Why does the left hate our religion?

Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

After Christ there was the 10 Commandments? Congratulations on rewriting the Bible not to mention mixing and merging the two different Testaments.

I'll tell you one of the things that bothers ME about a lot of Christians. Simply put, a lot of Christians don't really know the Bible as well as they would have others believe. Often, they believe something that someone (often, some pastor with an agenda) has told them that simply is not supported by scripture. Then, of course, is the modern day simplistic approach of interpreting the stories and parables in the Bible as if they are all literally true? And why? Because they're not educated enough to think something through, and accepting something as literal is SO simple and uncomplicated that all it takes is a complete suspension of common sense...and blind faith.

dear, the issue is that Christ overthrew Rome and introduced civilized principles.
There certainly were civilized principles established long before Jesus of Nazareth. How do you suppose all those people became civilized without some binding principle at play?

What Jesus of Nazareth did was provide a common scaffold from which western civilzation could develop. Northern and Southern Europeans had Christianity in common. As Islam bound the Middle Easterners, Christianity bound Europeans. Both faiths produced civilization.

You might argue that western civilization has dominated the world, and you would have a point. There are national flags, modern armed forces, a code of law in every nation on earth, save Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq and sub Saharan Africa. But even those bleak places have the thin veneer of western civilzation.

Whether Jesus of Nazareth provided a better scaffold, take all the people killed in His name in the balance.
Christianity has done nothing to better the conditions of social degeneration and decay in our inner-city neighborhoods in this country.

too stupid by 1000%. Ghettos are filled with churches and the only law abiding citizens in those ghettos attend those churches! They are truly lights in the liberal darkness.

Any factual premise to substantiate this ludicrous position? That's what I figured.

you want to know crime stats of ghetto church members versus non-members hoping to discover that church members commit more crimes?

see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Are you really this stupid? Go back and read my initial post.

He really is that stupid.
The only religion that gets any respect from those secular marxists is islam...

Wow...wonder where those folks hang out.

Me? I respect the right of all persons to worship any god that they want to, even though it makes no sense to me.

Of course- I am merely a liberal who doesn't hate religion- or atheists.
Christianity has done nothing to better the conditions of social degeneration and decay in our inner-city neighborhoods in this country.

too stupid by 1000%. Ghettos are filled with churches and the only law abiding citizens in those ghettos attend those churches! They are truly lights in the liberal darkness.

Any factual premise to substantiate this ludicrous position? That's what I figured.

you want to know crime stats of ghetto church members versus non-members hoping to discover that church members commit more crimes?

see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Are you really this stupid? Go back and read my initial post. It doesn't matter for me
Read about Hypatia, a female mathematician in ancient Alexandria. She was mutilated by a mob of Christians.
Yes, where's the proof that this happened?
I've never heard anyone deny it. In 415 AD they were keeping pretty good records in Alexandria. Christianity never led the way in advances in science and civilization, unless you consider the illegality of brothels or beer sales on Sunday to be an advance in civilization.

Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle...all Christians.

The first hospitals and universities were established under the Church.

Humanity came to prisons via Christian influence.

Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

The mathematics behind the breaking of the genetic code came from the brothers Chudnovsky...Christians.

Like I said, you're either woefully ignorant...

Or you're pretending to be.

For every Christian contributor to science or math we could raise you hundreds of non-Jesus-freaks. What is your point by applying such a ridiculous metric?

The first hospitals and universities predate Christianity by centuries and millennia in Egypt, Greece, India, and the pre-Christian Roman empire.

The universities of the Gupta dynasty or Hellenistic Greece predate anything Christians delivered.

Humanity? LOL, now you clueless Christian fools want to monopolize humanity itself under Christian hegemony? And why arbitrarily choose "prisons"?

Slavery in the western sense was promulgated by Bible-thumping Christians, first of all. And what about all of the non-Christian nations and civilizations which never witnessed the institution of slavery?

The brothers Chudnovsky were Jewish, hahaha!
And there's nothing at all illogical about talking snakes.

Parrots talk and monkeys are taught sign language.

Do snakes talk? No? Then it is illogical to believe they do.

100 years ago monkeys didn't know sign language. your primitive argument while well suited to your name exemplifies a talk before learning mentality that is ever more rampant on this board.

Avoiding the question? Are you saying that snakes can learn sign language?

I am saying that animals are capable of speech therefore it is not illogical to assume that an animal can speak.
The first hospitals and universities predate Christianity by centuries and millennia in Egypt, Greece, India, and the pre-Christian Roman empire.

Dear, the point is that all those civilization had poison at their core and so died while Western Christian civilization has surpassed them by 1000 times by any conceivable measure.

We do understand the liberal need to hate the West and why they spied for Stalin and elected Obama.
There were a multitude of religions before Christianity, there will be a multitude of religions after Christianity becomes just a memory. Religions reflect a desire to understand the universe on a spirtitual level. As our understanding of the universe expands, they will take new forms. And, along the way, those xenophobes and haters, will find new reasons in the new religions to destroy and enslave their fellow man.
There were a multitude of religions before Christianity, there will be a multitude of religions after Christianity becomes just a memory.

its really stupid to predict the future and particularly about Christianity given that its still going strong at 2000!!
The Ten Commandments appear in the Old Testament.

If I disagreed I will pay you $10,000. Bet or run away admitting by doing so that as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here.

Rabbinical Judaism calculated a lifespan of Moses corresponding to 1391–1271BCE;[8]
Sometime around 1300 B.C., with the help of God, Moses led the Israelites out of enslavement in Egypt to begin a 40-year journey to their Promised Land. Three months after leaving Egypt, while they were camped at the foot of Mt. Sinai, God delivered the Ten Commandments to the Israelites as guidelines for living as a free nation
The Ten Commandments

kiwiman127 said:
Say Ed, you got my 10 grand?
I'd like a cashiers check. PM me and I'll give you directions on getting it so me.
Click to expand...

can the low IQ liberal moron say why I owe him $10,000.

Ed, don't forget to PM for where to send the 10 grand.
The Ten Commandments appear in the Old Testament.

If I disagreed I will pay you $10,000. Bet or run away admitting by doing so that as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here.

Rabbinical Judaism calculated a lifespan of Moses corresponding to 1391–1271BCE;[8]
Sometime around 1300 B.C., with the help of God, Moses led the Israelites out of enslavement in Egypt to begin a 40-year journey to their Promised Land. Three months after leaving Egypt, while they were camped at the foot of Mt. Sinai, God delivered the Ten Commandments to the Israelites as guidelines for living as a free nation
The Ten Commandments

kiwiman127 said:
Say Ed, you got my 10 grand?
I'd like a cashiers check. PM me and I'll give you directions on getting it so me.
Click to expand...

can the low IQ liberal moron say why I owe him $10,000.

Ed, don't forget to PM for where to send the 10 grand.

can the low IQ liberal moron say why I owe him $10,000.
So, not only is Ed an idiot, he's a welcher too!

Say Ed, you thrown out some really crazy stuff. As you can tell, the posters think you are crazy. So I have an idea to help you out. Why not show us where you got your facts? Certainly not the Bible.

Oh, don't forget my 10 grand.
The Ten Commandments appear in the Old Testament.

If I disagreed I will pay you $10,000. Bet or run away admitting by doing so that as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here.

Rabbinical Judaism calculated a lifespan of Moses corresponding to 1391–1271BCE;[8]
Sometime around 1300 B.C., with the help of God, Moses led the Israelites out of enslavement in Egypt to begin a 40-year journey to their Promised Land. Three months after leaving Egypt, while they were camped at the foot of Mt. Sinai, God delivered the Ten Commandments to the Israelites as guidelines for living as a free nation
The Ten Commandments

kiwiman127 said:
Say Ed, you got my 10 grand?
I'd like a cashiers check. PM me and I'll give you directions on getting it so me.
Click to expand...

can the low IQ liberal moron say why I owe him $10,000.

Ed, don't forget to PM for where to send the 10 grand.

can the low IQ liberal moron say why I owe him $10,000.

Ed, I posted your post where you wanted to make a $10,000 bet regarding the 10 Commandments were written well over 1,000 years before Jesus Christ was born. I proved that it was actually written over a 1,000 years before Christ. You claimed "After Christ there was the 10 commandments" in your opening OP.

Pay up!

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