Why does the right grab onto complete lies like death panels and Birther issues in th

Last edited by Yurt; Today at 02:50 PM. Reason: edit: wrong percent for dems and pubs
you changed what you claimed after the fact huh?

First you claimed the same number believed

who is it that believe Bush had a hand in 9/11
who on this board has spouted that Bush stole the election from Bore Gore? cough cough truthmatters.
who believes that Bush Sr. had a hand in the Jfk assassination.

by golly only those on the Right, grab onto things (lies) and hang onto them like they have no minds of their own..LOL
Last edited:
Last edited by Yurt; Today at 02:50 PM. Reason: edit: wrong percent for dems and pubs
you changed what you claimed after the fact huh?

First you claimed the same number believed

yeah...and i changed it BEFORE you responded to the post...when you quoted my post...the changes were already there....

the numbers are not aligned straight...i merely misread and changed my mistake 9 minutes before you replied and explained why liesmatters :lol:

what a lame attempt at distracting people away from your utter partisan bullshit by ignoring that dems also don't believe obama was born here....this thread is an embarrassment for you....though i doubt you see it
You were wrong and you changed your post in hopes no one would see it.

I was off reading the link you gave to try and find what you claimed to me in the first place.

You claimed something that was not true and then changed it when You realized I was going to check your info.
as there are polls that show some dems also do not believe obama was born in hawaii.....why does truthmatter ignore the dems and act as if it is only pubs?


And where did I say no left leaning person has fallen for the lies?

you accused someone of the same thing because they failed to mention something....now when done to you....you don't like it

i have never once seen you ever call out anyone on the left over the birther issue...not once. your thread and OP and every single post after is solely about the right....not a word about the left....

that says it all....and you ignore this was started by the left, ala, berg et al....

Did you prove it started on the left?
And where did I say no left leaning person has fallen for the lies?

you accused someone of the same thing because they failed to mention something....now when done to you....you don't like it

i have never once seen you ever call out anyone on the left over the birther issue...not once. your thread and OP and every single post after is solely about the right....not a word about the left....

that says it all....and you ignore this was started by the left, ala, berg et al....

Did you prove it started on the left?
Did you try and look up Hillary's campaign last presidential election? No? Maybe you should try there if the truth matters to you. If not then perhaps you should change your screen name to "left wing hack."
Because on the majority of substantive issues, they lose the argument. Their anti-government ideology is pretty popular, but their policies are not. Despite a substantial portion of the country self-identifying as conservative, vast majorities of Americans support universal healthcare, progressive tax code that raises the rates on the wealthy, no reductions in Social Security or Medicare, the US military out of Afghanistan and Middle Eastern occupation generally, government regulated environmental protections, a woman's right to choose, etc. etc. Many of those policies aren't enacted or actively supported by the Democratic party either which is hardly a movement of the left, but liberal policy positions on major contentious issues are generally much more popular than conservative policy positions on those same issues.

So because they lose on policy, they (quite effectively) change the nature and frame of the debate and distract with non-issues or like death panels, birtherism, taking guns away etc. where they can garner more widespread support by focusing on straw men or fabrications.


On straight policy, they lose 9 out of 10 times. They must use rhetoric to win an agrument to get uneducated people to vote for it.

It has to be simple ("No new taxes", Obama is a socialist, "Death panels") and easy to understand. Republicans have barely any intellectual understanding of issues, they just believe whatever people they trust.

These people look simple and talk simply. This is where they get liberals as elitist because we have the skills of rational thought. They say things like "Hands off my healthcare" to say no government intervention in healthcare. Yet stats and facts prove that deregulating health care makes it worse for consumers and the countries with the best healthcare systems have government involvement. But thats not simple to understand, "Hands off my healthcare" is easier.

So in short, they are going after uneducated people and trying to convince them because if they were educated, they wouldn't vote for them.

Why do you think they support things like school vouchers to private christian schools and defunding education? Less educated voter means they will more than likely win.

Actually democrats have it far easier as it is quite simple to offer people stuff that others are paying for. That has been the democratic mantra since the late 60's.

basically you are going with the "anyone who votes republican is basically being fooled" as you simply cant grasp someone beleiving in something you dont beleive in. The lack of this ability is what plagues our political debate today. One simply can't be "wrong", they have to be evil/stupid/ INSERT WORD HERE-"ic".

You mean like, "Pals around with Terrorists" and "wasn't born here"? Like that?
Here we are again and I have proven the lies of the right with documentation and what do they do?

run away

A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation.

now write this on a blackboard 100 times. School is out.

A Gallup poll was taken. The result showed the GOP was 90% white and mostly Christian. Sounds about right.
You were wrong and you changed your post in hopes no one would see it.

I was off reading the link you gave to try and find what you claimed to me in the first place.

You claimed something that was not true and then changed it when You realized I was going to check your info.

what a fucking pathetic liar....i expressly stated WHY i edited it....you've even copied those words and now you're claiming i hoped no one would see it...

Last edited by Yurt; Today at 02:50 PM. Reason: edit: wrong percent for dems and pubs
And where did I say no left leaning person has fallen for the lies?

you accused someone of the same thing because they failed to mention something....now when done to you....you don't like it

i have never once seen you ever call out anyone on the left over the birther issue...not once. your thread and OP and every single post after is solely about the right....not a word about the left....

that says it all....and you ignore this was started by the left, ala, berg et al....

Did you prove it started on the left?

look it up yourself you pathetic liar....i give you links, make a mistake, fix my mistake and say why and you make it out like i'm being dishonest

as you are fond to say: asshole!!! :cool:

On straight policy, they lose 9 out of 10 times. They must use rhetoric to win an agrument to get uneducated people to vote for it.

It has to be simple ("No new taxes", Obama is a socialist, "Death panels") and easy to understand. Republicans have barely any intellectual understanding of issues, they just believe whatever people they trust.

These people look simple and talk simply. This is where they get liberals as elitist because we have the skills of rational thought. They say things like "Hands off my healthcare" to say no government intervention in healthcare. Yet stats and facts prove that deregulating health care makes it worse for consumers and the countries with the best healthcare systems have government involvement. But thats not simple to understand, "Hands off my healthcare" is easier.

So in short, they are going after uneducated people and trying to convince them because if they were educated, they wouldn't vote for them.

Why do you think they support things like school vouchers to private christian schools and defunding education? Less educated voter means they will more than likely win.

Actually democrats have it far easier as it is quite simple to offer people stuff that others are paying for. That has been the democratic mantra since the late 60's.

basically you are going with the "anyone who votes republican is basically being fooled" as you simply cant grasp someone beleiving in something you dont beleive in. The lack of this ability is what plagues our political debate today. One simply can't be "wrong", they have to be evil/stupid/ INSERT WORD HERE-"ic".

You mean like, "Pals around with Terrorists" and "wasn't born here"? Like that?

Those are examples of people on the right dismissing people on the left. I would also have accepted "cheese eating surrender monkeys" or "dirty stinking hippies"
The changes you made yurt proved you were wrong in your statement about dems having the same numbers as rs.

We all know birthers are a big part of the republican base now.

They were never the base of the left.
Here we are again and I have proven the lies of the right with documentation and what do they do?

run away

A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll is not documentation. A poll isA poll is not documentation. not documentation.

now write this on a blackboard 100 times. School is out.

A Gallup poll was taken. The result showed the GOP was 90% white and mostly Christian. Sounds about right.

Those are questions you really dont have to think about, simple yes no. Compare that to "considering his father is Kenyan, was Barak Obama born outside the country?" or "Despite what fringe rightists think, was barak obama born in the US?" As you can see i asked the same basic question in two very very different ways, and each tries to get the opposite response.

It also requires a person to think about the evidence of each position. Being white is being white. Being christian is being christian.
The changes you made yurt proved you were wrong in your statement about dems having the same numbers as rs.

We all know birthers are a big part of the republican base now.

They were never the base of the left.

They were the base of hillary clinton. Once obumble got the nomination, they shut up and jumped on the hopeless, change daily train.
The changes you made yurt proved you were wrong in your statement about dems having the same numbers as rs.

We all know birthers are a big part of the republican base now.

They were never the base of the left.
How about the 911 truthers? I'll bet your part of that asshat group, aren't you? Quick question left wing hack, who started the birther controversy?

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