Why does the left hate our religion?

The first hospitals and universities predate Christianity by centuries and millennia in Egypt, Greece, India, and the pre-Christian Roman empire.

Dear, the point is that all those civilization had poison at their core and so died while Western Christian civilization has surpassed them by 1000 times by any conceivable measure.

We do understand the liberal need to hate the West and why they spied for Stalin and elected Obama.

LMAO. Poison at their core? Like advancing women's rights or religious tolerance? Things your dipshit church-lead civilization took thousands of year to get right?

By the way, western Christian "civilization" is only a few centuries old. Give it time. Those ancient civlizations I enumerated had their time in the sun for thousands of years.

The Muslims are already poised to take Europe in the next few decades. Half your civilization is going to be eradicated. Maybe you could work on preventing that from happening instead of bitching at liberals.
Both faiths produced civilization.

Dear, Islam has developed into mad dog suicide bombers who want 40 virgins in heaven while the west is known for putting men on the moon and fighting Ebola.

Goes to show what an idiot you are.
The Muslim world was far more economically prosperous, advanced, and innovative than Christendom prior to the renaissance or industrial revolution. Baghdad was the intellectual capital of the world in the medieval era.

And I don't even like Muslims or Islam....
The ideological foundations of Western civilization are secular humanism.

For any Christians who want to contest that, please show me examples from your Bible where God, Jesus, Paul, or anyone else pushed for the inalienable rights to freedoms of speech, conscience, religion, dissent, peaceful assembly, etc.
And there's nothing at all illogical about talking snakes.

Parrots talk and monkeys are taught sign language.

Do snakes talk? No? Then it is illogical to believe they do.

100 years ago monkeys didn't know sign language. your primitive argument while well suited to your name exemplifies a talk before learning mentality that is ever more rampant on this board.

Avoiding the question? Are you saying that snakes can learn sign language?

I am saying that animals are capable of speech therefore it is not illogical to assume that an animal can speak.

So any animal can speak? What about snakes, in particular? Can snakes speak?
Both faiths produced civilization.

Dear, Islam has developed into mad dog suicide bombers who want 40 virgins in heaven while the west is known for putting men on the moon and fighting Ebola.
I've never made any reference to overall quality. And I don't blame all Middle Eastern cultures for the actions of a few radicals. Did you know that, at its height, the American Mafia had only 5,000 members, associates, made and connected guys? But are all Italian Americans suspected of or known to be Mafiosi?

The argument is: Did Jesus of Nazareth create Western Civilization or, did He provide the tie that binds?
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

Because the far left has their own religion which is far more dangerous than ISIS..

I don't have any religion; what religion do you think I have? I think you might worship at the altar of the Strawman...


An argument can be made that the health and welfare of all citizens is good for each individual...

That's your religion, and you're willing to force that belief via government control on those in society that don't agree with you. Using that little comment, there's nothing that you can't force on the individual for 'their own good'. Far more dangerous than any religion I know of.

I've missed you, Newby.

Government isn't my religion. I don't have a religion. Unless you mean that I worship the Constitution? I don't worship it, but I do revere it.

Government control is control by We the People, not some tyranny, but a democratic republic. It's called law. Other such laws forbid murder, theft, rape, child abuse, etc. for each individual's own good. Is that government control? If each individual citizen has access to affordable medical care, that is good for the nation and for our civilization and therefore good for each individual. Those elected to represent we the people did what the majority wanted and it has been deemed constitutional. Don't like it? Then convince the majority to vote to change it.

Nice to see you too CMM... ;)

Government control is control by We the People, not some tyranny, but a democratic republic.

I unfortunately don't agree with that statement, that is what a lot of us are trying to keep, but it's very quickly eroding away directly into tyranny, if you can't see that then there's not much more that can be said, but that is where we are going to end up.

Our government steals from its citizens every day to line the pockets of others, that's theft and that's tyranny. I believe in freedom of the individual, which is what the constitution was founded upon. I've done a lot of reading on the subject, and the early workings of congress. What the government takes from people to fund would never have been tolerated. I am not responsible for your medical care or anyone else's, I am responsible for me. Where is the constitutional republic in demanding that I purchase a product or be fined by the government? We already had affordable medical care or free medical care for those who needed, no one went without medical care in this country. If you can't see the take over of the entire health system by the federal government as a form of tyranny, then as I said before, there is no help for you.
The first hospitals and universities predate Christianity by centuries and millennia in Egypt, Greece, India, and the pre-Christian Roman empire.

Dear, the point is that all those civilization had poison at their core and so died while Western Christian civilization has surpassed them by 1000 times by any conceivable measure.

We do understand the liberal need to hate the West and why they spied for Stalin and elected Obama.

LMAO. Poison at their core? Like advancing women's rights or religious tolerance? Things your dipshit church-lead civilization took thousands of year to get right?

By the way, western Christian "civilization" is only a few centuries old. Give it time. Those ancient civlizations I enumerated had their time in the sun for thousands of years.

The Muslims are already poised to take Europe in the next few decades. Half your civilization is going to be eradicated. Maybe you could work on preventing that from happening instead of bitching at liberals.

Why are you so full of hate and ignorance?
Both faiths produced civilization.

Dear, Islam has developed into mad dog suicide bombers who want 40 virgins in heaven while the west is known for putting men on the moon and fighting Ebola.
Very well edited. You pulled one sentence and quoted that. I suppose the rest of my post was just too hard to intellectually handle.
Anti-Christian bigots are long on making shit up, and really short on providing anything at all that substantiates any of the witless claims they make.

So far the only one shown as making shit up in this thread is you.

You claimed that the first hospitals were established by Christians- false.
You claimed that the first universities were established by Christians- false.

In Europe, since we were speaking of the Dark Ages. I gave you too much credit.
Anti-Christian bigots are long on making shit up, and really short on providing anything at all that substantiates any of the witless claims they make.

So far the only one shown as making shit up in this thread is you.

You claimed that the first hospitals were established by Christians- false.
You claimed that the first universities were established by Christians- false.

In Europe, since we were speaking of the Dark Ages. I gave you too much credit.

So far the only one shown as making shit up in this thread is you.

You claimed that the first hospitals were established by Christians- false.
You claimed that the first universities were established by Christians- false.
Christianity has done nothing to better the conditions of social degeneration and decay in our inner-city neighborhoods in this country.

too stupid by 1000%. Ghettos are filled with churches and the only law abiding citizens in those ghettos attend those churches! They are truly lights in the liberal darkness.

Any factual premise to substantiate this ludicrous position? That's what I figured.

"...community-bridging parents garner resources to promote their development by seeking out the well-functioning local institutions and organizations that exist even in poor African-American communities.25,26 They target churches that sponsor scouting and tutoring programs, parochial and magnet schools that promote academic achievement, and athletic programs that support physical mastery and discipline.14,21"

- The Future of Children -

"...religious institutions are primary sources of legitimate moral teaching in our society"

Not by Bread Alone The role of the African-American church in inner-city development Brookings Institution

"....supporting black churches and other faith-based grassroots organizations that perform youth and community outreach functions in poor inner-city neighborhoods is a necessary and vital although insufficient condition for repairing the social fabric and restoring economic vitality in truly disadvantaged urban neigh-borhoods."

“Churches and other religious bodies are the majorsupporters of voluntary services for neighborhoods and communities."

But here's the kernel, the true reason the left hates Christians:

“Religion, independent of social
class, reduces deviance.” For example, consider the latest research of David
B. Larson, the medical research scientist who pioneered the development
of research on public health outcomes (physical health, mental health,
addictions) that led to new training programs at Harvard and three dozen
other medical schools.

"With criminologist Byron Johnson, Larson has
reviewed some 400 juvenile delinquency studies published between 1980
and 1997. They report that “the better the study design and measurement
methodology, the greater the likelihood the research will produce statisti-
cally significant and beneficial results associated with ‘the faith factor.’"

In other words, the more scientific the study, the more optimistic are its
findings about the extent to which “religion reduces deviance.”

America would be a Christian theocracy without the ever present vigilance of pussified, hysterical, progressives....
Soldiers in the war those secular "humanists"...... Lol
The first hospitals and universities predate Christianity by centuries and millennia in Egypt, Greece, India, and the pre-Christian Roman empire.

Dear, the point is that all those civilization had poison at their core and so died while Western Christian civilization has surpassed them by 1000 times by any conceivable measure.

We do understand the liberal need to hate the West and why they spied for Stalin and elected Obama.

LMAO. Poison at their core? Like advancing women's rights or religious tolerance? Things your dipshit church-lead civilization took thousands of year to get right?

By the way, western Christian "civilization" is only a few centuries old. Give it time. Those ancient civlizations I enumerated had their time in the sun for thousands of years.

The Muslims are already poised to take Europe in the next few decades. Half your civilization is going to be eradicated. Maybe you could work on preventing that from happening instead of bitching at liberals.

Why are you so full of hate and ignorance?

I didn't realize I was. Care to elaborate?
Christianity has done nothing to better the conditions of social degeneration and decay in our inner-city neighborhoods in this country.

too stupid by 1000%. Ghettos are filled with churches and the only law abiding citizens in those ghettos attend those churches! They are truly lights in the liberal darkness.

Any factual premise to substantiate this ludicrous position? That's what I figured.

"...community-bridging parents garner resources to promote their development by seeking out the well-functioning local institutions and organizations that exist even in poor African-American communities.25,26 They target churches that sponsor scouting and tutoring programs, parochial and magnet schools that promote academic achievement, and athletic programs that support physical mastery and discipline.14,21"

- The Future of Children -

"...religious institutions are primary sources of legitimate moral teaching in our society"

Not by Bread Alone The role of the African-American church in inner-city development Brookings Institution

"....supporting black churches and other faith-based grassroots organizations that perform youth and community outreach functions in poor inner-city neighborhoods is a necessary and vital although insufficient condition for repairing the social fabric and restoring economic vitality in truly disadvantaged urban neigh-borhoods."

“Churches and other religious bodies are the majorsupporters of voluntary services for neighborhoods and communities."


Rhetoric, rhetoric, and more rhetoric. Where are the results? Where are the stats correlating church attendance and engagement with a reduction in violent crime and gangsterism?
America would be a Christian theocracy without the ever present vigilance of pussified, hysterical, progressives....
Soldiers in the war those secular "humanists"...... Lol

So if progressives are precluding the whimsical fantasy of a Christian theocracy, clearly they're doing something right! Hahahaha
Last edited:
The premise of "America would be a theocracy" is nonsense at the outset. It was the Baptists who convinced Jefferson that the government should not interfere in nor underwrite any particular religion.
The first hospitals and universities predate Christianity by centuries and millennia in Egypt, Greece, India, and the pre-Christian Roman empire.

Dear, the point is that all those civilization had poison at their core and so died while Western Christian civilization has surpassed them by 1000 times by any conceivable measure.

We do understand the liberal need to hate the West and why they spied for Stalin and elected Obama.

LMAO. Poison at their core? Like advancing women's rights or religious tolerance? Things your dipshit church-lead civilization took thousands of year to get right?

By the way, western Christian "civilization" is only a few centuries old. Give it time. Those ancient civlizations I enumerated had their time in the sun for thousands of years.

The Muslims are already poised to take Europe in the next few decades. Half your civilization is going to be eradicated. Maybe you could work on preventing that from happening instead of bitching at liberals.

Why are you so full of hate and ignorance?

I didn't realize I was. Care to elaborate?

Read your posts. :thup:

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