Why does the media only talk about 2 wars in the world today when many, many more are going on?

Not propaganda.
Trump should have put a bullet between Mike Pence's eyes ( don't worry that's just a metaphor for place him under arrest) and declared martial law until the Dominion voting machines were confiscated.
You're a good little Nazi and an anti American Dupe. There's no evidence of any of the conspiracies and fraud you believe, you are being taken to the cleaners and it's just about Murdoch making money by addicting the fools.
Sure, its always a joke with you prog morons when you get your ass handed to you.
You you don't even know what a racist is. This believes another race is inferior. I believe all races are exactly equal and only environment makes the differences if there are any. You're absolutely clueless.
there is no evidence of any Biden fraud of any kind just garbage propaganda super Dupe Dingbat. You are the puppet of lying scumbag GOP mega rich swine. Try some news sometime
Gee, you sound like Trump supporters of the last seven years. The only difference is that, yes, there is evidence and it isn't illegitimately manufactured like Russia, Russia, Russia, the Steele dossier, the NY case, the GA case and the documents case. Biden did have ILLEGAL possession of classified docs from a time when he had NO legal right to possess them and they WEREN'T stored securely. Not to mention the bribes he made to Ukraine and multiple illegal acts that the vegetable has performed since being in the WH. You're a racist moron that ignores FACTS.
You you don't even know what a racist is. This believes another race is inferior. I believe all races are exactly equal and only environment makes the differences if there are any. You're absolutely clueless.
Blah, blah, blah, but you believe popular wars are based on whether or not the participants are white. Fuck off, bigot.
Gee, you sound like Trump supporters of the last seven years. The only difference is that, yes, there is evidence and it isn't illegitimately manufactured like Russia, Russia, Russia, the Steele dossier, the NY case, the GA case and the documents case. Biden did have ILLEGAL possession of classified docs from a time when he had NO legal right to possess them and they WEREN'T stored securely. Not to mention the bribes he made to Ukraine and multiple illegal acts that the vegetable has performed since being in the WH. You're a racist moron that ignores FACTS.
Biden had like 20 unimportant irrelevant out of date documents he gave back immediately, Trump had boxes and boxes of the most secret and important documents.
Biden had like 20 unimportant irrelevant out of date documents he gave back immediately, Trump had boxes and boxes of the most secret and important documents.
It doesn't matter if he had 1 or 20 million. He had no legitimate reason for possessing them. They were not stored securely--not to mention having them stored where an enemy could access them. Trump had boxes and boxes UNDER LOCK AND KEY according to archives rules. You have absolutely NO idea what was contained in those docs so just STFU, you're a moron.

But I’m sure you’ll tell us why it’s some elaborate conspiracy involving the media, democrats, libs, jews, Hollywood, etc

Only wars that strategically affect us, are reported on here in the USA.

Ukraine vs Russia

Israel vs (the whole middle east) or Hamas right now.

The USA has geopolitical interests, in both.
You're a good little Nazi and an anti American Dupe. There's no evidence of any of the conspiracies and fraud you believe, you are being taken to the cleaners and it's just about Murdoch making money by addicting the fools.
Murdoch was just sued by Dominion for almost a billion dollars.

Save the con job for the Sunday school kids.
It doesn't matter if he had 1 or 20 million. He had no legitimate reason for possessing them. They were not stored securely--not to mention having them stored where an enemy could access them. Trump had boxes and boxes UNDER LOCK AND KEY according to archives rules. You have absolutely NO idea what was contained in those docs so just STFU, you're a moron.
Try real news, dupe....DUHHHH.... Everything you know is wrong for crying out loud. Trump lock and key l o l.
I don't see the problem as the media, but rather with the people that complain about it. With today's vast resource of information, one can easily control the media they patronize rather than allowing it to control you.

Interested in Congo's war? Simply type a web search for 'English language news media in Congo' and look for results.
I don't see the problem as the media, but rather with the people that complain about it. With today's vast resource of information, one can easily control the media they patronize rather than allowing it to control you.

Interested in Congo's war? Simply type a web search for 'English language news media in Congo' and look for results.
The problem is pure garbage propaganda, basically from the new BS GOP. There is no evidence of election fraud vaccine fraud Biden fraud et cetera et cetera et cetera, just pure crap.
the world knows that the GOP is totally full of crap except for U brainwashed functional morons. Mainstream media is rhino media but at least it's not insane
You don't know me at all but can we get one thing straight......?.... I'm not a Democrat or a Republican.

Try not to be such an assuming and generalizing person because we're all individuals.... there's a lot of gray area-- everything is not black and white.....and most people agree on most things.

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