Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in th

as there are polls that show some dems also do not believe obama was born in hawaii.....why does truthmatter ignore the dems and act as if it is only pubs?


And where did I say no left leaning person has fallen for the lies?

you accused someone of the same thing because they failed to mention something....now when done to you....you don't like it

i have never once seen you ever call out anyone on the left over the birther issue...not once. your thread and OP and every single post after is solely about the right....not a word about the left....

that says it all....and you ignore this was started by the left, ala, berg et al....
Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in the face of cold hard facts like they have no mind of their own?
Death panels are brought up by whom? Do you know who it was that first brought up the birth certificate issue? Maybe you can show us your cold hard facts. Should I take a nap first while you try and perform this task?
q72 According to the Constitution, American Presidents must be "natural born citizens."Some people say Barack Obama was NOT born in the United States, but was born in anothercountry. Do YOU think Barack Obama was born in the United States, or do you think hewas born in another country?**
TOTAL RESPONDENTS ***** Party ID ***Total Rep Dem Ind Apr10a% % % % %Born in U.S. 57 33 81 52 58Another country 25 45 10 25 20DK/NA 18 22 9 23 22

CBS News/NYT Polls: 4/21/11 - CBS News

10% dems and 25% of independents don't believe obama was born in the US....page 8 of the second poll (2012 Republican Presidential Race)

its a CBS and NYT poll so truthyness cannot claim its a right leaning source....care amend your stance now?
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I have never seen someone on the left here tout the birther bullshit.


yeah, then that must mean this site encompasses the whole world and that must of course mean only those on the right question obama's birth place because you've never seen it here

bush stole the election
~ truthmatters


Thousands of legal voters were kept from voting.

Bush only won by 500 or so.

Yes, thousands of legal voters from the military were disenfranchised in 2000.

There are other problems: during the Florida recount after the 2000 Presidential election, many localities had trouble determining the date of postmark on military absentee ballots. The dates were frequently illegible for one reason or another, so local election officials simply discarded the ballots. Many military ballots were not signed or notarized. Again, hundreds and perhaps thousands of military votes were excluded. These problems only came to light in Florida as a result of the intense scrutiny prompted by various recounts, but the same sorts of difficulties permeate electoral systems across the country.

Thousands of military absentee ballots would once again go uncounted
q72 According to the Constitution, American Presidents must be "natural born citizens."Some people say Barack Obama was NOT born in the United States, but was born in anothercountry. Do YOU think Barack Obama was born in the United States, or do you think hewas born in another country?**
TOTAL RESPONDENTS ***** Party ID ***Total Rep Dem Ind Apr10a% % % % %Born in U.S. 57 33 81 52 58Another country 25 45 10 25 20DK/NA 18 22 9 23 22

CBS News/NYT Polls: 4/21/11 - CBS News

10% dems and 25% of independents don't believe obama was born in the US....page 8 of the second poll (2012 Republican Presidential Race)

its a CBS and NYT poll so truthyness cannot claim its a right leaning source....care amend your stance now?

I cant find the questio n you are talking about , what number is it?
So I've been here less than 24 hours and it's already apparent to me that you are not only a liar, but you can't read.

I NEVER said that some on the right haven't done so, just as SOME on the left have and still do lie about those on the right. The difference is I'm honest enough to include that all important SOME in my statement while you prefer to pretend like it is EVERYONE on the right.

I dismiss you as the child you are.

The portion of your party who has been touting these issues is not a small fraction.

Why do you lie about that?

Look , I know you read my introductory statement, so it's YOUR fault if you're not aware that I don't have much patience with idiots, but I'll try ONE last time. Conservatives, nor the right, are parties. They are political positions. One doesn't have to subscribe to every part and parcel of a theory pushed by anyone claiming to be like them in order to be on "their side." I suspect the reason you assume this to be true is because you yourself swallow everything you are told by a liberal agenda and just assume that everyone else does likewise. Most of us aren't that simple minded, but have no fear, one day you to will grow out of puberty and be able to think for yourself.

Congratulations! You've figured out TM. My only question is why did it take you so long?
q72 According to the Constitution, American Presidents must be "natural born citizens."Some people say Barack Obama was NOT born in the United States, but was born in anothercountry. Do YOU think Barack Obama was born in the United States, or do you think hewas born in another country?**
TOTAL RESPONDENTS ***** Party ID ***Total Rep Dem Ind Apr10a% % % % %Born in U.S. 57 33 81 52 58Another country 25 45 10 25 20DK/NA 18 22 9 23 22

CBS News/NYT Polls: 4/21/11 - CBS News

10% dems and 25% of independents don't believe obama was born in the US....page 8 of the second poll (2012 Republican Presidential Race)

its a CBS and NYT poll so truthyness cannot claim its a right leaning source....care amend your stance now?

I cant find the questio n you are talking about , what number is it?

it looks like 72....you have to click on the poll (bottom or second poll), its a seperate window inside of the main window....scroll down to page 8, it is the last question
q72 According to the Constitution, American Presidents must be "natural born citizens."Some people say Barack Obama was NOT born in the United States, but was born in anothercountry. Do YOU think Barack Obama was born in the United States, or do you think hewas born in another country?** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ***** Party ID ***Total Rep Dem Ind Apr10a% % % % %Born in U.S. 57 33 81 52 58Another country 25 45 10 25 20DK/NA 18 22 9 23 22

Its 45 % of Rs AND 10% of dems
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q72 According to the Constitution, American Presidents must be "natural born citizens."Some people say Barack Obama was NOT born in the United States, but was born in anothercountry. Do YOU think Barack Obama was born in the United States, or do you think hewas born in another country?** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ***** Party ID ***Total Rep Dem Ind Apr10a% % % % %Born in U.S. 57 33 81 52 58Another country 25 45 10 25 20DK/NA 18 22 9 23 22

Its 45 % of Rs AND 10% of dems

Are you aware that a person can be born in Africa and yet still be a natural born US citizen and that means a person could absolutely believe that Obama is lying about being born in the US , but NOT believe that that means he's not qualified to be President? Now having established that, can you not see how the question was clearly worded in a way to gather a certain response?

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