Why does the left exhibit perverted behavior?

So? So I just bitchslapped your lying ass with four stories that proved you wrong. That is "so."

Don't start with me.

Sex is between an adult man and an adult woman.

So just vaginal intercourse or are you good with other things between an adult man and an adult woman?

Anything else, sodomites, faggots, trannies, pedos, animal fuckers, etc etc, are perverts.

Some of those I agree with. But two adults of the same sex having at it i do not really have an issue with. Not my thing, but I do not need to like something to think it is ok.

And also, there is a reason almost all straight porn includes two or more women going at it. Just saying
Adulterer and gay bathroom sex addict Larry "Wide Stance" Craig.

Serial adulterer and pussy grabber Pervert Donald Trump.

Child molester Denny Hastert.

Gay prostitute client Ed Schrock.

Adulterer Steven LaTourette

Adulterer and woman beater Don Sherwood.

Male escort Jeff Gannon.

Pedophile Mark Foley

Kinky diaper-wearing prostitute client David Vitter.

Adulterer Vito Fosella.

Adulterer John Ensign.

Adulterer Chip Pickering

Adulterer Mark Sanford (one of my favorite stories).

Adulterer Mark Souder.

Adulterer Scott DesJarlis.

Adulterer Vance McAllister.

Adulterer Blake Farenthold.

Adulterer Tim Murphy.

Sexual Harasser Pat Meehan.

Pedophilia Concealer Jim Jordan.

Child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz.

A lot of these Republican pedophiles, adulterers and perverts ran on the Bible and restoring Family Values™.

Some of them tried to bribe their mistresses to stay quiet.

And most of them refused to resign when they were caught.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
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They have normalized pedophilia, adultery, and gay prostitution.
Personally I prefered JFK and Slick to Nixon, and Reagan was quite the swordsman in his younger hollywood days, and Mrs. Reagan was a bit of a swinger too! Mon Dieu!!! LOL
Yep. I’ve heard Nan was a fellatist of some renown. Quite voracious.
How would you define "perverted"?
Adulterer and gay bathroom sex addict Larry "Wide Stance" Craig.

Serial adulterer and pussy grabber Pervert Donald Trump.

Child molester Denny Hastert.

Gay prostitute client Ed Schrock.

Adulterer Steven LaTourette

Adulterer and woman beater Don Sherwood.

Male escort Jeff Gannon.

Pedophile Mark Foley

Kinky diaper-wearing prostitute client David Vitter.

Adulterer Vito Fosella.

Adulterer John Ensign.

Adulterer Chip Pickering

Adulterer Mark Sanford (one of my favorite stories).

Adulterer Mark Souder.

Adulterer Scott DesJarlis.

Adulterer Vance McAllister.

Adulterer Blake Farenthold.

Adulterer Tim Murphy.

Sexual Harasser Pat Meehan.

Pedophilia Concealer Jim Jordan.

Child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz.

A lot of these Republican pedophiles, adulterers and perverts ran on the Bible and restoring Family Values™.

Some of them tried to bribe their mistresses to stay quiet.

And most of them refused to resign when they were caught.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
How bout Fox News' BillO The Bozo calling women & subjecting them to heavy breathing as he pulled on his you know what.

Him & Trump made a good pair with their failed grievance tour.
So? So I just bitchslapped your lying ass with four stories that proved you wrong. That is "so."

You bitch slapped nobody, dope.

Take a look at your heroes on the right before you go running your stupid yap.

Tried to, anyway.

No matter how much politicians and the media try to normalize this sort of sickness, I simply flat out do not believe that more than a tiny minority among us are fucked-up enough in the head to believe it.

Understanding and acknowledgement of the biological distinction between men and women, and of their respective roles in the reproductive process, is crucial for the continuing survival of humanity. Those who reject the hard science, and embrace this madness, will only become the detritus that natural selection will serve to weed out.
So? Some idiot professor rebrands minors so that means all left wingers sympathize with pedophiles, Clown?

There's something wrong with you.

This and similar corruption are not the doing of one idiot professor…

California Legislature Passes Bill Reducing Penalties for Oral, Anal Sex with Willing Children

California lawmakers passed a bill Monday that would reduce penalties for adults who have oral or anal sex with a willing minor child if the sex offender is within ten years of the age of the victim.

According to SB 145, the legislation “would exempt from mandatory registration” as a sex offender “a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.”

The measure would allow a judge to decide if an adult who engages in oral or anal sex with a child must register as a sex offender if that person is within ten years of the age of the victim.

The depravity among Democrats is undeniable!!!
Kalinin loved young ballerinas. He forced young ballerinas to undress in his office. There were attempts at rape. Nothing is known about the age below 16, but this is not excluded.
There are suspicions that one of the girls who refused for sex was killed. Stalin knew about this, but covered up the old debaucheer.

I noticed a strange trend. The left is constantly exposed to sexual deviations. You can start from the time of Stalin. During Stalinism itself, everything was pretty closed, and there were few traces, but indirectly this can be judged by the fact that the Bolsheviks often invited young dancers to their apartments. In 1939, a very dubious movie was released with the participation of a "very young" actress. Then the scandal with Beria's pedophilia thundered.
Khrushchev put things in order, but then the show began again. They introduced fashion to "Russian kisses" and openly sucked each other on the lips. Soviet fashion designers dressed children in such a way that their underwear was constantly sticking out. It was fashion to strip children naked on the beaches. Etc. And now Biden demonstrates strange manners of touching other people's children.

Is this all just coincidence?


Hmmm interesting from a quick google search I found an article about 20 Republican Politicians who were brought down by big gay scandals.....

20 Republican Politicians Brought Down By Big Gay Sex Scandals

Seems the conservatives can be very sexually deviant themselves....
Hmmm interesting from a quick google search I found an article about 20 Republican Politicians who were brought down by big gay scandals.....

20 Republican Politicians Brought Down By Big Gay Sex Scandals

Seems the conservatives can be very sexually deviant themselves....

It gets to the moral differences between conservatives and LIbErals.

Being caught in such behavior, or even being accused of it, tends to be very damaging to the career of a conservative politician.

LIbEral politicians can engage in the same behavior, with little damage to their reputations or careers.

It's because conservatives had decent, reasonable moral standards, while, in general, LIbErals have none.

And bizarrely, LIbErals think that their lack of moral standards makes them morally superior. Sort of an ethical counterpart to the Dunning-Kruger effect.

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