Why does the left hate our religion?


Unfortunately, the West had to wait for Christians to establish hospitals.
Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

And of course-Christians also promoted slavery:

Washington (City) Telegraph.—"As a man, a Christian, and a citizen, we believe that slavery is right; that the condition of the slave-holding States, is the best existing organization of civil society."

Chancellor Harper, of South Carolina—"It is the order of nature and of GOD, that the being of superior faculties and knowledge, and therefore of superior power, should control and dispose of those who are inferior. It is as much in the order of nature, that men should enslave each other, as that otheranimals should prey upon each other."

The alarm of the Virginia slave-holders was not less—nor were the clergy in the city of Richmond, the capital, less prompt than the clergy in Charleston, to respond to "public sentiment." Accordingly, on the 29th July, they assembled together, and

Resolved, unanimously,—

"That we earnestly deprecate the unwarrantable and highly improper interference of the people of any other State with the domestic relations of master and slave.

"That the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles, in not interfering with the question of slavery, but uniformly recognising the relations of master and servant, and giving full and affectionate instruction to both, is worthy of the imitation of all ministers of the gospel.

"That we will not patronize nor receive any pamphlet or newspaper of the Anti-Slavery Societies, and that we will discountenance the circulation of all such papers in the community.

"That the suspicions which have prevailed to a considerable extent against ministers of the gospel and professors of religion in the State of Virginia, as identified with abolitionists are wholly unmerited—believing as we do, from extensive acquaintance with our churches and brethren, that they are unanimous in opposing the pernicious schemes of abolitionists."

Unfortunately, the West had to wait for Christians to establish hospitals.

The earliest surviving encyclopaedia of medicine in Sanskrit is the Carakasamhita (Compendium of Caraka). This text, which describes the building of a hospital is dated by Dominik Wujastyk of the University College London from the period between 100 BCE and CE150.[6] The description by Fa Xian is one of the earliest accounts of a civic hospital system anywhere in the world and, coupled with Caraka’s description of how a clinic should be equipped, suggests that India may have been the first part of the world to have evolved an organized cosmopolitan system of institutionally-based medical provision.[6]

I will agree that Christians were the first to establish Western hospitals...
Read about Hypatia, a female mathematician in ancient Alexandria. She was mutilated by a mob of Christians.
Yes, where's the proof that this happened?
I've never heard anyone deny it. In 415 AD they were keeping pretty good records in Alexandria. Christianity never led the way in advances in science and civilization, unless you consider the illegality of brothels or beer sales on Sunday to be an advance in civilization.

Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle...all Christians.

The first hospitals and universities were established under the Church.

Humanity came to prisons via Christian influence.

Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

The mathematics behind the breaking of the genetic code came from the brothers Chudnovsky...Christians.

Like I said, you're either woefully ignorant...

Or you're pretending to be.
And Bruno. Don't play the Galileo card, seriously.

Galileo went on to propose a theory of tides in 1616, and of comets in 1619; he argued that the tides were evidence for the motion of the Earth. In 1632 Galileo, now an old man, published his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, which implicitly defended heliocentrism, and was immensely popular. Responding to mounting controversy over theology, astronomy and philosophy, the Roman Inquisition tried Galileo in 1633 and found him "gravely suspect of heresy", sentencing him to indefinite imprisonment. Galileo was kept under house arrest until his death in 1642.

"“The laws of nature are written by the hand of God in the language of mathematics.” - Galileo Galilei (Il Saggiatore, 1623)"
Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

And of course-Christians also promoted slavery:

Washington (City) Telegraph.—"As a man, a Christian, and a citizen, we believe that slavery is right; that the condition of the slave-holding States, is the best existing organization of civil society."

Chancellor Harper, of South Carolina—"It is the order of nature and of GOD, that the being of superior faculties and knowledge, and therefore of superior power, should control and dispose of those who are inferior. It is as much in the order of nature, that men should enslave each other, as that otheranimals should prey upon each other."

The alarm of the Virginia slave-holders was not less—nor were the clergy in the city of Richmond, the capital, less prompt than the clergy in Charleston, to respond to "public sentiment." Accordingly, on the 29th July, they assembled together, and

Resolved, unanimously,—

"That we earnestly deprecate the unwarrantable and highly improper interference of the people of any other State with the domestic relations of master and slave.

"That the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles, in not interfering with the question of slavery, but uniformly recognising the relations of master and servant, and giving full and affectionate instruction to both, is worthy of the imitation of all ministers of the gospel.

"That we will not patronize nor receive any pamphlet or newspaper of the Anti-Slavery Societies, and that we will discountenance the circulation of all such papers in the community.

"That the suspicions which have prevailed to a considerable extent against ministers of the gospel and professors of religion in the State of Virginia, as identified with abolitionists are wholly unmerited—believing as we do, from extensive acquaintance with our churches and brethren, that they are unanimous in opposing the pernicious schemes of abolitionists."

Gosh those guys sound like today's progressives, explaining why we should kill the babies of poor women.
Read about Hypatia, a female mathematician in ancient Alexandria. She was mutilated by a mob of Christians.
Yes, where's the proof that this happened?
I've never heard anyone deny it. In 415 AD they were keeping pretty good records in Alexandria. Christianity never led the way in advances in science and civilization, unless you consider the illegality of brothels or beer sales on Sunday to be an advance in civilization.

Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle...all Christians.

The first hospitals and universities were established under the Church.

Humanity came to prisons via Christian influence.

Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

The mathematics behind the breaking of the genetic code came from the brothers Chudnovsky...Christians.

Like I said, you're either woefully ignorant...

Or you're pretending to be.
And Bruno. Don't play the Galileo card, seriously.

Galileo went on to propose a theory of tides in 1616, and of comets in 1619; he argued that the tides were evidence for the motion of the Earth. In 1632 Galileo, now an old man, published his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, which implicitly defended heliocentrism, and was immensely popular. Responding to mounting controversy over theology, astronomy and philosophy, the Roman Inquisition tried Galileo in 1633 and found him "gravely suspect of heresy", sentencing him to indefinite imprisonment. Galileo was kept under house arrest until his death in 1642.

"“The laws of nature are written by the hand of God in the language of mathematics.” - Galileo Galilei (Il Saggiatore, 1623)"
And he was under house arrest for ten years and happy to avoid the Stake.
Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

And of course-Christians also promoted slavery:

Washington (City) Telegraph.—"As a man, a Christian, and a citizen, we believe that slavery is right; that the condition of the slave-holding States, is the best existing organization of civil society."

Chancellor Harper, of South Carolina—"It is the order of nature and of GOD, that the being of superior faculties and knowledge, and therefore of superior power, should control and dispose of those who are inferior. It is as much in the order of nature, that men should enslave each other, as that otheranimals should prey upon each other."

The alarm of the Virginia slave-holders was not less—nor were the clergy in the city of Richmond, the capital, less prompt than the clergy in Charleston, to respond to "public sentiment." Accordingly, on the 29th July, they assembled together, and

Resolved, unanimously,—

"That we earnestly deprecate the unwarrantable and highly improper interference of the people of any other State with the domestic relations of master and slave.

"That the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles, in not interfering with the question of slavery, but uniformly recognising the relations of master and servant, and giving full and affectionate instruction to both, is worthy of the imitation of all ministers of the gospel.

"That we will not patronize nor receive any pamphlet or newspaper of the Anti-Slavery Societies, and that we will discountenance the circulation of all such papers in the community.

"That the suspicions which have prevailed to a considerable extent against ministers of the gospel and professors of religion in the State of Virginia, as identified with abolitionists are wholly unmerited—believing as we do, from extensive acquaintance with our churches and brethren, that they are unanimous in opposing the pernicious schemes of abolitionists."

Gosh those guys sound like today's progressives, explaining why we should kill the babies of poor women.


See the thing is I don't hate Christianity.

I do hate that there are people who wrap themselves up in the mantle of Christianity, but show no signs of ever actually living a Christian life- and yes- I am talking about you.
Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

And of course-Christians also promoted slavery:

Washington (City) Telegraph.—"As a man, a Christian, and a citizen, we believe that slavery is right; that the condition of the slave-holding States, is the best existing organization of civil society."

Chancellor Harper, of South Carolina—"It is the order of nature and of GOD, that the being of superior faculties and knowledge, and therefore of superior power, should control and dispose of those who are inferior. It is as much in the order of nature, that men should enslave each other, as that otheranimals should prey upon each other."

The alarm of the Virginia slave-holders was not less—nor were the clergy in the city of Richmond, the capital, less prompt than the clergy in Charleston, to respond to "public sentiment." Accordingly, on the 29th July, they assembled together, and

Resolved, unanimously,—

"That we earnestly deprecate the unwarrantable and highly improper interference of the people of any other State with the domestic relations of master and slave.

"That the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles, in not interfering with the question of slavery, but uniformly recognising the relations of master and servant, and giving full and affectionate instruction to both, is worthy of the imitation of all ministers of the gospel.

"That we will not patronize nor receive any pamphlet or newspaper of the Anti-Slavery Societies, and that we will discountenance the circulation of all such papers in the community.

"That the suspicions which have prevailed to a considerable extent against ministers of the gospel and professors of religion in the State of Virginia, as identified with abolitionists are wholly unmerited—believing as we do, from extensive acquaintance with our churches and brethren, that they are unanimous in opposing the pernicious schemes of abolitionists."

Gosh those guys sound like today's progressives, explaining why we should kill the babies of poor women.


See the thing is I don't hate Christianity.

I do hate that there are people who wrap themselves up in the mantle of Christianity, but show no signs of ever actually living a Christian life- and yes- I am talking about you.

Of course you are. Which is a good example of why you completely lack credibility. You make these ridiculous judgements based on nothing....except whatever the voices in your head tell you.
Read about Hypatia, a female mathematician in ancient Alexandria. She was mutilated by a mob of Christians.
Yes, where's the proof that this happened?
I've never heard anyone deny it. In 415 AD they were keeping pretty good records in Alexandria. Christianity never led the way in advances in science and civilization, unless you consider the illegality of brothels or beer sales on Sunday to be an advance in civilization.

Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle...all Christians.

The first hospitals and universities were established under the Church.

Humanity came to prisons via Christian influence.

Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

The mathematics behind the breaking of the genetic code came from the brothers Chudnovsky...Christians.

Like I said, you're either woefully ignorant...

Or you're pretending to be.
And Bruno. Don't play the Galileo card, seriously.

Galileo went on to propose a theory of tides in 1616, and of comets in 1619; he argued that the tides were evidence for the motion of the Earth. In 1632 Galileo, now an old man, published his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, which implicitly defended heliocentrism, and was immensely popular. Responding to mounting controversy over theology, astronomy and philosophy, the Roman Inquisition tried Galileo in 1633 and found him "gravely suspect of heresy", sentencing him to indefinite imprisonment. Galileo was kept under house arrest until his death in 1642.

"“The laws of nature are written by the hand of God in the language of mathematics.” - Galileo Galilei (Il Saggiatore, 1623)"

Was he
Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

And of course-Christians also promoted slavery:

Washington (City) Telegraph.—"As a man, a Christian, and a citizen, we believe that slavery is right; that the condition of the slave-holding States, is the best existing organization of civil society."

Chancellor Harper, of South Carolina—"It is the order of nature and of GOD, that the being of superior faculties and knowledge, and therefore of superior power, should control and dispose of those who are inferior. It is as much in the order of nature, that men should enslave each other, as that otheranimals should prey upon each other."

The alarm of the Virginia slave-holders was not less—nor were the clergy in the city of Richmond, the capital, less prompt than the clergy in Charleston, to respond to "public sentiment." Accordingly, on the 29th July, they assembled together, and

Resolved, unanimously,—

"That we earnestly deprecate the unwarrantable and highly improper interference of the people of any other State with the domestic relations of master and slave.

"That the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles, in not interfering with the question of slavery, but uniformly recognising the relations of master and servant, and giving full and affectionate instruction to both, is worthy of the imitation of all ministers of the gospel.

"That we will not patronize nor receive any pamphlet or newspaper of the Anti-Slavery Societies, and that we will discountenance the circulation of all such papers in the community.

"That the suspicions which have prevailed to a considerable extent against ministers of the gospel and professors of religion in the State of Virginia, as identified with abolitionists are wholly unmerited—believing as we do, from extensive acquaintance with our churches and brethren, that they are unanimous in opposing the pernicious schemes of abolitionists."

Gosh those guys sound like today's progressives, explaining why we should kill the babies of poor women.


See the thing is I don't hate Christianity.

I do hate that there are people who wrap themselves up in the mantle of Christianity, but show no signs of ever actually living a Christian life- and yes- I am talking about you.

Of course you are. Which is a good example of why you completely lack credibility. You make these ridiculous judgements based on nothing....except whatever the voices in your head tell you.

See the thing is I don't hate Christianity.

I do hate that there are people who wrap themselves up in the mantle of Christianity, but show no signs of ever actually living a Christian life- and yes- I am talking about you.
Passing judgement on others is something the group you believe in has a corner on the market.
You do it ...oh so well.

Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

And of course-Christians also promoted slavery:

Washington (City) Telegraph.—"As a man, a Christian, and a citizen, we believe that slavery is right; that the condition of the slave-holding States, is the best existing organization of civil society."

Chancellor Harper, of South Carolina—"It is the order of nature and of GOD, that the being of superior faculties and knowledge, and therefore of superior power, should control and dispose of those who are inferior. It is as much in the order of nature, that men should enslave each other, as that otheranimals should prey upon each other."

The alarm of the Virginia slave-holders was not less—nor were the clergy in the city of Richmond, the capital, less prompt than the clergy in Charleston, to respond to "public sentiment." Accordingly, on the 29th July, they assembled together, and

Resolved, unanimously,—

"That we earnestly deprecate the unwarrantable and highly improper interference of the people of any other State with the domestic relations of master and slave.

"That the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles, in not interfering with the question of slavery, but uniformly recognising the relations of master and servant, and giving full and affectionate instruction to both, is worthy of the imitation of all ministers of the gospel.

"That we will not patronize nor receive any pamphlet or newspaper of the Anti-Slavery Societies, and that we will discountenance the circulation of all such papers in the community.

"That the suspicions which have prevailed to a considerable extent against ministers of the gospel and professors of religion in the State of Virginia, as identified with abolitionists are wholly unmerited—believing as we do, from extensive acquaintance with our churches and brethren, that they are unanimous in opposing the pernicious schemes of abolitionists."

Gosh those guys sound like today's progressives, explaining why we should kill the babies of poor women.


See the thing is I don't hate Christianity.

I do hate that there are people who wrap themselves up in the mantle of Christianity, but show no signs of ever actually living a Christian life- and yes- I am talking about you.

Of course you are. Which is a good example of why you completely lack credibility. You make these ridiculous judgements based on nothing....except whatever the voices in your head tell you.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

After Christ there was the 10 Commandments? Congratulations on rewriting the Bible not to mention mixing and merging the two different Testaments.

I'll tell you one of the things that bothers ME about a lot of Christians. Simply put, a lot of Christians don't really know the Bible as well as they would have others believe. Often, they believe something that someone (often, some pastor with an agenda) has told them that simply is not supported by scripture. Then, of course, is the modern day simplistic approach of interpreting the stories and parables in the Bible as if they are all literally true? And why? Because they're not educated enough to think something through, and accepting something as literal is SO simple and uncomplicated that all it takes is a complete suspension of common sense...and blind faith.

Passing judgement on others is something the group you believe in has a corner on the market.
You do it ...oh so well.

Slavery came to an end thanks to Christian abolitionists.

And of course-Christians also promoted slavery:

Washington (City) Telegraph.—"As a man, a Christian, and a citizen, we believe that slavery is right; that the condition of the slave-holding States, is the best existing organization of civil society."

Chancellor Harper, of South Carolina—"It is the order of nature and of GOD, that the being of superior faculties and knowledge, and therefore of superior power, should control and dispose of those who are inferior. It is as much in the order of nature, that men should enslave each other, as that otheranimals should prey upon each other."

The alarm of the Virginia slave-holders was not less—nor were the clergy in the city of Richmond, the capital, less prompt than the clergy in Charleston, to respond to "public sentiment." Accordingly, on the 29th July, they assembled together, and

Resolved, unanimously,—

"That we earnestly deprecate the unwarrantable and highly improper interference of the people of any other State with the domestic relations of master and slave.

"That the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles, in not interfering with the question of slavery, but uniformly recognising the relations of master and servant, and giving full and affectionate instruction to both, is worthy of the imitation of all ministers of the gospel.

"That we will not patronize nor receive any pamphlet or newspaper of the Anti-Slavery Societies, and that we will discountenance the circulation of all such papers in the community.

"That the suspicions which have prevailed to a considerable extent against ministers of the gospel and professors of religion in the State of Virginia, as identified with abolitionists are wholly unmerited—believing as we do, from extensive acquaintance with our churches and brethren, that they are unanimous in opposing the pernicious schemes of abolitionists."

Gosh those guys sound like today's progressives, explaining why we should kill the babies of poor women.


See the thing is I don't hate Christianity.

I do hate that there are people who wrap themselves up in the mantle of Christianity, but show no signs of ever actually living a Christian life- and yes- I am talking about you.

Of course you are. Which is a good example of why you completely lack credibility. You make these ridiculous judgements based on nothing....except whatever the voices in your head tell you.
Anti-Christian bigots are long on making shit up, and really short on providing anything at all that substantiates any of the witless claims they make.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

After Christ there was the 10 Commandments? Congratulations on rewriting the Bible not to mention mixing and merging the two different Testaments.

I'll tell you one of the things that bothers ME about a lot of Christians. Simply put, a lot of Christians don't really know the Bible as well as they would have others believe. Often, they believe something that someone (often, some pastor with an agenda) has told them that simply is not supported by scripture. Then, of course, is the modern day simplistic approach of interpreting the stories and parables in the Bible as if they are all literally true? And why? Because they're not educated enough to think something through, and accepting something as literal is SO simple and uncomplicated that all it takes is a complete suspension of common sense...and blind faith.

dear, the issue is that Christ overthrew Rome and introduced civilized principles.
Before Christ there was Rome with its absence of family, whore houses on every corner, and blood sport Coliseum. After Christ there was the 10 commandments and the marital vow to love, honor, obey, and cherish your family.

Indeed, Christ created civilization on earth and is still the source of civilization but sadly a liberal will lack the IQ to understand and so fear Christianity more than Islam even when Islam has vowed to cut our heads off while we are still alive.

After Christ there was the 10 Commandments? Congratulations on rewriting the Bible not to mention mixing and merging the two different Testaments.

I'll tell you one of the things that bothers ME about a lot of Christians. Simply put, a lot of Christians don't really know the Bible as well as they would have others believe. Often, they believe something that someone (often, some pastor with an agenda) has told them that simply is not supported by scripture. Then, of course, is the modern day simplistic approach of interpreting the stories and parables in the Bible as if they are all literally true? And why? Because they're not educated enough to think something through, and accepting something as literal is SO simple and uncomplicated that all it takes is a complete suspension of common sense...and blind faith.

Lotta vocal activistic type Christians don't bother reading the Bible. They watch tv church and go off that. Or so it would appear based on their ignorance.
Radiocarbon dating is of no use on things older than 5000 years friend. I will reiterate the carbon dating process is a sorry way to date anything and call that date scientifically sound.

Again I was incorrect. 14,000 years is not as far back a they can go with radiocarbon dating.

Carbon Dating Gets a Reset

Climate records from a Japanese lake are providing a more accurate timeline for dating objects as far back as 50,000 years

Carbon Dating Gets a Reset - Scientific American
Without Christianity we'd be plagued with ghetto culture? LMAO. Someone should inform this idiot Edward of how Christianity has done nothing to better the conditions of social degeneration and decay in our inner-city neighborhoods in this country.

After all, those Blacks and Latinos the GOP white-majority blame for the rampant crime in the urban envienvironment belong to which faith group, predominantly?
Rome is acknowledged as one of the greatest empires in history.

too stupid and 100% liberal !! what was great about it? That Romans worshippped their leaders as gods? That killing was a sport for them?? That love and family did not exist? That they believed wealth came from war and slavery??

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? What other conclusion is possible.

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