Why does the left hate our religion?

Read about Hypatia, a female mathematician in ancient Alexandria. She was mutilated by a mob of Christians. Thank you Jesus. But they had brothels, so it's ok I guess.

How many years ago was that
She was murdered in 415 AD. Carl Sagon said she was ripped limb from limb. She was the head of the Platonist school in Alexandria. Pretty advanced place for a woman. The ancient greeks gave us architecture, mathematics, philosophy, history, drama, poetry. You claim Christianity brought us civilization?
BTW, the "Dark" part of the dark ages was dark because Christianity wasn't established, and the roman empire had withdrawn.
Are you out of your mind? What world do you live in? Remember Galileo and his telescope? He was put in prison by the Christian church.
Enlightenment came as the Word was spread among the people, and as the church increased it's influence...bringing education and a more sophisticated (and yes, civilized) social structure to the people.
Wrong. The "age of enlightenment was the church losing power and influence. Civilization lost 1000 years, the age of Christianity.
The Ten Commandments are in the old testament.

If I disagreed I'll pay you $10,000. Bet??? or try to change the subject and hope no one will notice what a goof you are.

I know for a fact that the Ten Commandments were before Christ. You won't pay up and you are an idiot because the Ten Commandments are part of the Old testament which also encompasses JUDAISM. But please, entertain us with your stupidity.
Read about Hypatia, a female mathematician in ancient Alexandria. She was mutilated by a mob of Christians. Thank you Jesus. But they had brothels, so it's ok I guess.

How many years ago was that
She was murdered in 415 AD. Carl Sagon said she was ripped limb from limb. She was the head of the Platonist school in Alexandria. Pretty advanced place for a woman. The ancient greeks gave us architecture, mathematics, philosophy, history, drama, poetry. You claim Christianity brought us civilization?
BTW, the "Dark" part of the dark ages was dark because Christianity wasn't established, and the roman empire had withdrawn.
Are you out of your mind? What world do you live in? Remember Galileo and his telescope? He was put in prison by the Christian church.
Enlightenment came as the Word was spread among the people, and as the church increased it's influence...bringing education and a more sophisticated (and yes, civilized) social structure to the people.
Wrong. The "age of enlightenment was the church losing power and influence. Civilization lost 1000 years, the age of Christianity.

Yes, where's the proof that this happened?
The Ten Commandments are in the old testament.

If I disagreed I'll pay you $10,000. Bet??? or try to change the subject and hope no one will notice what a goof you are.

I know for a fact that the Ten Commandments were before Christ. You won't pay up and you are an idiot because the Ten Commandments are part of the Old testament which also encompasses JUDAISM. But please, entertain us with your stupidity.

Roughly a thousand years before.

The Ten Commandments were given at Mt. Sinai by God to Moses.
Read about Hypatia, a female mathematician in ancient Alexandria. She was mutilated by a mob of Christians.
Yes, where's the proof that this happened?
I've never heard anyone deny it. In 415 AD they were keeping pretty good records in Alexandria. Christianity never led the way in advances in science and civilization, unless you consider the illegality of brothels or beer sales on Sunday to be an advance in civilization.
I've heard a lot of stupid things from religious people and in particular Christians, but that was without a doubt the stupidest. Like to think he wasn't seriously suggesting that prior to Jesus ~2000 years ago there was no 10 Commandments. That'd really damage my faith in humanity. :)
. The "age of enlightenment was the church losing power and influence. Civilization lost 1000 years, the age of Christianity.

idiotic! Without our Christian foundation you have ghetto culture!
A strong, self-confident, reinvigorated Christianity would go a very long way towards countering such mediocrity and would help provide the kind of pluralism sought by the founders of the Enlightenment. This is hugely ironic. It is the last thing many of the founders would have expected. Of course, all this presupposes that we Christians have the wherewithal to gain the kind of intellectual distance from the Enlightenment referred to earlier, and that we are courageous enough to look deeply into our own souls and determine whether we are in fact more Epicurean than Christian.

One final irony in all this is that it should be orthodox Christianity which - probably unwittingly - provides the best chance of bringing into being a truly pluralist society whereas liberal Christianity, the Enlightenment's fellow-traveller, threatens to extinguish any chance at all of bringing it about
Radiocarbon dating is of no use on things older than 5000 years friend. I will reiterate the carbon dating process is a sorry way to date anything and call that date scientifically sound.
Brucethethinker is an ignorant yahoo. I don't know if he's deliberately skewing reality, or if he's so painfully illiterate he actually believes what he's saying.

. The "age of enlightenment was the church losing power and influence. Civilization lost 1000 years, the age of Christianity.

idiotic! Without our Christian foundation you have ghetto culture!
A strong, self-confident, reinvigorated Christianity would go a very long way towards countering such mediocrity and would help provide the kind of pluralism sought by the founders of the Enlightenment. This is hugely ironic. It is the last thing many of the founders would have expected. Of course, all this presupposes that we Christians have the wherewithal to gain the kind of intellectual distance from the Enlightenment referred to earlier, and that we are courageous enough to look deeply into our own souls and determine whether we are in fact more Epicurean than Christian.

One final irony in all this is that it should be orthodox Christianity which - probably unwittingly - provides the best chance of bringing into being a truly pluralist society whereas liberal Christianity, the Enlightenment's fellow-traveller, threatens to extinguish any chance at all of bringing it about
I'll take deism for$500, Alex

American Enlightenment - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Read about Hypatia, a female mathematician in ancient Alexandria. She was mutilated by a mob of Christians.
Yes, where's the proof that this happened?
I've never heard anyone deny it. In 415 AD they were keeping pretty good records in Alexandria. Christianity never led the way in advances in science and civilization, unless you consider the illegality of brothels or beer sales on Sunday to be an advance in civilization.

Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle...all Christians.

The first hospitals and universities were established under the Church.

Humanity came to prisons via Christian influence.

Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

The mathematics behind the breaking of the genetic code came from the brothers Chudnovsky...Christians.

Like I said, you're either woefully ignorant...

Or you're pretending to be.
Beyond that- civilization pre-dated Jesus Christ and exists just fine even where Christ is not acknowledged.

too stupid of course. Before Christ was Rome. Was Rome just fine to an idiot liberal?

Rome is acknowledged as one of the greatest empires in history.

Yeah- civilization existed before Christ- and after Christ.

Egypt,Greece, Rome, Persia, Sumeria, Babylonia, China among others all existed before Christ.
Read about Hypatia, a female mathematician in ancient Alexandria. She was mutilated by a mob of Christians.
Yes, where's the proof that this happened?
I've never heard anyone deny it. In 415 AD they were keeping pretty good records in Alexandria. Christianity never led the way in advances in science and civilization, unless you consider the illegality of brothels or beer sales on Sunday to be an advance in civilization.

Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle...all Christians.

The first hospitals and universities were established under the Church.

Humanity came to prisons via Christian influence.

Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

The mathematics behind the breaking of the genetic code came from the brothers Chudnovsky...Christians.

Like I said, you're either woefully ignorant...

Or you're pretending to be.

Top 10 Oldest Universities in the World Ancient Colleges

The following list of ten oldest universities in the world shows, through their brief histories, a trend: The university as an autonomous self-governing institution first was developed as religious institutions (madrasahs) that originated in the medieval Islamic world. But, Europe did not fall far behind these Islamic developments, as Italy founded its first university approximately two centuries after the first university developed in Morocco. The last university on this list, the University of Padua in Italy, was founded in 1222 — 270 years before Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue in 1492.

This list is compiled of extant universities, although a few of them closed for brief periods from the effects of war or local disputes. On the whole, the European universities on this list have expanded their campuses and enjoy high rankings in the world today. The list below is compiled in order of the university’s founding.

  1. University of Al-Karaouine: Located in Fes, Morocco, this university originally was a mosque founded in 859 by Fatima al-Fihri, a woman. It developed into one of the leading universities for natural sciences. It wasn’t until 1957 that the university added mathematics, physics, chemistry and foreign languages. This university is considered the oldest continuously-operating degree-granting university in the world by the Guiness Book of World Records.
  2. Al-Azhar University: This university, located in Egypt, is the world’s second oldest surviving degree-granting institute. Founded in 970-972, this university serves as a center for Arabic literature and Sunni Islamic learning. Al-Azhar university concentrates upon a religious syllabus, which pays special attention to the Quranic sciences and traditions of the Prophet Muhammad on the one hand, while also teaching all modern fields of science.
Read about Hypatia, a female mathematician in ancient Alexandria. She was mutilated by a mob of Christians.
Yes, where's the proof that this happened?
I've never heard anyone deny it. In 415 AD they were keeping pretty good records in Alexandria. Christianity never led the way in advances in science and civilization, unless you consider the illegality of brothels or beer sales on Sunday to be an advance in civilization.

Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle...all Christians.

The first hospitals and universities were established under the Church.

Humanity came to prisons via Christian influence.

Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

The mathematics behind the breaking of the genetic code came from the brothers Chudnovsky...Christians.

Like I said, you're either woefully ignorant...

Or you're pretending to be.
And Bruno. Don't play the Galileo card, seriously.

Galileo went on to propose a theory of tides in 1616, and of comets in 1619; he argued that the tides were evidence for the motion of the Earth. In 1632 Galileo, now an old man, published his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, which implicitly defended heliocentrism, and was immensely popular. Responding to mounting controversy over theology, astronomy and philosophy, the Roman Inquisition tried Galileo in 1633 and found him "gravely suspect of heresy", sentencing him to indefinite imprisonment. Galileo was kept under house arrest until his death in 1642.

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