Why does left keep repeating lie that Trump mocked disabled reporter?

I don't really care if he meant to make fun of the tard, the guy lied and his lie was meant to discredit Trump...fuck the little freak. He stepped into the lions den and got bit...big fucking deal. And the last time Streep had a decent acting role was never.

No, it was TRUMP who lied, and Trump mocked the reporter to deflect from the fact that he was caught in a lie. Thousands didn't cheer in New Jersey when the World Trade Centre collapsed. That was Trump's lie, and we're not letting the Liar-in-Chief off the hook for his provable lies.

I realize that right wing talk radio and Fox News have trained you people to believe anything, as long as it didn't come from the MSM, but that's why you're so completely guillible that you'll vote for a lying conman.
I don't really care if he meant to make fun of the tard, the guy lied and his lie was meant to discredit Trump...fuck the little freak. He stepped into the lions den and got bit...big fucking deal. And the last time Streep had a decent acting role was never.

How can it be that you see everyone who doesnt like Trump as being the biggest loser no matter the field their in. Its almost like he has his hand elbow deep in your asshole and making you say stupid things
I note you did not deny that you can't win based on your ideas. Good of you there. Might be drifting back to reality.

It's the right who can't win on their ideas. That's why the lie and lie and lie.

Trump isn't going to build a wall. Mexico is not paying for it (already confirmed). He's not deporting 11 million illegal immigrants (already confirmed), he's not slapping tarriffs on companies off-shorting (Paul Ryan confirmed this). The list of his disappointments is growing daily.
I was making fun of the OP, ya dumb dyke.

Um, when you have to explain that your stupid comment was a joke, it's not funny, and you've got no room to call other people dumb.

I know these distinctions are difficult for those stupid enough to believe Donald Trump, so we try to educate those products of a Christian school education in truth and facts.
I was making fun of the OP, ya dumb dyke.

Um, when you have to explain that your stupid comment was a joke, it's not funny, and you've got no room to call other people dumb.

I know these distinctions are difficult for those stupid enough to believe Donald Trump, so we try to educate those products of a Christian school education in truth and facts.
GFY dumbass. I was clearly being sarcastic. She is just close minded. Get over it.
I think it's pretty obvious that Trump was mocking Serge, but, and he does this is a lot, Trump keeps it alive by bringing it up again and again.

In some ways Trump is a media genius, in others he's not too swift in how he manages the attention he gets.
How can it be that you see everyone who doesnt like Trump as being the biggest loser no matter the field their in.
Give me a break, like you never defended Oblama? stop the fake concern...When people open their pie hole and unfairly, without cause attack my President I'm going to defend him...especially when it's a washed up loud mouth actress.
Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it.

It worked for Hitler - and, as you expected, it's working for you liberal Democrat Party Adherents.
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GFY dumbass. I was clearly being sarcastic. She is just close minded. Get over it.

Insults and abuse - the "go to" response when you've got nothing.

Thanks for the confirmation that you're an ass.
Got nothing over what you idiot?
I was making fun of that ridiculous reasoning in the OP and the dumbass didn't pick up on it.
And here you are continuing the stupidity.
Anyone else think that candidates for public office should take lie detector tests? Only subject matter that the candidate has publicly spoken about is considered.
If those people put themselves in the political arena, like JOHN FUCKING MCCAIN has, they might very well deserve to get mocked.

Like John McCain certainly did.

I note you did not deny that you can't win based on your ideas. Good of you there. Might be drifting back to reality.

Adults respond to the objectionable statement that was presented

Children respond by mocking a persons handicap, looks or in this case, POW status

We adults have been trying to respond to your lefties objectionable statements for a long time.

Meanwhile you have been mocking the shit out of us in pop culture and the media and now social media.

Trump is the answer to your shit.

Do you support Trump mocking Cruz's wife as unattractive?
Do you support him laughing at Carly Fiorina's looks?
Do you support a draft dodger mocking the sacrifices of POWs?

Which of those can you blame on liberals?

Try reading my post again. YOur reply makes it clear you completely failed to understand what I said.

You really can't believe Trump is justified in mocking those people because liberals mock conservatives

Now respond how Trump mocking any of those people can be blamed on liberals

I made no mention of justification. I don't have to justify myself to you or to any lib after the last 50 years.

I was disagreeing with your point about adults vs children.
I note you did not deny that you can't win based on your ideas. Good of you there. Might be drifting back to reality.

It's the right who can't win on their ideas. That's why the lie and lie and lie.

Trump isn't going to build a wall. Mexico is not paying for it (already confirmed). He's not deporting 11 million illegal immigrants (already confirmed), he's not slapping tarriffs on companies off-shorting (Paul Ryan confirmed this). The list of his disappointments is growing daily.

The wall is going up.

We shall see about Mexico.

Deportations will vastly increase, and they will not be let back in.

His trade policy? Paul Ryan is in no position to comment on Trump's intent.

Your words are lies.
How can it be that you see everyone who doesnt like Trump as being the biggest loser no matter the field their in.
Give me a break, like you never defended Oblama? stop the fake concern...When people open their pie hole and unfairly, without cause attack my President I'm going to defend him...especially when it's a washed up loud mouth actress.

She's not "washed up", and she didn't attack Drumpf unfairly. In fact, she didn't even mention his name. Everything she said was absolutely true and accurate. You're only going after Streep because her comments hit their mark.

Trump is a bully, and always has been. The true test is how he flips out when someone does it to him. He can dish it out but he certainly can't take it. He's about to enter a shitstorm of criticism. I predict a total Twitter meltdown.

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