Why does the left hate St Jude?

If only the left was bright enough to realize that fascism is an exclusively left-wing ideology. The further and more radically right you go, government and control gets smaller and weaker until it ceases to exist - or anarchy. Fascism is complete and total government control you nitwit - or the polar opposite of the right-wing ideology.

God Almighty, progressives are so confused they don't even understand the basics anymore. Proof that liberalism destroyed the public education system.

Horseshit. Left or right is completely irrelevent to authoritarianism. Hitler, Mussolini and Franco were creatures of the right- Nationalism, conservative moral values, homophobia, racism, etc. that's all on you guys.

You will always have fascists in your midst. The question becomes, do you have a centralized top heavy government to make it a reality?

Progs are all about running the country from the Oval Office, so they not only have fascists in their midst, they have subverted the checks and balances of a Constitutional government to make fascism an Executive Order away from reality.
You will always have fascists in your midst. The question becomes, do you have a centralized top heavy government to make it a reality?

Progs are all about running the country from the Oval Office, so they not only have fascists in their midst, they have subverted the checks and balances of a Constitutional government to make fascism an Executive Order away from reality.

Oh, guy, get over yourself. the reality is, we have as much government as we want... no more and no less.
But we do follow them with conservatives kicking and screaming and dragging their feet

We followed other nations in abandoning slavery, women's vote, banning segregation, gay rights
We lead the way on ending slavery. You should pick up a history book and actually read it. And we lead the world in women's rights (the muslims you worship because they want to bring about the end of the U.S. like you do still oppress women in 2016). As far as "gay rights" - well, that has existed since the beginning of time in the U.S. No homosexual was ever denied the right to vote, carry a firearm, practice their religion, etc.

The rest of the civilized world gave up slavery because it was the right thing to do. We needed a war that killed 600,000 before we would give up our right to own other human beings

Once again we trailed Europe in giving rights to women. Many American women did not have the same rights as a man up until the 1970s
You will always have fascists in your midst. The question becomes, do you have a centralized top heavy government to make it a reality?

Progs are all about running the country from the Oval Office, so they not only have fascists in their midst, they have subverted the checks and balances of a Constitutional government to make fascism an Executive Order away from reality.

Oh, guy, get over yourself. the reality is, we have as much government as we want... no more and no less.

That's the point

We don't need big government or small government....we need the right sized Government

That "right size" is determined by We the People
But we do follow them with conservatives kicking and screaming and dragging their feet

We followed other nations in abandoning slavery, women's vote, banning segregation, gay rights
We lead the way on ending slavery. You should pick up a history book and actually read it. And we lead the world in women's rights (the muslims you worship because they want to bring about the end of the U.S. like you do still oppress women in 2016). As far as "gay rights" - well, that has existed since the beginning of time in the U.S. No homosexual was ever denied the right to vote, carry a firearm, practice their religion, etc.

He doesn't know slavery still exists in some countries.

Also all republicans were against slavery even conservatives, these people have no clue.

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