Why does the left exhibit perverted behavior?

SUNY Professor: “It’s a Mistake” to Think Pedophilia is Wrong​

A SUNY professor is under investigation after video clips emerged of him asserting that “it’s a mistake” to think pedophilia is wrong and that there are “evolutionary advantages to child/adult sex.”

Yes, really.

SUNY Fredonia professor Stephen Kershnar teaches teaches libertarian philosophy and applied ethics at the university.

As part of his libertarian philosophy, Kershnar believes that society’s reaction to pedophilia is what’s wrong, and that consenting sexual relationships between adults and children could actually be a good thing.

“Imagine that an adult male wants to have sex with a 12-year-old girl. Imagine that she’s a willing participant. A very standard, very widely held view is that there’s something deeply wrong about this. It’s wrong independent of it being criminalized,” said Kershnar.

“It’s not obvious to me that it’s in fact wrong,” he continued. “I think this is a mistake. And I think exploring that why it’s a mistake will tell us not only things about adult/sex and statutory rape and also fundamental principles of morality.”

Kershnar asserted that there was no minimum age at which pedophilia could be considered wrong.

Sounds like this guy probably hung out on Epstein Island with Clinton and Obama. Bunch of sick bastards.
LIberals are weird. They're the type who can't stay faithful to their wives.
I guess you never heard of Jerry Fallwell jr. or Newt Gingrich.

Oh, & lets not forget The Dear Leader Trump screwing around with that porn star while married.
Because the left is littered with pedophiles. All of this LGBQRSTUV nonsense was always a front to legitimize pedophilia. Normalize sexual deviance = eventual access to children. Look at the shit they're putting in school libraries these days, they don't even hide it anymore.
Man grabbing pussy is normal you fag. Perhaps in appropriate, but not perverted.

You grabbing dick, not normal.
Really. You don't think sexual assault is perverted.


Back in 2016, I tried to warn the tard herd that New York limousine liberal Democrat Donald Trump was going to lead all you tards into the far left cave. I had no idea how right I was.
I guess you never heard of Jerry Fallwell jr. or Newt Gingrich.

Oh, & lets not forget The Dear Leader Trump screwing around with that porn star while married.
irrelevant to the topic.
Take this problem further, sleepy Joe sniffs and gropes kids. Fucking filthy paedo, and the Democrats love him.
Look you idiot, the topic is not are there some people who have failed in their life, the topic is that your side wants to NORMALIZE pedophilia and perversion.
The left is not trying to normalize pedophilia you fucking asswipe.

When Stormy was spanking your boy Trump, is that perverted, moron?
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Apparently you do not know what women are like around rock stars and celebrities. Women beg to be screwed. David Lee Roth told a story of how a girl chained herself in his dressing room and would not unlock herself until he screwed her. Hell, I was in local bands when I was young and I got lots of pussy, and I was a nobody.

Trump never said anything about assault. He talked about grabbing pussy and them letting him.
Women who throw themselves at rock stars has nothing to do with what Trump said, fuckwit.

Its has EVERYTHING to do with it. He was talking about how women let him grab their pussies, and thats what I am talking about.

You hate and venom and evil is so deep that you cannot even think straight.

And now . .

This thread is not about men grabbing women: There is nothing perverted about men grabbing women.
This thread is about the left normalizing sick perverted behavior, pedophiles, transgenders, sodomites and the rest.
Biden normalized this

California Legislature Passes Bill Reducing Penalties for Oral, Anal Sex with Willing Children

California lawmakers passed a bill Monday that would reduce penalties for adults who have oral or anal sex with a willing minor child if the sex offender is within ten years of the age of the victim.

According to SB 145, the legislation “would exempt from mandatory registration” as a sex offender “a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.”

The measure would allow a judge to decide if an adult who engages in oral or anal sex with a child must register as a sex offender if that person is within ten years of the age of the victim.

The depravity among Democrats is undeniable!!!

Transgender Professor At Old Dominion University Rebrands Pedophiles As ‘Minor-Attracted Persons’​

So? Some idiot professor rebrands minors so that means all left wingers sympathize with pedophiles, Clown?

There's something wrong with you.

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