Zone1 Why Does God Even Hate Homosexuality?

You know that "born that way" crap don't fly with pedophiles... at least for the time being until the left gets their way.
Well, you're just wrong. People are born with different attractions. Just because you feel strongly about your opinion doesn't make it fact.

No, but THIS does. It is the Absolute, Infallible, Inviolate Word of G-d. He calls homosexuality an abomination in both the OT and NT. Sorry to burst your bubble there.
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No, but THIS does. It is the Absolute, Infallible, Inviolate Word of G-d. He calls homosexuality an abomination in both the OT and NT. Sorry to burst your bubble there.
If you really read that whole Bible and do the best you can to live what it says. The one big thing I got out of it was to err on the side of love for other humans. Please explain how a Christian can get away from that.
If you really read that whole Bible and do the best you can to live what it says. The one big thing I got out of it was to err on the side of love for other humans. Please explain how a Christian can get away from that.
He can't, but allowing, enabling, and even embracing sin is what G-d prohibits. It is not contradictory to point out to an unregenerate world that they are guilty of their sin of unbelief and destined to an eternal sentence of Hell while at the same time, pointing people to the ONLY escape from that sentence, the only reprieve, and that is Jesus' death on the Cross and His shed blood to secure the forgiveness of their sin and guaranteed eternal life with G-d.
So right back to the "born this way" rubbish. Then you would justify an axe murderer's sin by saying he was "born this way" or an alcoholic being "born this way" as an excuse for his drunkenness. Sorry, but what we ARE born with is an unregenerate heart because of the sin of unbelief. And yes, it IS our obligation to tell people the truth. that they are all born sinners in need of the Savior, no sugarcoating, no whitewashing, just the cold hard truth.
An ax murder harms people. A homosexual who restricts his sexual activity to other homosexuals, as most homosexuals do, does not. That is the difference.

Jesus does not condemn homosexuals. He does tell people to give to the poor. How many people who use the Bible to justify their hatred for homosexuals do that?
An ax murder harms people. A homosexual who restricts his sexual activity to other homosexuals, as most homosexuals do, does not. That is the difference.

Jesus does not condemn homosexuals. He does tell people to give to the poor. How many people who use the Bible to justify their hatred for homosexuals do that?
First off, good works do not get anyone into Heaven. Second, since Jesus IS G-d Almighty Himself, He WROTE the moral law that calls homosexuality an abomination. Jesus also said "go and sin no more". That pertains to those practicing homos as well.
First off, good works do not get anyone into Heaven. Second, since Jesus IS G-d Almighty Himself, He WROTE the moral law that calls homosexuality an abomination. Jesus also said "go and sin no more". That pertains to those practicing homos as well.
Jesus said "go and sin no more" to a woman who had committed adultery. In an era without adequate birth control methods and safe abortions she harmed her husband with the possibility that she may have had a child who was not his.

Homosexuals who restrict their sexual activities to consenting adults of their sex do not do this.

I am not a homosexual, but I do not feel threatened in any way by those who are homosexuals. They have reason to feel threatened by people like you.
No, his argument is correct. It is YOU who are ashamed of the Gospel and refuse to preach the truth about man's condition and the only cure.
When you go ad hominem my friend, you lose the debate. It is as simple as that. You are absolutely within your rights to think any silly thing you think about me. But you lost the debate right here. So I'll wish you a good night and a good day tomorrow.
But what is the truth? God once allowed polygamy according to Scriptures. So is polygamy okay today? The ancient Hebrews/Israelites had many of dietary rules/laws most of which only the most rigidly Orthodox try to follow today and most Christians do not feel compelled to follow any today.

God permits many things in this fallen world that are not what He wants. God's intent and ideal in regard to marriage has always been one man and one woman for life. There were probably reasons why polygamy was more common in the OT days, but there are a number of New Testament scriptures on marriage, and those passages always use the words 'husband' and 'wife' in the singular, not plural. Plus we know that Jesus reaffirmed God's original design for marriage. (Matthew 19:4-6)

As for dietary rules (on what is kosher) it is my understanding that those only applied to the Israelites. Those laws were ceremonial and temporal, which is completely different than moral laws which are universal and unchanging.

So if what you're implying is that homosexuality falls under the same category as defunct ceremonial laws, that is absolutely incorrect. Homosexuality is condemned in both the Old AND New Testaments, and it is a moral issue, as opposed to civil or ceremonial.

At one point scripture has God ordering the Israelites to kill all of their enemy--men, women, children, babies, livestock--every living person and living thing belonging to those persons. What Christian would believe that is God's will for us now or that anyone would be justified doing that?

That was a specific command to a specific group of people at a specific time, and it has nothing to do with God's universal unchanging moral laws. There were reasons for that (that's a topic in and of itself) but it is wrong to try to conflate a command meant only for a specific group / place / day in history to a general unchanging universal moral command.

I do not believe God gives me authority to condemn homosexuality any more than He gives me authority to condemn any other human condition that somebody is born with.

That's where you go wrong, your belief that gays are born that way. There is no 'gay gene' and it is not how God created them to be. I believe there might be a small percentage who are born with a propensity to be homosexual (like there are people genetically predisposed to alcoholism) but things like that are a result of this fallen world, and not at all the same as natural things like eye color, gender, etc. And as others have already said, even that is not a justification. By that logic, we could excuse just about anything, and there will certainly come a day when pedophiles will say "I was born this way."

As for what causes it, IMO there are a number of possible reasons, including things that happen in one's early childhood. I've noticed that a lot of homosexuals were sexually abused or molested in their childhood. I think there are other factors too, but this is getting too long and wordy. :)

I can condemn grooming, sexualizing young children, and any other evil imposed on society, but I won't condemn my gay friend who gives every appearance of living his/her life more commendably than I likely live mine.

I take far more seriously the admonitions of Jesus recorded in Matthew 23 than anything consenting adults may be doing in the privacy of their bedrooms.

You don't have to "condemn" your friend, but you also shouldn't mislead him by agreeing with the worldly lie that there's nothing wrong with homosexuality. At the end of the day, our standard is not what matters, only God's standard matters. And remember, with God all things are possible. So there is hope for everyone, but not if they continue to believe the lies this world bombards them with.
No, but THIS does. It is the Absolute, Infallible, Inviolate Word of G-d. He calls homosexuality an abomination in both the OT and NT. Sorry to burst your bubble there
I see I'm dealing with a moron..
Apparently everyone here understands I say EXACTLY the same thing here I except you.

You're looking for a fight where there is none.

Apparently you think, in that tiny little mind of yours, if a person is BORN with certain desires and leanings, then God approves of their desired behavior. He doesn't.

I have the same pull toward the opposite sex. But as a Christian I am not allowed to act on every lustful thought that tries to take root in my mind. THIS is what God requires of all of us.

If you keep arguing with me, and continue to pretend I say what I've never said, then I'll just put you on ignore.
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You know that "born that way" crap don't fly with pedophiles... at least for the time being until the left gets their way.
Yep. Same was true for homosexuals until 1973.

In the time that I have been alive, I have seen things, once regarded as unacceptable, become normalized and accepted into society. Homosexuality is one major example. Transsexuality is another. Even as recently as a dozen years ago, do you think anyone believed that society would ever give such acceptance and tolerance to fucked-up mental cases who deny the difference between men and women, and who claim to the the opposite of their actual sex? A dozen year ago, would anyone believe that such men would demand, and be granted, access to women's locker rooms, dressing rooms, and such? Or allowed to compete in sports against actual women, where being male, they have unfair advantages over female athletes?

We are now, undeniably, seeing the beginnings of efforts to legitimize pedophilia, the same way homosexuality and transsexuality have been legitimized.
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He who attacks his opponent instead of rebutting his opponent's argument exposes the weakness of his own argument.--The Fundamentals of Debate- Lesson one.
He thinks because I said SOME are born with homosexual desires that I approve of the behavior. Apparently he isn't capable of thinking deeply enough to understand God still requires them To Not GIVE IN to their desires

I give up. I don't need to "explain myself" to somone too dense to understand. I put him on ignore since he's determined to misrepresent me
In the time that I have been alive, I have seen things, once regarded as unacceptable, become normalized and i=accepted into society. Homosexuality is one major example. Transsexuality is another. Even as recently as a dozen years ago, do you think anyone believed that society would ever give such acceptance and tolerance to fucked-up mental cases who deny the difference between men and women, and who claim to the the opposite of their actual sex? A dozen year ago, would anyone believe that such men would demand, and be granted, access to women's locker rooms, dressing rooms, and such? Or allowed to compete in sports against actual women, where being male, they have unfair advantages over female athletes?

We are now, undeniably, seeing the beginnings of efforts to legitimize pedophilia, the same way homosexuality and transsexuality have been legitimized.
No one wants pedophilia to be legal

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