Why Does Obama want to Close Guantanamo Bay?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The title is the question. I know he promised to do so, yet I can't recall his rationale for doing so.

Restore Habeas Corpus and end indefinite arrest and detention. Try and convict the people at Gitmo, get them sentenced or get them home whichever is appropriate. End the folly of having a constitution that stands for human rights while not doing anything for human rights.
Restore Habeas Corpus and end indefinite arrest and detention. Try and convict the people at Gitmo, get them sentenced or get them home whichever is appropriate. End the folly of having a constitution that stands for human rights while not doing anything for human rights.

How is that funny HereWeGoAgain?
Ridiculously expensive prison, tremendous recruiting symbol for Islamists.
Restore Habeas Corpus and end indefinite arrest and detention. Try and convict the people at Gitmo, get them sentenced or get them home whichever is appropriate. End the folly of having a constitution that stands for human rights while not doing anything for human rights.

These are war crimes and Habeas Corpus does not apply. Our Constitution is to protect Americans, not those who want to kill them

So why are so many Republicans so terrified of imprisoning them in the USA?

If there's one thing the USA does well, it's imprison people. We are the masters of the art. No other nation in the world comes close to matching our skill.
Restore Habeas Corpus and end indefinite arrest and detention. Try and convict the people at Gitmo, get them sentenced or get them home whichever is appropriate. End the folly of having a constitution that stands for human rights while not doing anything for human rights.

These are war crimes and Habeas Corpus does not apply. Our Constitution is to protect Americans, not those who want to kill them


No, not all the Guantanamo prisoners are held for war crime and the Supreme Court ruled that those prisoners had a right to submit petitions based on habeas corpus. However, the DC court has chosen to block habeas applications making the process very slow and cumbersome.The constitution is for everyone and is an example of a perfectly worded document that represents freedom for all.
Restore Habeas Corpus and end indefinite arrest and detention. Try and convict the people at Gitmo, get them sentenced or get them home whichever is appropriate. End the folly of having a constitution that stands for human rights while not doing anything for human rights.

These are war crimes and Habeas Corpus does not apply. Our Constitution is to protect Americans, not those who want to kill them


No, not all the Guantanamo prisoners are held for war crime and the Supreme Court ruled that those prisoners had a right to submit petitions based on habeas corpus. However, the DC court has chosen to block habeas applications making the process very slow and cumbersome.The constitution is for everyone and is an example of a perfectly worded document that represents freedom for all.

Not to our enemies it doesn't

So why are so many Republicans so terrified of imprisoning them in the USA?

If there's one thing the USA does well, it's imprison people. We are the masters of the art. No other nation in the world comes close to matching our skill.

Because these are crimes committed in war. The prisoners are considered enemy military combatants. They are not entitled to our public justice system.

Restore Habeas Corpus and end indefinite arrest and detention. Try and convict the people at Gitmo, get them sentenced or get them home whichever is appropriate. End the folly of having a constitution that stands for human rights while not doing anything for human rights.

These are war crimes and Habeas Corpus does not apply. Our Constitution is to protect Americans, not those who want to kill them


No, not all the Guantanamo prisoners are held for war crime and the Supreme Court ruled that those prisoners had a right to submit petitions based on habeas corpus. However, the DC court has chosen to block habeas applications making the process very slow and cumbersome.The constitution is for everyone and is an example of a perfectly worded document that represents freedom for all.

Not to our enemies it doesn't


It appears you have a mindless slogan for every occasion....

Joint Chiefs chairman: Close Gitmo - USATODAY.com
Restore Habeas Corpus and end indefinite arrest and detention. Try and convict the people at Gitmo, get them sentenced or get them home whichever is appropriate. End the folly of having a constitution that stands for human rights while not doing anything for human rights.

These are war crimes and Habeas Corpus does not apply. Our Constitution is to protect Americans, not those who want to kill them


No, not all the Guantanamo prisoners are held for war crime and the Supreme Court ruled that those prisoners had a right to submit petitions based on habeas corpus. However, the DC court has chosen to block habeas applications making the process very slow and cumbersome.The constitution is for everyone and is an example of a perfectly worded document that represents freedom for all.

Not to our enemies it doesn't


America wins every time it guarantees the protection of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution to everyone and if you deserve after an honest trial, a needle, then you will get it.
Restore Habeas Corpus and end indefinite arrest and detention. Try and convict the people at Gitmo, get them sentenced or get them home whichever is appropriate. End the folly of having a constitution that stands for human rights while not doing anything for human rights.

Did we give trials and habeas corpus to German spies wearing American uniforms on the battlefield?
Restore Habeas Corpus and end indefinite arrest and detention. Try and convict the people at Gitmo, get them sentenced or get them home whichever is appropriate. End the folly of having a constitution that stands for human rights while not doing anything for human rights.

These are war crimes and Habeas Corpus does not apply. Our Constitution is to protect Americans, not those who want to kill them


No, not all the Guantanamo prisoners are held for war crime and the Supreme Court ruled that those prisoners had a right to submit petitions based on habeas corpus. However, the DC court has chosen to block habeas applications making the process very slow and cumbersome.The constitution is for everyone and is an example of a perfectly worded document that represents freedom for all.

Not to our enemies it doesn't


America wins every time it guarantees the protection of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution to everyone and if you deserve after an honest trial, a needle, then you will get it.

Wrong. Did Lincoln grant habeas corpus and an honest trial to critics of his regime?
Restore Habeas Corpus and end indefinite arrest and detention. Try and convict the people at Gitmo, get them sentenced or get them home whichever is appropriate. End the folly of having a constitution that stands for human rights while not doing anything for human rights.

These are war crimes and Habeas Corpus does not apply. Our Constitution is to protect Americans, not those who want to kill them


No, not all the Guantanamo prisoners are held for war crime and the Supreme Court ruled that those prisoners had a right to submit petitions based on habeas corpus. However, the DC court has chosen to block habeas applications making the process very slow and cumbersome.The constitution is for everyone and is an example of a perfectly worded document that represents freedom for all.

Not to our enemies it doesn't


It appears you have a mindless slogan for every occasion....

Joint Chiefs chairman: Close Gitmo - USATODAY.com

It's strange that you consider facts to be "mindless slogans."
The title is the question. I know he promised to do so, yet I can't recall his rationale for doing so.


He wants to set his people free.

The left bitched about the detainees being held so long, but what they lie about is the reason. It was Holder's old law firm that got involved from the start and kept delaying military tribunals. They wanted civilian trials for the terrorist suspects.

Had it not been for those liberal lawyers taking up the cause for the terrorists, the military tribunals would have taken place within a reasonable time. Some detainees would have been held indefinitely anyway. When they were set free, they immediately resumed their terror activities. What a shock.

The left likes to apply American laws to terrorist suspects in other countries. Funny that so many American citizens have been held in Muslim countries for years, for the crime of being an infidel, and yet the left doesn't complain that our own citizens are held indefinitely and without being granted their U.S. rights. Many are horribly mistreated. The left only seems to get involved when it's foreigners, particularly Muslims, that America is involved in capturing. There has been more outrage from the left regarding GITMO prisoner treatment than there is about the torture and murder of Christians and gays by radical Muslims.
Restore Habeas Corpus and end indefinite arrest and detention. Try and convict the people at Gitmo, get them sentenced or get them home whichever is appropriate. End the folly of having a constitution that stands for human rights while not doing anything for human rights.

These are war crimes and Habeas Corpus does not apply. Our Constitution is to protect Americans, not those who want to kill them


No, not all the Guantanamo prisoners are held for war crime and the Supreme Court ruled that those prisoners had a right to submit petitions based on habeas corpus. However, the DC court has chosen to block habeas applications making the process very slow and cumbersome.The constitution is for everyone and is an example of a perfectly worded document that represents freedom for all.

Not to our enemies it doesn't


America wins every time it guarantees the protection of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution to everyone and if you deserve after an honest trial, a needle, then you will get it.

Wrong. Did Lincoln grant habeas corpus and an honest trial to critics of his regime?

What relevance does Lincoln have toward habeas in 1861 and the NDAA of 2009?
Obama got a Nobel prize because he said he was going to close GITMO. He feels he will have to close it in order to enhance his legacy. What a man!!!
These are war crimes and Habeas Corpus does not apply. Our Constitution is to protect Americans, not those who want to kill them


No, not all the Guantanamo prisoners are held for war crime and the Supreme Court ruled that those prisoners had a right to submit petitions based on habeas corpus. However, the DC court has chosen to block habeas applications making the process very slow and cumbersome.The constitution is for everyone and is an example of a perfectly worded document that represents freedom for all.

Not to our enemies it doesn't


America wins every time it guarantees the protection of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution to everyone and if you deserve after an honest trial, a needle, then you will get it.

Wrong. Did Lincoln grant habeas corpus and an honest trial to critics of his regime?

What relevance does Lincoln have toward habeas in 1861 and the NDAA of 2009?

Lincoln abolished habeas corpus during the Civil War. I'm sure you will come to his defense, like all the servile Lincoln cult members always do.

All you Obama dick sucking toadies are constantly whining about habeas corpus for the Guantanamo detainees, aren't you?

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