Why does the "Global Warming" crowd have so much to hide?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
First we had left-wing political activists posing as "scientists" caught discussing how they falsify their "data" to make it appear that "Global Warming" actually exists. Then we had a second round of left-wing political activists posing as "scientists" caught discussing how they falsify their "data" to make it appear that "Global Warming" actually exists. And now we have left-wing government officials refusing to produce public emails related to their "Global Warming" crusade.
E&E Legal also claims that Vermont’s decision is an example of the state’s failure to maintain a transparent government.

“Vermont’s current attorney general is the lawyer protecting former AG Sorrell’s work-related Gmails from public disclosure, and apparently also from compelling Sorrell to turn over to the government and to the public the very records that he created in the use of a taxpayer-funded office,” Hardin said. “This is not how a transparent government operates and the people of Vermont deserve better.”
What's the problem, lefties? Why are you so terrified to be transparent? :dunno:

Group Sues Vermont AG for Withholding Emails About Climate Crusade Against Oil Groups
We all know the Left could NEVER be transparent because if they were, everyone would know they are full of shit.
We all know the Left could NEVER be transparent because if they were, everyone would know they are full of shit.
The single biggest problem we have as a nation is failure to abide by the U.S. Constitution. The second biggest problem we have as a nation is lack of transparency by government. Both are attributed directly to progressives.
We all know the Left could NEVER be transparent because if they were, everyone would know they are full of shit.
The single biggest problem we have as a nation is failure to abide by the U.S. Constitution. The second biggest problem we have as a nation is lack of transparency by government. Both are attributed directly to progressives.

Your military and national defense folks know a whole lot better than to listen to the denial crowd, nuff said. Caterwaul on my freind.
We all know the Left could NEVER be transparent because if they were, everyone would know they are full of shit.
The single biggest problem we have as a nation is failure to abide by the U.S. Constitution. The second biggest problem we have as a nation is lack of transparency by government. Both are attributed directly to progressives.

Your military and national defense folks know a whole lot better than to listen to the denial crowd, nuff said. Caterwaul on my freind.
Fenton Dumb has mini-meltdowns every time the truth is spoken. It's a condition that all progressives suffer from. :dunno:
We all know the Left could NEVER be transparent because if they were, everyone would know they are full of shit.
The single biggest problem we have as a nation is failure to abide by the U.S. Constitution. The second biggest problem we have as a nation is lack of transparency by government. Both are attributed directly to progressives.

Your military and national defense folks know a whole lot better than to listen to the denial crowd, nuff said. Caterwaul on my freind.
So they are listening to the warmers...is they your position?
We all know the Left could NEVER be transparent because if they were, everyone would know they are full of shit.
The single biggest problem we have as a nation is failure to abide by the U.S. Constitution. The second biggest problem we have as a nation is lack of transparency by government. Both are attributed directly to progressives.

Your military and national defense folks know a whole lot better than to listen to the denial crowd, nuff said. Caterwaul on my freind.
So they are listening to the warmers...is they your position?

Curious? Research it.
We all know the Left could NEVER be transparent because if they were, everyone would know they are full of shit.
The single biggest problem we have as a nation is failure to abide by the U.S. Constitution. The second biggest problem we have as a nation is lack of transparency by government. Both are attributed directly to progressives.

Your military and national defense folks know a whole lot better than to listen to the denial crowd, nuff said. Caterwaul on my freind.
Fenton Dumb has mini-meltdowns every time the truth is spoken. It's a condition that all progressives suffer from. :dunno:
Look into it pard. Or deny and sling labels.
We all know the Left could NEVER be transparent because if they were, everyone would know they are full of shit.
The single biggest problem we have as a nation is failure to abide by the U.S. Constitution. The second biggest problem we have as a nation is lack of transparency by government. Both are attributed directly to progressives.

Your military and national defense folks know a whole lot better than to listen to the denial crowd, nuff said. Caterwaul on my freind.
So they are listening to the warmers...is they your position?

Curious? Research it.
No desire.

I would suspect they are happy to side with warmers, what better way to expand the power and wealth of government than to enact the AGW plan.
Look into it pard. Or deny and sling labels.
You poor little retard. The U.S. military doesn't decide for itself. They are under the order of the Commander in Chief. When that was Barack Insane Obama, that meant cross-dressing instead of training and installing "green" energy intstead of weapons systems.

You are clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed.
A key goal is to bring down the cost of cleaner energy. At least 19 governments and 28 leading world investors, including Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, billionaires George Soros and Saudi Prince Alaweed bin Talal, and Jack Ma of China's Alibaba, have signed on so far. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros Lead Launch Of Clean Energy Fund

A startup’s new process could make fuel from algae as cheap as petroleum.
Fuel from Algae

Genetically modified algae could soon show up in food, fuel, and pharmaceuticals

Billionaire George Soros' Fund Bought These 3 Pharma Stocks: Should You?


"If they're grown in big, open ponds, which is mainly what were talking about, could the newer types of microalgae get out into nature and mingle? We need to know if they can survive and whether they can hybridize or evolve to become more prolific when they get out of a controlled environment," Snow said.

"If they can survive, we also need to know whether some types of genetically engineered blue-green algae, for example, could produce toxins or harmful algal blooms -- or both," Snow noted.

And because algae are so small and could be dispersed by rough weather or wildlife activity, biologists worry that any transgenes they contain to enhance their growth and strength could be transferred to other species in a way that could upset a fragile ecosystem. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/08/120820121044.htm

The Race to Make Fuel Out of Algae Poses Risks as Well as Benefits - NYTimes.com
Global warming hypocrites try to label reasonable skeptics as "science deniers" at the same time they try to convince Americans that a hairy man in a dress is really a woman (despite DNA) if the voices in his head tell him. The conflagration of WW2 where oil tankers were routinely sunk off the coast of North Carolina and a formerly pristine area in the South Pacific was nicknamed "Iron Bottom Sound" for all the ships sunk didn't cause a spike in the world's temperature. As a matter of fact the weather egg heads predicted a new mini ice-age during the 60's. U.S. nuclear tests in the Nevada desert were so common after WW2 that they were a tourist attraction in Vegas. No change in the earth's temperature. Global warming guru scientist Carl Sagan predicted a world wide catastrophy if Saddam ever lit off the Iran oil fields. Saddam lit them off and the world barely burped as the U.S. put them out. The largest volcano eruption on the North American continent since the last ice age happened around 1982 where more noxious gas and solid particles were spewed into the air in a couple of minutes than all the machines built since the industrial revolution. Global warming "scientists" didn't even bother to take the world's temperature after Mt. St. Helens because they knew there would be no change. With the help of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM, Global Warming has become a political tool that mostly lefties use to beat up their political opponents.
Global warming hypocrites try to label reasonable skeptics as "science deniers" at the same time they try to convince Americans that a hairy man in a dress is really a woman (despite DNA) if the voices in his head tell him. The conflagration of WW2 where oil tankers were routinely sunk off the coast of North Carolina and a formerly pristine area in the South Pacific was nicknamed "Iron Bottom Sound" for all the ships sunk didn't cause a spike in the world's temperature. As a matter of fact the weather egg heads predicted a new mini ice-age during the 60's. U.S. nuclear tests in the Nevada desert were so common after WW2 that they were a tourist attraction in Vegas. No change in the earth's temperature. Global warming guru scientist Carl Sagan predicted a world wide catastrophy if Saddam ever lit off the Iran oil fields. Saddam lit them off and the world barely burped as the U.S. put them out. The largest volcano eruption on the North American continent since the last ice age happened around 1982 where more noxious gas and solid particles were spewed into the air in a couple of minutes than all the machines built since the industrial revolution. Global warming "scientists" didn't even bother to take the world's temperature after Mt. St. Helens because they knew there would be no change. With the help of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM, Global Warming has become a political tool that mostly lefties use to beat up their political opponents.
They are just trying to get all people to see things the way they sees things.


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