Why does Obama boast about the results of fracking?

From his SOTU: "More oil produced at home than we buy from the rest of the world – the first time that’s happened in nearly twenty years."

Why did he laud that as something seemingly good? Is he a fan of fracking?

Breaking News: The Republicans have announced they are now against Fracking


I am ambivalent toward fracking.

I am against people who give Obama a pass for boasting about the results of fracking when the people giving him a pass oppose it.
Dear Dutch:

A few years ago, the Administrator of the EPA was testifying before the HR on the subject of fracking. She was asked, point blank, if her agency had ANY indication of groundwater contamination as the result of fracking. She responded, reluctantly, in the negative.

Despite the popularity and the irrational belief in the movie "Gasland," the danger to groundwater due to fracking is no greater than it has been for the past 100+ years of coal mining, oil exploration, etc. - which we seem to have survived.

I can understand why people might want to have their well water tested if a gas well is drilled near their property, but to your knowledge is large scale contamination a reality at this time?

It is not,nor will there be
Yes its the one thing he is right about,NG is not evil,as so many falsely try and paint it.

Obmaa needs to kick NY state in the ass and end this false moratorium on Gas drilling.

Yeah lets end that moratorium on drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico while were at it (and force Fla. to allow drilling in it's territorial waters too. To hell with states rights). What right does Florida have wanting clean beaches? Hell they could do what the did when tar balls started showing up on their beaches after the Horizon blow out. Just bulldoze them under the sand as soon as possible.......


This would work out well if everyone in Florida decided to walk and ride bikes.

If Florida, NY, or Colorado want other states to carry the burden of potential environmental issues associated with oil and gas production, then they should be prepared to pay extra for everything associated with transportation and manufacturing.

Only the ones that are against it,there are plenty of people in NY that want their property rights respected. I get a real charge out of the no drill crowd that have their propaganda signs stuck in the ground next to their gas meter,the peak in selfishness.
From his SOTU: "More oil produced at home than we buy from the rest of the world – the first time that’s happened in nearly twenty years."

Why did he laud that as something seemingly good? Is he a fan of fracking?

Breaking News: The Republicans have announced they are now against Fracking


I am ambivalent toward fracking.

I am against people who give Obama a pass for boasting about the results of fracking when the people giving him a pass oppose it.

Jokes dont go over too well here I see.

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