Why does the greenhouse effect only work in one direction?


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
If the greenhouse effect is due to the atmosphere not transmitting infrared radiation from the earth to the sky, then how does it transmit them in the opposite direction, from the sky to the earth?
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If this is true, then the atmosphere should not be "glass" but an infrared mirror, a kind of trap of infrared rays from the inside, it should be like a thermos
if the atmosphere works like ordinary glass, then why does it only let infrared light in one direction?
"basic phisics" against it
The "greenhouse effect" that global warming doomsday cult moonbats incessantly and mindlessly and stupidly refer to is an extremely misleading term.

Greenhouses do not work by blocking infrared light. They work by suppressing convection.
If the greenhouse effect is due to the atmosphere not transmitting infrared radiation from the earth to the sky, then how does it transmit them in the opposite direction, from the sky to the earth?

Can someone explain it to this lump.
I can't believe it.
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The "greenhouse effect" that global warming doomsday cult moonbats incessantly and mindlessly and stupidly refer to is an extremely misleading term.

Greenhouses do not work by blocking infrared light. They work by suppressing convection.
This is impossible for outer space, there is vacuum. no gas means no convection
that is, it cannot be otherwise inside the earth's atmosphere, there is no anomaly
If eye were U eye would knot be 2 koncerned about the klymate change/glow ball warming topik as the commie conehead cultists of the statist left have not yet managed to prove klymate change/glow ball warming is happening or for that matter, has EVER happened upon our planet earth. Their computer models they fabricate don't work out any better for them than the "Climate Gate" fiasco did a few years back in time. Remember, profe$$ional environmentali$m is NOT about the environment of the earth rather it's about advancing one world g'ment & marxism as the one world religion(g'ment & religion fully united as ONE).
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If eye were U eye would knot be 2 koncerned about the klymate change/glow ball warming topik as the commie conehead cultists of the statist left have not yet managed to prove klymate change/glow ball warming is happening or for that matter, has EVER happened upon our planet earth. Their computer models they fabricate don't work out any better for them than the "Climate Gate" fiasco did a few years back in time. Remember, profe$$ional environmentali$m is NOT about the environment of the earth rather it's about advancing one world g'ment & marxism as the one world religion(g'ment & religion fully united as ONE).

Are they trying to justify the need for a cold snap? Why do they need it?
If he can't find an explanation he can understand on the web then I don't believe anyone will be able to explain it to him, even after he gets his assumptions corrected.
there is nothing to understand, modern science does not use the scientific method, so this is just a set of words for nerds.
Anyone who has brains will understand that none of the interpretations can be correct based on the same trivial physics. Convection will not rise above vacuum and the atmosphere is not a one-way mirror for infrared radiation
Are they trying to justify the need for a cold snap? Why do they need it?
Remember the statist left is shooting for a one world leader that can unify mankind but to accomplish such a goal would take a religion that would satisfy 8 billion people. The statist left has to convince 333 million Americans that communalism is the most secure/efficient form of totalitarianism, & then 'persuade' the vast majority of these 333 million Americans to discard their constitutionally guaranteed rights & accept the religion of communalism as their savior. This is WHY the statist left does NOT appear to understand historical sociology, the human condition(human nature), finances, INDIVIDUAL liberties, trade, common sense etc. for the statist left mentality is based on the HIVE MENTALITY. The hive mentality(groupthink) works great for insects but is DEATH to humans(historical sociology amply illustrates this).

The statist left uses smoke screens(eg. environmentalism) to cover their real intentions & in doing so must come in on an angle(deceit) for otherwise the statist left would not be able to sell their belief system(religion) to the vast majority of folks. The statist left whether they call themselves communalists, social liberals, fascists, nazis or socialists are all about Power & Control(PC). The statist left KNOWS that their statist left religion is bogus but being of the hive mentality(cult) they are mentally conditioned(brainwashed) to stay with the hive making escape from the hive near impossible). I hope this answer helped answer your question. Till next time my friend!
scientific in the true sense, positivist. Based on experience

I think there are no significant changes

Here we Go again. Another denier without a single iota of evidence other than experience. You gave to be kidding.
What is your experience then?
Travelled the world gathering information for a submission to govt.?
Spoke to some other conspiracy theorists?
Yet you expect to be taken seriously.
Don't make me vomit.
Here we Go again. Another denier without a single iota of evidence other than experience. You gave to be kidding.
What is your experience then?
Travelled the world gathering information for a submission to govt.?
Spoke to some other conspiracy theorists?
Yet you expect to be taken seriously.
Don't make me vomit.
You did not understand, I meant scientific experience

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