Why does the left hate our religion?

Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

Oh, so you read (and believe) one book written by superstitious old goat/sheepherders and think you know it all? Well, good for you. All religions are bullshit. However, Buddhism has something to offer even non-religious people.

Some religions are ok as philosophies and others would be good except for the mandates and ultimatums.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

Civilization existed long before Christ, or even Abraham. Members of other civilizations have and still marry, love, honor those they perceive as worthy, and cherish their families. Was ancient, democratic Greece a Christian civilization? Or republican Rome before Julius Caesar?

My Christian girlfriend is a liberal. Neither she nor I steal, kill, commit perjury, dishonor our parents, commit adultery (that I know of), rape, pillage, injure, or any in other way knowingly harm others without a just cause such as self-defense or the defense of the innocent. We both fear radical Islamists, and extremist Christians, and in this country there are for more of the latter than the former the OP for example.

Do you want to imprison women who have abortions? Restrain them to force them to carry pregnancies to term? Not extend equal rights and protections under the law to those who are oriented sexually to their own gender who love and wish to make a life-long, legally binding commitment to each other? Live under biblical law? Whose interpretation of biblical law? Should we stone people to death for adultery? Should we force women to marry their rapists? Should we have governmental laws on what is unclean?

People like you are just as scary and probably as dangerous as members of ISIS.

Amen! I call them the Christian Taliban. Thanks for your great post.
The Taliban and slave-owning Christians had an incredible amount in common.

dear the entire world had slaves 500 years ago. Today the Taliban wants to cut your head off Christians don't.

See why we say a liberal will be stupid? Is any other conclusion possible!

Tell it to Joan of Arc and Galileo while your at it.
it would mean no abortion, no gay marriage, no responsibilities, no consequences. Liberalism is their god.

What BS.Millions of liberals are Christians. We try to follow Christ's example. That can be seen in many of the laws we enact and in the way government works. Heal the sick (healthcare), feed the hungry (foodstamps, school lunches), house the homeless (section 8), help the poor, elderly, and infirm (welfare and social security), make peace instead of war (diplomacy vs right wing warmongering). Rightwingers just use religion to bludgeon their opponents, not to help the people.
it would mean no abortion, no gay marriage, no responsibilities, no consequences. Liberalism is their god.

no one hates your religion. we want you out of our business.

thanks for playing.

Fair enough. I want to be out of the business of funding contraception so that a law Student at an elite University can get laid. My Healthcare is my business. Not anymore, you people made it so that the same entity that has access to my financial records now has access to my health records. A valedictorian thanks God at a public high school and you want to muzzle her.

You need to correct your statement. You want conservatives out of your business; but, you want Liberals to be in everyone's business to suit their agenda.
Christian? You are no Christian.

This woman was a Christian.

Dorothy Day - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The entire Christian Clergy???
IMO it all stems from the fact that the American left really doesn't love or respect their country.
Christianity is the dominant religion in America, thus why they single out Christianity to focus their hate on.

I'm a liberal who loves and respects this country, as much as it deserves and not blindly as some nationalistic types do, but enough to have given it four years of my youth in the USMC. But nice strawman.

You're right, this nation is dominated by Christians and that's why those of us not of that faith or of any faith who are in the minority have to be diligent to maintain it as a secular nation of secular laws and not a theocracy ruled by biblical law.

And here is an example of just how Christian they truly are.......

90-year-old man arrested for feeding homeless cited again - Washington Times
it would mean no abortion, no gay marriage, no responsibilities, no consequences. Liberalism is their god.

no one hates your religion. we want you out of our business.

thanks for playing.

Fair enough. I want to be out of the business of funding contraception so that a law Student at an elite University can get laid. My Healthcare is my business. Not anymore, you people made it so that the same entity that has access to my financial records now has access to my health records. A valedictorian thanks God at a public high school and you want to muzzle her.

You need to correct your statement. You want conservatives out of your business; but, you want Liberals to be in everyone's business to suit their agenda.

You don't fund contraceptives, insurance companies do. Just like they fund Viagra and Cialis.

An argument can be made that the health and welfare of all citizens is good for each individual in our society. Not that you would care about the health and welfare of your fellow Americans...
it would mean no abortion, no gay marriage, no responsibilities, no consequences. Liberalism is their god.

What BS.Millions of liberals are Christians. We try to follow Christ's example. That can be seen in many of the laws we enact and in the way government works. Heal the sick (healthcare), feed the hungry (foodstamps, school lunches), house the homeless (section 8), help the poor, elderly, and infirm (welfare and social security), make peace instead of war (diplomacy vs right wing warmongering). Rightwingers just use religion to bludgeon their opponents, not to help the people.

Christ never said anything about people giving their Government and its agents to do His work. If Liberals are so committed to Christ, why don't they fight Faith-based initiatives to help the poor? Liberals like to use Christ's teachings and rules against Christians (SEE ALINSKY and holding other people to their own rules).
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

The 10 Commandments was Moses, idiot.

I know more about your religion than you do.

That's the problem.

Hinduism and Buddism predate Christianity by 4000-5000 years.-- BTW..

Pretty arrogant of the two new kids on the blocks, Christianity and Islam, to think they are the be all end all.
it would mean no abortion, no gay marriage, no responsibilities, no consequences. Liberalism is their god.

and what a God it has been. Instead of falling in love, marrying, and having children you love you have random sex with strangers, kill the children that result, and do it all over again!

Crap. Thanks for reminding me. I'm off schedule.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

Civilization existed long before Christ, or even Abraham. Members of other civilizations have and still marry, love, honor those they perceive as worthy, and cherish their families. Was ancient, democratic Greece a Christian civilization? Or republican Rome before Julius Caesar?

My Christian girlfriend is a liberal. Neither she nor I steal, kill, commit perjury, dishonor our parents, commit adultery (that I know of), rape, pillage, injure, or any in other way knowingly harm others without a just cause such as self-defense or the defense of the innocent. We both fear radical Islamists, and extremist Christians, and in this country there are for more of the latter than the former the OP for example.

Do you want to imprison women who have abortions? Restrain them to force them to carry pregnancies to term? Not extend equal rights and protections under the law to those who are oriented sexually to their own gender who love and wish to make a life-long, legally binding commitment to each other? Live under biblical law? Whose interpretation of biblical law? Should we stone people to death for adultery? Should we force women to marry their rapists? Should we have governmental laws on what is unclean?

People like you are just as scary and probably as dangerous as members of ISIS.

Amen! I call them the Christian Taliban. Thanks for your great post.

good for you!! They want to cut your head off while you are alive just like the real Taliban.

see why we are positive that a liberal will be stupid? Is any other conclusion possible?
You don't get it. Sure Muslim fundamentalists are violently cruel. They have set their bar of tolerance on the ground. They tolerate nothing that does not agree with their beliefs. They chanel their rage, ire and zealotry into political action. They hate with impunity and without a full understanding of those they hate.

The root thinking of Christian fundamentalists reflects directly the root thinking of all religious fundamentalists.

When Conseravtives use the Bible as a weapon rather than an instrument of love and peace, I am convinced that such Conservatives have no grasp on the love of God as well as His commandments.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

Actually you prove not only that many Conservatives are ignorant of the Bible but willfully sinful as well.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

what a stupid stupid goyim, no wonder we Jews look down on you ignorant christers

You are as ignorant as he is...
What does this thread have to do with politics?

What a pointless POS thread.

No liberals believe in god!!! Sure they dont.
I'm a Liberal. I believe in God.

What litmus test do you apply, what shibboleth do you demand, what politics are acceptable to you and your beliefs?

I cannot judge a person's faith. That is above my pay grade. But judging seems a basic dogma with you and your fellow "Christian" zealots.

What's it like to be so powerful? So powerful, in fact, you usurp the judgment of God Himself.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

Because the far left has their own religion which is far more dangerous than ISIS..
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

Because the far left has their own religion which is far more dangerous than ISIS..

I don't have any religion; what religion do you think I have? I think you might worship at the altar of the Strawman...

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