Why does the left hate our religion?

And there's nothing at all illogical about talking snakes.

Parrots talk and monkeys are taught sign language.

Do snakes talk? No? Then it is illogical to believe they do.

100 years ago monkeys didn't know sign language. your primitive argument while well suited to your name exemplifies a talk before learning mentality that is ever more rampant on this board.

Does the alleged talking snake still exist?
Anti-Christian bigots are long on making shit up, and really short on providing anything at all that substantiates any of the witless claims they make.

So far the only one shown as making shit up in this thread is you.

You claimed that the first hospitals were established by Christians- false.
You claimed that the first universities were established by Christians- false.
Christianity has done nothing to better the conditions of social degeneration and decay in our inner-city neighborhoods in this country.

too stupid by 1000%. Ghettos are filled with churches and the only law abiding citizens in those ghettos attend those churches! They are truly lights in the liberal darkness.
Christianity has done nothing to better the conditions of social degeneration and decay in our inner-city neighborhoods in this country.

too stupid by 1000%. Ghettos are filled with churches and the only law abiding citizens in those ghettos attend those churches! They are truly lights in the liberal darkness.

Any factual premise to substantiate this ludicrous position? That's what I figured.
Rome is acknowledged as one of the greatest empires in history.

too stupid and 100% liberal !! what was great about it? That Romans worshippped their leaders as gods? That killing was a sport for them?? That love and family did not exist? That they believed wealth came from war and slavery??

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? What other conclusion is possible.

Christianity has done nothing to better the conditions of social degeneration and decay in our inner-city neighborhoods in this country.

too stupid by 1000%. Ghettos are filled with churches and the only law abiding citizens in those ghettos attend those churches! They are truly lights in the liberal darkness.

Then sacrifice yourself for the good of the LORD!!!!
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

After Christ there was the 10 Commandments? Congratulations on rewriting the Bible not to mention mixing and merging the two different Testaments.

I'll tell you one of the things that bothers ME about a lot of Christians. Simply put, a lot of Christians don't really know the Bible as well as they would have others believe. Often, they believe something that someone (often, some pastor with an agenda) has told them that simply is not supported by scripture. Then, of course, is the modern day simplistic approach of interpreting the stories and parables in the Bible as if they are all literally true? And why? Because they're not educated enough to think something through, and accepting something as literal is SO simple and uncomplicated that all it takes is a complete suspension of common sense...and blind faith.

dear, the issue is that Christ overthrew Rome and introduced civilized principles.

Wow- that is some revisionist history.

Constantine: the first Roman emperor to claim conversion to Christianity,[notes 4] Constantine played an influential role in the proclamation of the Edict of Milan, which decreed tolerance for Christianity in the empire. He called the First Council of Nicaea in 325, at which the Nicene Creed was professed by Christians

Without the Roman empire- Christianity is unlikely to have survived.

The Roman Empire- in one fashion or form- existed for about 1200 years after Jesus died.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

After Christ there was the 10 Commandments? Congratulations on rewriting the Bible not to mention mixing and merging the two different Testaments.

I'll tell you one of the things that bothers ME about a lot of Christians. Simply put, a lot of Christians don't really know the Bible as well as they would have others believe. Often, they believe something that someone (often, some pastor with an agenda) has told them that simply is not supported by scripture. Then, of course, is the modern day simplistic approach of interpreting the stories and parables in the Bible as if they are all literally true? And why? Because they're not educated enough to think something through, and accepting something as literal is SO simple and uncomplicated that all it takes is a complete suspension of common sense...and blind faith.

dear, the issue is that Christ overthrew Rome and introduced civilized principles.

Damn I thought it was the Ottoman Turks that finished off the Romans. Anyway any spiritual message Jesus may have taught in his lifetime was lost by the time Rome incorporated Christianity as the State Religion. But good luck with your Crusade............
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

After Christ there was the 10 Commandments? Congratulations on rewriting the Bible not to mention mixing and merging the two different Testaments.

I'll tell you one of the things that bothers ME about a lot of Christians. Simply put, a lot of Christians don't really know the Bible as well as they would have others believe. Often, they believe something that someone (often, some pastor with an agenda) has told them that simply is not supported by scripture. Then, of course, is the modern day simplistic approach of interpreting the stories and parables in the Bible as if they are all literally true? And why? Because they're not educated enough to think something through, and accepting something as literal is SO simple and uncomplicated that all it takes is a complete suspension of common sense...and blind faith.

dear, the issue is that Christ overthrew Rome and introduced civilized principles.

Nonsense. Your knowledge of history quite probably is worse than your knowledge of the religion in which you profess belief.

Civilization existed before Jesus. And ultimately, it was Emperor Constantine and Theodosius who codified Christianity as the official Roman religion.

In FACT, Christianity was originally just a subsect of Judaism as Paul and James (Jesus' brother) vied for control of
And there's nothing at all illogical about talking snakes.

Parrots talk and monkeys are taught sign language.

Do snakes talk? No? Then it is illogical to believe they do.

100 years ago monkeys didn't know sign language. your primitive argument while well suited to your name exemplifies a talk before learning mentality that is ever more rampant on this board.

Avoiding the question? Are you saying that snakes can learn sign language?
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

After Christ there was the 10 Commandments? Congratulations on rewriting the Bible not to mention mixing and merging the two different Testaments.

I'll tell you one of the things that bothers ME about a lot of Christians. Simply put, a lot of Christians don't really know the Bible as well as they would have others believe. Often, they believe something that someone (often, some pastor with an agenda) has told them that simply is not supported by scripture. Then, of course, is the modern day simplistic approach of interpreting the stories and parables in the Bible as if they are all literally true? And why? Because they're not educated enough to think something through, and accepting something as literal is SO simple and uncomplicated that all it takes is a complete suspension of common sense...and blind faith.

dear, the issue is that Christ overthrew Rome and introduced civilized principles.

The Gauls overthrew the Western Roman Empire, and the Turks overthrew the Eastern Roman Empire.

The 10 commandments came "before" Christ, with the Hebrews, not after Christ.

The vast majority of the old testament is a culmination of different folk tales and religious scripts from various cultures that all merged in the eastern Mediterranean area and were put into written text. The vast majority of the new testament was written by Saint Paul.
The Gauls overthrew the Western Roman Empire, .

too stupid!! Why write that if no one disagreed? When you proclaim that 2+2=4 thinking that it makes you look smart, it really makes you look stupid and liberal.
The Gauls overthrew the Western Roman Empire, .

too stupid!! Why write that if no one disagreed? When you proclaim that 2+2=4 thinking that it makes you look smart, it really makes you look stupid and liberal.

If all you have is petty ad hominem attacks then I guess you have nothing.

Also - It'd be better to say the "Goths" overthrew Rome I suppose.
Christianity has done nothing to better the conditions of social degeneration and decay in our inner-city neighborhoods in this country.

too stupid by 1000%. Ghettos are filled with churches and the only law abiding citizens in those ghettos attend those churches! They are truly lights in the liberal darkness.

Any factual premise to substantiate this ludicrous position? That's what I figured.

you want to know crime stats of ghetto church members versus non-members hoping to discover that church members commit more crimes?

see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
The Gauls overthrew the Western Roman Empire, .

too stupid!! Why write that if no one disagreed? When you proclaim that 2+2=4 thinking that it makes you look smart, it really makes you look stupid and liberal.

If all you have is petty ad hominem attacks then I guess you have nothing.

Also - It'd be better to say the "Goths" overthrew Rome I suppose.

dear, and what role did Christianity play?
Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle...all Christians.
Ever hear of the inquisition? Things didn't go to well for non-christians back then.
The first hospitals and universities were established under the Church.
Who needs hospitals, all you have to do is pray. But seriously, they had hospitals in ancient times. And don't forget Plato's academy, 400 years B.C. The Christian contributions to civilization can fit in a thimble.
Humanity came to prisons via Christian influence.
Give me a break, ever hear of the inquisition?
Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.
Them, and the civil war. At the same time we were having that war, Tsar Alexander II freed more serfs without having their war. For all their cheek-turning posturing, Christians aren't too averse to using violence.
The Gauls overthrew the Western Roman Empire, .

too stupid!! Why write that if no one disagreed? When you proclaim that 2+2=4 thinking that it makes you look smart, it really makes you look stupid and liberal.

If all you have is petty ad hominem attacks then I guess you have nothing.

Also - It'd be better to say the "Goths" overthrew Rome I suppose.

dear, and what role did Christianity play?
Your thread is an abysmal failure, as are you. It's inane and ridiculous premise has been completely eviscerated by the facts, and your refusal to concede failure only further exhibits your ignorance and stupidity.

You are among the worst manifestations of conservatism.
Christianity has done nothing to better the conditions of social degeneration and decay in our inner-city neighborhoods in this country.

too stupid by 1000%. Ghettos are filled with churches and the only law abiding citizens in those ghettos attend those churches! They are truly lights in the liberal darkness.

Any factual premise to substantiate this ludicrous position? That's what I figured.

you want to know crime stats of ghetto church members versus non-members hoping to discover that church members commit more crimes?

see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Are you really this stupid? Go back and read my initial post.

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