Why does Obama boast about the results of fracking?

Its not so bad when someone owns acreage full of scrub brush and then trots down to pick up a check in the mailbox for a 100 grand each month.

Definitely a boom for those owning land in the right place. Good for farmers maybe it will help keep the price of food from skyrocketing. We own about 10 acres and already received money now we just wait until they start drilling. They are maybe 1/2 mile away and naturally I am worried about my water. But because I joined a group if they ruin my water they are suppose to replace it.

Anyway it is not hard to be jealous of people who own lots of land just because they inherited it and they do nothing with it.

Well, I hope everything works out for you. I work for a company that does groundwater remidiation projects and fracking has been a boon to my company with all of the groundwater monitoring from pissed off residents and municipalities.

Is the remediation because of the drilling or improper disposal. I think the latter if what they tell me about how deep are the wells. And if the water is coming from the wells I can't see what you could remediate. I hope it works out for everyone, you too. Our area didn't have much going on before this came around. I am so tired of nothing being good and nothing positive. Makes me want to stop posting on the internet, too negative.
Dear Dutch:

A few years ago, the Administrator of the EPA was testifying before the HR on the subject of fracking. She was asked, point blank, if her agency had ANY indication of groundwater contamination as the result of fracking. She responded, reluctantly, in the negative.

Despite the popularity and the irrational belief in the movie "Gasland," the danger to groundwater due to fracking is no greater than it has been for the past 100+ years of coal mining, oil exploration, etc. - which we seem to have survived.

I can understand why people might want to have their well water tested if a gas well is drilled near their property, but to your knowledge is large scale contamination a reality at this time?
Definitely a boom for those owning land in the right place. Good for farmers maybe it will help keep the price of food from skyrocketing. We own about 10 acres and already received money now we just wait until they start drilling. They are maybe 1/2 mile away and naturally I am worried about my water. But because I joined a group if they ruin my water they are suppose to replace it.

Anyway it is not hard to be jealous of people who own lots of land just because they inherited it and they do nothing with it.

Well, I hope everything works out for you. I work for a company that does groundwater remidiation projects and fracking has been a boon to my company with all of the groundwater monitoring from pissed off residents and municipalities.

Is the remediation because of the drilling or improper disposal. I think the latter if what they tell me about how deep are the wells. And if the water is coming from the wells I can't see what you could remediate. I hope it works out for everyone, you too. Our area didn't have much going on before this came around. I am so tired of nothing being good and nothing positive. Makes me want to stop posting on the internet, too negative.

Improper disposal definitley. Well water can be eventually remediated, it's just a long, long process.
Well, I hope everything works out for you. I work for a company that does groundwater remidiation projects and fracking has been a boon to my company with all of the groundwater monitoring from pissed off residents and municipalities.

Is the remediation because of the drilling or improper disposal. I think the latter if what they tell me about how deep are the wells. And if the water is coming from the wells I can't see what you could remediate. I hope it works out for everyone, you too. Our area didn't have much going on before this came around. I am so tired of nothing being good and nothing positive. Makes me want to stop posting on the internet, too negative.

Improper disposal definitley. Well water can be eventually remediated, it's just a long, long process.

This is where the government needs to be pro-active. They need to put those who improperly dispose of facking water in jail and pay hefty fines. They also need to make sure there are places that accept the waste before it is created.
Dear Dutch:

A few years ago, the Administrator of the EPA was testifying before the HR on the subject of fracking. She was asked, point blank, if her agency had ANY indication of groundwater contamination as the result of fracking. She responded, reluctantly, in the negative.

Despite the popularity and the irrational belief in the movie "Gasland," the danger to groundwater due to fracking is no greater than it has been for the past 100+ years of coal mining, oil exploration, etc. - which we seem to have survived.

I can understand why people might want to have their well water tested if a gas well is drilled near their property, but to your knowledge is large scale contamination a reality at this time?

The scenes of water faucets with NG coming out was set up. One of them were even hooked up to a propane tank. That said, if my spigot had NG coming from it I wouldn't bitch I would be buying a gas furnace.
Dear Dutch:

A few years ago, the Administrator of the EPA was testifying before the HR on the subject of fracking. She was asked, point blank, if her agency had ANY indication of groundwater contamination as the result of fracking. She responded, reluctantly, in the negative.

Despite the popularity and the irrational belief in the movie "Gasland," the danger to groundwater due to fracking is no greater than it has been for the past 100+ years of coal mining, oil exploration, etc. - which we seem to have survived.

I can understand why people might want to have their well water tested if a gas well is drilled near their property, but to your knowledge is large scale contamination a reality at this time?

It's can be improper disposal, but there is also a risk of the bore holes not being sealed correctly with leakage into the surrounding formation. In my experience the EPA is a, I see nothing so nothing is wrong, kind of agency. Alot of money is being pumped into local communities and Gov's have a wink, wink relationship with local regulators. Then when there is enough of a public outcry the site will become a Superfund site where companies like mine make alot of money cleaning it up.
Also from the SOTU:

"It’s not just oil and natural gas production that’s booming; we’re becoming a global leader in solar, too."

"And even as we’ve increased energy production, we’ve partnered with businesses, builders, and local communities to reduce the energy we consume. "

"One of the reasons why is natural gas – if extracted safely, it’s the bridge fuel that can power our economy with less of the carbon pollution that causes climate change. Businesses plan to invest almost $100 billion in new factories that use natural gas. I’ll cut red tape to help states get those factories built, and this Congress can help by putting people to work building fueling stations that shift more cars and trucks from foreign oil to American natural gas. "

Are the liberals defending him going to give him credit for that little "if extracted safely"? Isn't that moot? Isn't fracking horrible? Obama should be promising to end it, not bragging about the results of it.

You seem to be basing your questions on mental straw men built over time in your mind by partisan manufacturers of bullshit.
Dear Dutch:

A few years ago, the Administrator of the EPA was testifying before the HR on the subject of fracking. She was asked, point blank, if her agency had ANY indication of groundwater contamination as the result of fracking. She responded, reluctantly, in the negative.

Despite the popularity and the irrational belief in the movie "Gasland," the danger to groundwater due to fracking is no greater than it has been for the past 100+ years of coal mining, oil exploration, etc. - which we seem to have survived.

I can understand why people might want to have their well water tested if a gas well is drilled near their property, but to your knowledge is large scale contamination a reality at this time?

You mean Carol Browner? The Socialists International board member who had every screen shot of her on the Board scrubbed within minutes of her being nominated by the scumbag-in-chief to supervise the EPA?

Yeah, that's her
Took me a while to find it. It's been well-scrubbed

From his SOTU: "More oil produced at home than we buy from the rest of the world – the first time that’s happened in nearly twenty years."

Why did he laud that as something seemingly good? Is he a fan of fracking?

Yes its the one thing he is right about,NG is not evil,as so many falsely try and paint it.

Obmaa needs to kick NY state in the ass and end this false moratorium on Gas drilling.

Yeah lets end that moratorium on drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico while were at it (and force Fla. to allow drilling in it's territorial waters too. To hell with states rights). What right does Florida have wanting clean beaches? Hell they could do what the did when tar balls started showing up on their beaches after the Horizon blow out. Just bulldoze them under the sand as soon as possible.......


This would work out well if everyone in Florida decided to walk and ride bikes.

If Florida, NY, or Colorado want other states to carry the burden of potential environmental issues associated with oil and gas production, then they should be prepared to pay extra for everything associated with transportation and manufacturing.
Yes its the one thing he is right about,NG is not evil,as so many falsely try and paint it.

Obmaa needs to kick NY state in the ass and end this false moratorium on Gas drilling.

Yeah lets end that moratorium on drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico while were at it (and force Fla. to allow drilling in it's territorial waters too. To hell with states rights). What right does Florida have wanting clean beaches? Hell they could do what the did when tar balls started showing up on their beaches after the Horizon blow out. Just bulldoze them under the sand as soon as possible.......


This would work out well if everyone in Florida decided to walk and ride bikes.

If Florida, NY, or Colorado want other states to carry the burden of potential environmental issues associated with oil and gas production, then they should be prepared to pay extra for everything associated with transportation and manufacturing.

We have this document called, "The Constitution Of The United States of America" that you might run afoul of with your idea.

But, since when has the Constitution mattered to a libturd?

I think Delenn is calling you
Its not so bad when someone owns acreage full of scrub brush and then trots down to pick up a check in the mailbox for a 100 grand each month.

Definitely a boom for those owning land in the right place. Good for farmers maybe it will help keep the price of food from skyrocketing. We own about 10 acres and already received money now we just wait until they start drilling. They are maybe 1/2 mile away and naturally I am worried about my water. But because I joined a group if they ruin my water they are suppose to replace it.

Anyway it is not hard to be jealous of people who own lots of land just because they inherited it and they do nothing with it.

Well, I hope everything works out for you. I work for a company that does groundwater remidiation projects and fracking has been a boon to my company with all of the groundwater monitoring from pissed off residents and municipalities.

Ive been on both sides, water and petroleum, nat gas. Water is a natural resource that has to be given the highest regard in protection. Aquifers are very sensitive. It does not benefit an operator to slack on the regs that must be followed to protect the water. We double case each time we drill through an aquifer.
Yes its the one thing he is right about,NG is not evil,as so many falsely try and paint it.

Obmaa needs to kick NY state in the ass and end this false moratorium on Gas drilling.

Yeah lets end that moratorium on drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico while were at it (and force Fla. to allow drilling in it's territorial waters too. To hell with states rights). What right does Florida have wanting clean beaches? Hell they could do what the did when tar balls started showing up on their beaches after the Horizon blow out. Just bulldoze them under the sand as soon as possible.......


This would work out well if everyone in Florida decided to walk and ride bikes.

If Florida, NY, or Colorado want other states to carry the burden of potential environmental issues associated with oil and gas production, then they should be prepared to pay extra for everything associated with transportation and manufacturing.

Fla. doesn't control the Federal waters in the Gulf. Be that as it may, I was being sarcastic as Fla. NY Co all have the right to ban fracking and or drilling in it's waters. The Feds have no business in tell them they can't. Furthermore, the ban on developing the Eastern Gulf was put into place many years before this administration.

They could rollerblade.......
From his SOTU: "More oil produced at home than we buy from the rest of the world – the first time that’s happened in nearly twenty years."

Why did he laud that as something seemingly good? Is he a fan of fracking?

Breaking News: The Republicans have announced they are now against Fracking
From his SOTU: "More oil produced at home than we buy from the rest of the world – the first time that’s happened in nearly twenty years."

Why did he laud that as something seemingly good? Is he a fan of fracking?

Breaking News: The Republicans have announced they are now against Fracking

Yeah, Obama could say he is for breathing and republicans would hold their breaths to spite him.
Yeah lets end that moratorium on drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico while were at it (and force Fla. to allow drilling in it's territorial waters too. To hell with states rights). What right does Florida have wanting clean beaches? Hell they could do what the did when tar balls started showing up on their beaches after the Horizon blow out. Just bulldoze them under the sand as soon as possible.......


This would work out well if everyone in Florida decided to walk and ride bikes.

If Florida, NY, or Colorado want other states to carry the burden of potential environmental issues associated with oil and gas production, then they should be prepared to pay extra for everything associated with transportation and manufacturing.

We have this document called, "The Constitution Of The United States of America" that you might run afoul of with your idea.

But, since when has the Constitution mattered to a libturd?

I think Delenn is calling you


Keep Tying, perhaps one day you'll type in the correct response.
From his SOTU: "More oil produced at home than we buy from the rest of the world – the first time that’s happened in nearly twenty years."

Why did he laud that as something seemingly good? Is he a fan of fracking?

Yes its the one thing he is right about,NG is not evil,as so many falsely try and paint it.

Obmaa needs to kick NY state in the ass and end this false moratorium on Gas drilling.

Yeah lets end that moratorium on drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico while were at it (and force Fla. to allow drilling in it's territorial waters too. To hell with states rights). What right does Florida have wanting clean beaches? Hell they could do what the did when tar balls started showing up on their beaches after the Horizon blow out. Just bulldoze them under the sand as soon as possible.......


If it was about "states' rights", we'd be drilling the Atlantic OCS.

Governors of coastal states say the shadow cast by Deepwater Horizon has loomed too large and lingered too long--now they want more drilling off their coasts and they want to reap more of the benefits, they told an audience at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston Monday.

Coastal Governors Want More Offshore Drilling - WSJ.com
Political expediency - the man is a master at it; his lowbrow constiuency will instantly accredit him for it with his mentioning!

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