ashamed for calling out sin and proclaiming the truth! that a Holy G-d will NOT accept the unredeemed sinner into His presence, that only the shed blood of Christ will secure a soul's salvation for all who repent and believe.
Did you ever think that people might not want anything to do with your god?
Doesn't matter. According to Revelation 20, they will face G-d as their judge, and He will sentence them to an eternity in the Lake of Fire.
Only if they subscribe to your religion.

I happen to think the Bible is a lot of malarky with some plagiarized philosophies mixed in.
Only if they subscribe to your religion.

I happen to think the Bible is a lot of malarky with some plagiarized philosophies mixed in.
What you think about it is irrelevant where the Truth is concerned. You bought right in to Satan's lie. Even the devil believes.
What you think about it is irrelevant where the Truth is concerned. You bought right in to Satan's lie. Even the devil believes.

Your truth isn't everyone's truth. My truth is that if any gods exist they are not anything like the god in the bible because the bible is nothing but a depiction of what men want a god to be and to pump up the human ego by claiming we are the very image of a god. Talk about hubris huh? If gods exist then my belief is they really don't give a shit about us mere mortals with our pathetically short lives much the was no human really gives a shit about a mayfly.


If not for your god there would be no Satan would there?
^^^^People like this are ashamed of the Gospel, ashamed for calling out sin and proclaiming the truth! that a Holy G-d will NOT accept the unredeemed sinner into His presence, that only the shed blood of Christ will secure a soul's salvation for all who repent and believe.
Curious that you interpret my argument as 'being ashamed of the Gospel' when I have studied it under great teachers, write curriculum for it, teach it, and preach it, and I am considered conservative in the interpretations that I teach and preach.

But you have an unalienable right to what you believeand I will not presume to tell you that you are bad or stupid or unChristian or 'ashamed of the Gospel' for what you believe. But I do encourage all to read, re-read, and think about Matthew 23 before they presume righteous authority to judge what others believe in matters of Scripture.
I'm curious. How do you think we differ in our opinions? :)
I do not think we are that far apart. I probably have a stronger belief that homosexuals can choose to think more seriously about not acting on same sex attractions, whereas you may have a stronger inclination towards that this is just the way they were born. I may feel more strongly that they do give up something in choosing a same sex relationship, but that is just a guess although based on some of the things you have written.

We do seem to agree that once the individual does choose the way they are going to live this life, there are parts of that life/choice that is no business of the rest of us, especially those at a distance.

This morning I began thinking that really, I would just as soon enter a thread on bowel movements. Some things should remain both private and personal.
I do not think we are that far apart. I probably have a stronger belief that homosexuals can choose to think more seriously about not acting on same sex attractions, whereas you may have a stronger inclination towards that this is just the way they were born. I may feel more strongly that they do give up something in choosing a same sex relationship, but that is just a guess although based on some of the things you have written.

We do seem to agree that once the individual does choose the way they are going to live this life, there are parts of that life/choice that is no business of the rest of us, especially those at a distance.

This morning I began thinking that really, I would just as soon enter a thread on bowel movements. Some things should remain both private and personal.
You may be right. I always joke about my 'list'. A list I want to be able to take to Heaven to get answers for all the many many questions I have no answer for.

And when we get there I fully expect all of us to be really surprised at how much of our beliefs we got wrong. :)

I judge what people do and say, sometimes harshly, when it is obvious they are doing harm. And I caution people to be careful that they know all the facts before they accuse or condemn another because of the potential harm they may do by accusing or condemning them.

But my gay friends harm nobody that I have ever witnessed. Most are devout Christians and/or accept and encourage others in their Christian faith. And as they have never blatantly lied to me about anything that I've been aware of, I believe them when they tell me they did not choose to be gay. And they accept and tolerate that others, especially fundamentalist Christians, believe as you do, i.e. that they chose that condition. They might roll their eyes a bit but they would not condemn you for your belief.
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