Why does the left hate St Jude?

Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

They are going to pick apart anything the Trumps do. Nothing will please them and we may as well get used to seeing the entire family treated like dirt all the time.

Well I hope that the Trumps are not treated like the Obama's.

I hope that it will not be like that.
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

Those on the left believe that all charities should be done away with and have the government run them cuz they are so great at running things.
Because liberals want children aborted not kept alive, to slow down climate change
We want unwanted children to be avoided, dupe. Free BC (actually, much BETTER than free, dupe) and counseling cut abortions greatly. Some cheap training for good jobs going begging and a living wage like 1968's would help too...I know, a tax cut for the rich! Idiots.
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

They are going to pick apart anything the Trumps do. Nothing will please them and we may as well get used to seeing the entire family treated like dirt all the time.

Well I hope that the Trumps are not treated like the Obama's.

I hope that it will not be like that.
They won't be. Dems don't have a hate/bs propaganda channel and machine like the dupes'...
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

Those on the left believe that all charities should be done away with and have the government run them cuz they are so great at running things.

Those on the right believe that government should not help anyone because government helping people in need is EVIL!
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

Those on the left believe that all charities should be done away with and have the government run them cuz they are so great at running things.

Those on the right believe that government should not help anyone because government helping people in need is EVIL!
Unless they're megarich a-holes...
Look we probably have similar views on what should be done concerning foreign policy. I just think you buy into narratives that are more convenient for your side at the time. I'm guilty of the same but I try my best to remain consistent with my values. So...

1. It didn't seem convenient to you that as soon as Gaddafi tried to take their oil out of the US dollar and instead trade it as their dinar, that's when the US and France decided to get involved? I mean there's been civil unrest in that country since Gaddafi has been in power...but it just so happens that at the time...thats the country they took drastic intervention to ensure Gaddafi was out of power. Despite not doing it anywhere else during the time of the "Arab spring". Yea I'd say the reasons we went into lybia were lies.

I do think that the French did manipulate world opinion on Libya for their own purposes. That said, the thing is, Khadafy was kind of a bastard. Let's not forget, this is the guy who blew up Pan Am 103, killing hundreds, who armed just about every group of radical assholes in Europe through the 80's and 90's. If the Europeans took advantage of the situation, it wasn't like Khadafy was sitting their minding his own business.

2. Not much to say other than I don't believe that a group of unelected foreign diplomats should be able to overrule our constitutional republic...who happens to give a ton of tax payer dollars to them. Our elected officials were put there to represent us, as people, not pander to an global organization that has zero care for you and me, and even people who actually really need their help. The people who actually really need their help only get such help when it's politically convenient. There's been genocide going on in Sudan for quite some time now, child soldiers in Uganda, and actual government sanctioned slavery going on In UN countries. The UN has its usefulness sure, but is overstepping where they shouldn't, and underperforming where they are direly needed. They are in no way any such moral authority to look up to.

Here the thing... Congress had every opportunity to put an end to what Obama was doing in Libya. they didn't. In fact, most of them didn't give a crap about Libya until Stevens was killed.

The thing was, we call on the UN, NATO and the Arab League as partners to help keep the peace in the world, and the one time they get their shit together and say, "Yup, this is something we need to take care of", that's the time we don't get involved, after all this asshole has done to us? I really don't think so.

3. No both the sunis and the Kurds wanted to oust saddam. They together make up a majority. Iraq was 3 nations, Sunni, Shiite, and Kurds, thrown together into one by Sykes-Picot, for one reason...to get these 3 nations to quarrel with each other, fund and back a strong man to take over while everyone's fighting with each other, and have control of that region through that dictator. So by your standards, bush indeed did the right thing by taking out saddam because of unpopularity?

Not really. They weren't trying very hard to take him out, were they? they were perfectly happy with the status quo, until Bush fucked everything up. (which come to think of it, is what he did best. Fuck everything up.)

1. Yea Gaddafi was asshole, but there are and have been much bigger assholes we did nothing about. Gaddafi was only an asshole to the administration when he tried to get his oil traded off the US Dollar. Which is kind of an un-asshole thing to do for rest of French Africa, that's been getting shit on by the west for decades. And yea congress didn't do anything...but it was also controlled by the democrats, fresh off of the election of our first black president.

2. There's a good amount of petroleum politics going into that scenario that is also fueling the UN.

3. That's like saying the South Koreans are fine with Kim jeoung un. We're talking about people with no viable means to go against their dictator. Even then they (the Kurds) still tried and had their own genocide to fight against. Saddam used chemical weapons to keep the Kurds in check

If you don't know the difference between North and South Korea, then the chances of the rest of your "facts" being questionable is pretty high.

Kim Jon Un is the leader and dictator of North Korea. South Korea is a democracy.
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

Those on the left believe that all charities should be done away with and have the government run them cuz they are so great at running things.

If you are a person with close ties to the president elect, as well as have his ear for just about everything as one of his trusted advisors, you are no longer a private citizen, you are seen as someone who can influence policy. If a person donates enough money to get some one on one time with you, that could be seen as peddling influence.

Comparing her to Brittney Spears or Prince Harry is a non starter, because although Brittney has many fans that will do things for her, she's not in government and has no influence on how this nation is run.

Come to think of it...............same thing for Prince Harry, because the royal family is largely ceremonial, the actual policy gets taken care of by the Prime Minister and Parliment.
Look we probably have similar views on what should be done concerning foreign policy. I just think you buy into narratives that are more convenient for your side at the time. I'm guilty of the same but I try my best to remain consistent with my values. So...

1. It didn't seem convenient to you that as soon as Gaddafi tried to take their oil out of the US dollar and instead trade it as their dinar, that's when the US and France decided to get involved? I mean there's been civil unrest in that country since Gaddafi has been in power...but it just so happens that at the time...thats the country they took drastic intervention to ensure Gaddafi was out of power. Despite not doing it anywhere else during the time of the "Arab spring". Yea I'd say the reasons we went into lybia were lies.

I do think that the French did manipulate world opinion on Libya for their own purposes. That said, the thing is, Khadafy was kind of a bastard. Let's not forget, this is the guy who blew up Pan Am 103, killing hundreds, who armed just about every group of radical assholes in Europe through the 80's and 90's. If the Europeans took advantage of the situation, it wasn't like Khadafy was sitting their minding his own business.

2. Not much to say other than I don't believe that a group of unelected foreign diplomats should be able to overrule our constitutional republic...who happens to give a ton of tax payer dollars to them. Our elected officials were put there to represent us, as people, not pander to an global organization that has zero care for you and me, and even people who actually really need their help. The people who actually really need their help only get such help when it's politically convenient. There's been genocide going on in Sudan for quite some time now, child soldiers in Uganda, and actual government sanctioned slavery going on In UN countries. The UN has its usefulness sure, but is overstepping where they shouldn't, and underperforming where they are direly needed. They are in no way any such moral authority to look up to.

Here the thing... Congress had every opportunity to put an end to what Obama was doing in Libya. they didn't. In fact, most of them didn't give a crap about Libya until Stevens was killed.

The thing was, we call on the UN, NATO and the Arab League as partners to help keep the peace in the world, and the one time they get their shit together and say, "Yup, this is something we need to take care of", that's the time we don't get involved, after all this asshole has done to us? I really don't think so.

3. No both the sunis and the Kurds wanted to oust saddam. They together make up a majority. Iraq was 3 nations, Sunni, Shiite, and Kurds, thrown together into one by Sykes-Picot, for one reason...to get these 3 nations to quarrel with each other, fund and back a strong man to take over while everyone's fighting with each other, and have control of that region through that dictator. So by your standards, bush indeed did the right thing by taking out saddam because of unpopularity?

Not really. They weren't trying very hard to take him out, were they? they were perfectly happy with the status quo, until Bush fucked everything up. (which come to think of it, is what he did best. Fuck everything up.)

1. Yea Gaddafi was asshole, but there are and have been much bigger assholes we did nothing about. Gaddafi was only an asshole to the administration when he tried to get his oil traded off the US Dollar. Which is kind of an un-asshole thing to do for rest of French Africa, that's been getting shit on by the west for decades. And yea congress didn't do anything...but it was also controlled by the democrats, fresh off of the election of our first black president.

2. There's a good amount of petroleum politics going into that scenario that is also fueling the UN.

3. That's like saying the South Koreans are fine with Kim jeoung un. We're talking about people with no viable means to go against their dictator. Even then they (the Kurds) still tried and had their own genocide to fight against. Saddam used chemical weapons to keep the Kurds in check

If you don't know the difference between North and South Korea, then the chances of the rest of your "facts" being questionable is pretty high.

Kim Jon Un is the leader and dictator of North Korea. South Korea is a democracy.

This is an ad hominem at its finest. What I clearly did there was misspoke, I do know he difference between north and South Korea, as most people do. But that doesn't mean you have to dismiss everything I say as incorrect. By all means verify it yourself.
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

Those on the left believe that all charities should be done away with and have the government run them cuz they are so great at running things.

If you are a person with close ties to the president elect, as well as have his ear for just about everything as one of his trusted advisors, you are no longer a private citizen, you are seen as someone who can influence policy. If a person donates enough money to get some one on one time with you, that could be seen as peddling influence.

Comparing her to Brittney Spears or Prince Harry is a non starter, because although Brittney has many fans that will do things for her, she's not in government and has no influence on how this nation is run.

Come to think of it...............same thing for Prince Harry, because the royal family is largely ceremonial, the actual policy gets taken care of by the Prime Minister and Parliment.

So citizens have no say in how the country should be run? Only those with close ties to POTUS.
Look we probably have similar views on what should be done concerning foreign policy. I just think you buy into narratives that are more convenient for your side at the time. I'm guilty of the same but I try my best to remain consistent with my values. So...

1. It didn't seem convenient to you that as soon as Gaddafi tried to take their oil out of the US dollar and instead trade it as their dinar, that's when the US and France decided to get involved? I mean there's been civil unrest in that country since Gaddafi has been in power...but it just so happens that at the time...thats the country they took drastic intervention to ensure Gaddafi was out of power. Despite not doing it anywhere else during the time of the "Arab spring". Yea I'd say the reasons we went into lybia were lies.

I do think that the French did manipulate world opinion on Libya for their own purposes. That said, the thing is, Khadafy was kind of a bastard. Let's not forget, this is the guy who blew up Pan Am 103, killing hundreds, who armed just about every group of radical assholes in Europe through the 80's and 90's. If the Europeans took advantage of the situation, it wasn't like Khadafy was sitting their minding his own business.

2. Not much to say other than I don't believe that a group of unelected foreign diplomats should be able to overrule our constitutional republic...who happens to give a ton of tax payer dollars to them. Our elected officials were put there to represent us, as people, not pander to an global organization that has zero care for you and me, and even people who actually really need their help. The people who actually really need their help only get such help when it's politically convenient. There's been genocide going on in Sudan for quite some time now, child soldiers in Uganda, and actual government sanctioned slavery going on In UN countries. The UN has its usefulness sure, but is overstepping where they shouldn't, and underperforming where they are direly needed. They are in no way any such moral authority to look up to.

Here the thing... Congress had every opportunity to put an end to what Obama was doing in Libya. they didn't. In fact, most of them didn't give a crap about Libya until Stevens was killed.

The thing was, we call on the UN, NATO and the Arab League as partners to help keep the peace in the world, and the one time they get their shit together and say, "Yup, this is something we need to take care of", that's the time we don't get involved, after all this asshole has done to us? I really don't think so.

3. No both the sunis and the Kurds wanted to oust saddam. They together make up a majority. Iraq was 3 nations, Sunni, Shiite, and Kurds, thrown together into one by Sykes-Picot, for one reason...to get these 3 nations to quarrel with each other, fund and back a strong man to take over while everyone's fighting with each other, and have control of that region through that dictator. So by your standards, bush indeed did the right thing by taking out saddam because of unpopularity?

Not really. They weren't trying very hard to take him out, were they? they were perfectly happy with the status quo, until Bush fucked everything up. (which come to think of it, is what he did best. Fuck everything up.)

1. Yea Gaddafi was asshole, but there are and have been much bigger assholes we did nothing about. Gaddafi was only an asshole to the administration when he tried to get his oil traded off the US Dollar. Which is kind of an un-asshole thing to do for rest of French Africa, that's been getting shit on by the west for decades. And yea congress didn't do anything...but it was also controlled by the democrats, fresh off of the election of our first black president.

2. There's a good amount of petroleum politics going into that scenario that is also fueling the UN.

3. That's like saying the South Koreans are fine with Kim jeoung un. We're talking about people with no viable means to go against their dictator. Even then they (the Kurds) still tried and had their own genocide to fight against. Saddam used chemical weapons to keep the Kurds in check

If you don't know the difference between North and South Korea, then the chances of the rest of your "facts" being questionable is pretty high.

Kim Jon Un is the leader and dictator of North Korea. South Korea is a democracy.

This is an ad hominem at its finest. What I clearly did there was misspoke, I do know he difference between north and South Korea, as most people do. But that doesn't mean you have to dismiss everything I say as incorrect. By all means verify it yourself.

You made the claims, you post the links. And, like I said, if you don't know the difference between N. and S. Korea, the chances of you being confused on other matters is pretty high in my estimation.
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

Those on the left believe that all charities should be done away with and have the government run them cuz they are so great at running things.

If you are a person with close ties to the president elect, as well as have his ear for just about everything as one of his trusted advisors, you are no longer a private citizen, you are seen as someone who can influence policy. If a person donates enough money to get some one on one time with you, that could be seen as peddling influence.

Comparing her to Brittney Spears or Prince Harry is a non starter, because although Brittney has many fans that will do things for her, she's not in government and has no influence on how this nation is run.

Come to think of it...............same thing for Prince Harry, because the royal family is largely ceremonial, the actual policy gets taken care of by the Prime Minister and Parliment.

So citizens have no say in how the country should be run? Only those with close ties to POTUS.

Citizens have a say when they elect someone to represent them, be it in Congress or the White House. However...........allowing one citizen to have unfair access to those who actually do pull the levers of power because of money is peddling influence.

Matter of fact, in the military you are limited quite a bit in what you can and can't do. Why? Because if you officially choose one business over another, that can be seen as influence peddling, or, in the case of showing up at partisan political rallies in uniform, seen as an endorsement of that persons service for that particular candidate.

Public optics and government service can be tricky. I know, was a Personnelman for 20 years, and part of my job was to know the regs on stuff like that.
A "meet & greet" Brittney Spears auction is valued at 10K. Certainly, Ivanka is at least 7x more valuable than frickin Brittney Spears, even if her father had NEVER run for president.

Why? Most of us never heard of Ivanka Trump before her father's practical joke on the GOP went too far. I never heard of her before this year. And after hearing Trump's creepy talk about how he'd like to bang her if she wasn't his daughter, I kind of wish I hadn't.

It's odd, this celebrity auction thing. I mean, what has Paris Hilton done for the world? You wouldn't believe what an auction for coffee with her would bring in for a needy charity. I know of no one interested in peddling to St. Jude, but whatever. It's no different than Prince William auctioning off his Range Rover for charity. It's just bad now because a Trump is involved.

Brittany Spears and Prince William don't make policy. Trump does.

She is a celebrity and was before he ran. She was a model and had a reality tv show. She's a Paris Hilton Tori Spellman type, one of those celebrity because they were born ones.

It's common among that crowd, celebrity auctions. Nothing nefarious but it's dead now. The children of St Jude are the ones who lost, though.
These are all very common elective surgeries here that get taken care of quickly and conveniently in the US. There's also a lot of other statistics on that site as well.

I don't try to defend the current/past system as infallible, or as the best, or running on all cylinders. But it does have some major major advantages that should not be overlooked. One of those areas is how we greatly reward and fund medical research.


I am sorry you had such a hard time with your knee. I don't wish that on anyone.

After that situation, I'm done with captialism and private insurance. Single Payer for everyone. Done. Finished. Make the rich go to the same hospitals as the poor, you'll fix the problem.
She is a celebrity and was before he ran. She was a model and had a reality tv show. She's a Paris Hilton Tori Spellman type, one of those celebrity because they were born ones.

It's common among that crowd, celebrity auctions. Nothing nefarious but it's dead now. The children of St Jude are the ones who lost, though.

Again, no one ever heard of her before this year... and this is influence peddling.
These are all very common elective surgeries here that get taken care of quickly and conveniently in the US. There's also a lot of other statistics on that site as well.

I don't try to defend the current/past system as infallible, or as the best, or running on all cylinders. But it does have some major major advantages that should not be overlooked. One of those areas is how we greatly reward and fund medical research.


I am sorry you had such a hard time with your knee. I don't wish that on anyone.

After that situation, I'm done with captialism and private insurance. Single Payer for everyone. Done. Finished. Make the rich go to the same hospitals as the poor, you'll fix the problem.
Single payer has been an abject failure everywhere it's been used
Single payer has been an abject failure everywhere it's been used

right. Except for Canada, Germany, Japan, the UK, France, Italy- all of which outperform us in every health care metric while spending half as much as a percentage of GDP.
Single-payer collides with reality
Bernie Sanders’s Single-Payer Health Care Plan Failed in Vermont
U.S. Shouldn't Copy U.K.'s Failed Single-Payer Health Care System

FYI France does not have single payer
Ivanka auctioned off a coffee with her for 70k, which went to St Jude. Living in Memphis, Sgt Ju de e is a great charity. Kids get treatment, parents never pay a dime.
But the left has to put politics above everything and bitches about it. If it was Michelle Obama or one of their kids, they wouldn't care a bit.

Fucking disgusting people who do not like charities and place politics over everything.

Trump Family Tried To Auction Coffee With Ivanka, Raising Ethical Concerns

the only time Liberals have ethical concerns is when it involves holding other people to ethics.
Mention the concept of personal accountability and they shit themselves.
When the Clintons did the same thing....Republicans wanted to send them to jail

Ivanka: Lock her up!

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