Why does the GOP hate the disabled?

The fuckwits who voted this down were told yo in order to continue to get PAC monies.

If I travel overseas I may or may not be allowed on public transportation or into public restrooms with my powerchair.

With the treaty Elizabeth Dole would be guaranteed a handicapped accessible room for Bob Dole at overseas hotels. But politibucks are WAY more important.


Regards from Rosie

Tell how the US not ratifying the treaty will effect your travel to one of the 126 countries that have, or the other 29 that have signed it. Come on now be specific.

It will affect my travel in the ones that have not ratified it and further, the ones who now won't because of our homegrown asses that put political contributions ahead of doing g the right thing.

Especially when they get up in front of microphones and lie their asses off as to why they told Bob Dole and other disabled gets to stuff it.

You tell ME how they could do this to both Dole and McCain?

Regards from Rosie
It benefits AMERICANS while in other countries, especially disabled vets.

That's the real reason the pubs voted it down. Anything to get at the vets whose lobby is getting stronger and louder.

I'm a disabled vet, please show me in the treaty where it would benefit me, you idiots are just trying to throw labels around without know anything your talking about. I've actually read the damn thing and I am glad they didn't ratify it. So point out in the actual treaty what would benefit this country. I can easily point out many parts that wouldn't.

So ironically you're on the government dole that you hate so much...

OK, go find a quote that supports your bullshit statement. Only people I hate are ignorant slimeballs that talk out their ass like you.
The fuckwits who voted this down were told yo in order to continue to get PAC monies.

If I travel overseas I may or may not be allowed on public transportation or into public restrooms with my powerchair.

With the treaty Elizabeth Dole would be guaranteed a handicapped accessible room for Bob Dole at overseas hotels. But politibucks are WAY more important.


Regards from Rosie

Tell how the US not ratifying the treaty will effect your travel to one of the 126 countries that have, or the other 29 that have signed it. Come on now be specific.

It will affect my travel in the ones that have not ratified it and further, the ones who now won't because of our homegrown asses that put political contributions ahead of doing g the right thing.

Especially when they get up in front of microphones and lie their asses off as to why they told Bob Dole and other disabled gets to stuff it.

You tell ME how they could do this to both Dole and McCain?

Regards from Rosie

They didn't do a damn thing to Dole or McCain who I'm sure you were bad mouthing when he was running against your dear leader. But tell me which of the 11 third world nations that haven't signed on do you want to go to?
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When they have powers of observance, input, or anything else (and they will, else why would this be done at all?) is encroaching on our sovereignty...

We have our laws.. we have no need for the UN on this.. much like we have no need for the UN for much of anything at all

Oh.. and leave any reference to any of my kids out of this, you motherfucker

Didn't know you had kids that were disabled. However, the reason that I put that little remark in there is because that was one of the main scare points that the GOP used to not vote for this bill.

But...................keep being a self centered fucktard, it suits you well asshat.

I have kids.. and what ailment afflicts one is none of your fucking business... as stated, you keep any comments about my kids out of here... you can call me anything you want.. you never get to refer to my kids without my permission

That is not any point I am making.. it is that there is no need for this with our laws in place.. and the UN should NEVER be put in any place to have any power of observance over our country or anything else.. this is BAD precedent

They never were you stupid fuck, I hope you try to travel with your retarded kid and can't get access to stuff if you ever travel abroad, cause that's what you wanted.
I'm a Republican and I want to rid this earth of the disabled.
I'm a disabled vet, please show me in the treaty where it would benefit me, you idiots are just trying to throw labels around without know anything your talking about. I've actually read the damn thing and I am glad they didn't ratify it. So point out in the actual treaty what would benefit this country. I can easily point out many parts that wouldn't.

So ironically you're on the government dole that you hate so much...

OK, go find a quote that supports your bullshit statement. Only people I hate are ignorant slimeballs that talk out their ass like you.

If you're a disabled vet that means you're getting money and health care from the government. So ironically you're raging against the very system you're benefitting from.
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I was standing in line at the video store, and a blind person asked if he was in the correct place and position to the counter. I said "yeah, and there's 20 people in front of you".

I am... a Republican. :thup:
I've got one... how many Lilberals would walk up to a disabled person and hand them $300 cash?

No questions asked.

Any takers?
So ironically you're on the government dole that you hate so much...

OK, go find a quote that supports your bullshit statement. Only people I hate are ignorant slimeballs that talk out their ass like you.

If you're a disabled vet that means you're getting money and health care from the government. So ironically you're raging against the very system you're benefitting from.

Raging, bullshit, what system, we're supposed to be talking about a treaty here, which no one on the left will address directly. I've asked direct questions form several people and all they do is side step and change the subject. You see I've done my home work and read this BS treaty there are provisions that will do nothing but cost more money and I'm glad they killed it. But unlike most of the bull crap you folks are spewing I can back up what I say.
I've got one... how many Lilberals would walk up to a disabled person and hand them $300 cash?

No questions asked.

Any takers?

Depends... what drugs do they have?

LOL. Here's my point. After all, I am a Republican...

A recent commercial tennant required ramp access to my building which was not installed.

I said "ok I'll take care of it".


They moved out, new tennant moved in. No need for ramp.

I get a call from a gal who's friend is disabled and needs the ramp.

"How much do you want for that".

My reply... nuttin'.

$300 out of my pocket.

I am.... a Republican.
I don't hate the disabled...

The free shitters aren't the disabled or the elderly. They're healthy adults taking free shit.
OK, go find a quote that supports your bullshit statement. Only people I hate are ignorant slimeballs that talk out their ass like you.

If you're a disabled vet that means you're getting money and health care from the government. So ironically you're raging against the very system you're benefitting from.

Raging, bullshit, what system, we're supposed to be talking about a treaty here, which no one on the left will address directly. I've asked direct questions form several people and all they do is side step and change the subject. You see I've done my home work and read this BS treaty there are provisions that will do nothing but cost more money and I'm glad they killed it. But unlike most of the bull crap you folks are spewing I can back up what I say.

Why does it make you uncomfortable to admit you're on the government dole?
OK, go find a quote that supports your bullshit statement. Only people I hate are ignorant slimeballs that talk out their ass like you.

If you're a disabled vet that means you're getting money and health care from the government. So ironically you're raging against the very system you're benefitting from.

Raging, bullshit, what system, we're supposed to be talking about a treaty here, which no one on the left will address directly. I've asked direct questions form several people and all they do is side step and change the subject. You see I've done my home work and read this BS treaty there are provisions that will do nothing but cost more money and I'm glad they killed it. But unlike most of the bull crap you folks are spewing I can back up what I say.

And yet you don't even know treaty, cause if you did........you would know that there is nothing in it that says UN people will be in America, where does it say that? Answer me you slimy price of shit, you and your party have been on the loosing side of every battle this country has ever fought. I guess that's why you don't see what this OP posted about.
Brunswick oktexas is one of the stupid fucktards that is wrong about pretty much everything on an epic scale
We already have have the ADA, which is more problematic than it's worth.

Fuck the UN.

This treaty would have had NO EFFECT ON WHAT WE ALREADY DO.

Like I said, the UN treaty was modeled on what we've already done with the ADA. Basically, what that means is disabled people who have gotten used to the way we already do things here, would also see those same things in other places like Europe.

We would have to do nothing, because we already do it.

But..................go ahead...................support the GOP's hatred of the disabled.

It has no effect on what we do, yet we need to adopt it for some unknown reason.

You do realize that our law is exactly the same either way according to your argument. So what exactly is your issue?
We already have have the ADA, which is more problematic than it's worth.

Fuck the UN.

This treaty would have had NO EFFECT ON WHAT WE ALREADY DO.

Like I said, the UN treaty was modeled on what we've already done with the ADA. Basically, what that means is disabled people who have gotten used to the way we already do things here, would also see those same things in other places like Europe.

We would have to do nothing, because we already do it.

But..................go ahead...................support the GOP's hatred of the disabled.
Have you noticed I'm not around half as much any more?

You know why?

Not only am I extremely busy running my own small business, but I also have a new attitude towards the RepubliCON$.

I call it...wait til' 2014.

It's a new day, with the power of Social Media and the 24/7 media...the people are aware of their nonsense.

Like Katy Abram said...the sleeping giant has awakened.

I don't have much to say to these radicals any more, simply wait til 2014.

That's it.

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