Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in th

Its your claim to prove
Well here ya go truthdoesnotmattertoyou.

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now change your screen name to "left wing no nothing hack." It's a much better name for you and it is TRUTHFUL.

Where in that does it say it was all started by Hilary?

It mentions orely Tates and mcclatchey news
Who is Hillary Clinton? What did she do? Did she or did she not in her campaign bring up the birther issue? I'm so sorry that you were educated at a public school. Did you make it past the second grade? Once again, change your screen name to something other than truth matters. Big fat lying slob will work as well. Or dimwit. Maybe leftwing assclown. Anything but what you have now.
Its your claim to prove
Well here ya go truthdoesnotmattertoyou.

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now change your screen name to "left wing no nothing hack." It's a much better name for you and it is TRUTHFUL.

Where in that does it say it was all started by Hilary?

It mentions orely Tates and mcclatchey news

It’s Official: Obama “Born in the U.S.A.” | FactCheck.org

Hillary supporters, we know Hillary and Bill would never deal with such issues.
Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in th

Fucking idiots. The scientific name is "inbreeding".
Did your original post say the numbers for dems and Rs were the same yurt?

Reason: edit: wrong percent for dems and pubs

what part of that do you not understand pea brain? when you quoted my post it had the correct numbers....you have no excuse for your lies that i tried to hide it as i clearly explain why i changed the post...

care to apologize for your lies?
The changes you made yurt proved you were wrong in your statement about dems having the same numbers as rs.

We all know birthers are a big part of the republican base now.

They were never the base of the left.


no shit i was wrong....hence the edit you dishonest moron...hence why i said "the numbers were wrong"

you even copied the post when it had the correct numbers but you're still dishonestly trying to claim i tried to hide it....

and i never said they were the base....any more lies you care to tout today?
Well here ya go truthdoesnotmattertoyou.

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now change your screen name to "left wing no nothing hack." It's a much better name for you and it is TRUTHFUL.

Where in that does it say it was all started by Hilary?

It mentions orely Tates and mcclatchey news

It’s Official: Obama “Born in the U.S.A.” | FactCheck.org

Hillary supporters, we know Hillary and Bill would never deal with such issues.

no surprise she doesn't know this....it puts her dems in a bad light:

This claim was first advanced by diehard Hillary Clinton supporters as her campaign for the party’s nomination faded, and has enjoyed a revival among John McCain’s partisans as he fell substantially behind Obama in public opinion polls.
Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in the face of cold hard facts like they have no mind of their own?

Sure, cause you know the left never does that shit.

Obama played a game and succeeded in making Birthers look like Idiots. He also made himself look like the devious, and Childish ass he is. Spending Millions to keep this issue alive this long.

The Excuse he gives, that he didn't release it because he didn't want to cause a distraction, is complete and total BS. By Not releasing it for this long, and spending Money to fight it, he caused a 2 year long distraction for Political Gain. Only when Trump gave the issue traction and it became a real Liability did he all of the sudden find the BC, that even last week Hawaii said was "lost"

So to sum up. Nothing new Here.

Obama is a Natural Born Citizen (Already knew that)
Obama is a Hypocrite and liar, and looks childish for playing this game this long.(already knew that)
Some on the far right for either Racists or Ideological Reasons Hate Obama no matter what and will latch on to anything to try and attack him(Already knew that)

Lets move on.
Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in the face of cold hard facts like they have no mind of their own?

Sure, cause you know the left never does that shit.

Obama played a game and succeeded in making Birthers look like Idiots. He also made himself look like the devious, and Childish ass he is. Spending Millions to keep this issue alive this long.

The Excuse he gives, that he didn't release it because he didn't want to cause a distraction, is complete and total BS. By Not releasing it for this long, and spending Money to fight it, he caused a 2 year long distraction for Political Gain. Only when Trump gave the issue traction and it became a real Liability did he all of the sudden find the BC, that even last week Hawaii said was "lost"

So to sum up. Nothing new Here.

Obama is a Natural Born Citizen (Already knew that)
Obama is a Hypocrite and liar, and looks childish for playing this game this long.(already knew that)
Some on the far right for either Racists or Ideological Reasons Hate Obama no matter what and will latch on to anything to try and attack him(Already knew that)

Lets move on.

And odd that the DON claimed credit for getting this outta the geekie-weeds...

I'd say it was more a recent poll that 38% of Americans think he wasn't BORN here...I think the truth is Obama was alarmed about the POLL.
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Where in that does it say it was all started by Hilary?

So you deny that the Original "birthers" were Hillary supporters? I do not Believe Hillary herself ever talked about it, but her Supporters (Liberal Democrats) did.

Those Damn Racists assholes.

Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in the face of cold hard facts like they have no mind of their own?

Sure, cause you know the left never does that shit.

Obama played a game and succeeded in making Birthers look like Idiots. He also made himself look like the devious, and Childish ass he is. Spending Millions to keep this issue alive this long.

The Excuse he gives, that he didn't release it because he didn't want to cause a distraction, is complete and total BS. By Not releasing it for this long, and spending Money to fight it, he caused a 2 year long distraction for Political Gain. Only when Trump gave the issue traction and it became a real Liability did he all of the sudden find the BC, that even last week Hawaii said was "lost"

So to sum up. Nothing new Here.

Obama is a Natural Born Citizen (Already knew that)
Obama is a Hypocrite and liar, and looks childish for playing this game this long.(already knew that)
Some on the far right for either Racists or Ideological Reasons Hate Obama no matter what and will latch on to anything to try and attack him(Already knew that)

Lets move on.

You forgot one.

Some on the left will for ideological reasons NEVER find fault with Obama (already knew THAT)
Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in the face of cold hard facts like they have no mind of their own?

Sure, cause you know the left never does that shit.

Obama played a game and succeeded in making Birthers look like Idiots. He also made himself look like the devious, and Childish ass he is. Spending Millions to keep this issue alive this long.

The Excuse he gives, that he didn't release it because he didn't want to cause a distraction, is complete and total BS. By Not releasing it for this long, and spending Money to fight it, he caused a 2 year long distraction for Political Gain. Only when Trump gave the issue traction and it became a real Liability did he all of the sudden find the BC, that even last week Hawaii said was "lost"

So to sum up. Nothing new Here.

Obama is a Natural Born Citizen (Already knew that)
Obama is a Hypocrite and liar, and looks childish for playing this game this long.(already knew that)
Some on the far right for either Racists or Ideological Reasons Hate Obama no matter what and will latch on to anything to try and attack him(Already knew that)

Lets move on.

Ad odd that the DON claimed credit for getting this outta the geekie-weeds...

I'd say it was more a recent poll that 38% of Americans think he wasn't BORN here...I think the truth is Obama was alarmed about the POLL.

It was his own damn fault. I mean Not only did he fight tooth and nail not to release it. He also Is fighting not to release his Transcripts. He did nothing to explain the Connecticut SS number. By doing all this he gave the idea he was hiding something traction.

I am sure he was being advised that he would gain politically by letting far right loons appear hysterical in their hate for him, but I would asses in the end the whole issue hurt his popularity. It is pretty damn obvious to anyone who has been paying attention that he was playing a game here, and he comes off looking juvenile and Dishonest.

Net Minus for him, and the Far right IMO.
Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in the face of cold hard facts like they have no mind of their own?

Sure, cause you know the left never does that shit.

Obama played a game and succeeded in making Birthers look like Idiots. He also made himself look like the devious, and Childish ass he is. Spending Millions to keep this issue alive this long.

The Excuse he gives, that he didn't release it because he didn't want to cause a distraction, is complete and total BS. By Not releasing it for this long, and spending Money to fight it, he caused a 2 year long distraction for Political Gain. Only when Trump gave the issue traction and it became a real Liability did he all of the sudden find the BC, that even last week Hawaii said was "lost"

So to sum up. Nothing new Here.

Obama is a Natural Born Citizen (Already knew that)
Obama is a Hypocrite and liar, and looks childish for playing this game this long.(already knew that)
Some on the far right for either Racists or Ideological Reasons Hate Obama no matter what and will latch on to anything to try and attack him(Already knew that)

Lets move on.

You forgot one.

Some on the left will for ideological reasons NEVER find fault with Obama (already knew THAT)

It certainly would have been nice to see some on the left at least acknowledge that it seemed odd he would not release it. Instead of claiming it was racist to even ask.

after all Libs Held Hearings in the Senate to "make sure" McCain was natural Born because he was Born in Panama.

Which means I forgot another one.

Some on the left are Raging Hypocrites who will do something, then a couple years down the road call other people Racists for asking the same damn question they did.
Sure, cause you know the left never does that shit.

Obama played a game and succeeded in making Birthers look like Idiots. He also made himself look like the devious, and Childish ass he is. Spending Millions to keep this issue alive this long.

The Excuse he gives, that he didn't release it because he didn't want to cause a distraction, is complete and total BS. By Not releasing it for this long, and spending Money to fight it, he caused a 2 year long distraction for Political Gain. Only when Trump gave the issue traction and it became a real Liability did he all of the sudden find the BC, that even last week Hawaii said was "lost"

So to sum up. Nothing new Here.

Obama is a Natural Born Citizen (Already knew that)
Obama is a Hypocrite and liar, and looks childish for playing this game this long.(already knew that)
Some on the far right for either Racists or Ideological Reasons Hate Obama no matter what and will latch on to anything to try and attack him(Already knew that)

Lets move on.

Ad odd that the DON claimed credit for getting this outta the geekie-weeds...

I'd say it was more a recent poll that 38% of Americans think he wasn't BORN here...I think the truth is Obama was alarmed about the POLL.

It was his own damn fault. I mean Not only did he fight tooth and nail not to release it. He also Is fighting not to release his Transcripts. He did nothing to explain the Connecticut SS number. By doing all this he gave the idea he was hiding something traction.

I am sure he was being advised that he would gain politically by letting far right loons appear hysterical in their hate for him, but I would asses in the end the whole issue hurt his popularity. It is pretty damn obvious to anyone who has been paying attention that he was playing a game here, and he comes off looking juvenile and Dishonest.

Net Minus for him, and the Far right IMO.

Agreed. This Republic has larger issues...#1 Being the Economy, and yanking the credit card away from the elitists in the Congress.

Obama must be defeated at the polls. The whole B/C thing while interesting is a distraction away from larger issues.
You mean like "Bush lied people died"? "9/11 was an inside job?" "Trickle down economics doesn't work?" "Bush/Cheney=Halliburton/Big Oil?"

Not to mention my all time favorite...

Under Bush, the CIA lied to congress....and Pelosi was way to busy to investigate it when she was speaker.

LMFAO...The CIA lies to congress and it is not an important issue.....

Loved that one.

The entire country was on the side of Bush and the Republicans. Who knew they would lie to the country the way they did? Not so patriotic after all.
Name the first politician that never lied? They are all dirt bags. Its all about the money and power. Well above party and light years above beliefs.
Because on the majority of substantive issues, they lose the argument. Their anti-government ideology is pretty popular, but their policies are not. Despite a substantial portion of the country self-identifying as conservative, vast majorities of Americans support universal healthcare, progressive tax code that raises the rates on the wealthy, no reductions in Social Security or Medicare, the US military out of Afghanistan and Middle Eastern occupation generally, government regulated environmental protections, a woman's right to choose, etc. etc. Many of those policies aren't enacted or actively supported by the Democratic party either which is hardly a movement of the left, but liberal policy positions on major contentious issues are generally much more popular than conservative policy positions on those same issues.

So because they lose on policy, they (quite effectively) change the nature and frame of the debate and distract with non-issues or like death panels, birtherism, taking guns away etc. where they can garner more widespread support by focusing on straw men or fabrications.
Wrong as a liberal usually is. The majority of Americans do not support the health care law. But keep lying, it is very entertaining.

It's helpful to read when trying to understand written passages. Readers will note I never said the Democrats' new shitty health care law was popular, since it isn't. What I said is that "vast majorities of Americans support universal healthcare," since it's true. In late 2009 during the height of controversy over healthcare legislation, polls by a variety of firms over the course of 2 months were (with the exception of Rasmussen) all in agreement that more than 58% and up to 72% were in favor of "universal healthcare" or a "Medicare-for-all" program and the Public Option received even greater support:


The healthcare law of course is not universal healthcare and didn't even include a public option, as I noted "Many of those policies aren't enacted or actively supported by the Democratic party either which is hardly a movement of the left..."

Again, reading is fundamental to comprehension and particularly to engaging in written debate. Ever more so if you're going to call someone a liar for purportedly saying something they never said.
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Do you think Barack Obama was born in the
United States?
Yes.................................................................. 28%
No ................................................................... 51%
Not sure .......................................................... 21%

And you know the voters of this polls party affiliations how?

From the poll with the link provided there for you. On the first page even.

"PPP surveyed 400 Republican primary voters nationwide from February 11th to 13th.

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