Why does the left hate our religion?

Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.

What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Hi RoshanNair
then I think you are looking at the worst examples of politicizing.

If you want to see real Christian practice
the really mature Christians are not negative towards anyone, but include all people,
and the truly evolved masters work on spiritual healing at different levels to bring about "universal salvation"

here are some links to spiritual healing through Christian forgiveness,
especially addressing generational sickness, or sins passed down, which Buddhists might call karma:

Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries

Healing Is Yours

I posted these resources at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I believe that Christ fulfills the laws in
Buddhism and Constitutionalism equally as Natural Laws
as with the churched fold of the same flock under
sacred laws (Jews Christians Muslims).

So the secular gentiles and humanists are
under the branch of natural laws that Jesus fulfills also
as the Spirit of Justice that unites all people with Truth
or the Kingdom of God that brings Peace on earth.

So the three refuges in Buddhism align and are
fulfilled collectively as equivalent expressions of
the same three levels of mind, body and spirit
symbolized in the Trinity; and the two great promises
or principles in Buddhism of Wisdom and Compassion
align with the Two Great Commandments in Christianity.
the third New Commandment to love one another as
Jesus loves us, is to join the love of God with the love of man as one,
reuniting the collective spiritual level of God and heaven
with the individiual physical level of man on earth as one in perfect harmony.

so the point is for the trintiy to be made whole
or body mind and spirit of all people to be unified
collectively to fulfill God/Christ/Holy Spirit as one
by conscience in the spirit of Christ Jesus
which is Restorative Justice with Mercy and Peace.

Thank you, that was blissful! As I said earlier, I have no issues with the Jesus of the gospels. What he stood for is the antithesis of the RW conservative Christian contingent in this country today.

Such as?

Social justice, pacifism, aiding the poor, sick, and infirm, etc.
I'm dyslexic. You're going to have to do it for me.

Say no more, that completely explains it, you have everything backwards. Ever thought of seeking help? lol

Hilarious how you can't deconstruct any of my arguments so you resort to childish confabulation.

What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Hi RoshanNair
then I think you are looking at the worst examples of politicizing.

If you want to see real Christian practice
the really mature Christians are not negative towards anyone, but include all people,
and the truly evolved masters work on spiritual healing at different levels to bring about "universal salvation"

here are some links to spiritual healing through Christian forgiveness,
especially addressing generational sickness, or sins passed down, which Buddhists might call karma:

Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries

Healing Is Yours

I posted these resources at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I believe that Christ fulfills the laws in
Buddhism and Constitutionalism equally as Natural Laws
as with the churched fold of the same flock under
sacred laws (Jews Christians Muslims).

So the secular gentiles and humanists are
under the branch of natural laws that Jesus fulfills also
as the Spirit of Justice that unites all people with Truth
or the Kingdom of God that brings Peace on earth.

So the three refuges in Buddhism align and are
fulfilled collectively as equivalent expressions of
the same three levels of mind, body and spirit
symbolized in the Trinity; and the two great promises
or principles in Buddhism of Wisdom and Compassion
align with the Two Great Commandments in Christianity.
the third New Commandment to love one another as
Jesus loves us, is to join the love of God with the love of man as one,
reuniting the collective spiritual level of God and heaven
with the individiual physical level of man on earth as one in perfect harmony.

so the point is for the trintiy to be made whole
or body mind and spirit of all people to be unified
collectively to fulfill God/Christ/Holy Spirit as one
by conscience in the spirit of Christ Jesus
which is Restorative Justice with Mercy and Peace.

Hi Emily,

I went to the website of the Christian Healing Ministries, and I'm not so sure they would agree with the content of your post based on what I read from their website, especially such as the concept of 'sins passed down', and trying to combine the spirituality concepts of other religions with that of what Christ taught. Are you asserting that Buddhism and Christianity are really just separate paths to the same destination?

Doctrinal Statement
Christian Healing Ministries affirms the historic Christian beliefs as contained in the creeds (the Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, and Athanasian Creed), which have served as the basis of Christian belief since the first century. Because of the nature of our prayer ministry, we stress in particular the need for the power of the Holy Spirit, in order that we might serve as vessels of God’s healing power.

We also affirm the value of the medical and counseling fields, since they too are ways in which God’s healing power is manifested. Beyond medicine and human means, we believe God can work miracles of healing through Jesus Christ, and we see this as part of His role as our Saviour.
What facts?

And it doesn't surprise me that you enjoy watching people writhing in pain, goes hand in hand with your bitterness and hatred. ;)

Go and read the post, I ain't gonna do your homework for you, Newby.

You're the one that claimed to have all of these 'facts' that make conservative Christian's writhe in pain, I haven't seen any as of yet.

Again, I schooled your kosher friend over her silly claims about the invention of hospitals, universities, and Christian contributions to science. Do I actually have to dig up the post for you, Newby?

So your claim is that there haven't been any significant contributions to any of those things by Christians?

No, Newby. My claim is that Christians did not invent hospitals and universities (fact), nor were the Chudnovsky brothers Christian (fact).

Her claims were refuted, and now it appears she's tucked her tail and run off. See what I mean about pompous Christian conservatives and being averse to facts?

I didn't read the post, but I was looking for more than generalized statements, I don't know that any set group or religion can be said to have 'invented' hospitals or universities, however Western civilization was rooted in Christian thought and the Christian movement.

I really could care less about the Chudnovsky brothers or what their religion was/is, so I'm not sure what significance that would have to anything. If you're claiming that she was wrong simply based on the fact that she's a Christian, well that's just very short sighted. Or if you're claiming that anyone that has contributed greatly to any field of science or math can't be Christian, that is short sighted as well.

I'm guessing she hasn't run anywhere, you obviously don't know her very well. lol
What's to deconstruct? Your petty bias and hatred towards Christians? That's old hat, nothing new, you're nothing new, actually at this point in my posting career, it's amusing cause you're all the same.

Are you even capable of debating without insults? Anyone that has to disrespect and insult without provocation to try to get their point across is seriously lacking in intellect. But then, I'm a 'Jesus freak', so what do I know, right? lol

I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Hi RoshanNair
then I think you are looking at the worst examples of politicizing.

If you want to see real Christian practice
the really mature Christians are not negative towards anyone, but include all people,
and the truly evolved masters work on spiritual healing at different levels to bring about "universal salvation"

here are some links to spiritual healing through Christian forgiveness,
especially addressing generational sickness, or sins passed down, which Buddhists might call karma:

Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries

Healing Is Yours

I posted these resources at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I believe that Christ fulfills the laws in
Buddhism and Constitutionalism equally as Natural Laws
as with the churched fold of the same flock under
sacred laws (Jews Christians Muslims).

So the secular gentiles and humanists are
under the branch of natural laws that Jesus fulfills also
as the Spirit of Justice that unites all people with Truth
or the Kingdom of God that brings Peace on earth.

So the three refuges in Buddhism align and are
fulfilled collectively as equivalent expressions of
the same three levels of mind, body and spirit
symbolized in the Trinity; and the two great promises
or principles in Buddhism of Wisdom and Compassion
align with the Two Great Commandments in Christianity.
the third New Commandment to love one another as
Jesus loves us, is to join the love of God with the love of man as one,
reuniting the collective spiritual level of God and heaven
with the individiual physical level of man on earth as one in perfect harmony.

so the point is for the trintiy to be made whole
or body mind and spirit of all people to be unified
collectively to fulfill God/Christ/Holy Spirit as one
by conscience in the spirit of Christ Jesus
which is Restorative Justice with Mercy and Peace.

Thank you, that was blissful! As I said earlier, I have no issues with the Jesus of the gospels. What he stood for is the antithesis of the RW conservative Christian contingent in this country today.

Such as?

Social justice, pacifism, aiding the poor, sick, and infirm, etc.

Where did Christ speak of social justice?

And on what basis do you conclude that conservative Christians don't aid the poor or the sick, or practice pacifism? And what form of pacifism is it that you think Jesus Christ promoted?
I have no hatred towards Christians unconditionally. I have Christians married into my extended family who are much better people than I'll ever be. Also, as a Buddhist, I could never disparage Jesus's character according to biblical accounts.

I just find your Christian conservative ilk here in this country to be a particular breed of annoying, childish, and immature.Take for example your friend koshergrl. She validates her warped notions of history and reality on the basis of factual distortions. I find such disingenuous tactics to be unbecoming

Hi RoshanNair
then I think you are looking at the worst examples of politicizing.

If you want to see real Christian practice
the really mature Christians are not negative towards anyone, but include all people,
and the truly evolved masters work on spiritual healing at different levels to bring about "universal salvation"

here are some links to spiritual healing through Christian forgiveness,
especially addressing generational sickness, or sins passed down, which Buddhists might call karma:

Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries

Healing Is Yours

I posted these resources at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I believe that Christ fulfills the laws in
Buddhism and Constitutionalism equally as Natural Laws
as with the churched fold of the same flock under
sacred laws (Jews Christians Muslims).

So the secular gentiles and humanists are
under the branch of natural laws that Jesus fulfills also
as the Spirit of Justice that unites all people with Truth
or the Kingdom of God that brings Peace on earth.

So the three refuges in Buddhism align and are
fulfilled collectively as equivalent expressions of
the same three levels of mind, body and spirit
symbolized in the Trinity; and the two great promises
or principles in Buddhism of Wisdom and Compassion
align with the Two Great Commandments in Christianity.
the third New Commandment to love one another as
Jesus loves us, is to join the love of God with the love of man as one,
reuniting the collective spiritual level of God and heaven
with the individiual physical level of man on earth as one in perfect harmony.

so the point is for the trintiy to be made whole
or body mind and spirit of all people to be unified
collectively to fulfill God/Christ/Holy Spirit as one
by conscience in the spirit of Christ Jesus
which is Restorative Justice with Mercy and Peace.

Thank you, that was blissful! As I said earlier, I have no issues with the Jesus of the gospels. What he stood for is the antithesis of the RW conservative Christian contingent in this country today.

Such as?

Social justice, pacifism, aiding the poor, sick, and infirm, etc.

Where did Christ speak of social justice?

And on what basis do you conclude that conservative Christians don't aid the poor or the sick, or practice pacifism? And what form of pacifism is it that you think Jesus Christ promoted?
Courtesy of google:

Social justice:
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

^ You mean to tell me that none of those are found within the four canonical gospels of that book you loudly and proudly hold up to oppose same-sex marriage, gay rights, abortion, etc?

Christian conservatives have traditionally and consistently opposed the universalizing of health care, social programs, the welfare state, etc.....while promulgating gun rights, aligning with the NRA, favoring capital punishment, etc.
Hi RoshanNair
then I think you are looking at the worst examples of politicizing.

If you want to see real Christian practice
the really mature Christians are not negative towards anyone, but include all people,
and the truly evolved masters work on spiritual healing at different levels to bring about "universal salvation"

here are some links to spiritual healing through Christian forgiveness,
especially addressing generational sickness, or sins passed down, which Buddhists might call karma:

Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries

Healing Is Yours

I posted these resources at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I believe that Christ fulfills the laws in
Buddhism and Constitutionalism equally as Natural Laws
as with the churched fold of the same flock under
sacred laws (Jews Christians Muslims).

So the secular gentiles and humanists are
under the branch of natural laws that Jesus fulfills also
as the Spirit of Justice that unites all people with Truth
or the Kingdom of God that brings Peace on earth.

So the three refuges in Buddhism align and are
fulfilled collectively as equivalent expressions of
the same three levels of mind, body and spirit
symbolized in the Trinity; and the two great promises
or principles in Buddhism of Wisdom and Compassion
align with the Two Great Commandments in Christianity.
the third New Commandment to love one another as
Jesus loves us, is to join the love of God with the love of man as one,
reuniting the collective spiritual level of God and heaven
with the individiual physical level of man on earth as one in perfect harmony.

so the point is for the trintiy to be made whole
or body mind and spirit of all people to be unified
collectively to fulfill God/Christ/Holy Spirit as one
by conscience in the spirit of Christ Jesus
which is Restorative Justice with Mercy and Peace.

Thank you, that was blissful! As I said earlier, I have no issues with the Jesus of the gospels. What he stood for is the antithesis of the RW conservative Christian contingent in this country today.

Such as?

Social justice, pacifism, aiding the poor, sick, and infirm, etc.

Where did Christ speak of social justice?

And on what basis do you conclude that conservative Christians don't aid the poor or the sick, or practice pacifism? And what form of pacifism is it that you think Jesus Christ promoted?
Courtesy of google:

Social justice:
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

^ You mean to tell me that none of those are found within the four canonical gospels of that book you loudly and proudly hold up to oppose same-sex marriage, gay rights, abortion, etc?

Christian conservatives have traditionally and consistently opposed the universalizing of health care, social programs, the welfare state, etc.....while promulgating gun rights, aligning with the NRA, favoring capital punishment, etc.

If you don't know what's in the Bible, then there's no point in even further conversing with you. You're just another atheist who repeats whatever propaganda she's been fed re Christianity instead of educating herself on the topic. In other words, a waste of time.
Thank you, that was blissful! As I said earlier, I have no issues with the Jesus of the gospels. What he stood for is the antithesis of the RW conservative Christian contingent in this country today.

Such as?

Social justice, pacifism, aiding the poor, sick, and infirm, etc.

Where did Christ speak of social justice?

And on what basis do you conclude that conservative Christians don't aid the poor or the sick, or practice pacifism? And what form of pacifism is it that you think Jesus Christ promoted?
Courtesy of google:

Social justice:
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

^ You mean to tell me that none of those are found within the four canonical gospels of that book you loudly and proudly hold up to oppose same-sex marriage, gay rights, abortion, etc?

Christian conservatives have traditionally and consistently opposed the universalizing of health care, social programs, the welfare state, etc.....while promulgating gun rights, aligning with the NRA, favoring capital punishment, etc.

If you don't know what's in the Bible, then there's no point in even further conversing with you. You're just another atheist who repeats whatever propaganda she's been fed re Christianity instead of educating herself on the topic. In other words, a waste of time.

I actually DO know what's in the Bible, front and back. Genesis to Revelation, from Adam to the Apostles and beyond. I'm a "he", and a Buddhist as I told you earlier. Learn to keep up.

Try and refute my assertions right here and now.
If you don't know what's in the Bible, then there's no point in even further conversing with you.

Damn and here I thought that Christians were supposed to be spreading the word of God? Instead of just blowing people off about the Bible. Wasn't that a fine chance to proselytize? Guess not.
Hi RoshanNair
then I think you are looking at the worst examples of politicizing.

If you want to see real Christian practice
the really mature Christians are not negative towards anyone, but include all people,
and the truly evolved masters work on spiritual healing at different levels to bring about "universal salvation"

here are some links to spiritual healing through Christian forgiveness,
especially addressing generational sickness, or sins passed down, which Buddhists might call karma:

Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries

Healing Is Yours

I posted these resources at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I believe that Christ fulfills the laws in
Buddhism and Constitutionalism equally as Natural Laws
as with the churched fold of the same flock under
sacred laws (Jews Christians Muslims).

So the secular gentiles and humanists are
under the branch of natural laws that Jesus fulfills also
as the Spirit of Justice that unites all people with Truth
or the Kingdom of God that brings Peace on earth.

So the three refuges in Buddhism align and are
fulfilled collectively as equivalent expressions of
the same three levels of mind, body and spirit
symbolized in the Trinity; and the two great promises
or principles in Buddhism of Wisdom and Compassion
align with the Two Great Commandments in Christianity.
the third New Commandment to love one another as
Jesus loves us, is to join the love of God with the love of man as one,
reuniting the collective spiritual level of God and heaven
with the individiual physical level of man on earth as one in perfect harmony.

so the point is for the trintiy to be made whole
or body mind and spirit of all people to be unified
collectively to fulfill God/Christ/Holy Spirit as one
by conscience in the spirit of Christ Jesus
which is Restorative Justice with Mercy and Peace.

Thank you, that was blissful! As I said earlier, I have no issues with the Jesus of the gospels. What he stood for is the antithesis of the RW conservative Christian contingent in this country today.

Such as?

Social justice, pacifism, aiding the poor, sick, and infirm, etc.

Where did Christ speak of social justice?

And on what basis do you conclude that conservative Christians don't aid the poor or the sick, or practice pacifism? And what form of pacifism is it that you think Jesus Christ promoted?
Courtesy of google:

Social justice:
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

^ You mean to tell me that none of those are found within the four canonical gospels of that book you loudly and proudly hold up to oppose same-sex marriage, gay rights, abortion, etc?

Christian conservatives have traditionally and consistently opposed the universalizing of health care, social programs, the welfare state, etc.....while promulgating gun rights, aligning with the NRA, favoring capital punishment, etc.

Dear Rosh:
There is a DIFFERENCE between opposing health care
and believing in providing health and services where it isn't
in violation of Constitutional limits on govt to maintain checks and balances.

One of the tenets in Christianity is to respect civil authority.
The natural laws respect freedom of choice and individual liberty.

Wanting to respect the free choice of the people
is not the same as opposing health care!

In Buddhism there is respect for individual choice
and not forced indoctrination. That doesn't mean
someone is FOR letting other people
"Do whatever they want and murder people"
just because a Buddhist practices nonviolence.

there are ways to prevent abuses
and to provide SUSTAINABLE health care
by FREE CHOICE and voluntary participation.

People can practice 'the right profession'
and provide health care without depending on govt to force it.

So please do not confuse wanting to limit the jurisdiction of govt
with wanting "to deny or block health care".

That is not fair to equate those two,
any more than it is fair to accuse someone
who is prochoice of wanting to push abortion;
the FREE CHOICE is a separate issue and
most people do not want their free choice decided by
political force of govt.

Social justice, pacifism, aiding the poor, sick, and infirm, etc.

Where did Christ speak of social justice?

And on what basis do you conclude that conservative Christians don't aid the poor or the sick, or practice pacifism? And what form of pacifism is it that you think Jesus Christ promoted?
Courtesy of google:

Social justice:
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

^ You mean to tell me that none of those are found within the four canonical gospels of that book you loudly and proudly hold up to oppose same-sex marriage, gay rights, abortion, etc?

Christian conservatives have traditionally and consistently opposed the universalizing of health care, social programs, the welfare state, etc.....while promulgating gun rights, aligning with the NRA, favoring capital punishment, etc.

If you don't know what's in the Bible, then there's no point in even further conversing with you. You're just another atheist who repeats whatever propaganda she's been fed re Christianity instead of educating herself on the topic. In other words, a waste of time.

I actually DO know what's in the Bible, front and back. Genesis to Revelation, from Adam to the Apostles and beyond. I'm a "he", and a Buddhist as I told you earlier. Learn to keep up.

Try and refute my assertions right here and now.

Do you understand the concept of charity as based on unconditional giving and sharing
vs. forcing people to provide for others by law, using their own labor or services.

Do you understand the argument that no one can be compelled into "involuntary servitude"
without having committed a crime, going through due process, and being subject
to lose one's liberty as part of the consequences of a crime?

Do you understand that the Christian faith does call for members to respect
civil authority and institutions, and not to disrespect the principles of govt,
such as abusing govt to impose a religious belief or agenda which is in violation
of the First and Fourteenth Amendment.

Do you understand the Constitutional principle of
equal religious freedom and not discriminating on the basis of creed?

If so, do you agree to treat and respect those of the Christian faith
equally as your own, and not to seek to deny or disparage people
just based on their affiliation which is a form of discrimination.
Thank you, that was blissful! As I said earlier, I have no issues with the Jesus of the gospels. What he stood for is the antithesis of the RW conservative Christian contingent in this country today.

Such as?

Social justice, pacifism, aiding the poor, sick, and infirm, etc.

Where did Christ speak of social justice?

And on what basis do you conclude that conservative Christians don't aid the poor or the sick, or practice pacifism? And what form of pacifism is it that you think Jesus Christ promoted?
Courtesy of google:

Social justice:
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

^ You mean to tell me that none of those are found within the four canonical gospels of that book you loudly and proudly hold up to oppose same-sex marriage, gay rights, abortion, etc?

Christian conservatives have traditionally and consistently opposed the universalizing of health care, social programs, the welfare state, etc.....while promulgating gun rights, aligning with the NRA, favoring capital punishment, etc.

Dear Rosh:
There is a DIFFERENCE between opposing health care
and believing in providing health and services where it isn't
in violation of Constitutional limits on govt to maintain checks and balances.

One of the tenets in Christianity is to respect civil authority.
The natural laws respect freedom of choice and individual liberty.

Wanting to respect the free choice of the people
is not the same as opposing health care!

In Buddhism there is respect for individual choice
and not forced indoctrination. That doesn't mean
someone is FOR letting other people
"Do whatever they want and murder people"
just because a Buddhist practices nonviolence.

there are ways to prevent abuses
and to provide SUSTAINABLE health care
by FREE CHOICE and voluntary participation.

People can practice 'the right profession'
and provide health care without depending on govt to force it.

So please do not confuse wanting to limit the jurisdiction of govt
with wanting "to deny or block health care".

That is not fair to equate those two,
any more than it is fair to accuse someone
who is prochoice of wanting to push abortion;
the FREE CHOICE is a separate issue and
most people do not want their free choice decided by
political force of govt.

Then clearly, emily, the commitment of Christians re: health care seems more focused on the contours of bureaucracy than living up to the standard of Jesus. Why should your fight to preserve the limitations of the government and legislation supersede your Christ-like principles? So you mean to tell me that nationalism matters more to Christians than the exhortations of Jesus?

Buddha would never place an emphasis on the preservation of the societal norms and political establishment over human dignity and morality. Feel free to read his unbridled criticism of the rigid, state-sanctioned caste system at his time.

Social justice, pacifism, aiding the poor, sick, and infirm, etc.

Where did Christ speak of social justice?

And on what basis do you conclude that conservative Christians don't aid the poor or the sick, or practice pacifism? And what form of pacifism is it that you think Jesus Christ promoted?
Courtesy of google:

Social justice:
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

^ You mean to tell me that none of those are found within the four canonical gospels of that book you loudly and proudly hold up to oppose same-sex marriage, gay rights, abortion, etc?

Christian conservatives have traditionally and consistently opposed the universalizing of health care, social programs, the welfare state, etc.....while promulgating gun rights, aligning with the NRA, favoring capital punishment, etc.

Dear Rosh:
There is a DIFFERENCE between opposing health care
and believing in providing health and services where it isn't
in violation of Constitutional limits on govt to maintain checks and balances.

One of the tenets in Christianity is to respect civil authority.
The natural laws respect freedom of choice and individual liberty.

Wanting to respect the free choice of the people
is not the same as opposing health care!

In Buddhism there is respect for individual choice
and not forced indoctrination. That doesn't mean
someone is FOR letting other people
"Do whatever they want and murder people"
just because a Buddhist practices nonviolence.

there are ways to prevent abuses
and to provide SUSTAINABLE health care
by FREE CHOICE and voluntary participation.

People can practice 'the right profession'
and provide health care without depending on govt to force it.

So please do not confuse wanting to limit the jurisdiction of govt
with wanting "to deny or block health care".

That is not fair to equate those two,
any more than it is fair to accuse someone
who is prochoice of wanting to push abortion;
the FREE CHOICE is a separate issue and
most people do not want their free choice decided by
political force of govt.

Then clearly, emily, the commitment of Christians re: health care seems more focused on the contours of bureaucracy than living up to the standard of Jesus. Why should your fight to preserve the limitations of the government and legislation supersede your Christ-like principles? So you mean to tell me that nationalism matters more to Christians than the exhortations of Jesus?

Buddha would never place an emphasis on the preservation of the societal norms and political establishment over human dignity and morality. Feel free to read his unbridled criticism of the rigid, state-sanctioned caste system at his time.

No, because the most cost effective and natural health care,
that is sustainable and can serve the most people with the given resources,
focuses on spiritual health first, which the govt cannot regulate.

So if you REALLY cared about sustainable and accessible health care
you'd go the spiritual route and cut the costs of disease, crime and waste
so more people can be served through more effective means than govt regulations.

If you look at nonprofit organizations from
Americares to Doctors Without Borders,
these work effectively by freely chosen participation, services, funding etc.

If you look at the FREE and effective Spiritual Healing
that has saved lives and prevented the NEED for more
expensive medications and surgeries,
this is all done by FREE CHOICE and cannot be regulated by govt.

So the best solutions come from FREE CHOICE not govt.

Sorry this wasn't clear.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.
I'm not a lefty. Or a righty. I don't "hate" any religion. I do "hate" the followers because most just warp the hell out of what its true intent is.
What are the arguments for Christianity being the "correct" religion
1) it created love, Western civilization, displaced the Roman Coliseum and whore house, and established the conservative idea that the individual was king, not the liberal Roman govt..
I find most people disrespect Christians for not practicing what they preach.

you find stupid disorganized liberals who disrespect Christians even when Muslims want to cut their heads off while they are alive.

sadly I think they'd only pay attention to what you just said
if you made a joke about it.

Are there any jokes about a liberal, Christian and Muslim walking into a bar?
Would that break the ice on this subject and get people talking honestly about what is going on?

As one guy said, maybe we need a healthy sense of humor about these things so issues don't blow up out of hand:
I find most people disrespect Christians for not practicing what they preach.

you find stupid disorganized liberals who disrespect Christians even when Muslims want to cut their heads off while they are alive.

sadly I think they'd only pay attention to what you just said
if you made a joke about it.

Are there any jokes about a liberal, Christian and Muslim walking into a bar?
Would that break the ice on this subject and get people talking honestly about what is going on?

As one guy said, maybe we need a healthy sense of humor about these things so issues don't blow up out of hand:

dear, history stood still for 1 million years, then Christians overthrew the Roman Empire and unleashed the individual over the liberal state. This is when human progress began.
The conflict between the liberal state and the individual( Plato versus Aristotle) is nicely depicted by the School of Athens fresco in the Vatican.
What are the arguments for Christianity being the "correct" religion over Judaism, Islam, Taoism, Hinduism, Mormonism, etc.? Do people tend to explore all options and make a rational choice about which religion is correct, or are they more likely to practice the religion they are born into?

1. Any faith can be fulfilled in Christ and be correct or corrected if there are flaws.

the only practices I have found that are not reconcileable are if they are
based on DARK forces of manipulation or retribution with ill will as the intent,
this of course is the opposite of good will, and anything demonic or occult will clash.

I have friends who are
Buddhist and Christian
Muslim and Christian
Constitutionalist and Christian
even Atheist who teaches forgiveness, peace and justice for all humanity,
and abundance of free grace but just doesn't use God or jesus as personified figures.

if Christ is the central authority of Justice that fulfills all laws,
then all religious laws, all political laws, all secular laws of social science or psychology
all reflect the same universal truths.

2. note the important factor is Forgiveness
This brings healing to body, mind, spirit and relationships in society.

So Christianity teaches charity for all, and establishing good faith relations
in the spirit of Truth Justice and Peace to unite all humanity as one church or body.

Jesus Christ represents the process of realizing Restorative Justice
to save humanity from suffering and strife otherwise caused by repeating
sins from the past in an endless cycle of retribution, war or hell.

3. if you want proof that Christianity is unique and supreme,
study the process of Spiritual Healing, deliverance and exorcism.
And you will find that the demonic sicknesses that people remove
using this process work by praying in connection with the
central authority that Jesus represents for all humanity as whole.

the other types of prayer and practice work for different people and situations.

But for removing demonic entities, voices, personalities, influences
and especially addictions and obsessions, only the prayers in Christ Jesus
are concentrated and centralized enough to effect change and free people of those bonds.

See also resources posted at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy
that is one area I only recommend Christian practictioners who
have proven effective, reliable and free in their calling specifically in this field.
no other methods work on the most extreme cases of satanic or occult sickness.

I believe this can be proven by scientific studies and recommend formal research
so more people can be helped to cure dangerous and deadly conditions.
I find most people disrespect Christians for not practicing what they preach.

you find stupid disorganized liberals who disrespect Christians even when Muslims want to cut their heads off while they are alive.

sadly I think they'd only pay attention to what you just said
if you made a joke about it.

Are there any jokes about a liberal, Christian and Muslim walking into a bar?
Would that break the ice on this subject and get people talking honestly about what is going on?

As one guy said, maybe we need a healthy sense of humor about these things so issues don't blow up out of hand:

dear, history stood still for 1 million years, then Christians overthrew the Roman Empire and unleashed the individual over the liberal state. This is when human progress began.
The conflict between the liberal state and the individual( Plato versus Aristotle) is nicely depicted by the School of Athens fresco in the Vatican.

If you were a real Christian you wouldn't say that. You would believe that everything actually started about 6000 years ago with a man, a woman and an apple.

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