Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in th

Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in the face of cold hard facts like they have no mind of their own?

Because it beats trying to advance their real life agenda,

exhibit A, the recent and current Medicare controversy. The problem for the Right is, what they really believe, on the real life issues, tends to be seriously unpopular.
if they hear it "3 hours a day, 5 days a week" the weak minded will begin to believe anything.
You mean like "Bush lied people died"? "9/11 was an inside job?" "Trickle down economics doesn't work?" "Bush/Cheney=Halliburton/Big Oil?"

The difference is that a twoofer never shot up to near the top of the Democrat polls, unlike the Republicans and this birfer idiocy.

The American right is crazier than the American left. Or maybe because there are twice as many conservatives than liberals, it just seems that the right is twice as crazy. Maybe the American right is only 1.8 times more crazy than the left and thus per capita the left is 10% crazier.
Polling is a science.

You just refuse anything that doesnt line up with your failed ideas

So, lets do a theoretical exercise. We take the result of a poll that samples 500 of 10,000 people. We ask them a question. We then put a large caliber handgun to your foot, and ask the same question of all 10,000 people. Are you willing to trust the survey of 500 people, within say 5%, so that if the value of the survey is more than 5% +/- the actual tally, we put a hole in your foot?

Do you trust the "science" of polling at this point.

Oh, polling is not a science, it is statistics, which isnt a science either. its math.
why does liesmatter ignore the liberals who also question obama's eligibility?

You mean like "Bush lied people died"? "9/11 was an inside job?" "Trickle down economics doesn't work?" "Bush/Cheney=Halliburton/Big Oil?"

The difference is that a twoofer never shot up to near the top of the Democrat polls, unlike the Republicans and this birfer idiocy.

The American right is crazier than the American left. Or maybe because there are twice as many conservatives than liberals, it just seems that the right is twice as crazy. Maybe the American right is only 1.8 times more crazy than the left and thus per capita the left is 10% crazier.

Could it also be the case that in the case the birthers are right (they are not) basically all we did was elect someone who is technically not electable. Not good, but not the end of the world. If the truthers are right it means our government deliberately flew airplanes into buildings killing thousands, which is a few thousand times worse.

My point is that as crazy as the birther thing is, beleiving in it only requires you to accept the concept someone forged some documents. To go full truther requires you to beleive the government intentionally slaughtered thousands of its citizens. It is far easier to even consider being a birther than a truther, as the birther really doesnt have to accept much out of the ordinary to have thier idiotic belief, unlike a truther, which requires a much more dark view of people in general.
Because on the majority of substantive issues, they lose the argument. Their anti-government ideology is pretty popular, but their policies are not. Despite a substantial portion of the country self-identifying as conservative, vast majorities of Americans support universal healthcare, progressive tax code that raises the rates on the wealthy, no reductions in Social Security or Medicare, the US military out of Afghanistan and Middle Eastern occupation generally, government regulated environmental protections, a woman's right to choose, etc. etc. Many of those policies aren't enacted or actively supported by the Democratic party either which is hardly a movement of the left, but liberal policy positions on major contentious issues are generally much more popular than conservative policy positions on those same issues.

So because they lose on policy, they (quite effectively) change the nature and frame of the debate and distract with non-issues or like death panels, birtherism, taking guns away etc. where they can garner more widespread support by focusing on straw men or fabrications.
Wrong as a liberal usually is. The majority of Americans do not support the health care law. But keep lying, it is very entertaining.
as there are polls that show some dems also do not believe obama was born in hawaii.....why does truthmatter ignore the dems and act as if it is only pubs?

as there are polls that show some dems also do not believe obama was born in hawaii.....why does truthmatter ignore the dems and act as if it is only pubs?


And where did I say no left leaning person has fallen for the lies?

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