Why does not Trump recognize that there were terrorists in Las Vegas?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
72 minutes for the shooter is a very long time. More than 500 victims and at least 59 dead - too many, especially for a distance of 400 meters.One person will not be able to shoot out of twenty weapons, even in turn. Even if he is crazy (which is not true), there must be a goal of the action, what did he want? Let's recall Breivik - this is a classic example of how the possessed should act. With the subsequent explanation of his action
Afraid Trump being defeated by ISIS or other leftist ( all militant Islamic terrorists are left ) organization?
It was not one, or even two, that was fired - the group was firing from different positions. They fired not 70, but several minutes from automatic weapons, maybe from machine guns. And then they stopped and made a retreat. And the police came to the senses and began to understand who and where from. Found this guy does not know how. This dude could get under the distribution at all, and he did not shoot himself, but he was shot. Maybe the police to close the case.
Even if he shot single with an interval of one shot per minute, there are some interesting questions: why he was allowed to shoot 70 minutes? And why they broke into his room through the door ??? Shooted from the window? In 70 minutes, you can place snipers and seize the right moment to "take it off." In 70 minutes, you can organize an assault with penetration into the window. Naturally, having previously injected into the room light-shot grenades and grenades with some kind of gas ... Or did not special forces call for this situation?
Can Paddock be innocent victim who was at wrong time on wrong place?
There are too many questions and too few answers.

What's going on?
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72 minutes for the shooter is a very long time. More than 500 victims and at least 59 dead - too many, especially for a distance of 400 meters.One person will not be able to shoot out of twenty weapons, even in turn. Even if he is crazy (which is not true), there must be a goal of the action, what did he want? Let's recall Breivik - this is a classic example of how the possessed should act. With the subsequent explanation of his action
Afraid Trump being defeated by ISIS or other leftist ( all militant Islamic terrorists are left ) organization?
It was not one, or even two, that was fired - the group was firing from different positions. They fired not 70, but several minutes from automatic weapons, maybe from machine guns. And then they stopped and made a retreat. And the police came to the senses and began to understand who and where from. Found this guy does not know how. This dude could get under the distribution at all, and he did not shoot himself, but he was shot. Maybe the police to close the case.
Even if he shot single with an interval of one shot per minute, there are some interesting questions: why he was allowed to shoot 70 minutes? And why they broke into his room through the door ??? Shooted from the window? In 70 minutes, you can place snipers and seize the right moment to "take it off." In 70 minutes, you can organize an assault with penetration into the window. Naturally, having previously injected into the room light-shot grenades and grenades with some kind of gas ... Or did not special forces call for this situation?
Can Paddock be innocent victim who was at wrong time on wrong place?
There are too many questions and too few answers.

What's going on?

I have purposely not followed this case because frankly, it doesn't interest me. What is done is done and I can't change it. I'll wait to hear the conclusions. With that, I'll tune out all the cries, like Hillary's 15 minutes afterwards while the bodies were still warm, to call for a ban on semi-autos. Most every gun is a semi-auto. Any opportunity to stoke the anti-gun debate amongst the worried mothers of the world.

So I'll assume for now your statements are accurate. 72 minutes is a VERY long time for it to take to get a police response! And it is a VERY long time to need to leave a concert floor, especially when people are shooting at you.

The number of weapons was probably so that as one emptied, another could be used without reloading, though changing a magazine only takes 2 seconds.

Of course this man was crazy! All violence is a form of insanity.

They did the best thing by breaking into his room, that way they can attack the person close up with least risk to others in the building.

Was this a staged assault using multiple people? I don't put it past credibility that this was staged as an effort to force the gun issue. I put little past the Left.

But the real questions are:

1). What took so long to confront this guy? It is almost like they left him go to inflict maximum damage!

2). What could have been done to improve security?

3). And the biggest question: What makes a rich and successful businessman throw away his life to kill a lot of people he doesn't even know? Much like the Scalise / Ballfield issue, was this really a blindly politically motivated attack on people just because they were presumed "republican," "conservative," "country music loving," "Trump supporters?"

Can you so arrogantly tell that just from the music one listens too?

To listen to some from the Left, the answer might be: Yes.
As the known shooter is white, tRump can not say he is a terrorist, as only dark skinned males are in his dictionary.
72 minutes for the shooter is a very long time. More than 500 victims and at least 59 dead - too many, especially for a distance of 400 meters.One person will not be able to shoot out of twenty weapons, even in turn. Even if he is crazy (which is not true), there must be a goal of the action, what did he want? Let's recall Breivik - this is a classic example of how the possessed should act. With the subsequent explanation of his action
Afraid Trump being defeated by ISIS or other leftist ( all militant Islamic terrorists are left ) organization?
It was not one, or even two, that was fired - the group was firing from different positions. They fired not 70, but several minutes from automatic weapons, maybe from machine guns. And then they stopped and made a retreat. And the police came to the senses and began to understand who and where from. Found this guy does not know how. This dude could get under the distribution at all, and he did not shoot himself, but he was shot. Maybe the police to close the case.
Even if he shot single with an interval of one shot per minute, there are some interesting questions: why he was allowed to shoot 70 minutes? And why they broke into his room through the door ??? Shooted from the window? In 70 minutes, you can place snipers and seize the right moment to "take it off." In 70 minutes, you can organize an assault with penetration into the window. Naturally, having previously injected into the room light-shot grenades and grenades with some kind of gas ... Or did not special forces call for this situation?
Can Paddock be innocent victim who was at wrong time on wrong place?
There are too many questions and too few answers.

What's going on?
What's going on is you have NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

So much paranoia
So little common sense or facts
As the known shooter is white, tRump can not say he is a terrorist, as only dark skinned males are in his dictionary.

  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

    What were his political aims?
While it may not fall under the technical definition of terrorism I assure you those people were terrorized.

People like the guy you quoted and the op are lost in their own delusions. Best to just ignore the stupidity & move on.
As the known shooter is white, tRump can not say he is a terrorist, as only dark skinned males are in his dictionary.

  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

    What were his political aims?
While it may not fall under the technical definition of terrorism I assure you those people were terrorized.

People like the guy you quoted and the op are lost in their own delusions. Best to just ignore the stupidity & move on.
I agree, Of course people were terrorised, but I don't think it will be labelled 'terrorism' unless it's connected to some policial ideology/aim. I don't thinks it's because he's 'not brown' as the poster I answered suggested.
As the known shooter is white, tRump can not say he is a terrorist, as only dark skinned males are in his dictionary.
this is such agenda driven bullshit. posts like this and the people who make them will blame all but themselves for the divide in this world.

show me where trump said this, please. i'd love to be wrong here but you're going to need to show me where he's said or proven this.
72 minutes for the shooter is a very long time. More than 500 victims and at least 59 dead - too many, especially for a distance of 400 meters.One person will not be able to shoot out of twenty weapons, even in turn. Even if he is crazy (which is not true), there must be a goal of the action, what did he want? Let's recall Breivik - this is a classic example of how the possessed should act. With the subsequent explanation of his action
Afraid Trump being defeated by ISIS or other leftist ( all militant Islamic terrorists are left ) organization?
It was not one, or even two, that was fired - the group was firing from different positions. They fired not 70, but several minutes from automatic weapons, maybe from machine guns. And then they stopped and made a retreat. And the police came to the senses and began to understand who and where from. Found this guy does not know how. This dude could get under the distribution at all, and he did not shoot himself, but he was shot. Maybe the police to close the case.
Even if he shot single with an interval of one shot per minute, there are some interesting questions: why he was allowed to shoot 70 minutes? And why they broke into his room through the door ??? Shooted from the window? In 70 minutes, you can place snipers and seize the right moment to "take it off." In 70 minutes, you can organize an assault with penetration into the window. Naturally, having previously injected into the room light-shot grenades and grenades with some kind of gas ... Or did not special forces call for this situation?
Can Paddock be innocent victim who was at wrong time on wrong place?
There are too many questions and too few answers.

What's going on?

Shooted from the window?

That's the most intelligent thing in this post.

You use multiple weapons so you don't melt the barrel!

What does distance have to do with anything? He wasn't selecting targets. It was "spray and pray" targeting at best.

Where exactly are those snipers going to be? Are you going to quickly build another building to give them a point where they can see into a room on the 32nd floor?

Did you miss that little tidbit? The 32nd floor. That's about a football field length VERTICALLY!

Penetration through the window? Can SWAT teams just flap their arms and fly now?

You amateurs are ridiculous! That's why your conspiracy theories re so laughable!
If you terrorize a group of people you are a terrorist. You do not need religion or political ideology to be a terrorist. But if you are brown skinned it is automatic you are a terrorist.
As the known shooter is white, tRump can not say he is a terrorist, as only dark skinned males are in his dictionary.

  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

    What were his political aims?
While it may not fall under the technical definition of terrorism I assure you those people were terrorized.

People like the guy you quoted and the op are lost in their own delusions. Best to just ignore the stupidity & move on.
Being scared of guy doesnt make him a terrorist. Going by your definition, every horror film maker is a terrorist. Words have meanings. You dont get to change their definitions.
If you terrorize a group of people you are a terrorist. You do not need religion or political ideology to be a terrorist. But if you are brown skinned it is automatic you are a terrorist.
Your dumb fucking definition is laughable. Every violent criminal is a terrorist then. Every home invasion, every robbery, mugging, car jacking, assault, etc.
72 minutes for the shooter is a very long time. More than 500 victims and at least 59 dead - too many, especially for a distance of 400 meters.One person will not be able to shoot out of twenty weapons, even in turn. Even if he is crazy (which is not true), there must be a goal of the action, what did he want? Let's recall Breivik - this is a classic example of how the possessed should act. With the subsequent explanation of his action
Afraid Trump being defeated by ISIS or other leftist ( all militant Islamic terrorists are left ) organization?
It was not one, or even two, that was fired - the group was firing from different positions. They fired not 70, but several minutes from automatic weapons, maybe from machine guns. And then they stopped and made a retreat. And the police came to the senses and began to understand who and where from. Found this guy does not know how. This dude could get under the distribution at all, and he did not shoot himself, but he was shot. Maybe the police to close the case.
Even if he shot single with an interval of one shot per minute, there are some interesting questions: why he was allowed to shoot 70 minutes? And why they broke into his room through the door ??? Shooted from the window? In 70 minutes, you can place snipers and seize the right moment to "take it off." In 70 minutes, you can organize an assault with penetration into the window. Naturally, having previously injected into the room light-shot grenades and grenades with some kind of gas ... Or did not special forces call for this situation?
Can Paddock be innocent victim who was at wrong time on wrong place?
There are too many questions and too few answers.

What's going on?
I don't have the answers to all your questions, but i did listen to the swat team radio communications prior to them gaining entry. The story is they couldn't locate where he was shooting from and only discovered him because the fire alarm went off in his room. In all the videos I've watched that face the hotel I never saw any muzzle flash to give away his position. Also another odd thing I noticed was, early on when you first start hearing shots being fired I saw no indications in the crowd. No screams, no ricochets, no people dropping for quite a while. To me so far all I see is they found a dead man in a room with guns and some broken windows, but the explosives they used to blast the door could've done that. If you watch the interviews with his brother it gets even weirder. First day he was some what believable, but todays follow up interview goes wildly off course. Today his brother made him out to be a multi-millionaire high rolling gambler who sent $100K to anybody he cared about on a regular basis, but he was suppose to be a semi-retired accountant yesterday. His neighbor in Mesquite says he was docile and friendly and likely to play video poker at his corner bar. His brother has him hitting every casino on the strip as a high roller with gold status. Yesterday they weren't close, today they'd blow $1000 together eating sushi and hanging out... The brother also said his family was crazy rich, right after he said they lived on the freeway in california and that his mother was a secretary raising 4 kids alone. Today he claims that if you check he and his mother were paid large sums of money 3 years ago. When he got burnt out on his job his brother gave him a small fortune so he could retire early and more for mom so she could be comfortable too, all from a semi-retired accountant. The pieces for this puzzle are in the wrong box.

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