Why does the GOP hate the disabled?

We already have have the ADA, which is more problematic than it's worth.

Fuck the UN.

This treaty would have had NO EFFECT ON WHAT WE ALREADY DO.

Like I said, the UN treaty was modeled on what we've already done with the ADA. Basically, what that means is disabled people who have gotten used to the way we already do things here, would also see those same things in other places like Europe.

We would have to do nothing, because we already do it.

But..................go ahead...................support the GOP's hatred of the disabled.

That's a lie, you might want to actually read it before you make more of a fool of yourself.
It would mean that those disabled people who travel overseas to Europe could expect the same kind of treatment and access that they already enjoy here in the US.

Besides......................what's wrong with exporting a US law to other countries? Isn't that one of the better ways to spread democracy?

So you're a neocon. Excellent.

Actually, I think that democracy can be better spread through diplomacy rather than at the point of a gun.

I came to have those views after my second cruise in the U.S. Navy, and have kept them ever since, because everytime we walked off the ship, we were told that each and every one of us were ambassadors for the United States.

And you know...................80 percent of the people overseas speak English, but if you holler loud and slow at them, they will say they don't. Know what works better? Getting a decent phrase book and approaching them in their native language, because after a couple of minutes of sputtering around, they'll say they speak English.

Most of 'em were just looking to see if you were willing to make the effort, or if you were just another Ugly American.

And yeah.................exporting this law overseas would be good not only for those over in other countries, but also would be good for Americans who are visiting those countries.

But, it's always interesting to see what depths the GOP will sink in their pursuit of partisan hackery.
Wow....Nice rationalization for being a pushy, self-righteous, internationalist, do-gooder busybody.

You sure you didn't support Chimpy Bush?
We already have out law.. what the FUCK do we need the UN 'observing' or anything else ABOVE out law, encroaching on our sovereignty???
So you're a neocon. Excellent.

Actually, I think that democracy can be better spread through diplomacy rather than at the point of a gun.

I came to have those views after my second cruise in the U.S. Navy, and have kept them ever since, because everytime we walked off the ship, we were told that each and every one of us were ambassadors for the United States.

And you know...................80 percent of the people overseas speak English, but if you holler loud and slow at them, they will say they don't. Know what works better? Getting a decent phrase book and approaching them in their native language, because after a couple of minutes of sputtering around, they'll say they speak English.

Most of 'em were just looking to see if you were willing to make the effort, or if you were just another Ugly American.

And yeah.................exporting this law overseas would be good not only for those over in other countries, but also would be good for Americans who are visiting those countries.

But, it's always interesting to see what depths the GOP will sink in their pursuit of partisan hackery.
Wow....Nice rationalization for being a pushy, self-righteous, internationalist, do-gooder busybody.

You sure you didn't support Chimpy Bush?

Voted for him on his first term, voted against him his second.

But, like I said, it's interesting that this was a bipartisan bill, signed into law by a Republican president (Bush Sr.), yet it was voted down by the GOP when it came to sending this law to other countries who want it.

Bob Dole must be so proud.
We already have out law.. what the FUCK do we need the UN 'observing' or anything else ABOVE out law, encroaching on our sovereignty???

There is no "enroaching on our sovereignty" Dippy Dave.

And no...........the black helicopters aren't goingXXXXXXX-Meister
Actually, I think that democracy can be better spread through diplomacy rather than at the point of a gun.

I came to have those views after my second cruise in the U.S. Navy, and have kept them ever since, because everytime we walked off the ship, we were told that each and every one of us were ambassadors for the United States.

And you know...................80 percent of the people overseas speak English, but if you holler loud and slow at them, they will say they don't. Know what works better? Getting a decent phrase book and approaching them in their native language, because after a couple of minutes of sputtering around, they'll say they speak English.

Most of 'em were just looking to see if you were willing to make the effort, or if you were just another Ugly American.

And yeah.................exporting this law overseas would be good not only for those over in other countries, but also would be good for Americans who are visiting those countries.

But, it's always interesting to see what depths the GOP will sink in their pursuit of partisan hackery.
Wow....Nice rationalization for being a pushy, self-righteous, internationalist, do-gooder busybody.

You sure you didn't support Chimpy Bush?

Voted for him on his first term, voted against him his second.

But, like I said, it's interesting that this was a bipartisan bill, signed into law by a Republican president (Bush Sr.), yet it was voted down by the GOP when it came to sending this law to other countries who want it.

Bob Dole must be so proud.
So fucking what?

Since when is it America's role to impose shit on the rest of the world, with or without the goddamn UN?

Oh yeah...It's not.
We already have out law.. what the FUCK do we need the UN 'observing' or anything else ABOVE out law, encroaching on our sovereignty???

There is no "enroaching on our sovereignty" Dippy Dave.

And no...........the black helicopters aren't goingXXXXXXXX.

When they have powers of observance, input, or anything else (and they will, else why would this be done at all?) is encroaching on our sovereignty...

We have our laws.. we have no need for the UN on this.. much like we have no need for the UN for much of anything at all

Oh.. and leave any reference to any of my kids out of this, you motherfucker
We already have out law.. what the FUCK do we need the UN 'observing' or anything else ABOVE out law, encroaching on our sovereignty???

There is no "enroaching on our sovereignty" Dippy Dave.

And no...........the black helicopters aren't going XXXXXXX.

When they have powers of observance, input, or anything else (and they will, else why would this be done at all?) is encroaching on our sovereignty...

We have our laws.. we have no need for the UN on this.. much like we have no need for the UN for much of anything at all

Oh.. and leave any reference to any of my kids out of this, you motherfucker

Didn't know you had kids that were disabled. However, the reason that I put that little remark in there is because that was one of the main scare points that the GOP used to not vote for this bill.

But...................keep being a self centered fucktard, it suits you well asshat.
Wow....Nice rationalization for being a pushy, self-righteous, internationalist, do-gooder busybody.

You sure you didn't support Chimpy Bush?

Voted for him on his first term, voted against him his second.

But, like I said, it's interesting that this was a bipartisan bill, signed into law by a Republican president (Bush Sr.), yet it was voted down by the GOP when it came to sending this law to other countries who want it.

Bob Dole must be so proud.
So fucking what?

Since when is it America's role to impose shit on the rest of the world, with or without the goddamn UN?

Oh yeah...It's not.

You're right..........................it's not our role to impose shit on the rest of the world unless they ask for it.

But, we could talk about Iraq and Jr's little fuckup with exporting democracy in another thread.
There is no "enroaching on our sovereignty" Dippy Dave.

And no...........the black helicopters aren't goingXXXXXX.

When they have powers of observance, input, or anything else (and they will, else why would this be done at all?) is encroaching on our sovereignty...

We have our laws.. we have no need for the UN on this.. much like we have no need for the UN for much of anything at all

Oh.. and leave any reference to any of my kids out of this, you motherfucker

Didn't know you had kids that were disabled. However, the reason that I put that little remark in there is because that was one of the main scare points that the GOP used to not vote for this bill.

But...................keep being a self centered fucktard, it suits you well asshat.

I have kids.. and what ailment afflicts one is none of your fucking business... as stated, you keep any comments about my kids out of here... you can call me anything you want.. you never get to refer to my kids without my permission

That is not any point I am making.. it is that there is no need for this with our laws in place.. and the UN should NEVER be put in any place to have any power of observance over our country or anything else.. this is BAD precedent
When they have powers of observance, input, or anything else (and they will, else why would this be done at all?) is encroaching on our sovereignty...

We have our laws.. we have no need for the UN on this.. much like we have no need for the UN for much of anything at all

Oh.. and leave any reference to any of my kids out of this, you motherfucker

Didn't know you had kids that were disabled. However, the reason that I put that little remark in there is because that was one of the main scare points that the GOP used to not vote for this bill.

But...................keep being a self centered fucktard, it suits you well asshat.

I have kids.. and what ailment afflicts one is none of your fucking business... as stated, you keep any comments about my kids out of here... you can call me anything you want.. you never get to refer to my kids without my permission

That is not any point I am making.. it is that there is no need for this with our laws in place.. and the UN should NEVER be put in any place to have any power of observance over our country or anything else.. this is BAD precedent

What makes you think they are going to get observance powers in this country? Did you hear that on FAUX Nooze or Rush Limp Dick?

And..............like I said................I know absolutely NOTHING about you, nor do I really care to, because all you are is phosphor dots on a computer screen that sometimes appears on my computer when I sign on here.

And...............one of the main rationales the GOP used was that they were afraid that the black helicopters would come to your house and remove your disabled child who is home schooled because you don't have a handicapped ramp.

Nothing is further from the truth, but go ahead and be afraid of the UN if you want. I guess that's what is expected from a GOP lemming.

Try again fucktard.
The fuckwits who voted this down were told yo in order to continue to get PAC monies.

If I travel overseas I may or may not be allowed on public transportation or into public restrooms with my powerchair.

With the treaty Elizabeth Dole would be guaranteed a handicapped accessible room for Bob Dole at overseas hotels. But politibucks are WAY more important.


Regards from Rosie
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The fuckwits who voted this down were told yo in order to continue to get PAC monies.

If I travel overseas I may or may not be allowed on public transportation or into public restrooms with my powerchair.

With the treaty Elizabeth Dole would be guaranteed a handicapped accessible room for Bob Dole at overseas hotels. But politibucks are WAY more important.


Regards from Rosie

Tell how the US not ratifying the treaty will effect your travel to one of the 126 countries that have, or the other 29 that have signed it. Come on now be specific.
The GOP doesn't like Native American women, either. Just imagine the unfairness of prosecuting a white man for beating up on a squaw!

Violence Against Women Act: Eric Cantor, Joe Biden In Talks Amid Stalled Tribal Provision

Leahy explained the provision, probably the least understood of the three additions in the Senate bill: It gives tribal courts limited jurisdiction to oversee domestic violence offenses committed against Native American women by non-Native American men on tribal lands. Currently, federal and state law enforcement have jurisdiction over domestic violence on tribal lands, but in many cases, they are hours away and lack the resources to respond to those cases. Tribal courts, meanwhile, are on site and familiar with tribal laws, but lack the jurisdiction to address domestic violence on tribal lands when it is carried out by a non-Native American individual.

That means non-Native American men who abuse Native American women on tribal lands are essentially "immune from the law, and they know it," Leahy said.

The standoff over including VAWA protections for Native American women comes at a time of appallingly high levels of violence on tribal lands. One in three Native American women have been raped or experienced attempted rape, the New York Times reported in March, and the rate of sexual assault on Native American women is more than twice the national average. President Barack Obama has called violence on tribal lands "an affront to our shared humanity."

Of the Native American women who are raped, 86 percent of them are raped by non-Native men, according to an Amnesty International report. That statistic is precisely what the Senate's tribal provision targets.
YAY! A third topic about the same thing.

Answer me this ABikerSailor, what would signing this treaty have meant for disabled people in america? The answer, NOTHING! We already have a better law in place in the US, so I fail to see how signing a treaty from that defunct organization the UN could have possibly bettered the lives of disabled people in america.

But maybe you can explain why disabled people in america needed this law?

because its not for us, and more so the rest of the world. The UN decided to copy our law because it seems to be the best standard around.

But fuck those people right?

It benefits AMERICANS while in other countries, especially disabled vets.

That's the real reason the pubs voted it down. Anything to get at the vets whose lobby is getting stronger and louder.
YAY! A third topic about the same thing.

Answer me this ABikerSailor, what would signing this treaty have meant for disabled people in america? The answer, NOTHING! We already have a better law in place in the US, so I fail to see how signing a treaty from that defunct organization the UN could have possibly bettered the lives of disabled people in america.

But maybe you can explain why disabled people in america needed this law?

because its not for us, and more so the rest of the world. The UN decided to copy our law because it seems to be the best standard around.

But fuck those people right?

It benefits AMERICANS while in other countries, especially disabled vets.

That's the real reason the pubs voted it down. Anything to get at the vets whose lobby is getting stronger and louder.

I'm a disabled vet, please show me in the treaty where it would benefit me, you idiots are just trying to throw labels around without know anything your talking about. I've actually read the damn thing and I am glad they didn't ratify it. So point out in the actual treaty what would benefit this country. I can easily point out many parts that wouldn't.
I hate the disabled by default. I'm a member of the GOP and get categorized with the fringe elements of my party no matter what my thoughts or feelings.
because its not for us, and more so the rest of the world. The UN decided to copy our law because it seems to be the best standard around.

But fuck those people right?

It benefits AMERICANS while in other countries, especially disabled vets.

That's the real reason the pubs voted it down. Anything to get at the vets whose lobby is getting stronger and louder.

I'm a disabled vet, please show me in the treaty where it would benefit me, you idiots are just trying to throw labels around without know anything your talking about. I've actually read the damn thing and I am glad they didn't ratify it. So point out in the actual treaty what would benefit this country. I can easily point out many parts that wouldn't.

So ironically you're on the government dole that you hate so much...

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