Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in th

I have no doubt you will walk away from the facts I just presented.

Its what conservatives do.
Death panels are a basic component of health insurance, including government.

If they can find a loophole that allows them the choice of being able to spend a lot of money to save you or let you die out, it's bye bye to you.
You mean like "Bush lied people died"? "9/11 was an inside job?" "Trickle down economics doesn't work?" "Bush/Cheney=Halliburton/Big Oil?"

While 45% of American want the attacks re-investigated and are unsatisfied with the Commission Report, only 4.8% believe the US Government "actively planned or assisted some aspects of the attack." Most responding that way identified as not affiliated with a major political party and of the minority who were, the D/R split was 63/37, so that's not really a belief of the left.

Meanwhile 27% of Americans doubt or do not believe Obama was born in the US, including 43% of Republicans. The D/R split there is 15/58 (with the rest of doubters being unaffiliated). Nearly half of Republicans are birthers (as of August 2010, that number has since gone up to include more than half of Republicans), while less than 3% of Democrats think 9/11 was an inside job, so it's not really comparable.

As for your other examples, evidence and recent history are pretty clear, Bush did lie and thousands of people did die as a result, trickle down economics don't work, and Cheney was CEO and Chairman of Halliburton immediately before running as VP, and Halliburton was awarded a $7 billion no-bid contract in the run up to the Iraq War and several hundred million for its subsidiaries during the war. Bush was an oil man before entering politics with long, career-spanning close ties to Big Oil, so... Those too aren't really comparable conspiracy theories, so much as they are "true statements."
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Haha you think thats facts? thats funny. Its only 200 people out of 400. I bet there are way more people in the republican party than that.
I gave facts and they gave insults.

Pretty typical exchange with cons

Remember when you used to talk about how great the Libyan rebels were and how they were just innocent civilians out fighting for freedom?

How come you never say that anymore? Wasn't that one of your facts?
I gave facts and they gave insults.

Pretty typical exchange with cons

Remember when you used to talk about how great the Libyan rebels were and how they were just innocent civilians out fighting for freedom?

How come you never say that anymore? Wasn't that one of your facts?

You are very mistaken.

I said that about the Egyptian people.

Care to appologise
Better be careful Dr the mods arround here dont like it when posters try to derail threads
Give examples

They were already given and you opted to ignore them.

Now you ask for them again and you will ignore them again.

And then 3 pages later when someone says the left does it too, you will ask for examples again...and you will ignore them again.

Your debating tactics are quite immature.
Because on the majority of substantive issues, they lose the argument. Their anti-government ideology is pretty popular, but their policies are not. Despite a substantial portion of the country self-identifying as conservative, vast majorities of Americans support universal healthcare, progressive tax code that raises the rates on the wealthy, no reductions in Social Security or Medicare, the US military out of Afghanistan and Middle Eastern occupation generally, government regulated environmental protections, a woman's right to choose, etc. etc. Many of those policies aren't enacted or actively supported by the Democratic party either which is hardly a movement of the left, but liberal policy positions on major contentious issues are generally much more popular than conservative policy positions on those same issues.

So because they lose on policy, they (quite effectively) change the nature and frame of the debate and distract with non-issues or like death panels, birtherism, taking guns away etc. where they can garner more widespread support by focusing on straw men or fabrications.


On straight policy, they lose 9 out of 10 times. They must use rhetoric to win an agrument to get uneducated people to vote for it.

It has to be simple ("No new taxes", Obama is a socialist, "Death panels") and easy to understand. Republicans have barely any intellectual understanding of issues, they just believe whatever people they trust.

These people look simple and talk simply. This is where they get liberals as elitist because we have the skills of rational thought. They say things like "Hands off my healthcare" to say no government intervention in healthcare. Yet stats and facts prove that deregulating health care makes it worse for consumers and the countries with the best healthcare systems have government involvement. But thats not simple to understand, "Hands off my healthcare" is easier.

So in short, they are going after uneducated people and trying to convince them because if they were educated, they wouldn't vote for them.

Why do you think they support things like school vouchers to private christian schools and defunding education? Less educated voter means they will more than likely win.
I gave facts and they gave insults.

Pretty typical exchange with cons

Remember when you used to talk about how great the Libyan rebels were and how they were just innocent civilians out fighting for freedom?

How come you never say that anymore? Wasn't that one of your facts?

You are very mistaken.

I said that about the Egyptian people.

Care to appologise

You're either lying or you have the worst memory on the planet.

You said that about both, how we had to save those great admirable Libyan rebels from their genocidal leader.

This is a great chance for you to crack that thick wall of partisanship thats collected itself around you.

Tell the board you're against Obama giving our money to people who behead people in broad daylight, people who burn others alive, people who drag bodies around cities to scare civilians into submission.

Speak some truth to power.
Truther and the Awolers

If this is what you are talking about then how many on the left believe these ideas?
Two reasons and they both relate to the same thing. There are members of the GOP (and to be fair, of the D's as well) who are just amazingly and somewhat eye crossingly stupid. They believe anything, so long as it massages their preconceived notions. They don't like a black guy having a bunch of power, but hey, if he is actually African there is a reason beyond racism for them not to like him! They don't want single payer healthcare, but can't really explain in detail why, because they aren't smart enough to really grasp the issue. But death panels! That's easy to understand, the government will kill you!

Certain parts of the conservative movement play to these morons for power, votes or money. It really isn't anything more than that. Most mainstream Republicans cringe at this crap.

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