Why does the left hate our religion?

If you were a real Christian you wouldn't say that. You would believe that everything actually started about 6000 years ago with a man, a woman and an apple.

dear, real Christians built the Vatican and saw themselves maintaining and conservatively improving the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle.
I find most people disrespect Christians for not practicing what they preach.

you find stupid disorganized liberals who disrespect Christians even when Muslims want to cut their heads off while they are alive.

sadly I think they'd only pay attention to what you just said
if you made a joke about it.

Are there any jokes about a liberal, Christian and Muslim walking into a bar?
Would that break the ice on this subject and get people talking honestly about what is going on?

As one guy said, maybe we need a healthy sense of humor about these things so issues don't blow up out of hand:

dear, history stood still for 1 million years, then Christians overthrew the Roman Empire and unleashed the individual over the liberal state. This is when human progress began.
The conflict between the liberal state and the individual( Plato versus Aristotle) is nicely depicted by the School of Athens fresco in the Vatican.

If you were a real Christian you wouldn't say that. You would believe that everything actually started about 6000 years ago with a man, a woman and an apple.


That is like saying the only real Buddhists are the ones who believe in shaving their heads,
or that Buddha spoke words of wisdom coming out of the womb "declaring he was the Buddha"
and lotuses sprung up where he walked.

Christianity means Perfect Charity towards all people
to bring healing, wholeness and unity to all by good will or God's will
(as opposed to false charity which is hypocritically
for show or condition of material reward.)

Faith in Christ Jesus means
faith in Restorative Justice to bring
healing and salvation from suffering
to humanity to establish the Kingdom of God
or peace on earth by agreement in the spirit of truth
that sets us free from division, strife and war.

None of that requires believing in a 6000 year symbolic
timeline and whatever Adam Eve and the fall from innocence represent.

None of Buddhism requires believing in any of the mythology
about Buddha either.

I hate to hear what you say a real Hindu or Muslim is.

Social justice, pacifism, aiding the poor, sick, and infirm, etc.

Where did Christ speak of social justice?

And on what basis do you conclude that conservative Christians don't aid the poor or the sick, or practice pacifism? And what form of pacifism is it that you think Jesus Christ promoted?
Courtesy of google:

Social justice:
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

^ You mean to tell me that none of those are found within the four canonical gospels of that book you loudly and proudly hold up to oppose same-sex marriage, gay rights, abortion, etc?

Christian conservatives have traditionally and consistently opposed the universalizing of health care, social programs, the welfare state, etc.....while promulgating gun rights, aligning with the NRA, favoring capital punishment, etc.

If you don't know what's in the Bible, then there's no point in even further conversing with you. You're just another atheist who repeats whatever propaganda she's been fed re Christianity instead of educating herself on the topic. In other words, a waste of time.

I actually DO know what's in the Bible, front and back. Genesis to Revelation, from Adam to the Apostles and beyond. I'm a "he", and a Buddhist as I told you earlier. Learn to keep up.

Try and refute my assertions right here and now.

You're the one that asked the question regarding social justice being in the Bible? If you knew, why ask?

And conservatives have traditionally opposed the universalizing of health care, which has nothing to do with the Bible. Why do you people have such a difficult time with that concept? Is what you fight for politically grounded in your morals of what you believe to be right or wrong? Where do your morals come from? Buddhism? Your parents? Yet you feel it's right to push your morals on others via legislation, but it's not okay for others to do the same? What is that belief based on exactly?

If you understood Christianity, you would understand why favoring or not favoring welfare, social programs, etc... has nothing to do with being a Christian. As a matter of fact, I'd go as far to say that none of the politics that go on today have any import to a Christian and their beliefs, or they shouldn't in any case. But Christians also have values and morals and are affected by the government and what it does, so why should we be excluded from promoting whatever we want, just the same as you? All of those programs you mentioned have a direct effect on me and my family and our pocketbook, the money that I earned and where it goes. None of that has anything to do with my religious beliefs. I like to decide where my money goes, the government has no right forcing it's morals on me to tell me where it should go outside of what the constitution provides. I mean, why don't you liberals understand that concept, it's what you scream about on a constant basis?? Morals shouldn't be pushed on others, yet you attempt to do the same on a constant basis with your social programs. It's extremely hypocritical. And the entire reason you use for your hypocrisy is that your morals aren't grounded in 'religion', so it's perfectly okay to push them on others. Why is that? I've yet to hear one person tell me why it's okay for one group to push their morals on others, but not another group? All of my values or morals are hardly anymore grounded in religion than yours are, and I have just as much right to push for my vision of what the federal government should be doing or not doing. Most of my beliefs re the government come from the constitution, not the Bible. If you've studied any history of the founding fathers and their beliefs regarding the federal government, it has way over stepped its bounds with all of the social programs we have today, along with hundreds of other things. So if you want to debate using some document or book regarding federal legislation, use the Constitution, not the Bible.

Do you honestly believe that Jesus Christ would have favored abortion or gay marriage? To the individual, He would have called it sin, to Rome He wouldn't have cared. Jesus Christ was about salvation of the individual, the world around you can do whatever it wants to do, you can promote abortion, you can promote gay marriage all you want, it will have no impact on me or my faith in Jesus Christ. My stance on abortion is what it is because it's morally wrong to kill your own child, I don't care what religion you are or aren't, it's wrong to kill your child. Even those who favor abortion know that it is morally wrong. Gay marriage doesn't affect me one way or the other, so I could care less about it, as a matter of fact, I'm tired of hearing about it. I say let them marry and do whatever they want, each person will have to answer for their own actions someday.
If you don't know what's in the Bible, then there's no point in even further conversing with you.

Damn and here I thought that Christians were supposed to be spreading the word of God? Instead of just blowing people off about the Bible. Wasn't that a fine chance to proselytize? Guess not.

No, I don't 'proselytize' on a message board, especially to people who have already been told about Jesus Christ and the Bible and have freely chosen to turn away from it. That scenario is addressed in the Bible, look it up.
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Social justice, pacifism, aiding the poor, sick, and infirm, etc.

Where did Christ speak of social justice?

And on what basis do you conclude that conservative Christians don't aid the poor or the sick, or practice pacifism? And what form of pacifism is it that you think Jesus Christ promoted?
Courtesy of google:

Social justice:
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

^ You mean to tell me that none of those are found within the four canonical gospels of that book you loudly and proudly hold up to oppose same-sex marriage, gay rights, abortion, etc?

Christian conservatives have traditionally and consistently opposed the universalizing of health care, social programs, the welfare state, etc.....while promulgating gun rights, aligning with the NRA, favoring capital punishment, etc.

Dear Rosh:
There is a DIFFERENCE between opposing health care
and believing in providing health and services where it isn't
in violation of Constitutional limits on govt to maintain checks and balances.

One of the tenets in Christianity is to respect civil authority.
The natural laws respect freedom of choice and individual liberty.

Wanting to respect the free choice of the people
is not the same as opposing health care!

In Buddhism there is respect for individual choice
and not forced indoctrination. That doesn't mean
someone is FOR letting other people
"Do whatever they want and murder people"
just because a Buddhist practices nonviolence.

there are ways to prevent abuses
and to provide SUSTAINABLE health care
by FREE CHOICE and voluntary participation.

People can practice 'the right profession'
and provide health care without depending on govt to force it.

So please do not confuse wanting to limit the jurisdiction of govt
with wanting "to deny or block health care".

That is not fair to equate those two,
any more than it is fair to accuse someone
who is prochoice of wanting to push abortion;
the FREE CHOICE is a separate issue and
most people do not want their free choice decided by
political force of govt.

Then clearly, emily, the commitment of Christians re: health care seems more focused on the contours of bureaucracy than living up to the standard of Jesus. Why should your fight to preserve the limitations of the government and legislation supersede your Christ-like principles? So you mean to tell me that nationalism matters more to Christians than the exhortations of Jesus?

Buddha would never place an emphasis on the preservation of the societal norms and political establishment over human dignity and morality. Feel free to read his unbridled criticism of the rigid, state-sanctioned caste system at his time.

Based on what you have said in this post, you clearly do not understand what being a Christian is about. A Christian is not living up to the standard of Jesus by promoting having others forced into servitude for the whole, or the 'common good' of others. Jesus did not preach for people to go to Caesar and have Rome force it's citizens to provide for the poor, He promoted that YOU, the individual do it to show your love for others and your love for Him. Forcing others to do it, so you don't have to, is not 'living up to the standard' of Jesus Christ by any stretch of the imagination. Do you think that someone who has their money taken via the government by force to feed the poor is automatically saved for their good deeds, even though good deeds have nothing to do with salvation? Do you think they'll get credit for it, even though they didn't voluntarily do it of their own free will?
I find most people disrespect Christians for not practicing what they preach.

you find stupid disorganized liberals who disrespect Christians even when Muslims want to cut their heads off while they are alive.

sadly I think they'd only pay attention to what you just said
if you made a joke about it.

Are there any jokes about a liberal, Christian and Muslim walking into a bar?
Would that break the ice on this subject and get people talking honestly about what is going on?

As one guy said, maybe we need a healthy sense of humor about these things so issues don't blow up out of hand:

dear, history stood still for 1 million years, then Christians overthrew the Roman Empire and unleashed the individual over the liberal state. This is when human progress began.
The conflict between the liberal state and the individual( Plato versus Aristotle) is nicely depicted by the School of Athens fresco in the Vatican.

If you were a real Christian you wouldn't say that. You would believe that everything actually started about 6000 years ago with a man, a woman and an apple.
You left out the talking snake.
I find most people disrespect Christians for not practicing what they preach.

you find stupid disorganized liberals who disrespect Christians even when Muslims want to cut their heads off while they are alive.

sadly I think they'd only pay attention to what you just said
if you made a joke about it.

Are there any jokes about a liberal, Christian and Muslim walking into a bar?
Would that break the ice on this subject and get people talking honestly about what is going on?

As one guy said, maybe we need a healthy sense of humor about these things so issues don't blow up out of hand:

dear, history stood still for 1 million years, then Christians overthrew the Roman Empire and unleashed the individual over the liberal state. This is when human progress began.
The conflict between the liberal state and the individual( Plato versus Aristotle) is nicely depicted by the School of Athens fresco in the Vatican.

Ed, I'll ask you again,,, do you have links to back your assertions up.
Oh and where's my $10,000?
Obviously, *real* Christians need internet trolls to tell them who they are an what they believe.
T H A N K S! koshergrl

Isn't it amazing the people who don't believe in God, or in Christianity being good,
TELLING OTHER PEOPLE what their God or religion is about?

Then these SAME people COMPLAIN that God or Christ is being pushed
as punitive or negative, when THEY are the ones teaching it that way,
INSISTING that is what it means,
and the people who are trying to practice in good faith are saying
Now wait a minute, that is not what God or Christianity means to me and I am Practicing it!

So this is like walking up to a person playing or practicing the flute, because they are sincerely committed to mastering it,
when you don't play the flute, can't stand it or understand how people play the flute correctly, and have no interest in it,

and YOU (as a nonflutist who hates the flute) are telling the flute player
what is wrong with the flute and complaining people are playing it messed up
and how bad it is and needs to be thrown in the trash can it is just so horrible to hear bad flute playing.


This same conversation keeps happening
over and over.


And when people say now wait a minute, if you play the flute correctly it sounds fine.
Then those people are "irresponsible" for allowing bad flute playing to go on and
are "in denial" that all flutes are disastrous and nobody should be ALLOWED to play flute,
just get rid of all flutes, or maybe ALL instruments/religions because they are all abused and played horribly.

Never mind the people who can play these instruments correctly
and create lovely harmony, music and whole symphonies.

Because of the people making noise,
ALL flutes ALL instruments need to be thrown in the trash can.
And "too bad" for the people who know how to play them correctly --
the good fluteplayers don't count, only the bad ones do!
(the good fluteplayers can just toot on something else besides the flute, they don't
need the flute to be good musicians but can make music other ways instead,
so we can get rid of all flutes to avoid bad abusive fluteplaying)

So all these complaints and demonstrations by bad or non-fluteplayers
HOW NOT TO PLAY THE FLUTE to show how BAD it is,
is making a lot more noise, maybe even louder than the bad fluteplayers themselves!
(who, if tutored by good fluteplayers could learn to play correctly instead
of throwing all flutes in the trash to solve the problem, which is easier!)

If they didn't make so much more noise COMPLAINING and DEMONSTRATING
bad flute playing, and just let the good flute players play
there wouldn't be this issue. But they KEEP bringing up the BAD playing to make a point
WHY flutes are bad and need to be eradicated, along with all other instruments
that people play badly.

If you try to demonstrate there is a proper way to play the flute,
the bad anti-flute players will argue "that's not how the flute is played"
and even take the flute out of your hands and TOOT on it for you to show the
WRONG WAY to play it to DEMONSTRATE how "bad flutes are"
and need to be eliminated completely to prevent the noise. That is more important
than any flute players making music as the flute was intended.

I think I got it!

After all these years of hearing and watching this same scenario over and over,
I get it now. Whatever!

I need to draw this as a cartoon or a short film,
and explain what it's like to go up to a concert flautist
and try to tell them how "most people in the world"
play the flute so horribly, that it should be BANNED.
And all other instruments for that matter.

It is true, that there are far greater numbers of poor musicians
compared with those who truly master those instruments.

And for each religion, there are fewer Masters who truly
teach and practice these fully and inclusively in harmony with all other
people of all faiths, as religions can and should be in harmony with each other.

But is that any reason to go on a mad rampage and
demand to ban religion, ban Christianity, and "get rid of these"
instead of allowing the good Christians to correct the bad hypocrite Christians,
the same way good musicians teach and help the weaker or bad musicians
to play their instruments better as intended.

Yes, in very rare cases, you might need to take away an instrument
from a particular person who is blasting on it to disrupt or harass others
and make unnecessary noise and chaos. But that doesn't mean to
ban the instrument from all other people, especially those who play correctly.

Why this need to go on a mass rampage?
And lobby AGAINST all Christianity, ALL religion as evil and bad?

Why not just CORRECT the problems and try to play the instruments
and music IN HARMONY as intended? Why rob all people of the art
of music and instruments, just because of the bad playing or players?

Last edited:
I find most people disrespect Christians for not practicing what they preach.

you find stupid disorganized liberals who disrespect Christians even when Muslims want to cut their heads off while they are alive.

sadly I think they'd only pay attention to what you just said
if you made a joke about it.

Are there any jokes about a liberal, Christian and Muslim walking into a bar?
Would that break the ice on this subject and get people talking honestly about what is going on?

As one guy said, maybe we need a healthy sense of humor about these things so issues don't blow up out of hand:

dear, history stood still for 1 million years, then Christians overthrew the Roman Empire and unleashed the individual over the liberal state. This is when human progress began.
The conflict between the liberal state and the individual( Plato versus Aristotle) is nicely depicted by the School of Athens fresco in the Vatican.

If you were a real Christian you wouldn't say that. You would believe that everything actually started about 6000 years ago with a man, a woman and an apple.
You left out the talking snake.

Dear Camp and NoTeaPartyPleez:

The snake and apple represent awareness
of enough spiritual knowledge to get into trouble,
but not being mature enough to handle the knowledge responsibly.

IRONICALLY you are demonstrating this danger RIGHT HERE

You know ENOUGH about the content of the Bible
to harp on the FEAR and EVIL behind it,
but you DON'T KNOW ENOUGH to use the
GOOD knowledge correctly to SOLVE the problems
of greed, evil, abuse and corruption in the world.

So you become like the "snake" whispering
negative badmouthing to turn people angry and destructive.

But you do not know enough about the GOOD WISDOM
that teaches people to focus on CORRECTIONS and
how to Address and Avoid falling and following such evil and selfish motivations.

You point out the bad but don't know how to correct and point out the good.

Camp and NoTeaPartyPleez
This is like having enough
KNOWLEDGE of radioactive and nuclear energy
to make a bomb, make dangerous weapons to invoke FEAR
but not having ability to HARNESS
the energy to make something GOOD for humanity.

Maybe you are right

Maybe it is better not to have any knowledge at all.
At least people will not be making bombs with that
knowledge to threaten and attack each other.

Maybe we should all remain unconscious,
unaware, innocent living things like the plants
who don't harm anyone or anything.

Maybe we should never have become
"self-aware" of our free will and spiritual
connections to the past and future
because humans are just not fit to
handle this knowledge without blowing
up the planet and ourselves with it!


Abolish all knowledge and don't ask, don't try to figure it out,
because whatever knowledge people come up with,
they will find some SELFISH way to abuse it.

So just ban all knowledge anything in writing,
because passing any ideas down from one
generation to the next is TOO DANGEROUS
and we are better off being ignorant and blissful
rather than "knowledge being a dangerous thing."


I'm so glad you are here to explain
how EVIL it is to share any knowledge
since people will corrupt it and make
abusive laws, religions or politics out of it.

You are SO RIGHT.

Let's just wipe the slate clean
and let you be in charge of
what humanity should know and
what we DON'T need to read or
understand like the Bible.

Just pure evil! Who needs it!
you find stupid disorganized liberals who disrespect Christians even when Muslims want to cut their heads off while they are alive.

sadly I think they'd only pay attention to what you just said
if you made a joke about it.

Are there any jokes about a liberal, Christian and Muslim walking into a bar?
Would that break the ice on this subject and get people talking honestly about what is going on?

As one guy said, maybe we need a healthy sense of humor about these things so issues don't blow up out of hand:

dear, history stood still for 1 million years, then Christians overthrew the Roman Empire and unleashed the individual over the liberal state. This is when human progress began.
The conflict between the liberal state and the individual( Plato versus Aristotle) is nicely depicted by the School of Athens fresco in the Vatican.

If you were a real Christian you wouldn't say that. You would believe that everything actually started about 6000 years ago with a man, a woman and an apple.
You left out the talking snake.

Dear Camp and NoTeaPartyPleez:

The snake and apple represent awareness
of enough spiritual knowledge to get into trouble,
but not being mature enough to handle the knowledge responsibly.

IRONICALLY you are demonstrating this danger RIGHT HERE

You know ENOUGH about the content of the Bible
to harp on the FEAR and EVIL behind it,
but you DON'T KNOW ENOUGH to use the
GOOD knowledge correctly to SOLVE the problems
of greed, evil, abuse and corruption in the world.

So you become like the "snake" whispering
negative badmouthing to turn people angry and destructive.

But you do not know enough about the GOOD WISDOM
that teaches people to focus on CORRECTIONS and
how to Address and Avoid falling and following such evil and selfish motivations.

You point out the bad but don't know how to correct and point out the good.

Camp and NoTeaPartyPleez
This is like having enough
KNOWLEDGE of radioactive and nuclear energy
to make a bomb, make dangerous weapons to invoke FEAR
but not having ability to HARNESS
the energy to make something GOOD for humanity.

Maybe you are right

Maybe it is better not to have any knowledge at all.
At least people will not be making bombs with that
knowledge to threaten and attack each other.

Maybe we should all remain unconscious,
unaware, innocent living things like the plants
who don't harm anyone or anything.

Maybe we should never have become
"self-aware" of our free will and spiritual
connections to the past and future
because humans are just not fit to
handle this knowledge without blowing
up the planet and ourselves with it!


Abolish all knowledge and don't ask, don't try to figure it out,
because whatever knowledge people come up with,
they will find some SELFISH way to abuse it.

So just ban all knowledge anything in writing,
because passing any ideas down from one
generation to the next is TOO DANGEROUS
and we are better off being ignorant and blissful
rather than "knowledge being a dangerous thing."


I'm so glad you are here to explain
how EVIL it is to share any knowledge
since people will corrupt it and make
abusive laws, religions or politics out of it.

You are SO RIGHT.

Let's just wipe the slate clean
and let you be in charge of
what humanity should know and
what we DON'T need to read or
understand like the Bible.

Just pure evil! Who needs it!
I was addressing the segment of Christians that insist the wisdom in the Bible be taken literally instead of intellectually. Unfortunately there are a lot of those and they have a loud voice. They are usually the ones who turn people against Christianity. At the same time, they are the ones who insist their interpretations are the correct ones and the only ones. They deserve to be mocked and that is what my post was meant to do.
sadly I think they'd only pay attention to what you just said
if you made a joke about it.

Are there any jokes about a liberal, Christian and Muslim walking into a bar?
Would that break the ice on this subject and get people talking honestly about what is going on?

As one guy said, maybe we need a healthy sense of humor about these things so issues don't blow up out of hand:

dear, history stood still for 1 million years, then Christians overthrew the Roman Empire and unleashed the individual over the liberal state. This is when human progress began.
The conflict between the liberal state and the individual( Plato versus Aristotle) is nicely depicted by the School of Athens fresco in the Vatican.

If you were a real Christian you wouldn't say that. You would believe that everything actually started about 6000 years ago with a man, a woman and an apple.
You left out the talking snake.

Dear Camp and NoTeaPartyPleez:

The snake and apple represent awareness
of enough spiritual knowledge to get into trouble,
but not being mature enough to handle the knowledge responsibly.

IRONICALLY you are demonstrating this danger RIGHT HERE

You know ENOUGH about the content of the Bible
to harp on the FEAR and EVIL behind it,
but you DON'T KNOW ENOUGH to use the
GOOD knowledge correctly to SOLVE the problems
of greed, evil, abuse and corruption in the world.

So you become like the "snake" whispering
negative badmouthing to turn people angry and destructive.

But you do not know enough about the GOOD WISDOM
that teaches people to focus on CORRECTIONS and
how to Address and Avoid falling and following such evil and selfish motivations.

You point out the bad but don't know how to correct and point out the good.

Camp and NoTeaPartyPleez
This is like having enough
KNOWLEDGE of radioactive and nuclear energy
to make a bomb, make dangerous weapons to invoke FEAR
but not having ability to HARNESS
the energy to make something GOOD for humanity.

Maybe you are right

Maybe it is better not to have any knowledge at all.
At least people will not be making bombs with that
knowledge to threaten and attack each other.

Maybe we should all remain unconscious,
unaware, innocent living things like the plants
who don't harm anyone or anything.

Maybe we should never have become
"self-aware" of our free will and spiritual
connections to the past and future
because humans are just not fit to
handle this knowledge without blowing
up the planet and ourselves with it!


Abolish all knowledge and don't ask, don't try to figure it out,
because whatever knowledge people come up with,
they will find some SELFISH way to abuse it.

So just ban all knowledge anything in writing,
because passing any ideas down from one
generation to the next is TOO DANGEROUS
and we are better off being ignorant and blissful
rather than "knowledge being a dangerous thing."


I'm so glad you are here to explain
how EVIL it is to share any knowledge
since people will corrupt it and make
abusive laws, religions or politics out of it.

You are SO RIGHT.

Let's just wipe the slate clean
and let you be in charge of
what humanity should know and
what we DON'T need to read or
understand like the Bible.

Just pure evil! Who needs it!
I was addressing the segment of Christians that insist the wisdom in the Bible be taken literally instead of intellectually. Unfortunately there are a lot of those and they have a loud voice. They are usually the ones who turn people against Christianity. At the same time, they are the ones who insist their interpretations are the correct ones and the only ones. They deserve to be mocked and that is what my post was meant to do.

Hi Camp
I find that if people use a limited palette to paint their world,
then just be consistent within that framework.

Emily Dickinson was able to paint the world
with very little framework, mostly the insects and
plants around her garden, where in her later years
she never stepped foot more than that far from her house.
Very limited parables, and yet she could describe
the wonders of the infinite Universe.

There is no need to mock people for the
language they speak, but yes, if they
mock then mocking their mocking might be
a good way to fight fire with fire.

I would just make it clear to include
and correct them as a PEER and not an ADVERSARY.

mutual criticisms are better received as constructive
when shared between peers respecting each other equally.

So the first step is to establish common ground and respect,
and then you can communicate using their own language.

Sorry if the rest of the msg isn't for you.

Maybe it is for other people who keep telling
theists and Christians "what their God and Bible means"
when the actual practitioners and followers are
saying "no, those negative things are NOT what my faith and my relationship
with God means to me which is only positive"

Why can't we see the positive?
Why attack and reject based on the negatives,
and throw the baby out with the bathwater
(instead of just clearing out the dirty bathwater
and replenishing with fresh water for the baby to play in)
I was addressing the segment of Christians that insist the wisdom in the Bible be taken literally.

you addressed only them because as a typical liberal illiterate you don't know about history or the School of Athens painting in the Vatican depicting Plato and Aristotle at the heart of Christianity. Moreover, without a understanding of history you don't know that Christianity is at the heart of Western Civilization which is the most successful civilization ever created by human beings?
I was addressing the segment of Christians that insist the wisdom in the Bible be taken literally.

you addressed only them because as a typical liberal illiterate you don't know about history or the School of Athens painting in the Vatican depicting Plato and Aristotle at the heart of Christianity. Moreover, without a understanding of history you don't know that Christianity is at the heart of Western Civilization which is the most successful civilization ever created by human beings?
I am certain that the folks at Westboro Baptist Church don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Dear Camp
I am certain that the folks at Westboro Baptist Church don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Is this like saying the members of the Flat Earth society don't know what NASA is talking about?

perhaps the liberal wants to beleive that Westboro is the Vatican

Well if people can believe Government replaces God
and Jihadists are what Islam means, I guess in that world
whichever "Christians" get the most media attention must be the leaders to define the faith for everyone else.
By volume and by who does the most controversial things to grab media attention, that appoints you Pope.

Anyone who practices prayer and charity correctly
but does this in private for its own sake and not for "reward" or "show"
THOSE people "don't count" that's not Christianity because it's not causing harm and getting attention.
Parrots talk and monkeys are taught sign language.

Do snakes talk? No? Then it is illogical to believe they do.

100 years ago monkeys didn't know sign language. your primitive argument while well suited to your name exemplifies a talk before learning mentality that is ever more rampant on this board.

Avoiding the question? Are you saying that snakes can learn sign language?

I am saying that animals are capable of speech therefore it is not illogical to assume that an animal can speak.

So any animal can speak? What about snakes, in particular? Can snakes speak?

Yes, but can you interpret?
Religion is tax exempt so that the government could stop religious leaders from swaying the vote.

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