Why does the left hate St Jude?

You don't know why the Clinton Foundation was bad or why her email issue was bad

Mostly beccause it wasn't.

Bad is lying about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction and starting a war that kills thousands of people.

Using the wrong email server is not bad.
“The man needs to get rid of his chemical and biological weapons stocks,”
Bill Clinton, 2003

Larry King: Did you ever see information as president that led you to believe that Saddam was making weapons of mass destruction?
Bill Clinton: Sure.
St. Jude's is a wonderful place......but I'm a Leftie and I guess my post will be ignored because it doesn't fit in your RW box.

It is a wonderful place, but that wasn't the issue. The issue was Ivanka shaking down rich donors for contributions in exchange for access, what she and her dad acused the Clintons of doing.

It doesn't matter if the charity involved does good work or not.
“The man needs to get rid of his chemical and biological weapons stocks,”
Bill Clinton, 2003

Larry King: Did you ever see information as president that led you to believe that Saddam was making weapons of mass destruction?
Bill Clinton: Sure.

Where did Clinton order an invasion?

You see, it's one thing to suspect someone is engaging in illicit activity, it's another to take a destructive course of action to correct it, when there were other courses of action available.

The thing was, the world was on board for imposing new sanctions and new inspections on Iraq. Bush invaded anyway. And he did so despite the fact his generals were telling him he didn't have enough troops to secure the country.
Yes, the illegal invasion of Iraq was treason and a war crime.
And Obama invading Libya and Syria was.......

He didn't invade them.

He decided to arm one side in ongoing civil wars. Now, yes, you can argue that was a bad idea, but those civil wars were happening whether we got involved or not.
“The man needs to get rid of his chemical and biological weapons stocks,”
Bill Clinton, 2003

Larry King: Did you ever see information as president that led you to believe that Saddam was making weapons of mass destruction?
Bill Clinton: Sure.

Where did Clinton order an invasion?

You see, it's one thing to suspect someone is engaging in illicit activity, it's another to take a destructive course of action to correct it, when there were other courses of action available.

The thing was, the world was on board for imposing new sanctions and new inspections on Iraq. Bush invaded anyway. And he did so despite the fact his generals were telling him he didn't have enough troops to secure the country.

So now it's no longer Bush lied, because I showed quotes from Clinton, but he invaded a nation.
Like Obama did in Libya and Syria.
Stating the fact the the Iraq invasion was illegal seems to equate in illogical minds with defending or attacking something or someone else. Another example of how exasperating, or even impossible, intelligent exchange is here. Does saying murder is illegal make one a 'leftie'?
So now it's no longer Bush lied, because I showed quotes from Clinton, but he invaded a nation.
Like Obama did in Libya and Syria.

No, Bush still lied because there was evidence that Saddam didn't have WMD's and he igonred it. Like when the CIA told him the Niger uranium story wasn't true, and he said it was.

Bush lied, people died.

We didn't got to war with Iraq over chemical weapons. We went to war because he had a nuke and was going to give it to Al Qaeda.
So now it's no longer Bush lied, because I showed quotes from Clinton, but he invaded a nation.
Like Obama did in Libya and Syria.

No, Bush still lied because there was evidence that Saddam didn't have WMD's and he igonred it. Like when the CIA told him the Niger uranium story wasn't true, and he said it was.

Bush lied, people died.

We didn't got to war with Iraq over chemical weapons. We went to war because he had a nuke and was going to give it to Al Qaeda.
Hillary said al queda was in Iraq, Bill said Iraq had WMD's when Bush was President. If Bush had done nothing with that kind of input .....

You leftists live in the far side of stupid. No wonder you are irrelevant in politics now.
Attacking a sovereign government and landing troops in that nation is an act of war, dufus.

which we didn't do.

Our intervention in Iraq consisted of airstrikes, and was approved by the UN, NATO and the Arab League.
Yeah, bombing armies of sovereign governments and landing troops in those nations with the intent of overthrowing the sovereign government is no act of war. As long as it was Obama who did it!
What would George Washington & Co. say about America engaging in 'pre-emptive' war?
Yeah, bombing armies of sovereign governments and landing troops in those nations with the intent of overthrowing the sovereign government is no act of war. As long as it was Obama who did it!

We didn't land troops in Libya... We also didn't bomb Assad's forces in Syria. (We've just been bombing ISIS)

so you are making an incorrect argument.

Qadaddy wasn't overthrown by the US, he was overthrown by his own people.
The rationale for the invasion is secondary. That America now stands as a leader of illegal interventions is much more grave.
Hillary said al queda was in Iraq, Bill said Iraq had WMD's when Bush was President. If Bush had done nothing with that kind of input .....

Hillary and bill didn't invade based on a lie. Bush did.

We didn't invade Iraq because he had a few old chemical weapons. We invaded because he supposedly was working on a nuke. That wasn't true.
What color is the sky in your world? You lefties never learn, you keep on validating why your party is irrelevant today.
Hillary said al queda was in Iraq, Bill said Iraq had WMD's when Bush was President. If Bush had done nothing with that kind of input .....

Hillary and bill didn't invade based on a lie. Bush did.

We didn't invade Iraq because he had a few old chemical weapons. We invaded because he supposedly was working on a nuke. That wasn't true.
You mean after Obama surrendered?

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