Why does the left hate our religion?

The first hospitals and universities predate Christianity by centuries and millennia in Egypt, Greece, India, and the pre-Christian Roman empire.

Dear, the point is that all those civilization had poison at their core and so died while Western Christian civilization has surpassed them by 1000 times by any conceivable measure.

We do understand the liberal need to hate the West and why they spied for Stalin and elected Obama.

LMAO. Poison at their core? Like advancing women's rights or religious tolerance? Things your dipshit church-lead civilization took thousands of year to get right?

By the way, western Christian "civilization" is only a few centuries old. Give it time. Those ancient civlizations I enumerated had their time in the sun for thousands of years.

The Muslims are already poised to take Europe in the next few decades. Half your civilization is going to be eradicated. Maybe you could work on preventing that from happening instead of bitching at liberals.

Why are you so full of hate and ignorance?

I didn't realize I was. Care to elaborate?

Read your posts. :thup:

I'm dyslexic. You're going to have to do it for me.
Dear, the point is that all those civilization had poison at their core and so died while Western Christian civilization has surpassed them by 1000 times by any conceivable measure.

We do understand the liberal need to hate the West and why they spied for Stalin and elected Obama.

LMAO. Poison at their core? Like advancing women's rights or religious tolerance? Things your dipshit church-lead civilization took thousands of year to get right?

By the way, western Christian "civilization" is only a few centuries old. Give it time. Those ancient civlizations I enumerated had their time in the sun for thousands of years.

The Muslims are already poised to take Europe in the next few decades. Half your civilization is going to be eradicated. Maybe you could work on preventing that from happening instead of bitching at liberals.

Why are you so full of hate and ignorance?

I didn't realize I was. Care to elaborate?

Read your posts. :thup:

I'm dyslexic. You're going to have to do it for me.

Say no more, that completely explains it, you have everything backwards. Ever thought of seeking help? lol
LMAO. Poison at their core? Like advancing women's rights or religious tolerance? Things your dipshit church-lead civilization took thousands of year to get right?

By the way, western Christian "civilization" is only a few centuries old. Give it time. Those ancient civlizations I enumerated had their time in the sun for thousands of years.

The Muslims are already poised to take Europe in the next few decades. Half your civilization is going to be eradicated. Maybe you could work on preventing that from happening instead of bitching at liberals.

Why are you so full of hate and ignorance?

I didn't realize I was. Care to elaborate?

Read your posts. :thup:

I'm dyslexic. You're going to have to do it for me.

Say no more, that completely explains it, you have everything backwards. Ever thought of seeking help? lol

Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.
Why are you so full of hate and ignorance?

I didn't realize I was. Care to elaborate?

Read your posts. :thup:

I'm dyslexic. You're going to have to do it for me.

Say no more, that completely explains it, you have everything backwards. Ever thought of seeking help? lol

Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.

What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol
I didn't realize I was. Care to elaborate?

Read your posts. :thup:

I'm dyslexic. You're going to have to do it for me.

Say no more, that completely explains it, you have everything backwards. Ever thought of seeking help? lol

Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.

What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming
Read your posts. :thup:

I'm dyslexic. You're going to have to do it for me.

Say no more, that completely explains it, you have everything backwards. Ever thought of seeking help? lol

Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.

What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Yet you've given no valid rebuttal to her supposed 'warped notions of history', at least that I've seen. But then your constant insults and belittling are what get the attention, and exposes what your true agenda is unfortunately.

And funny cause I find what you're representing with your posts to be particularly annoying, childish, and immature as well, so I guess everything is subjective, isn't it?

I was just curious where the bitterness and hatred comes from?
Last edited:
I'm dyslexic. You're going to have to do it for me.

Say no more, that completely explains it, you have everything backwards. Ever thought of seeking help? lol

Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.

What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Yet you've given no valid rebuttal to her supposed 'warped notions of history', at least that I've seen. But then your constant insults and belittling are what get the attention, and exposes what your true agenda is unfortunately.

And funny cause I find what your representing with your posts to be particularly annoying, childish, and immature as well, so I guess everything is subjective, isn't it?

I was just curious where the bitterness and hatred comes from?

Actually I have. Read my post in response to her idiotic claim that Christians invented universities, hospitals, and the genetic code.

Again, I have no hatred. Christian conservatives hate facts and I like watching them writhe in pain as I deliver it to them. :)
Say no more, that completely explains it, you have everything backwards. Ever thought of seeking help? lol

Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.

What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Yet you've given no valid rebuttal to her supposed 'warped notions of history', at least that I've seen. But then your constant insults and belittling are what get the attention, and exposes what your true agenda is unfortunately.

And funny cause I find what your representing with your posts to be particularly annoying, childish, and immature as well, so I guess everything is subjective, isn't it?

I was just curious where the bitterness and hatred comes from?

Actually I have. Read my post in response to her idiotic claim that Christians invented universities, hospitals, and the genetic code.

Again, I have no hatred. Christian conservatives hate facts and I like watching them writhe in pain as I deliver it to them. :)

What facts?

And it doesn't surprise me that you enjoy watching people writhing in pain, goes hand in hand with your bitterness and hatred. ;)
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

I find most people disrespect Christians for not practicing what they preach (especially accusing others of what they also do),
for appearing to condone or tolerate religious abuses (forgiving that while condemning others for less),
for teaching contradictory things without explaining it
(like how can God create and be for all people and yet exclude nontheists,
or how can God create man to be flawed and then punish man for those flaws, etc.),
and for judging and rejecting people for not sharing, understanding, agreeing or believing in the same things.
Say no more, that completely explains it, you have everything backwards. Ever thought of seeking help? lol

Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.

What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Yet you've given no valid rebuttal to her supposed 'warped notions of history', at least that I've seen. But then your constant insults and belittling are what get the attention, and exposes what your true agenda is unfortunately.

And funny cause I find what your representing with your posts to be particularly annoying, childish, and immature as well, so I guess everything is subjective, isn't it?

I was just curious where the bitterness and hatred comes from?

Actually I have. Read my post in response to her idiotic claim that Christians invented universities, hospitals, and the genetic code.

Again, I have no hatred. Christian conservatives hate facts and I like watching them writhe in pain as I deliver it to them. :)

Where do you get that Christian conservatives hate facts?
It seems both political sides like their facts and say the other side is denying them.
isn't this an equal grievance, where liberals are also accused of touting agenda and ignoring facts?
Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.

What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Yet you've given no valid rebuttal to her supposed 'warped notions of history', at least that I've seen. But then your constant insults and belittling are what get the attention, and exposes what your true agenda is unfortunately.

And funny cause I find what your representing with your posts to be particularly annoying, childish, and immature as well, so I guess everything is subjective, isn't it?

I was just curious where the bitterness and hatred comes from?

Actually I have. Read my post in response to her idiotic claim that Christians invented universities, hospitals, and the genetic code.

Again, I have no hatred. Christian conservatives hate facts and I like watching them writhe in pain as I deliver it to them. :)

What facts?

And it doesn't surprise me that you enjoy watching people writhing in pain, goes hand in hand with your bitterness and hatred. ;)

Go and read the post, I ain't gonna do your homework for you, Newby.
What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Yet you've given no valid rebuttal to her supposed 'warped notions of history', at least that I've seen. But then your constant insults and belittling are what get the attention, and exposes what your true agenda is unfortunately.

And funny cause I find what your representing with your posts to be particularly annoying, childish, and immature as well, so I guess everything is subjective, isn't it?

I was just curious where the bitterness and hatred comes from?

Actually I have. Read my post in response to her idiotic claim that Christians invented universities, hospitals, and the genetic code.

Again, I have no hatred. Christian conservatives hate facts and I like watching them writhe in pain as I deliver it to them. :)

What facts?

And it doesn't surprise me that you enjoy watching people writhing in pain, goes hand in hand with your bitterness and hatred. ;)

Go and read the post, I ain't gonna do your homework for you, Newby.

You're the one that claimed to have all of these 'facts' that make conservative Christian's writhe in pain, I haven't seen any as of yet.
Read your posts. :thup:

I'm dyslexic. You're going to have to do it for me.

Say no more, that completely explains it, you have everything backwards. Ever thought of seeking help? lol

Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.

What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Hi RoshanNair
then I think you are looking at the worst examples of politicizing.

If you want to see real Christian practice
the really mature Christians are not negative towards anyone, but include all people,
and the truly evolved masters work on spiritual healing at different levels to bring about "universal salvation"

here are some links to spiritual healing through Christian forgiveness,
especially addressing generational sickness, or sins passed down, which Buddhists might call karma:

Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries

Healing Is Yours

I posted these resources at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I believe that Christ fulfills the laws in
Buddhism and Constitutionalism equally as Natural Laws
as with the churched fold of the same flock under
sacred laws (Jews Christians Muslims).

So the secular gentiles and humanists are
under the branch of natural laws that Jesus fulfills also
as the Spirit of Justice that unites all people with Truth
or the Kingdom of God that brings Peace on earth.

So the three refuges in Buddhism align and are
fulfilled collectively as equivalent expressions of
the same three levels of mind, body and spirit
symbolized in the Trinity; and the two great promises
or principles in Buddhism of Wisdom and Compassion
align with the Two Great Commandments in Christianity.
the third New Commandment to love one another as
Jesus loves us, is to join the love of God with the love of man as one,
reuniting the collective spiritual level of God and heaven
with the individiual physical level of man on earth as one in perfect harmony.

so the point is for the trintiy to be made whole
or body mind and spirit of all people to be unified
collectively to fulfill God/Christ/Holy Spirit as one
by conscience in the spirit of Christ Jesus
which is Restorative Justice with Mercy and Peace.
What are the arguments for Christianity being the "correct" religion over Judaism, Islam, Taoism, Hinduism, Mormonism, etc.? Do people tend to explore all options and make a rational choice about which religion is correct, or are they more likely to practice the religion they are born into?
I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Yet you've given no valid rebuttal to her supposed 'warped notions of history', at least that I've seen. But then your constant insults and belittling are what get the attention, and exposes what your true agenda is unfortunately.

And funny cause I find what your representing with your posts to be particularly annoying, childish, and immature as well, so I guess everything is subjective, isn't it?

I was just curious where the bitterness and hatred comes from?

Actually I have. Read my post in response to her idiotic claim that Christians invented universities, hospitals, and the genetic code.

Again, I have no hatred. Christian conservatives hate facts and I like watching them writhe in pain as I deliver it to them. :)

What facts?

And it doesn't surprise me that you enjoy watching people writhing in pain, goes hand in hand with your bitterness and hatred. ;)

Go and read the post, I ain't gonna do your homework for you, Newby.

You're the one that claimed to have all of these 'facts' that make conservative Christian's writhe in pain, I haven't seen any as of yet.

Again, I schooled your kosher friend over her silly claims about the invention of hospitals, universities, and Christian contributions to science. Do I actually have to dig up the post for you, Newby?
I'm dyslexic. You're going to have to do it for me.

Say no more, that completely explains it, you have everything backwards. Ever thought of seeking help? lol

Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.

What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Hi RoshanNair
then I think you are looking at the worst examples of politicizing.

If you want to see real Christian practice
the really mature Christians are not negative towards anyone, but include all people,
and the truly evolved masters work on spiritual healing at different levels to bring about "universal salvation"

here are some links to spiritual healing through Christian forgiveness,
especially addressing generational sickness, or sins passed down, which Buddhists might call karma:

Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries

Healing Is Yours

I posted these resources at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I believe that Christ fulfills the laws in
Buddhism and Constitutionalism equally as Natural Laws
as with the churched fold of the same flock under
sacred laws (Jews Christians Muslims).

So the secular gentiles and humanists are
under the branch of natural laws that Jesus fulfills also
as the Spirit of Justice that unites all people with Truth
or the Kingdom of God that brings Peace on earth.

So the three refuges in Buddhism align and are
fulfilled collectively as equivalent expressions of
the same three levels of mind, body and spirit
symbolized in the Trinity; and the two great promises
or principles in Buddhism of Wisdom and Compassion
align with the Two Great Commandments in Christianity.
the third New Commandment to love one another as
Jesus loves us, is to join the love of God with the love of man as one,
reuniting the collective spiritual level of God and heaven
with the individiual physical level of man on earth as one in perfect harmony.

so the point is for the trintiy to be made whole
or body mind and spirit of all people to be unified
collectively to fulfill God/Christ/Holy Spirit as one
by conscience in the spirit of Christ Jesus
which is Restorative Justice with Mercy and Peace.

Thank you, that was blissful! As I said earlier, I have no issues with the Jesus of the gospels. What he stood for is the antithesis of the RW conservative Christian contingent in this country today.
Yet you've given no valid rebuttal to her supposed 'warped notions of history', at least that I've seen. But then your constant insults and belittling are what get the attention, and exposes what your true agenda is unfortunately.

And funny cause I find what your representing with your posts to be particularly annoying, childish, and immature as well, so I guess everything is subjective, isn't it?

I was just curious where the bitterness and hatred comes from?

Actually I have. Read my post in response to her idiotic claim that Christians invented universities, hospitals, and the genetic code.

Again, I have no hatred. Christian conservatives hate facts and I like watching them writhe in pain as I deliver it to them. :)

What facts?

And it doesn't surprise me that you enjoy watching people writhing in pain, goes hand in hand with your bitterness and hatred. ;)

Go and read the post, I ain't gonna do your homework for you, Newby.

You're the one that claimed to have all of these 'facts' that make conservative Christian's writhe in pain, I haven't seen any as of yet.

Again, I schooled your kosher friend over her silly claims about the invention of hospitals, universities, and Christian contributions to science. Do I actually have to dig up the post for you, Newby?

So your claim is that there haven't been any significant contributions to any of those things by Christians?
Say no more, that completely explains it, you have everything backwards. Ever thought of seeking help? lol

Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.

What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Hi RoshanNair
then I think you are looking at the worst examples of politicizing.

If you want to see real Christian practice
the really mature Christians are not negative towards anyone, but include all people,
and the truly evolved masters work on spiritual healing at different levels to bring about "universal salvation"

here are some links to spiritual healing through Christian forgiveness,
especially addressing generational sickness, or sins passed down, which Buddhists might call karma:

Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries

Healing Is Yours

I posted these resources at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I believe that Christ fulfills the laws in
Buddhism and Constitutionalism equally as Natural Laws
as with the churched fold of the same flock under
sacred laws (Jews Christians Muslims).

So the secular gentiles and humanists are
under the branch of natural laws that Jesus fulfills also
as the Spirit of Justice that unites all people with Truth
or the Kingdom of God that brings Peace on earth.

So the three refuges in Buddhism align and are
fulfilled collectively as equivalent expressions of
the same three levels of mind, body and spirit
symbolized in the Trinity; and the two great promises
or principles in Buddhism of Wisdom and Compassion
align with the Two Great Commandments in Christianity.
the third New Commandment to love one another as
Jesus loves us, is to join the love of God with the love of man as one,
reuniting the collective spiritual level of God and heaven
with the individiual physical level of man on earth as one in perfect harmony.

so the point is for the trintiy to be made whole
or body mind and spirit of all people to be unified
collectively to fulfill God/Christ/Holy Spirit as one
by conscience in the spirit of Christ Jesus
which is Restorative Justice with Mercy and Peace.

Thank you, that was blissful! As I said earlier, I have no issues with the Jesus of the gospels. What he stood for is the antithesis of the RW conservative Christian contingent in this country today.

Such as?
Actually I have. Read my post in response to her idiotic claim that Christians invented universities, hospitals, and the genetic code.

Again, I have no hatred. Christian conservatives hate facts and I like watching them writhe in pain as I deliver it to them. :)

What facts?

And it doesn't surprise me that you enjoy watching people writhing in pain, goes hand in hand with your bitterness and hatred. ;)

Go and read the post, I ain't gonna do your homework for you, Newby.

You're the one that claimed to have all of these 'facts' that make conservative Christian's writhe in pain, I haven't seen any as of yet.

Again, I schooled your kosher friend over her silly claims about the invention of hospitals, universities, and Christian contributions to science. Do I actually have to dig up the post for you, Newby?

So your claim is that there haven't been any significant contributions to any of those things by Christians?

No, Newby. My claim is that Christians did not invent hospitals and universities (fact), nor were the Chudnovsky brothers Christian (fact).

Her claims were refuted, and now it appears she's tucked her tail and run off. See what I mean about pompous Christian conservatives and being averse to facts?

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